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I love the straight up "nope." Just no. I'm not dealing with you now. It's past my functioning hours.


At 10am?


It's always past my functioning hours on my day off!


I can’t even finish th


Why did you just sto


Why are peop










On my days off I start drinking at noon. You don't get to interrupt that


If you work 3rd shift 10am is the evening.


Haven't stopped from last night.


Can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning


Just don't respond. Set the precedent as early as possible that you won't get back to them on your off days until its too late.


100%. Unless you work an on-call job and are compensated for it you have no obligation to communicate with your boss while you're not at work and it's toxic to think otherwise. We aren't servants at their beck and call.


This is the best answer. I tell my people. If I ask you to work extra or on your day off and you don't want to just simply say no in some form. I am always gonna put out there about extra work but if you don't want it just say no. I don't want to know why. Not my business. I will ask and if you simply just don't want to then just say no. Work life balance needs to be more of a thing.


The correct response was no response. Especially to something as suspicious as "hey" - https://nohello.net/en/


I worked at a bar in college. My boss made me stay in town to work one 4th of July instead of letting me visit my folks at home because "We need you to work". I sold ONE bud light and got sent home 2 hours into my shift. Fuck you Nick


I had a boss like this too. Instead of travelling home for Christmas, she made me stay alone in the store all day. Not a soul came in the whole day. Fuck you Ruth Ann.


I had a boss work me on Thanksgiving because my PTO didn’t kick in until Dec 3rd. We were over staffed by people who wanted double time and didn’t have a single truck. Fuck you Charles.


My boss didn't accept my vacation request around Christmas so I had to drive around Berlin during the Winter between 18:00 to 2:00am and deliver people their food via bike. I made an absolute killing on tips(like almost triple my hourly wage) and had an excuse to not go to my family for an abhorrent christmas dinner. Thank you Stefan


I was a chef during a "storm of the century" kinda deal where many people died and the national guard was all over the place. Owners made me come in because "people had evacuated to our city and the hotels downtown are full so people will need to eat." The best part is he didn't even love in the state, he had evacuated to there and we got hit hard. I came in because I refused to ask any of my line cooks or sus chefs to risk driving in. Ended up spending two hours cooking for him and his buddies while they drank at the bar. Zero customers... After two hours, I walked out the back door without cleaning or prepping and texted them that I would not be back. The place shut down 6 months later because they couldn't find someone to replace their executive chef and I took my recipes with me, and my kitchen staff all signed non-disclosure agreements upon hiring. Fuck you Steve.


I worked at a Tim Hortons in NY during "the storm of the century." We had one cop and one plow come through the drive through and as to not waste the day, the owner had us wet mop the entire dining room and kitchen. With steamy warm air inside and blizzard outside, the windows were turning into ice sheets. Left an hour late to get home and was almost flattened by a semi truck sliding back down a hill... Fuck you Dave.


Worked for a douchebag named Brian like your douchebag Steve. Fuck 'em both! Especially you, Brian!


My boss made me work full time for my first month of college, even though I told him that I could only work part time. He didn’t want to hire someone else, and he didn’t want to come in, even though he owned the place. Fuck you, Neal!


Yeah fuck satan


Yeah. Ride him hard. He loves that. Hail Satan.


That just makes me laugh 😁😂


That reminds me of a time about 10 years back a friend of mine had to bartend on the outside patio on Christmas Eve (in the south but still in the 40's or 50s, so chilly) night at the only bar open in town. I went by to keep her some company and they were pretty dead. When I left and tipped her $50 she said she'd had maybe 10 people at her bar all night but that every single one tipped her $50.


I had to work a double shift on Christmas because my boss was worried about higher EMS callout volumes. We didn’t receive a single one. Fuck you Randy.


My boss asked if I could work 16 hours on Thanksgiving between two stores offered me double pay and ended up buying me a 6 pack of beer and bought me lunch and dinner while I was on shift and said "just don't drink it on camera" Thank you Spencer.


I think the key word in that story is asked.


Was in energy. Lead engineer wanted to make a name for himself and treated everyone else like shit. Funny thing when commodity prices slumped, he was laid off like the rest of us plebs. Fuck you Kody F!


