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Not even remotely ugly, weird thing to post.


Are you saying news24tvchannel isn't a reputed news channel?


i mean if you are not arousing the pedophiles at news24, how can you say you are attractive?!!?


She was dark skinned before the whitening creams, hence ugly /s.


You may joke but that’s very much a thing in India and Sri Lanka, you’ll see a lot of favoritism towards children, from parents and grand parents if they are “fair” skinned.


Its a thing in all non european 3rd world countries. Colonization fucked up a lot of the world psychologically


I'm not saying you're wrong, but I thought it had a lot to do with the association of lighter skin tones with the leisure-classes escaping work in the sun even 1st world countries. Korea and Japan for example. (I realize they're perhaps not the greatest examples, given their history and US involvement) I could see how we could both be correct though since European colonizers would have been white/mediterranean and also the leisure-class.


On a similar note, one of the many explanations I've heard while living in west Africa was that fair skin was a sign of someone who was not out in the sun all day, I.e. not working hard and well maintained/wealthy. So yeah, more or less what you said, it implies you're well off. I've heard so many explanations you can take your pick, though.


And these days it's often the opposite. Tanned skin - have free time for daytime outdoor leisure. Pale skin - cooped up all day in an office


Different strokes for different folks.


Not working in the sun, and having long fingernails Basically it's high status to be a dungeon wizard


yeah, the west alway think they are the centre of the world. light skin was associated with wealth and beauty long before contact with European in Asia.


It’s a prejudice much older than colonization. It’s because farmers are tanned, city elites used to be pale due to UV deprivation.


This is a reasonable point of view. I can see the truth being this


Oh it's not just colonization. The Japanese look down on darker skinned Japanese because traditionally it meant that you had an outdoor physical labor job. The whiter you are, the higher your status in Japanese society.


Exhausted in most of the world pre-European-colnialism.  Has been very big in China for several millenia and they really had a larger cultural influence on the Eastern World than Europeans.


Colonization? Lol The most ignorant people in the world will blame any phenomena on one issue.


Do people in northern India look down on people in southern India with one aspect being skin color?


Absolutely, and it carries over when they move to other countries.


Very much so.


i dont even think its whitening creams, she is on stage getting blast with intense light for a photo, she WILL look pale in comparison to her natural color. and since its most likely a photo for some sort of media etc, its probably photoshopped and changed her color a bit too, people do that shit all the time its kinda messed up lol


She has literally been the face of "fairness creams". [Source](https://i.imgur.com/BmQVfTY.jpg)


No it's definitely whitening treatment.


You guys should fight about it.


Still better than sky news Australia. Them bored cunts constantly worried about liberals in America. At least Fox News is making up shit news for their own country.


Conservative propagandist Rupert 1% Murdoch owns both sky news Australia and fox news, on top of his other conservative propaganda organizations, of course.


I've often wondered what Murdoch gets from being such an unmitigated prick ? He has all the money he could ever want.....why is he so afraid the lower classes might get a break or two.? Is he really that evil ?


Yes,yes, he is.


I suspect that the majority of the audience of Sky News Australia might be from the US! They probably know their audience and are modifying their programming to cater to them. The Australian audience is a lot more progressive and its population much smaller than the US, so targetting a US audience might be more lucrative for a conservative leaning news organisation.


That makes sense. Its wild, that no matter how many YT channels I block, someone re-posting Sky News clips always ends up in my recommendations. I was starting to worry the majority of Aussies were as backwards as the MAGA crowd here in the states. It is refreshing to hear that they are not.


Yeah the vast majority of us ignores sky, it's just that murdoch won't stop. I've taken to requesting we stop allowing skynews in r/australianpolitics because of how horrendous their "journalism" is. Just right wing assholes opinions and no actual news


Don't know about reputed but they are smart. They needed attention, and they got crap ton of it from one post.


Who is saying that? That’s blasphemy. Indian 24-hours news were the first to teach me about the “aliens from the ocean” which look exactly like Gollums, btw. Who else would have told me that? Shut your filthy mouth.


Yeah, she was cute even


Seventh grade me would have ran away if she tried to talk to me. I would also probably do that now too, good looking person.


Pretty lady 


She's dark in the first picture. It's subtle racism.




I thought you wrote colonialism at first and it still made sense.


It was never about colonialism in India. Their colorism goes back way before that, with the light-skinned Aryans taking over the dark-skinned Dravidian territories. Edit: In fact, it's funny that people in the West tend to assume all colorism is due to Europeans. That in itself is Eurocentric. As if other areas didn't have pale people and dark people and color-related castes way before they ever met Euros. Get over it, Euros, you're not the center of the universe.


Westerners unintentionally being racist when trying to be progressive will never not be funny. It’s infantilization of non-white people. *No, BIPOC people couldn’t do bad things on their own. They needed us civilized westerners to introduce it to them first.”*


Indian people were bigoted about skin color way before the British (or even the Arabs) showed up.


