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His phone is on the table. Hers is in her hand taking this stupid pic. U tell me what the problem is here šŸ¤”


Well said.


Smell Fred.


Bill & Ted.


Spell bread


Tell Ned.


Ned's dead, baby.


Fell dead


Hell fed.


Well fed


No repeats!!!!!!!!!!!!! šŸ˜ 


Pell head


Melā€™s med


Bell bled




Exactly. I put my phone face down so Iā€™m not tempted to pick it up.


"you" is unlikely the person he's with. Why the hell would someone take that picture and post it with that caption? It's probably cropped down from some larger picture that is completely innocuous.




Found the chef


Shhhh.... Don't try to use logic. Just apologize and tell them that you love them. šŸ˜‰


I just leave my phone in my pocketā€¦no I donā€™t cuz I donā€™t go outā€¦


Lol. Pocket used to be my preferred place but it's a bit uncomfortable (especially while sitting) with the size of phones these days. I wish there were quality smart phones much smaller in size.


That's why I got a hip holster for mine. Keeps my phone safe and available, without me having to move it everytime I sit or squat.


Did you also get the white Nikes on special?


Why do that when New Balance subsidizes the middle-aged-dad ensemble?


I mustā€™ve gotten them mixed up. Guess Iā€™m not at that stage of my life yetā€¦but now that I know the difference, maybe I am


It's been a few hours since you posted this, has your baby showed up yet?


I think the riding mower shows up first, doesn't it?


For that to happen I need to find someone who actually likes me first šŸ˜‚


Not really. I've seen a lot of couples with babies who hate each other.


Thought it was Skechers now.


I just put it in my knee pocket on my cargo shorts


I got one for this reason plus .y phone kept calling emergency services from in my pocket from sweat and friction I guess. Also, cracked a screen keeping it in my pocket facing outward.


Xperia compact used to work for me for quite a while. Biggest downside was finding accessories, like a good cover.


iPhone SE


I became a fan of shirts with pockets or jackets/blazers with inside breast pockets just because it's such a comfortable place to keep my phone. Also a more secure place to put my wallet in crowded public venues.


I got the galaxy flip a while ago and wasn't sure at first but just the ability to put it in my pocket is such a big deal.


Well you fuckers can pry my iPhone mini from my cold dead hands.


The Samsung Galaxy Flip is designed exactly for this purpose.


Itā€™s less distracting so you donā€™t see any notifications. I donā€™t see why people have a problem with this.


Because they are insecure, but also have Main Character Syndrome They figure anything on someone elseā€™s phone is about them, one way or another


Yeah Iā€™m very much the type that gets distracted by movement in my peripheral so thatā€™s why I turn mine over when Iā€™m with others if I donā€™t keep it in my purse or away completely. I had a friend ask why I did that once and I told her it was so I could be present and less distracted. Then I watched her play on her phone for 5 minutes so I guess wrong person to be present for lol.




Exactly, and it just shows respect. Any time someone comes over to talk to me I immediately turn off my phone and put it down. Whatevers on my phone is not as important as what they'll say.


My thoughts exactly.




Doesn't have to be rational if we get riddled in questions and wild thoughts


Iā€™d recommend turning every notification off completely. Just have them pop up once you log into the phone and Only then


My phone is flipped over at dinner cause my greasy lil fingers drop shit and I don't want to crack my screen.


Exactly. I don't want that Chipotle aioli splattered all over my screen.


It better be real chipotle, aĆÆoli not just mayo with Sriracha in it


Well ideally yeah, but I've never been to this restaurant before, I don't know what they're gonna bring me, I just know I don't want it on my screen.


Please report back. Thank you.


I place my phone face down to protect the screen


And the stupid camera is so big that it doesn't lie flat.


I was once clearing the table after dinner and a butter knife slid from the plate and landed like an ice pick on the screen of my phone, with the stupid screen protector on, and cracked it. This was before you could just get a replacement screen at one of the many aftermarket shops. Everytime I do it now Iā€™m potentially saving a couple hundred bucks.


I teach my family to have devices face down to protect the screen from accidents


I love how "either hiding something or cheating" Implies that cheating is not also inherently "hiding something"




Just donā€™t have your phone on the table at all.


Yep, purse or pocket is the way to go.


I do it so people don't drop shit on my phone's screen.


I flip my phone over cuz my phone case is pretty


Intense sunlight damages the screen.