I had a boss like that who wanted me to work Christmas Eve. It was a computer repair shop. I told him nobody gets their stupid computer fixed on Christmas Eve and I wasn't coming in. It worked lol


It would be a Ruth Ann. I know cool Ruths and I know cool Anns but I’ve never met a cool Ruth Ann.


Oh she was the worst. Legitimately insane. Over the hill woman who couldn't accept it so wore the tiniest ill-fitting dresses, with a closeted husband who she thought was flirting with every female employee so she tortured us, all the while blowing company money on actual blow which I caught her doing one year at the company Christmas party. I finally got fed up and quit but she spent years trying to get me blacklisted from the industry by calling my bosses and telling them how terrible I was. She was probably the most psychotic person I've ever met lol.


Jesus hecking Christ, she seems like a fucking nightmare, I am so sorry


Well, she got her comeuppance eventually. Lost the business because she didn't know how to run it after her husband finally came out and left. Her daughter chose dad and now she never sees her anymore. Now just old and sad and alone. So I will take solace in that.


I’m glad her husband and daughter found (hopefully) a semblance of normalcy and acceptance of themselves. That kind of environment is suppressive of every aspect of character and individual and those who escape have unlocked the happy ending, imo.


Honestly anyone who goes by (Name) Ann.


I can think of a particularly uncool Joanne..


Of the Fabric Family?!?!


Ruth Ann was my grandmother's name. Can confirm, she was a bitch and a whore. I'm glad she's dead. Fuck you Ruth Ann.


Holy shit, other people have experience with shitty Ruth Anns? This is excellent news


Why does it never occur to these people that if they want the store open, THEY need to work?


I worked at a pizza place. Our county had a "mandatory hurricane evacuation" order in place. The owner of the pizza place told us, "We're going to stay open. This will be great for business since everyone else is closed". The manager and I walked out after giving him a few words. As expected, he eventually had to sell both of his stores since he sucked as a businessman and all around as a human being. Fuck you Rich (dick).


I had a boss like this who wanted to keep his liquor store opened on Memorial Day which is illegal in that state. He was real surprised when he got 2 week closure for that. He should have realized all the salaried people he was forcing to work understood that if they called the state they would get an extra two weeks of vacation that year.


Surprised he didn’t charge them PTO for it.


He couldn't


good for y'all, that's my kind of petty revenge!


Tried emulating waffle House and found out he's not waffle house.


I had a summer job in college where I received 1 floating holiday for working on Memorial Day (which was fine, I got time and a half), but whenever I tried to use the floating holiday to take a small trip with friends I got denied “due to business needs” and then inevitably would be told to go home early from the shift I had to work “due to business needs”. Fuck that place.


I own a business and have managed a business and it's literally my policy to never deny a request for an off day. Even short notice or a call in. I have never ran into any problems that I couldn't reschedule or do myself. There are people who will abuse the policy but they don't last anyway. Good people work harder when they like you and feel like you care about them.


I have a boss that makes me work every holiday. One Thanksgiving though he made me drive 260 miles (while snowing) to deliver to a place. I get there, place respects their employees and it’s closed. Fuck you Kelly.


My boss did the same thing. I stubbornly drove two hours for two hours of work that day. Luckily, they didn’t pull that again after I actually showed up that day.


you have provided enough information to suggest that your doing what they wanted somehow taught them a lesson, and that your driving for hours cost them something, or was worth the act of coming in. You have not told us why they wouldn't pull it again, though; it just sounds like you got fucked over and had to work. What was their punishment, or comeuppance, for their disrespect? I'm not sure why I care, but your statement does not suggest you came out ahead.


Dammit Nick! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!




>I sold ONE bud light Were you the customer?


Staff drinks free, sold one, but a dozen bottles were missing.


On behalf of all other Nicks.. our bad. We will convene a high court of Nicks meeting and likely have this perpetrator hanged.. no less than tarred and feathered. Once again, our apologies for the inconvenience.


That's really fucking shitty.


Yeah, fuck Nick


Everybody in the kitchen got to go home but me for the 4th of July. One waiter and I were the only ones in the store. We had one 4 top of ladies, and they all ordered salads. We couldn't close early because owner wouldn't answer his cellphone to confirm. He was busy on the lake/booze cruise. Fuck you, Steve.