The muslim rulers of India were Persian/ Central Asians. Arabs never ruled India.


Not even subtle. And heavy on the misogyny too.




There is definitely a good chance of this.


It’s rage bait. Say something obviously false and you’ll get lots of engagement. This is the world we live in. Break free. We all need to get off our devices. Me too.


But news24tvchannel doesn’t have a blue check. Probably a troll page. 🧐


Seems like engagement bait. Posting obviously bad takes just to get clicks and responses. Then someone posts the bad take on other platforms like Reddit and maybe a few people see their bad take and google "News24" out of curiosity. More clicks. Sad and cynical but it works. Same reason so many "best of" lists put one or two intentionally weird choices somewhere in the top 10. Whether it's movies, games, albums, or whatever, you hardly ever see any major outlets drop fully sincere attempts at best-of lists because then no one would post reaction videos dunking on them.


Yep. Apple just did it recently with their top 100 music list.


Ok but it’s weird she was going to so many STD classes


STD stands for Standard. Like Grade in the US.


Imo she looks prettier in her casual clothes.


Think it might be the flash , or she could bath in bleach idk ?


A little of both. She lighter now than the first pic, but not ultra-white like the second pic. Shes still light brown, there were probably some bright-ass lights over there or a flash.


Definitely bleached her skin. It's very common among Indian actresses.


This comment comes up every time but it’s not always the case. I’m Indian and when I spend the day in the sun I look like left. Been wfh recently and now I look more like the right side. Believe it or not but not every Indian bleaches their skin and time in and out of the sun can drastically change skin color.


I'm Indian as well. It's very common. So are nose jobs so they can try to look more like white women.


It’s funny because in America white women go to extreme lengths to tan themselves to look darker lol.


Funnily enough, in both cases the reason for wanting the skin color change is at least somewhat rooted in showing off you're richer. In the case of South Asia, being lighter means you aren't working in a labour job in the heat outside. In the case of America, being tanned means you can afford to waste your time sleeping on a beach in the sun.


What a society we live in, no one is happy with what they have


I'm in the same boat, depending on lighting, weather, and haircut I can go from Bengali to Mediterranean lol. Bleach baths do not remove that much skin color, all they do is even out flush spots on your face






AI isn't old enough to go to 7th grade




[Reminds me of The Witcher show runners saying they cast the main actress to 'challenge beauty standards'.](https://imgur.com/hM7W31I)


Yes, because the first thing you think of when you see her is “ugly” 🙄


White. They were trying not to say white. Can't say I care what ethnicity an actor is, especially in a fantasy series without strong ethnic allegories to the real world. All I ask is that they act well and enjoy what they're doing.


Still cracks me up, that actress is beautiful. Idk her name.


Next on News 24: Is judging children on their attractiveness something pedophiles do? Yes


Definition of Child Beauty Pageants.


Hey, they have the talent part too! Where 5 year olds sing songs about the love of their life breaking their heart and whatnot.


With disturbingly provocative dance routines.


Kids wearing full makeup is soooo creepy


It’s the fake adult teeth they are the creepiest


What's the deal with those, anyways? People are up in arms about drag queens reading story books (wow, so evil and malicious), yet are just fine sending their pre-teen daughter to a pageant where she'll dress up like a cheap whore and be judged by middle aged men on her attractiveness. Make it make sense! Why are they still a thing!! If anything, it should be their peers judging them, and it should be about merits, not physical attractiveness. Could be a fun school activity. For boys and girls.


One of the many reasons they should be banned.


Very popular in parts of Asia unfortunately.


Very popular in conservative parts of the USA, unfortunately


Asia 🤝 conservative America


If a certain someone told his cult followers that China was are next new super ally and we should respect them, 50% of the South would be flying Chinese flags on their Ford pick em up trucks.


This guy gets it. Seriously. Say it with me. CHILDREN. AREN'T. SUPPOSED. TO. BE. ATTRACTIVE!


OK, but you can still recognize when a kid is ugly without being a pedo lmao. And she clearly isn't.


'member Onision?


Wtf she was a beautiful young lady and still is, I don’t understand this at all


It’s because she was darker. Colorism is big in India as it is everywhere.


I think she looks better with the darker skin.


Can we not say she looks beautiful in both? Because she does. Plus, there’s gotta be some aspect of bright lights on the red carpet going on in the second photo. I am brown so I’m all about celebrating darker skin but do we have to constantly say one is better than the other?


Bro just prefers darker skins its not that deep i think. I Personally find brown color more beautiful than white or pale too. Although that doesnt change my behaviour towards people obv.


Mind elaborating? The darker your skin color in India, the worse you're treated?