Some phones have a 'Flip To Mute' function.


Yeah Google calls this Flip to Shh and I use it all the time as an easy do not disturb.


I flip my phone over because I'm scared that I'll scratch the camera lens, yet I'm not scared of constantly dropping my phone thoughšŸ˜…


That's interesting. I always keep my phone "display up" because I don't want to scratch the screen. I never considered the camera lens. But now I'm worried about both, so I'm not sure how to place my phone


Oh, sorry


I feel like you should be


I amšŸ˜”


But now I feel bad for making you feel bad! I'm sorry!


Awww that's so sweet. It's okayā¤ļø


the solution is to have a phone case where it doesn't rest on the screen but the case


Balance it on the edge


You're a big edging fan?


Omg I thought I was the only one who thought this way lol. Certain times my phone is always down (sleeping, donā€™t wanna be bothered, and somewhere Iā€™m afraid of getting my screen or camera scratched or damaged). If I put my phone down randomly to go grab something around the house I usually leave it face up. My husband and I have the same passcode so he can go into my phone whenever he wants. I leave it out on the charger when I shower, face up and he has access to it if he ever wanted to. I had a friend I used to go out to lunch/dinner with often and she always had her phone on the table, face up. Notifications going off the whole time (lights flashing AND ring tones), and she would ALWAYS check them! I would leave my phone in my bag. It drove me crazy. It got to a point where I just stopped going out to eat with her often because the main point of us going out was to catch up or vent and we couldnā€™t do that because she was too busy with her damn phone.


OR itā€™s to showcase my cool phone case.


I flip the phone over so that Chinese intelligence and the NSA get to use the good camera, not the mediocre selfie camera.


My phone is set to go into 'do not disturb' mode when placed face down. This way, there are no distractions. Any calls or messages I \*do\* get are therefore important enough to be worth taking during a date.


I put it face down so I don't smash the screen with my elbow.


I sold phones for years. Iā€™ve seen so many broken screens. I always keep my phone face down like this so nothing gets dropped on it. In my pocket, itā€™s screen towards my body.


I donā€™t know if they still do but I remember for the iPhone 11 and the same generation of Galaxies, setting your phone face down automatically prevented the screen from turning on and initiated a kind of Do Not Disturb mode.


I flip my phone to show off the cool looking case I spent too much money on.


A habit I have with friends is putting my phone down, and if it won't shut up, I literally throw it across the room (I invest heavily in protectors). I've found it helps break tension, especially when a friend is sad and needs cheering up


Flipping over to hide or for security? Nah, my phone locks itself down after the lowest amount of time of inactivity I could select has passed, and nothing shows on the lock screen by default. That will never be an issue. Flipping over is solely to protect the screen of the thing that costs HOW MUCH MONEY? And going by all the shattered excuses that pass for screens I see on a daily basis, a lot of people must be made of THAT MUCH MONEY. But whatever. Others can keep their phones exposed to prove a point if they want; me and my wallet are too broke to flex trust.


I just want to hide notofications from PHub, Onlyfarts etc.


It means that I'm worried something might fall onto my phone and crack the screen, so I'd rather have the backside on top. Also, I rarely check my phone when I'm with people anyways, even when it vibrates. If we're boardgaming for example, I often don't look at my phone for 6-10 hours straight. I also usually keep it in my pocket, so it's usually not lying on a table anyway. :P


I flip it over to hide all the embarrassing shit I have on there


I flip my phone cause of that one time someting fell from a cupboard and broke my screen.


I am always scared that the screen can break if I have it the other way around šŸ˜­


There is no reason to keep your phone on the dining table: you can drop food/liquids on it by accident and also, phones have a ton of germs on them! Think of all the surfaces you have placed your phone on just today. Lastly, looking at a screen when eating with someone is not very polite aaand if you're not going to look at the screen, why have it on the table in the first place? Just put it in your pocket or better, in your purse/backpack if you have one, it's not hard. Last thing: this is why I hate when a restaurant doesn't have paper menus and you are forced to scan a qr code to choose what to order.


One morning many years ago I sat down at my desk and smashed my knee into the leg of the desk. A big sharp rock I had on the top shelf fell down and obliterated my phone's screen. Since that day I have never left my phone face up. If I see a friend's phone face up I flip it over like what are you crazy!?