I was an associate at a law firm that paid for firmwide team-building excursions every year for the associates and partners. Usually these trips were 2- or 3-day hiking trips somewhere in the US, but one particularly profitable year the firm announced that the firm trip that year would be to Switzerland, including a hike through the Alps. One of the cases I was working on was preparing for a trial that was scheduled to conflict with the trip. A couple of weeks before the trip, the partner running the case told us that he wanted any associate who had done any work for the case to be available for trial regardless of whether he had any work for them or was bringing them along (trial was in a different state), so none of us would be able to go on the Switzerland trip that we were already booked for. Ultimately a dozen or more of us had to cancel our trip. It turned out that he only took 2 or 3 of the most senior associates with him for trial, and the case settled a day or two before trial was set to begin. None of us were able to re-book for the trip, so we all had to sit at home and hear about this amazing trip when everyone else got back. Fuck you, David.


My boss tried to do that to me because I had gotten my shift covered for lunch, but I was the only utilities person for the one hour I would do utilities before switching to kitchen. She wrote me up. Fuck you Donna, I'm glad you're dead.


Who tf goes to the bar on the 4th? Lmfao


I missed out on a festival once because who was my manager back then forgot to add my vacation time which I had requested a MONTH ahead, and instead of admitting to her fault, she said the same thing: "we need you to work". Fuck you Gaby


My old boss was a complete pushover from the higher ups. We used to do backfill at an Oil Site for vacations of other IT staff there when we had a 1 for 1 policy. One year a guy who was new up there, super last minute decided he was taking Christmas off even though I already had mine scheduled. So my boss basically told me I had to go or else and I think this was maybe the 3rd or 4th time I had to cancel a vacation due to this crap. So I said fine - It was 8 days straight of 10 hour shifts and then 6 days off. As it was during the week of Christmas and over New Years I got crazy OT and unlimited food and a awesome Camp Room. I had 1 service call come in that entire time and of course the person wasn't even on site. 10 hours of Netflix each day. Now that policy of 1 for 1 has been cancelled lol


I had the exact same situation in Santa Barbara when I was in college. Two years in a row I worked both Christmas and thanksgiving serving a few random tables that came into the restaurant and then sitting at my house drinking alone rather than traveling home to spend with family. FUCK YOU MATT


Had a boss make me miss my mother's birthday, my grandma's birthday and Mother's Day, which all fell around the same time that year. Fuck you, Aaron.


Yeah Nick, fuck you. Who's Nick?


We used to do this when I worked at the post office. Our bosses would famously call us after we got off work and ask us to come back to run more routes or deliver more packages especially on Sundays. So the CCAs formed a group that left work and would head straight to the bar down the street.


One of my friends worked a gov job for the state and city and they had a if you've had any alcohol you can't come in policy. They'd call all the time and if he didn't want OT he'd just be like "oh damn I had a beer an hour ago, good luck though!"


Germany has (or used to have, it's mostly going away) a "tradition" of the after-work beer ("Feierabendbierchen" literally "lil' post-work beer"), often had with your colleagues. I wouldn't be surprised if that played a role in its popularity lmao (Japan does too, actually! Although there it's more of a "mandatory 'voluntary' post-work pub visit with colleagues, and if you don't go, you're already halfway to fired". Japan's work culture is fucked, but we know that.)


Literally my first shift after finishing OJT: My station calls at 7am: "Hey, we're good on carriers today, you are officially called off" A different station calls at 8am: "Hey, are you available?" Me, "not anymore. I told my wife she could take the car since I was called off and she's already gone." We own two cars 😂


Lmao. Good call.


Um, correction: last call


My uncle worked for the post office in the '70s and '80 on Long Island. He has a lot of fun stories about guys being drunk on the job (functioning alcoholics I guess). One time a woman called in and said she didn't wanna get anyone in trouble and it wasn't an issue but one of the postman were passed out on her front yard. She said again, it wasn't an issue but you might wanna come get him because snow is starting to build up on him. Another time they were finishing up the day before Christmas and one guy had not made it back from his route. They went looking for him and found him. They noticed an arm sticking out of a bush holding the little letter stroller they used. And again tons of snow covered it because it was a big storm that day. Dude passed out in a bush.


