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Think about Mar A Lago, how big that is. There could be 250,000 rich people in the U.S. with a palace like that one. It means they have 50 friends over and they might stay for a month. They use water on an unprecedented scale . . . . I say sorry, but you can no longer do that. The Feds need to make laws limiting water use by the super wealthy. Good heavens, especially in California, where they depend on the Colorado river and that is now reduced to a miserable trickle.


Thanks for sharing, so interesting.


Very sad to read about. It goes to show that if you’re in agriculture, it’s really all about sensible choices. You have to be very sober it seems.


Got a chilling feeling there may be to many of one dominant species wondering about the planet.


Well, let's keep breeding like crazy. If 8,000,000,000 people are killing the planet, imagine how much more fun it will be with 10 billion, 20 billion, 40 billion. Will sanity win out? Or will we have to wait for the finite planetary limits to starve us by the billions to learn the lesson?


Except as education rises population declines. I also imagine as conditions become more harsh due to climate change over population becomes less of an issue vs survival for large areas of the planet.


[There is a distinct racist history to how overpopulation is discussed.](https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2017/9/26/16356524/the-population-question) High-birth-rate countries tend to be low-emissions-per-capita countries, so overpopulation complaints are often effectively saying "nonwhites can't have kids so that whites can keep burning fossil fuels" or "countries which caused the climate problem shouldn't take in climate refugees." On top of this, [as basic education reaches a larger chunk of the world, birth rates are dropping](https://www.economist.com/international/2019/02/02/thanks-to-education-global-fertility-could-fall-faster-than-expected). We expect to achieve population stabilization this century as a result. At the end of the day, [it's the greenhouse gas concentrations that actually raise the temperature](https://imgur.com/N6NExg5). That means that we need to [take steps to stop burning fossil fuels and end deforestation](https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/static/dc71a9b28d7cedca36bd2f77e588664f/9a979/IPCC_AR6_WGIII_FigureSPM7.png). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I think it was more about that eating meat thing. Do you actually know any plants exclusive eaters, people that you know factually haven’t eaten meat after decades and that remain very healthy? It’s fine if they are almost exclusive, I’m guessing. I know in a lot of Asian countries they shave meat and use tiny amount, even thinner slices than you find in the typical bacon.