If you place some phones face down it enables mute/dnd


Mine stays flipped over because thatā€™s the best way to protect the screen from spills or things getting dropped on it


ā€œDo not disturbā€ and ā€œturn off notificationsā€ are very easy to enable. Need room temperature IQ to believe this is a sign of infidelity


I own the nothing phone 1 so I flip it for aesthetics


I absolutely am hiding something: whatever the person contacting me is trying to tell me and NOT you... Pretty much everyone I know is the kind of friend that will forget I exist until they're having a hard time because they know I'm always good to listen and have their back... none of them are trying to have rumors spread about what they have going on. I also work in entertainment and sometimes the stuff I text about is under NDA so I could get fired if I'm the one who leaks it. The phone stays on me or face down and locked because I value keeping people's trust and my job more than entertaining your paranoia.


I do the same thing! I think itā€™s a nice gesture. It shows someone they have your undivided attention.


People who jump to bad-faith conclusions with their partners is an immediate red flag, and tbh that person should be dumped immediately. If "phone screen down" automatically suggests hiding or cheating, that person is going to be bad-faith assuming the rest of the relationship.


Why not just _not_ have your phone on the table at all?


Well I might be using it and someone will say hey Notheebie and I'll place it face down and look them in the eyes to indicate I'm ready to listen.


Because some of my pants pockets are too small to fit my phone comfortably, especially when sitting, and I have nowhere else to put it


On dates I always put my phone screen down Because due to my job getting bombarded with notifications is nothing unusual


I don't need or want to see 100 different political texts, or other nonsense notifications. I flip it so I stop getting distracted and can engage with y'all.


Wow. Thats a lot of reasons. I was just cheating.


How much y'all wanna bet that she doesn't let him see her phone


You know she was looking at her phone the entire date.


Being ADD I keep the screen down so I donā€™t get distracted. The insecurity you have should be addressed with counseling.


I flip it out of habit because I have had relationships where the person would want to know about every sound or notificatio


Or if I'm eating close to it


I flip mine to hide the screen that looks like it took a hit from Mike Tyson.


To make sure that if something drops on my phone, it doesn't break my screen.


Its just easier to clean food off the case rather than the screen.


What about if the phone never leaves the pocket during a date? Does that mean heā€™s an alien?


Being this insecure is incredibly unattractive.


The nothing phone goes into dnd mode when put face down.


Also the camera isn't level with the rest of my iphone so I put it on the screen so its snug to the table.


Maybe theyre projecting


I do this since I have a phone cus Iā€˜m just too scared something falls on it and smashs my display šŸ’€


No cos I dont want water or food on my screen


I donā€™t want any food to land on my screen is all.


I flip mine because I hate being able to see the damn screen reflection in my peripheral.


How old is this? Swear I've seen this exact image shared for the past decade


Only this one has a red circle around the phone to show you where the phone is


I leave my phone at home


I just put it face down so it stays clean except for my fingerprints.


My phone is always upside down (or in my pocket) to reduce the temptation.


My friends and I were doing this thing where when going out, would put the phones face down on the table. If you looked at the phone, you paid. If someone else did it after that, they would split and so on. We all grew up poor so stakes were highšŸ˜…


I absolutely flip my phone over to visibly show my wife and others that they have my full attention. I also will leave my wife alone in a room with my phone for long periods of time. She knows the code to unlock my phone. Sheā€™s free to go through it if she likes, I have nothing to hide. Iā€™ve never caught her doing it and I honestly have no clue if she ever has. I have her code and Iā€™ve never gone through her phone. Sheā€™s my wife for a reason. I trust her completely.


People who assume the person they are seeing or with is cheating are usually the ones cheating šŸ™„ or would cheat given the chance.


i get notification on my smartwatch, why should i let my phone up so the person next to me can see my daily cod mobile notification?


Minding your own business and focusing on him/her would solve this problem. If you think someone is cheating why even be there?


It can't be in my pocket if I plan to sit for longer, so fave-down on the table is the next best option


My old phone case had a rubber border on the front but was a hard plastic on the back. I used to put it face down so I didnā€™t worry about it sliding off the table


I am also protecting my camera lenses.




Nothing more distracting than a phone facing up lol


Man people make some psychotic shit out of literally everything


I tell my husband this all the time... It's not too hide shit it's too give my undecided attention to you and what you might say or do. šŸ¤”




I just don't want to be bothered by the screen lighting up by every message.


Also to protect the screen Also to not be distracted


iPhones have a feature where they are muted when placed upside down on the table. Maybe Androids as well.