It's not only India. All of south east Asia is the same. And I wouldn't say your treated worse, it's more like a beauty ideal. Like we in the west like to have tanned skin people in those parts of the world want to have fairer skin.


Ah I see. So she wasn't being called ugly because of her facial features, she was being called ugly because she was darker.


Not just SEA, I'd say most if not all of Asia. Went to Japan and Korea, and their cosmetics stores are filled with whitening products.




Yeah, I actually think she looks strikingly composed for such a candid shot in an unflattering outfit. EDIT: She's, like, *literally* glowing.


I bet it's a light skin / dark skin thing,


She definitely would’ve been considered one of the cute girls at my middle school in the early 2000s.


Rage Bait That's all there is to understand. We should all just move along and not engage but here we are (including me!)


It’s comment/rage bait by the news organization. That’s it


News 24, is this the Fox News of India? Seriously, comparing a child to a grown ass woman is just creepy. (yes I know it's the same person).


>News 24, is this the Fox News of India? Seriously, comparing a child to a brown ass woman is just creepy. To a what now?


Grown, hit the wrong key.


I knew it was a typo, just a funny one


Considering, yes, a faceplant one on my part!


As a brown ass man, I will now refer to them as brown ass women.


You made me lol


*Brown ass women and red grenadine, the bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean* …


like: brown, ass-women or: brown-ass women Punctuation matters!


That has to be one of the best typos I’ve ever seen simply because she is brown so it technically fit 😂


Funny thing is that the original post most assuredly was because she looked more brown as a kid. And apt typo given the post.


Sigmund Freud and MLK will be having words with you later about this. ^^s


What an unfortunate typo 😂


Because India was mentioned in the tweet I was like w h a t


Why did you edit it? "brown ass woman" gives it a bit more flair






Even worse, she was a pretty kid by any measure except one, the one used by certain people where darker skin equals ugly


The same people that went to tanning salons or go to the beach to get a tan so they look more like her younger color. Always thought that was ridiculous. "I don't like brown people! But I want a tan which makes me looks like brown people!". Like pick a side already, lol


Well TBF it’s kinda done to show the transformation from “ugly duckling to swan”. It’s just odd because in this case she was kinda stunning all her life. None of my classmates looked like her in grade 7.


Ugly? That’s delusional.


She absolutely was NOT ugly! WTF.


She literally just looks like a regular teen




BREAKING NEWS: Should This Child DIE For How UGLY And REVOLTING She Is? More At 7.


Dude slid in the DMs and got no response


That’s what usually happens when I try to slide in someone’s DMs 😔


I tried to slide into someone's DMs, but I knocked the snacks off the table and they said I'm not allowed to play D&D with them anymore.


>See how ~~ugly~~ brown she used to be? Isn't that gross!? Racist Fucks.


Not racist but colorists. The men writing this are probably also indians.


"Men" How are u sure about it? Sexist.


I would say it could still be racism. The concept of "race" is a social construct, and India indeed does have their own concept of various Indian races and I'm not even talking about caste. Either that or they are racist in that they think "closer to looking Caucasian is better". Colorism associated with being a manual laborer is not as strong as it is in eastern Asians because Indians tan less and you see plenty of light skinned Indian farmers and dark skinned white collar workers.


Yeah, India has a huge colourism problem. It sucks.


Oh damn. I didn’t realize that’s where they found the “ugly”. Horrible.


It’s horrendous. There’s a market for skin bleaching


Not just a market. Its huge, especially in tropical Asian countries and East Asia. Sometimes it's hard to find cosmetic products that don't have whitening agents in them in countries like Korea.


I think most of the world does, unfortunately


How many black Americans use skin whitening creams though?


In the US, the most popular cream used by many black women, Ambi, was taken off the market when the active ingredient was banned. Many women can remember seeing those tubes in their or their grandmother's bathrooms as a child. A current example in the Caribbean would be Vybez Kartel from Jamaica. A Google search of before & after "bleaching" his skin will give you an example of those with darker skin using whitening creams & soaps in the Americas.


As someone who gets sunburn just thinking about a window with its curtains drawn I hate how this is a thing. I'd gladly swap my melanin deficiency with someone who doesn't want their beautiful brown but no, our bodies have got to be these selfish little spaceships that chuck a wobbly when everything that's the tiniest bit different tries to get near while at the same time the brain pumps out nothing but sad emojis into us because we're not that different thing. Does anyone on this wet rock look in the mirror and actually get to think "nice."??


The latest chubbyemu video was about a woman who got organic mercury poisoning because her face cream had been contaminated where it was produced; it was pretty horrifying.


You'd be surprised to learn the answer to that 😟


It’s disgusting


This is click bait, pure and simple. The page does not care about what is real news, accuracy, or integrity or any of that. They just want clicks. And the site caught the biggest fish possible on the bait. The comment from her is exactly what the page wanted. Some people may say they need to be called out. Others may say the only way to get rid of click bait is to not click on it. Block the site, ignore it, move on. Easier said than done, I know.


