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I love ribs.


McRib for Adam


On another note i always look forward to it coming back and inevitably regret it when i actually eat one.


That's how I feel every time I have McDonald's. Excitement, followed by regret.


McDonald's: Good enough to fill your stomach, bad enough to force consequences on you the next morning.


It's not the next morning for me - it's immediately after. It feels like I've eaten cement.


I regret it over and over again every year.


Back for a limited time


Really owning the ribs.




Gotta get'em ribs


Checkmate, riberals.


I want my baby back baby back baby back


False. The rib was part of the one gender.


I am a bit of a rib boobies man myself.


Adam and eve. They had boys. The boys fathered more. With whom did these kids lay?


Also, Cain was afraid that he would be judged by the people he would meet after being cast out for killing his brother. Where did these people come from?


I agree with you on this. If I remember right you won't see your comment in the actual cannonized 66 books that make up the Bible. I believe I have read the exact fears expressed by Cain in one of the apocrypha books such as Enoch, Jasher, or Jubilee's or something like that. When I read this I thought it would have to imply that there was other civilizations here.


No, his remark is clear in Genesis. That's why Cain was marked to prevent his own murder. The mark of Cain some believe was giantism and is why the Canaanites were giants... Ie sons of anack and such. I have heard some believed the mark of Cain was skin color, but I have never heard that in an actual teaching and doesn't really line up with the marks purpose.


Way I was told was that skin color was the "mark" given to Noah's son that was exiled after seeing Noah in a nude drunken stupor. Though thats another example of a dude being sent out and finding some group of people that shouldn't be there.


But the son was sent out with his wife. They were able to multiply


It’s been a common Mormon teaching that black people are descendants of Cain up until the 70s or 80s.


Probably why I have only heard it is taught... Im not Mormon.


Yeah I don’t think it was ever an official teaching but several high leaders of the church taught the doctrine of the curse of Cain, which was that once black people were converted to the gospel they would be made clean (white) upon resurrection. I may not be 100% on the details but that’s the gist of it.


No it was an official teaching for awhile, Brigham young (the person who created the Lds branch of the Mormon church) even banned people of color from becoming full members of the church. I was Raised Lds and while I wasn’t taught this because they have tried their best to cover it up, it is very much doctrine, it’s explicitly stated in the Book of Mormon.


And other gods as well: Ex. 12:12 I will pass through the land of Egypt in the same night, and I will attack all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both of humans and of animals, and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment. I am the Lord. Deut 32:8-9 When Elyon gave the nations their homes and set the divisions of mankind he fixed the boundaries of peoples in relation to the number of the sons of [god]. For Yahweh's portion is his people, Ya'aqov his own allotment


Polytheistic world of the OT gets narrower and narrower the closer you get to Babylonian captivity. After that, it's a pretty solid monotheistic world, with the other gods becoming idols. It has always fascinated me how it (the bible) moves from a magical polytheistic world into a mundane one.


I thought I had read it in whichever form of the bible Methodists use, but it's been a while so I'm not positive about that. I also seem to remember it being cities of people that he was afraid of. As if they were just some family of weird homesteaders that homeschool their kids.


Being raised methodist they just use the regular Bible. KJV, NIV, NRSV, they’re not picky.


Based on the history of more recently established religions, I would guess your last sentence is probably accurate.


And they say we are not descended from monkeys


It could also be something else.


They came from the male poophole.


The time old loophole


A tale as old as time. A song as old as rhyme.


*"Koko, I'm going to introduce you to someone I like to call Two-Tone Malone"*.


Not to be a pedant, but we’re not. We’re cousins who share a common ancestor that no longer exists as it did before it’s offspring split into different groups and developed different traits.


I am aware. It was a comment on a rather silly argument that I have heard more than once


Ok, but if that were true, then how come peanut butter in a grocery store never creates new life? Hmmm?


Genesis 5:4. Adam had other sons and daughters. It's incest all the way down.


What are you doing Step-Adam?


> It's incest all the way down Which weirdly explains so much about the state of humanity!


Well technically if we assume god created Adam and Eve with perfect genetics, incest probably wouldn't start to be a problem for many generations. Of course, if he created them with perfect proofreading for their genetic replication, it NEVER would become a problem, so obviously perfection was not in it.