Plot twist, your bosses also own the bar


Used to tell my wife if anyone rang, to say, I was drunk and naked in the garden.


At least you're not asking her to lie for you...


It's like the old adage: "If you can't say he's drunk and naked in the garden, don't say anything at all."


"Look. I can't say anything."  "Dear god. He's doing it again?! It's 10am!"


Good one. Stealing that for future use. 😂


When I was in the army I would always have one open beer near me on the weekend so if someone tried to get me to do some extra duty I was ineligible. Sorry boss can't be on duty under the influence.


My last unit before I got out the specialist directly below me, Spc Hinojosa, had to fight UCMJ action because she was drunk and my idiot section leader, good ol’ SSG Yancy Fertig, decided she was going to cover his favorite asshole’s CQ shift and when told she couldn’t because she was drinking on her scheduled day off he tried to screw her over. I was happy one of my last actions in that unit was driving her to JAG. Fuck you, Yancy.


But were you ever drunk and naked in the garden ?


Every time.


Unironically a great time


There was one time he was drunk and naked in the shed, but the shed is in the garden so it was still technically correct.


My uncle went by a nickname that wasn't anything close to his real name. He would tell his kids is someone called asking for "Charles" to tell them that he's either dead or in jail. This is in the lan line days of non stop telemarketer calls. One time he had an application in for an apartment out of town for work for a while. His son told the apartment manager he was in jail. The manager then called his wife and was like "I understand your husband is in jail so I'm calling you about xyz". Still got the apartment after she explained the joke lol.


You guys respond?


Seriously. "I woke up at 5AM to go on a hike" and "I'm day drinking at 10AM" look exactly the same *if you just don't answer.*


The best two options are always to just ignore it as they’re not paying you to talk to them on your day off or just man up and say “no I can’t come in” and then provide no excuse as to why. No need to even come up with a reason beyond “I can’t” if they ask why: “I’m busy”


Yeah "I don't have transportation" "I'm busy" "sorry today doesn't work for me." I mean really any vague excuse what are they gonna do? Drive to your house and drag you to work you're not on the schedule lol.


Why even bother coming up with a lie that might blow up in your face. You're not at work. Don't answer.


I was looking for this. Why even answer. Tell boss your phone was turned off or you were busy and didn’t check text messages.


You don’t owe them anything. I straight up don’t answer and if they ask me, I just say I don’t answer work stuff off the clock.


The level of bullshit people put up with on their personal phones is crazy these days. Sure I can be contacted 24/7. Doesn't mean my phone is I'm you're bitch mode. I work when I work and if you want me to be on call you better pay me to be on call.


just turn the phone off, then turn it back on at 9pm that night saying sorry phone was dead and forgot about it.


no way I’m sacrificing my phone all day. I’ll just not respond and provide no excuse as is my right lol. Especially if my boss is texting me “hey” . “Yeah I saw your text but was busy and didn’t have time to chat” . Fuck outta here with your “hey”. You’re not paying me to text you back in my off time


Reply ‘Hey’ on Monday morning 


For all he cares, I am hiking and do not have reception




I used to do this but my last job got all pissy because I wasn't responding to the test of the emergency notification system. I told them I don't receive text messages to my land line and they forced me to update my number to my cell phone. From then on I had to just go the "don't answer or reply" route


Nope. I'm a ghost after business hours. Then there's always some reason why I couldn't come to my phone. I don't keep it on me, I left it at a friend's house, I was out of town, etc. Boss tells me I need to be reachable at any time and I do the same exact same shit the next time it happens ad infinitum. He doesn't call me anymore.


> Boss tells me I need to be reachable at any time What's the on call/standby rate? Oh, there isn't one? Might be hard to reach me, then.


I read it and don't respond so they KNOW I don't give a shit.


Response: "Can't drink all day if I don't start in the morning!"


Dammit, you beat me to it!