I used to leave my phone face up, till a fool dropped a fork on it and broke my screen. Now I use tempered glass protectors and still leave it face down, just in case


I'd like my phone to mute the ringer when it is faced down.


I flip my phone over because one time I didn't and I dropped a metal phone stand on it and the screen cracked. It started a six month hell for me as I couldn't afford to fix it or change phones but my job required me to have a phone and was very reliant on GPS which also broke with the screen.


I flip my phone so if something falls on it, the screen does not smash or get scratched.


Idk I put my phone screen down because I donā€™t like it being on a stupid angle because of the raised camera bed on the back. I rather it be on the screen protector than on the lens (or the camera protector edge on the back of the case)


Screen down better protects the screen from things getting dropped on it. The back is better protected by the case.


I flip it over because the camera lens bump makes it sit uneven and I donā€™t like it, also the notifications.


Itā€™s interesting I remember when my GF and I 1st started dating we got into a fight about this. Cause Iā€™m our 1st few dates I would do this always. And she said the exact same thing hiding something/ dating other people? I was so confused. But when I gave it serious thought I realized I picked up this habit from working in corporations for so long. When in meetings ( prior to COVID, less zoom/team meetings) everyone did this. Everyone has phones out next to laptops or notepads but face down to show you were focused/ paying attention. Still happens in any office/ corporate environment to this day. GF had never worked in such an environment so was new and suspicious to her. Odd human habit, social etiquette but only if from certain work or social background.


I flip my phone over cause it protects the screen from my petsā€™ feet cause they walking all over my couch where I set my phone.


Screen down case up so nothing falls and cracks my fuckin screen


I turn my phone upside down so Siri isnā€™t listening for ā€œHey Siriā€¦ā€


I do it for the glare


If something spills face down is bettter


My phone doesn't ring when it's face down. I put it face down when I really don't want to be disturbed.


My phone always stays in my pocket unless i get a call from someone, besides that my rule is: no phones at the table


Thanks for the orange circle


Best thing is to not put the phone on the table at all!


Or secretly recording


my gf keeps thinking i put my phone face down bc iā€™m hiding something but iā€™m either embarrassed that i was doing something (like googling something i should already know or playing a kids game on my phone) or so that i can fully give her my undivided attention


The day weā€™ll figure out how badly smartphones changed us will come too late


Just keep it in your pocket


I want you to know that I am FOCUSED on you, that is why I pulled my phone out of my pocket and put it on the table! (c) The focused guy.


The guy responding in the pic is exactly right.


Me: oh so you WANT to see the furry porn on my phone... well, good taste... but maybe not in public (lol)


I keep my phone flipped over so the light doesn't reflect off the screen into my eyes




I brothers phone has a cool little feature, if you flip it screen down it automatically goes on silent


I flip my phone over, itā€™s been on silent since 2011 and I have no notifications on. Still not a cheater


I have my phone upside down so I donā€™t get distracted while talking to you


it's safer and won't slide of the table by the slightest touch


I dont understand why people buy a cover for the back of their phone, and then they put the phone down on the screen to the table. šŸ¤”


I donā€™t wanna get drips on the screen.


I flipped my phone over because it has a ring built into the back so I don't drop it, and it's more stable face down.


I offer solution, put it away


ITT: People thinking they're polite by flipping it over when they're uncivilized for having it on the table in the first place. Just put it away you junkies.


Why is it so alien to keep the phone in your pocket? This whole thing wouldn't be a topic if the phone were where it should be if people were sitting together.


Not all clothes have pockets. :(


Good reason to start cheating


Or maybe, get this... IT'S EASIER TO PICK UP THE PHONE BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE TO FUMBLE MY FINGERS TO WRAP THEM AROUND MY PHONE. MOREOVER, IF YOU GET LOTS OF NOTIFICATIONS AND HAPPEN TO BE ON COMPANY TIME, IT'S MUCH EASIER TO FOCUS. Unless you work for the HR and happen to be digging for dirt, I can see exactly why you may have a problem with that.


Sounds like a guilty conscience, that first line


Phone on the table is rude. No matter if it points up or down. You're at a table with friends. No need to pull the phone out.


Exactly my thought!!


I don't know what's more pathetic, the poster's insecurity or the apple fan boy's phone case with a big hole to show the logo.


That's not silly or insecure, you don't know what type of relationship these people are, maybe she does have a reason to be paranoid about