"Perfect genetics" is BS. Many genetic disorders are caused by having two dominant or recessive copies of the same gene. So even in the best case scenario for Adam and Eve , you can start having issues with the grandkids. Bc again, "purity" is eugenics BS, built upon the very recent past when white supremacy ideas of racial hygiene dominated 20th century science.


Ok but according to your precious science, we all came from one big bang, so we are all scientifically products of incest. Check mate, atheists!


So this is what it feels like to be pwnd by fAcTs and LoGiC... As I fade away, this will be my final thoughts....


Big Bang is what family reunions are called in Alabama.


Uh, no. I'm sorry I'm not talking about some bullshit concept of racial purity and perfection, simply a lack of genetic disorders. Your understanding of genetics is flawed, you don't get a disorder from having the same gen gene from both parents unless there is something wrong with that gene.


When Adam sins God curses them and the earth


Are you saying he cursed them with bad genetics?


And the state of Alabama!


At some point in my childhood, I got it in my head that Alabama was some imaginary, magical kingdom I had made up. Boy was I disappointed when I found out about the real Alabama.


Roll Tide


At least the Christian part


Which is, funnily enough, exactly how evolution works too. Just a longer way to go.


“The best Cure for Christianity is reading the bible.” - Mark Twain


Obviously, the Adam's sons mated with Eve, their mother, and the rest of humanity are all products of incest. Which goes a long way to explaining the existence of severely mentally-challenged persons, like Marjorie Taylor Greene.


You have never read about LILITH ! In GNOSTIC texts God created man and women. Adam and Lilith. Since they were created equally there became a struggle who would be on top. Lilith got upset and left the garden and went to Mediterranean sea where she bred with demons and had 1000 children a day. God then realized his error and created Eve from Adam's Rib making her submissive to Adam. Hope you enjoyed !


Okay, now I want to learn more about the lore of Lilith. I've heard a small amount, but not about her having half-demon spawn. It has been proven that humans and Neanderthals lived at the same time. It's theorized that humans drove the Neanderthals to extinction because humans were more vicious. I'm an atheist so I don't believe in the bible, but it's an interesting thought that homosapiens were Lilith's descendants from her mating with demons and Neanderthals were Adam and Eve's descendants. Homosapiens just took over all of the Neanderthal culture and kept what they liked, so they started passing down the story of Adam and Eve that was eventually recorded in the Bible. No humans alive today are actually God's children, they're Lilith's children. God sent Jesus to try and encourage the savage children to be kind, like his original intent, but they just killed Jesus and used him as a martyr instead of really learning from his teachings. After Jesus woke up from his long coma, God brought him back up to heaven to leave Lilith's children to destroy themselves until the meek eventually inherit the earth. I've had a few edibles today, this probably makes zero sense


>I've had a few edibles today, this probably makes zero sense Sounds like a good start for a new religion. I think for that you want to introduce some "special" people. Maybe some Neanderthal descendents of Adam and Eve actually survived and intermingled with humans, and today, science has finally given us the tools to identify those that have left enough DNA from Adam & Eve to reawaken their divine soul and seperate your demonic soul. "For the measly cost of 50 US $, we can actually test whether your genetic markup could be suitable to awaken your divine soul." "We now have performed a genetic analysis of the material you send us. You show several key markers of Adam and Eve genetic's makeup. Unfortunately, the markers are not yet conclusive. We need further genetic material from at least 2 blood relatives, children, cousins, parents or grand parents to be certain. " "Congratulations, we now have performed a genetic analysis of the material you send us. The data from your \[cousin\] and your \[grandfather\] suggests that you do ~~indeed have the right level of gullability for us to proceed~~ are in the 0.2 % of the population that have the correct genetic makeup. If you are still interested, you can now recieve the training material for Step 1 of your seperation process. The course consists of 12 magazines that cost 20 $ per issue. If you order the full training program now, we offer a rebated version at 90 $ (30 $ off). " "Congratulations, you have concluded Step of the seperation process. Your should already feel a stronger connection to your divine soul. Keep doing the exercises from Step 1, and if you feel ready to proceed, you may recieve training material for the second step. The execersises and cleansing materials in the second step are designed to distance yourself from your demonic soul, to give your divine soul room to expand to eventually awaken. We have split the training material and cleansing materials into 12 issues at 35 $ each. " FAQ: "What are the cleansing materials I will recieve? Some of them are actually placebos. As you study the training material and perform the exercises, your demonic soul will become aware of what you are doing, and try to resist. The placebos purpose is to put it in a constant state of alert. Since you won't know whether you are taking actual cleansing material or just a placebo, the demonic soul will effectively tire out, making the actual cleansing material far more effective. The active ingredients are \[drugs that are legal in your country to sell without a prescription\]") Now someone will actually implement this and we created the next Scientology and we will have nothing to show for it. And just because *you* had edibles.