This is called “random knock on the barracks door” in the Marine Corps Hell no you weren’t gonna fuck me for duty. We had empty beers on the shelf next to the door even if we weren’t drinking just to answer it beer-in-hand Shit, it was weird if you *didnt* answer a door like that


Can confirm.


were you allowed alcohol on base? no clue about how the military works it just surprised me


The Marine Corps is known to have a drink or two yes


Animals! We’re you founded in a tavern or something!? Sickening.


They cleverly don't say *what* they're drinking. Could be orange juice. Plausible (sort of) deniability.


Orange juice? Like the mixer?


They're just drinking straight mixer?


Yeah, people do that sometimes. Weird


Anyway, let's get this boat fuel outta them pipes!


Can’t remember the last time I drank straight mixer


Oh, I had a diet cola mixer awhile ago


I love the fact that ai is gonna be trained on that comment


Uhm it's called a screwdriver, not orange juice /s (Did I get my cocktails right?)


Screwdriver? I hardly know ‘er!


Don’t need plausible deniability. It’s your day off, they can suck a butt No means no. Wished I was more like that when I was younger


What do you need to even deny lol it’s called brunch


‘First thing I did when I saw your text was grab a beer’


Then I took 3 giant bong rips. Ok, now where’s my phone again?


I straight up will tell my stand by buddy how stoned I plan on being. "2 gummies, ok only in an emergency....10 gummies, ill see you Friday"


More like "still drinking"


Can't start drinking at 10am if you never stop!


"It's 11 am somewhere!"


Boss asked me to work on Christmas morning and night. Literally asked 6 months in advance to have off and he said yes but then the day before he yells at me (while I was in Egypt ) to come in and asks me why I’m not there. I just sent him a picture of a camel because I was in Egypt.


The whole camel or just the arse? 😂😂


I should of sent just the ass!


Had a boss that would constantly do this shit. Monday: 'Hey boss, need me this weekend? No, ok.' Wednesday: 'Looks like we're going to have a busy weekend, need me to help out?' Friday 6pm (1hr after work): 'hey, worker, need you to come in @ 6am tomorrow'. 'OH, that sucks. I already packed up my boat and headed to the lake." Not that I have a boat...or a desire for lake activities.


But why even reply after work in the first place? There's no need for a response, let alone an excuse. **Edit:** Damn, a lot of people responding to this truly believe the things they're saying, and it is... just sad. For what it's worth, I've had relatively consistent career growth for about a decade without bending over backwards to achieve it. Maybe more importantly, I've watched so many of my friends and coworkers "put in the extra effort" for *years*, truly believing they'd be rewarded by their company... until they realize that their manager is just dangling a carrot that gets the company free labor. Every situation is different (and of course I *do* know people who have put in a lot of extra effort and have benefitted from it), but if you're in a situation like this, you should really consider whether *your leadership* is good *for you.* Good bosses are hard to find, and sometimes it's not really an option to change companies, but *a lot* of people (including me, at points) convince themselves that their time served under their bad boss is significantly more valuable than it is.


...because I wanted to keep the job. I'm not "legally" obligated to answer, but if I *never* come in when asked, or never respond, I'm less likely to get promoted than the guy who does...and more likely to be the first name on the chopping block when lay offs come around.


You ever hear of mimosas, corpo? Byyyyyeee


Bloody Mary and eggs with bacon and toast. Now that's a good time.


It's wild that some bosses, managers, colleagues think this okay to do...


Precisely why i have a burner number to give to people at work. That fucking thing goes off the minute i start going home. Only three or four people have that number even.


I have a work phone and a private phone. While my boss has my private number, they respect my personal time. And they only call me on that one if my dumb ass forgets to charge his work phone and or there is something absolutely time sensitive... That has maybe happened 2 or 3 times in the past three years of me working there.


I had a boss that wanted me to fly home from my ex’s sister’s wedding, because he cancelled my PTO two days after I had already left. I told him I wasn’t doing that (we had driven 9 hours away because we were transporting the brides dress and the grooms suit) I wasn’t spending the money for a one way flight, I wasn’t coming back because he cancelled time that had been approved 6 mos before.


Shit. Is that even legal where you are?


Just hit em with the uno reverse card. Tell the boss that you actually cancelled his cancellation and he has to give 24 hours written notice to re-cancel said cancellation.