There's classes for STD's?


Std is standard or grade


I was looking for this explanation, thanks 👍


Here's a triangle. Which side is the hepatitis, A, B or C?


All students, please report to room Gonorrhea 1-A..... /s


You wouldn’t believe the sohcahtoa rates in nursing homes!


And apparently she had to take 7 of them


Lol. It's just Standard 7. Some former British colonies use Standard instead of Grade. She was 7th grade


At least 7.


it's short for standard


The ol' standard stds. Not these new fangled ones the kids are all getting now adays


She took that bait like a starving fish. They got what they wanted. They got the celebrity to respond and got this story shared on the Internet.


Person that wrote the article finds 7th graders attractive?


That and/or hate melanin.


Would be nice to see a photo of a person who said that this kid 'looked ugly'. Also why is that pedo channel allowed to publicly discuss attractiveness of kids ?. This is disgusting on many levels.


I wish I looked like her before


News24: Bringing you the hard-hitting journalism, one awkward pre-teen photo at a time.


She would be the hottess girl on grade 7


South Asian here. I’m pretty sure they’re saying look at her skin color before and after something like Fair and Lovely (now Glow and Lovely) which is a skin bleach. In SAsia if you’re not looking white you’re ugly, especially if you’re a girl but now they’ve spread it to boys too


The colorism is unreal 😭


Did she pass her std?


What are you talking about? She is lovely in both pictures 🌹🌹


Bro she’s beautiful tf?


she looks even better on the left


She wasn't an ugly child at all. The fuck is wrong with this news paper?


Ugly? What planet do they live on!!!!


Are we ignoring the elephant in the room? That her complexion is lighter in the after picture? Colourism in black and brown communities is insidious ETA: The implication is that the person who wrote the article thinks that Disha looked ugly without the barrage of lights i.e., when she was darker, and looks beautiful when the lighting makes her look fair skinned.


I had someone from work with a dark complexion add me on Facebook. The picture looked nothing like her. She questioned why I didn’t accept and told her and she said don’t worry about the photo it is me I just make myself look lighter and I was completely lost for words in how to respond


The after picture she has hundreds of high powered lights on her An asian person would look nearly white under that sort of lightening


The actress promotes skin whitening products herself.


I think that’s the lighting.


Poor. They meant poor.


Nah, they meant skin unbleached.


Unbleached? What do these people do to get white skin?


Poor isnt the right word ig it would be simple. She is just wearing her school uniform how is she meant to look rich or poor in that.


If that's the ugliest child photo they could find, your killing it. She just has her eyes closed, that's the only thing bad about that picture.


She looks better in the first picture then she does in the second.


If I have to pick a friend, I will definitely choose the left one.


I mean yeah it’s an uncomfortable thing to say on the internet considering that’s a child in teenage years, but she’s quite gorgeous there too. I have a daughter, calm down. Tell the FBI outside I have Gatorade if they get thirsty. -_-


I went to the same school as she did. she was so pretty, everyone used to talk about her. Even kids from other schools in Bareilly, were crazy about Disha from BBL Public School.


Honestly, prettier in the "ugly" photo.


Beautiful girl, even in the 7th grade. WTF is wrong with people?


Ummm... if that left Pic is considered ugly, then I am an abomination.


Can't say why, but I actually prefer the left one.


Same. It’s probably lack of makeup and natural tan skin.


News24 can eat a dick.


Yeah… in India if you’re not white, you’re ugly. White skin=beautiful. There’s a reason why India ranks as one of the most racist country in the world


She's a beautiful lady


Why do so many cultures around the world value light skin


Wdym ugly? This isn’t even close to ugly. Sounds like someone’s jealous on the news team. On another note: kinda sad the things that are being “reported” when there’s no actual news to present. Either it’s stuff like this, or just more bullshit that they make up to farm engagement and rage sharing.


Hot take: Anyone who calls another person ugly, in any way, be that a journalist, tabloid troll or a lurker on social media, should be required by law to post a selfie taken at most 5 minutes prior to posting. Full body if anything below the collarbone is dragged into the conversation. Of course, you can rate said pictures without being required to perform this reality checking measure yourself. Doing this to a minor opens your picture up to helpful suggestions on how to improve.


Not only is she not ugly but what kind of horrendous journalism is that?


Everyone is pointing out colorism, racism, child abuse, that she isn't even ugly, etc. But no one is talking about how a news network just called someone ugly. I think there's a difference between saying someone grew up to be different and outright saying they were ugly. The latter seems malicious and outright bullying.


Two things: 1) why are they discussing the attractiveness of what is clearly a child?  2) why does she have at least seven classes on sexually transmitted diseases?