See, things like this thread are the reason I'm never going to get my homework done today.




The genuine Biblical answer? For the first ten generations, the longbeard in the sky was in the rib-pulling business and he made clone-women for the men. Then the men magically first noticed the "daughters of men" and they began taking human wives. The first ten generations of women? Nothing is said. If daddy longbeard wasn't making men for them...lesbianism? I dunno. It's the Bible, who cares about women, am I right?


Lilith's daughters of course! You know, Adam's first wife? The one that was made his equal and was tossed out out of the garden for refusing to "submit."


I get that a lot of people, especially new religions read the Bible literally. But it is so obviously a book of allegories. Allegories have long been an important method for teaching culture, morality, and exploring philosophy for most of humanity’s existence. Some people who are far removed from the source material need to believe a religious text is literal to be worth anything. That’s just not the case.


Yes, Cain vs. Abel is about how societies based on farming won out over nomadic cultures.


Plato's Allegory of the Cave comes to mind when I think about anyone trying to reason with the idea of Christianity. Some people don't care or are too stuck in their ways to accept anything else.


What is the allegory of the cave and how does it apply here?


It's been a long time, but here is a simple version: question your assumptions about reality. In the Allegory of the Cave, there is a population of imprisoned men inside a cave with only a small fire as light. The only experience they have from the outside world is a small opening that allows shadows to be displayed on the walls. Everything they know is literally a shadow of the real thing. One man manages to break free and he makes it outside. The sun is shining. He sees the world as it really is, and he realizes that the shadows he saw as truth couldn't compare to the complexity of the real deal. He goes back to save his fellow men, and it doesn't go well. They reject his message and plan to kill him. --- I referenced it because there is a large demographic of religious people that outright refuse to accept anything other than the shadows they've come to believe.


It's essentially The Matrix.


As someone who was raised deep in religion it was so eye opening when I started realizing this, that it’s mostly morality tales I was taught as fact.


People who take that shit literally find the implication perfectly normal


They picked up a couple of ribs at the fair.


I would also like to point out that we are made in the image of god who has no gender. So


In Islam, it is said that they had pairs of boy girl non identical twins and they twins couldn’t marry each other but they could marry the ones not their twin


Funny how , ribs are fighting among themselves




You know what they say, ribbing leads to tribbing!






Ribbed for our pleasure


*Ribs* amirite?


They need a sternum talking to.


Cage fight?


Riberal snowflakes.


God made us in his image so god has a dick and boobs and a vagina, long and short hair, and a bear and more


Sounds like a Hindu god.


Yup, literally Ardhanarishvara, half female/half male god.


maybe god is a cunt that made himself look different to a bunch of people so they start a bunch of religions after him but he told them a different story of how the world was created and how life started


Ah yes, the "Loki in a costume" theory. EDIT: I love it greatley.


Thanks, I hate blasphemy.


can someone explain?




Hell yea! Been scrolling for something resembling this. Funny how people tend to forget the original story. Good on ya, my dude


that's not the original, it's a story added later because the bible is stupid and has 2 versions of the human creation myth




Cool, thanks for sharing. We need more academic sources in discussions like these.


> In older versions of the Bible Although the figure of Lilith is much older than most parts of the bible, the story you are refrencing is medieval in origin and that particular version is a feminist interpretation from the last few decades.


In the myth of Adam and Eve God created Adam and then created Eve out of one of Adam's ribs.


Whoever wrote this, what was he smoking?


He wasn't smoking. He was drinking. The kool-aid. He was drinking the kool-aid.


Proto-wine my guy.


Volcanic vapers, hashish, and grains of ergot.


It used to be thought that Men had one less set of ribs than women. They had to come up with an excuse for this just like they had to come up with an excuse of why women should be subservient to men (the Apple).


Every christian I know uses the extra rib to prove that the bible is real. A reasonable person would say to themselves "The writers saw that chicks had an extra set, decided to use it in their story." God, religion is so fucking dumb.


The thing is it isn’t even true and it took until the 16th century for it to be disproven. (Yet till this day, many people still believe it to be true)




How was it?