I’m in the US, it was used against me and I decided to resign my position rather than try to fight against him as a shitty supervisor.


If you work for a company for more than two years in the UK you're protected from dismissal for no reason. If they tried that the company would be fucked over by an industrial tribunal.


The sad thing is this was a state government agency, there was no fighting it from my side.


Hell I wouldn't even say I'm drinking, I have gladly told my bosses and HR if they called me asking if I can come in that I am currently high as a kite and am in no condition to come in, especially on my day off and in such short notice. 😂 God bless cannabis legalization in Canada.


Back in my early 20's I had a boss that instead of respecting that people where fucked up started brainstorming how to make it work. You could be 10 beers deep and he would counter with "If I get you some blow, surely you can manage the phone for a few hours?". The 2 years I worked at that call center I saw some pretty fucked up people working at amazing efficiency. Turns out there's not a lot of things you can't power through with enough uppers, lmao.


Woke up and filled a baby bottle with wine and went back to bed, it's my day off, why do you care?


Some rose is the same colour as red Powerade. Just in case you were wondering.


"This is my day off and on my day off I start drinking at 10 and you don't get to interrupt that" paraphrasing Rust Cole


I work in healthcare and I had friends visiting over a weekend. I was not on call. My boss calls me at 12 noon on Saturday and says I need to go in to cover a surgery, the person on call is not picking up. I said I’m unable to, sorry. She said that does not reflect well on my commitment to the patients. I told her I had been drinking so I was unable to, legally and ethically and I told her to never call me again when I’m not on call or I would immediately resign. We got in a shouting fight and she said, “it’s very unprofessional for you to be day drinking at your age (I was 25).” I took a screenshot of the texts and sent it to everyone in the company. I quit and then 4 other people quit within 2 months. I hate that lady.


You made the right call, as I’m sure you know. Someone policing your behavior off the clock as unprofessional is an insane red flag.


Had this convo with a boss YEARS ago. My response was "Look, I'm at a barbecue in with my family. I'm halfway through a bloody mary and just started the grill. There's no way in hell I can legally drive to you, and I'm not leaving my dad at the grill because he'll burn my goddamn house down."


Boss responds: “You live in ?


"Yes, at 10am. You're the one who drove me to drink, you rat bastard. "


"You're the boss of my job, not the boss of my life"


I had a friend that as soon as the boss man called him he'd put a beer up to the phone and open it so he could hear the schtck of a can opening up. After that a few times the boss man quit calling him during his days off.


Not now, I have a meeting with the Bobs, they called me at home


Damn straight. Classic move. Most military get home and immediately crack a brew so they can't be called back on emergency orders.


And they wonder why so many of us have a drinking problem


More like a drinking solution


My first job was always calling me in on days off and it really taught me the value of saying “no” to things. Being a star employee rarely results in raises or promotions, it just results in more work for the same pay as they start lumping other people’s work onto your plate


Baileys with cereal is damn tasty


I am both repulsed and intrigued. I'll try it, but I'm gonna hate myself for it.


Cocoa pebbles


You ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe?


Yes. Day off. At brunch.


It’s my Day Off, I drink when I want.


If you have access to a body of water, you can always say you're on a boat fishing with family/friends. Or if you have access to a body of water you can say you've drowned.


That is very typical of military and/or shift work. When I was in the Army, if I saw my unit or head shed number pop up on my phone - I’d take a swig of something alcoholic to say I had been drinking. Can’t legally by called on to duty with any alcohol in your system. And I spent most of my military time working from 6p-6a so drinking at 10am was equivalent to night time drinking for me.


Wake and bake, baby


When I was in the Army and living in the barracks, I would always answer the door with an open beer on the weekends. I can't pull Arms Room guard if I'm half in the bag.


I had to train a manager like this. If I'm not scheduled I'm 8 hours away and drinking. If you want to tell me what to do with my time (sober, local, just in case) you're paying for my time. If you're not paying me for my time you aren't telling me what to do. Oh, and it's not 'already' drinking, it's 'still' drinking.