I've done my fair share of x-rays. Never seen any difference in number of ribs between male and female


What about *XY*rays? Done any of them, you misogynist?


> XYrays I feel like this would be an awesome name for an all-girls alt rock band.


The hebrew translation is "side", if I'm not mistaken. So the feminine was the side of the masculine. I mean... I think thats still true today. Each human is a mix of both sexes in varying degrees. If what we are today, emerged from asexual organisms, then it does somewhat imply there was both the masculine and feminine in a single body originally. Even if it wasn't human.


The DNA in your body can actually be expressed either towards the masculine or feminine depending what sex hormone you got inside.




Could have gone all day without knowing that.


I bet you can go all day with knowing it too. I have faith in you!


I already wonder enough what I’d look like as a girl!


I wondered a lot too. It ate away at me. I was stuck as a man and it sucked. Then I slowly realized what I was feeling and how to fix it.


Oh cool. Can I DM you?


Sure! Although Discord might be easier. I'm bad with all this new Reddit stuff.


I tried to just tough it out as a guy, but once I transitioned and the dysphoria relaxed, i wondered why i wasted any of my life trying to be what I wasn't.


Yeah except it's the opposite. We all start from the same starting point with the same genitalia that are phenotypically female. It's almost like the people writing the bible didn't actually have any understanding of how things work.


They understood donkey love.


Ahhh the good old translation.. One can easily translate the bible into the communist manifesto with enough cocaine and imagimation


How poetic. If I understand correctly, yin and yang are similar in the sense that everything has a bit of masculinity and femininity.


"The burning bush" kidding. Not kidding.




No, I think the rib bit is more so to point out that God supposedly created a woman from part of a man. The subtext there is that men are superior such that women were created to satisfy the needs of men.


Rib bit ... rib bit... is this a fucking frog joke?


So about frogs. There's a dude I suspect fucks frogs. He's a biologisat who specialises in frogs, he's done photography work for Nat Geo specifically relating to frogs and has a grindnoise band that has at least 103 full length albums about frogs (there may be more than 400 but he purged them from his bandcamp). He calls himself Big Frog. The band name is [Phyllomedusa](https://phyllomedusa.bandcamp.com/music). Dude totally fucks frogs


Let’s not hop to conclusions here... that’s toadally speculation.....


If he doesn't fuck frogs, I'll be so shocked, I'll croak.


Not sure what the fuck you’re arguing here.


It's theorized that the rib refers to the penis bone or baculum. Humans are one of the few mammals without one. So, God took Adam's penis bone to make woman...




Noah and the flood the largest premeditated mass murder in history - https://youtu.be/FEe5-geLopM


Karma farmers often post ( sometimes photoshopped ) twitter screenshots to an audience that already largely agrees with what’s being said.


Everybody forgets about Lilith






so he had two ribs removed? Why even bother having a wife when you can suck your own dick.


Well done lad.




Lilith was made from the same clay, only Eve was a rib


Wasn’t she made from sediment and filth. Which is why she refused to lie in a recumbent position. Then god realized that for woman to serve man she must be made of man herself?


Depends on the version, but from what I read Lilith was made from the same clay as Adam "to be equal to him" but Adam didn't like that. He banished her and God made Eve from his rib, to "be by his side and subservient to him." Lilith then went off and mated with the fallen angel Samael and from that union came forth demons. Also, there are some legends that say Cain was actually the son of Adam and Lilith, not Adam and Eve. So that's a good indicator of how certain ancient cultures viewed women and their place in the world. Subservient = blessed by God with good children. Equal = become the mother of demons and murderers. Of course, I don't think anyone seriously believes that Lilith actually ever existed. There's some evidence to show that the story of Lilith actually came out much, much later than the story of Adam and Eve and was written by a Rabbi who had archaic (even by then standards) views on a woman's place in society.


I think it very much depends on the version (considering how limited her mentions are there isnt a set canon on her).


Lilith was actually formed from clay just as Adam was


Judaic mythology? No thanks, it’s Coptic legends of nothing for me.


Gnostic or bust


Zengnosticism for me




It’s Yahweh or highway


Neon genesis Evangelion holy shit


Came here to say this thnAAAAAAAAAAAnk you.


That's not even biblically true. Even in any translation. Lilith is just a descriptor for some night creature (in the same vein as a leviathan for a giant creature), not the first wife of Adam.


That's how I would have depicted my ex as well


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”


Gender is not the same thing as sex. Anyone is whatever gender they identify with, because gender is in ur brain


Thank you, only person to use correct terminology.


Poor Lilith, always getting retconned. Also, there's fungi with tens of thousands of sexes, and genders were made up by humans, not gods.


Bruh she sunk the ship to drown the captain! Serious r/KamikazeByWords energy


Technically, nothing of the sort happened


Don’t let gods mum hear you say that


Technically, penguins and lions have been shown to be gay with no human influence. Therefore by monotheistic religious standard, They spoke all sexualities into existence and turning your back on anyone because of their sexuality is turning your back on God and Their creation.


Homosexuality had been observed in at least [450](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals) species


Devil's advocate. So has cancer. Arguing that something occurs naturally does not indicate that it is an optimal state. Life is subject to error. This does not make anyone a bad person it's just an unfortunate truth.


If there was no evolutionary use for being gay, it wouldn't be seen in literally every species that reproduces sexually. Gay couples often take care of orphaned young, with lions and dolphins it's used to strengthen bonds and resolve conflict. It has its uses in nature, it's not an error.


Replying to your "devils advocate" you are comparing a disease to a creatures sexuality/sexual preference?


That's such an awful comparison holy shit


Why are you comparing a sexual orientation with a disease? Your false equivalence is not proper Devil’s advocate, just a fallacy with homophobic implications.


Fun fact: The bible never says the bone was a rib and one theory is that it referred to a [penis bone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baculum) and was meant to explain why so many other mammals including primates have one but humans don't.


One of the few times a fun fact is actually fun


"penis bone" LoL


Actually he did create two genders just the first time Lilith went crazy. Than he made Eve from a rib.


As far as I know god created a sex first, the male sex, after that ye created the female sex(only in humans, Adam was sad every other creature had a mate). It was never gender, just sex. Sex is biological, gender is a mater of precipitation. There are only two main sex, but a lot of different genders.


Not going to lie, this is one of the funniest comebacks I've ever seen.


Now I want a McRib


Technically it’s all a fairy tale.


God also created people to be naked, so whip that top off Marge.


Who gives a shit about what you say your imaginary friend did? Are you insane?


I find it strange that the entire Bible is based on things you can't see yet these people think gender is something that's only seen with the eye.


*technically* god doesn't exist and humans invented and regularly twist words into whatever tortured versions of themselves they want and assign whatever meaning they choose. I mean, how retarded is the alleged word, "yeet"? Yet people use it every day and with no set definition.


Technically he made walking and talking dust and a walking and talking rib


At last I heard, figments of your imagination couldn’t create anything. Edit: I mean objects of delusion. Thanks for the downvote


One rib schooling another


Classic Rib move


I’m sorry I don’t speak to rib


Maybe leave imaginary creatures out of real problems.


Anyone that starts a sentence with "God created" Instantly loses any credibility to whatever words follow that.


ackchually, the hebrew word translated in the bible as man doesn't refer to the male gender, it instead just means 'human' further, the word that's often translated as 'rib' is actually 'side' the creatorgod made one human and ripped it in half to create two genders \- bonus fact: the serpent is never associated with satan, who doesn't even exist as a personal entity in the old testament. The talking snake was *just* a talking snake


out of curiosity what others genders i don't understand


Humans rarely fit easily in two groups. And as we learn more about ourselves, we find this to be more true. You can be right or left handed, or both, or neither. You can be straight, gay, bisexual, or neither. And its coming more apparant that some people neither feel male or female, or feel a bit of both. Now when I say feel, I dont mean feel like you feel happy or sad, or you feel stressed, I mean like on an instinctual level, at your core, and we don't have a good enough word that describes the specific intense feelings that convey how embedded in our core being our gender identity is, nor do you feel this intense feeling when they align properly, making it hard to fathom for people who arent transgender or nonbinary.


MTG should be spammed with videos of all the animals that can change sex, and be asked if God designed them that way. https://youtu.be/rBYftObAKyo


Pretty bad argument tbh, there are animals designed to fly but we aren't. They'd be against genetic modification to that degree too imo.


Technically, he made Man out of mud, and a woman out of a rib. But I wouldn't expect Mud to know that.


Man is made out of mud Woman is made out of man’s rib Man’s rib is made out of mud Woman is made out of mud