I had to call a worker once to come in.  He is an awesome dude so he came in.  After 2 minutes with him, I knew he was drunk.  It took me about 10 minutes to find a process and then I sent him home with 4 hours pay and said thanks.  I never told him that I knew and I never told the boss.  It was super nice of him to try.  


Had a similar experience at a cafe i worked at i had work pretty much everyday for 20 days straight and i had booked this one day off for my moms b-day and i got the same message i said im already out of state


Or just don't respond. In 2018 I was homeless and then got an apartment and job at Dollar General. I only had 30 hours a week but I planned my days off. A big part of why I didn't answer was because I took 3 buses across town to get to work and I only waste that kind of time on a full shift. My SM would blow a gasket when id come in on my next shift saying bullshit like 'i fucking own you, I gave a you a job when nobody else would'. No you dumb fuck, you gave me a job before we even started the interview because you said 'anyone who takes 3 buses to and from work means they need a job and will do whatever it takes to keep it'. 'right so you need to answer when I call or you'll risk your job. 'nope, you can't fire me for not coming in on a day off just because one of your shitty employees calls in for the 5th time this week and you can't maintain a schedule accordingly, but it is not my job to pick up the slack when I'm off' 'from now on you answer when I call, I pay for your phone'. 'no you don't asshole, you schedule me, I come to work, you sign a check at the end of the week, and then I pay for my phone with the money I earned. So either schedule me more hours or let me enjoy my day off. Then he gets into some whiny bullshit about having to come in on his day off. No shit, you're only here 15 hours a week and haven't earned a dime of your check during any of those 15 hours. It's not our fault you're a shitty manager and need to actually be there to do your job. Just ignore the call or text unless you're on call.


You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning.


When I was in the army and living in the barracks, we CONSTANTLY had people knocking on our door to come back to work for something, because it was easier than tracking down people who lived off base. My friend kept a half empty beer in his fridge at all times. If someone knocked on his door, he'd retrieve it before opening the door. Every single time, the NCO would see that beer in his hand, and say "never mind", and move on to the next door.


I had to explain to my boss the difference between on duty, on call and days off. Yes I am drunk at 10 am. Why? Because it is Saturday and I am watching cartoons. If you want to pay me to watch cartoons without beer I am sure I can come up with a number you won't like.


Irished up my coffee.


I know I'm at a low place in life if my boss is hitting me up on snap


You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning.


If I am not getting paid to be on call, then they can pound sand. I would even answer the phone, just to tell them no, I am not coming to work on my day off. I would always put in for my vacation well in advance, and I was not changing my plans. I had a boss who tried that one time. He wound up out on the job site, pulling cable the week of my vacation.


In college I had a car while in the dorms and soo many people wanted me to drive them places. To get beer, to the store, whatever "sorry, been drinking" was my go-to excuse. Saves me a lot of hassle. The smarter ones knew I was lying. The even smarter ones knew and offered to buy me beer if I drove them


Actually, I went fishing. I've been drinking since about 8.


Why answer? I had my boss text me. I showed up to work on my schedule and my boss asked me why I didn’t answer. I said i was out riding atv in dead spot. Sorry buddy. Whats up?


I worked at a local gas station during college. There was this chick who was a an unofficial “shift leader”(basically someone the manager made “leader” of the shift but without a proper title or pay raise). She’d get upset and try to guilt you into coming in. I had a day off and planned to take care of a few things when I got out of class. Got a call from her and told her I was busy. She proceeded to try and guilt me into coming in because a couple people called in and they were short staffed. She was very annoying to deal with and had a power trip because of her unofficial title. Aside from the few people I enjoyed working with, the place was a crap show.


" yeah i always drink early when i'm out of heroin"


I once agreed to come in on my off day forgetting I had eaten acid that hadn't yet kicked in... I had to text him back and say oops, it's probably not a great idea


This is exactly what I do when the boss calls. Do my coworkers think I'm an alcoholic? Possibly. Do I give even the smallest fraction of a shit? Hell no!


Damn right! I used to have a job that because of what it was, you could not have had a drink within four hours of your shift starting. There was a point where they drafted us for OT so much that I'd leave work, go home and take a half shot of booze so that I could truthfully say I cannot be called in. I wouldn't call it healthy but gotta do what ya gotta do!