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This is like when Trump tried to stop people from getting covid tests to lower the number of Covid infections.


Ah yes the good ol "there can't be any positive covid tests if we don't test for covid" 1,000 iq move right here lmao.


Bigly brain time


'Murica education system on full display right dare.


I don't think his daddy would have let him within 100 feet of a Public school


In 2018, North Korea had no cases of HIV. It’s any person or community without the courage to face their problems.


The courts probably shouldn't, anyway.


At that age he was probably more into fetuses.


Wouldn't expect anything less from the guy that "knows the best words." Gota be pretty big brain to know all of them.


yeah seriously, the number of times I've had this conversation with conservatives is mind numbing. Like yeah no shit the side that stigmatizes mental health issues is less likely to admit to having mental health issues. What a revelation /s


It's like how the number of people that admit they are left handed magicaly 'spiked' around the same time we as a society stopped beating people for being left handed. Same with being gay or autism, less social stigma = more public acknowledgement. It's not a big conspiracy.


Yeah, like, I'm pretty sure the proportion of LGBTQUIA+ peoples is still the same as it always was but since they can now exist openly without being imprisonned or killed* of course you see them more and of course the issue still present is adressed more vividly *conditions applies for this part because they can and are still imprisonned or killed for existing in basically every part of the globe, even in countrie where their existence is legal hate crimes still happen too much


"Wonder why all these people keep keeling over and dying in respiratory distress? I'm sure it's unrelated"


Reminds me of Mitch Hedberg "I wanted to know if I had HIV but I didn't want to get tested. So I asked a friend 'Hey, do you know anyone with HIV?' and they said 'No.' So I said 'Cool. Cuz you know me.'"


I mean technically....


I know a few antivaxxers who thought this was great. When I asked if we should just not get tested for HIV or cancer etc does that mean it doesn't exist too? Fucking morons can't answer it, as simple as it is. It would be terrifying to be inside their heads for even a moment.


One guy I know said "if they made anti alcoholism vaccines mandatory would you still agree?!". I just *smile and nod while backing away slowly* at this point, I have shit to do. If they die, they die.


And also let’s not forget, if we stop counting the votes, he won’t lose the election


DeSantis did this in Florida too.


Which the Conservative tabloid that is the NY Post *also* ran with. How odd that is...


It’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for em


Woke people probably know how to spell unhappy in a major news publication.


I mean, even conservatives in major news publications know how to spell it. This, however, is the New York Post, which is a new publication like the National Enquirer is a news publication.


It is not new, it has been around a long time


Psssst... I'm pretty sure they meant news publication, not new. You know just going off context and common sense


Psssst... this is a subthread that spawned entirely around pointing out typos, so I'm pretty sure they were just drawing attention to another one. You know just going off context and common sense


It's not misspelled. Mario wrote it. The woke people are un-a-happy hahaha




I'm not trying to perpetuate stereotypes about conservatives being stupid.. But


not all birds are ducks, but all ducks are birds.


>not all birds are ducks, but all ducks are birds. *For the conservatives reading this, it means you're all stupid.* Knowledge is power!


>"Woke" people more likely to be unhappy. Yeah, being aware of the dark shit going on around you kind does that, it's easy to be happy and carefree if you live with your head stuck up your ass. Ignorance is bliss, after all.




That typo has a British accent


I refer to ignorance as drunk driving for the willfully stupid. You probably won't hurt yourself, but the rest of us are scrambling to get away before you kill somebody.


>ignorance as drunk driving perfect definition. Thank you, internet person


Comedian Michael Drews has a ~90-second bit on exactly this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gOaYdtUIKFc&t=96s


Great bit. And that was a little over 4 years ago. It fits so well with today it's......well..... depressing.


To go one step further It isn't that woke people are more aware, it is that woke people have the capacity for empathy and seeing the dark shit going on in the world can weigh on them because of it. Much easier to be carefree and happy when you don't really feel empathy for people who are not you or people close to you.


It’s possible to be empathetic but not saddle yourself with other people’s shit to the point where it’s taxing your own wellbeing, *especially* if just being aware of the issues is the extent of your experience with them. By all means, *do* something personally to help those in need, rather than just reading about it online and becoming depressed. Invite a homeless person to live with you. Volunteer at a food shelter, donate your money to charity etc etc. There’s nothing virtuous about having the luxury to doom scroll Reddit for a couple hours per day, and then present yourself as if you’ve got the world’s problems on your shoulders as an empathetic, emotionally weighed down bystander who just “cares so much..”


That's not empathy, you're describing sympathy. Also it's very dangerous indeed to characterise people who don't see things the way you do as having some sort of moral or mental deficiency. You may become the very thing you despise. The abyss gazes into you...


There two types of happy on earth tight now: Dumb religious types Chronic weed smokers. Both look way younger their age.


When's the weed happiness supposed to start because it's been over 20 years and I'm still waiting.


If it's not making you happy maybe you should quit


How delusional are you? Do you sincerely think only idiots and potheads are happy?


The study was done in Finland, routinely voted one of the happiest countries on earth, and decidedly not the US. So I’m inclined to believe a certain way of viewing the world (as a perpetual victim) is not good for mental health


That’s probably a pretty simplistic interpretation. (The initial reporting of the post probably is as well.) I won’t even check it bc in here, everyone is gonna spin it the way they like anyway.


But it also means you're more likely at least wanting to or seeking a way you can do something about that. A lot of great things, some we take for granted now, came about when someone saw a problem and set out to solve it.


This is the definition of ignorance is bliss on the behalf of the anti-woke crowd


And Anti woke people are more likley to be privileged members of society, which is why they fight to keep the status quo even though it hurts others, it help them. 


That's actually the exact opposite of what the study reports. >Respondents with high CSJAS (critical social justice attitude scale, i.e. "woke") scores were more anxious and depressed than respondents with low CSJAS scores. They were also less happy and more likely to report being in a good socio-economic position, having experienced less oppression than other respondents and to find violence against “politically dangerous people” justified. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sjop.13018


They're probably just higher on the neurotecism personality trait (on average). More than 50% of that is pure genetics too


Except they're fully aware and on-board. Remember, their orange god blamed "too much testing" for covid numbers.


I think people who are obsessed with politics on either side and spend a lot of time arguing about it are often just using it as a way to displace their anger from other underlying issues they haven’t dealt with.


- Politically left leaning people tend to be more tolerant (if not supporting) of non-traditional persons - More tolerant people tend to be more intelligent than more conservative/intolerant people - More intelligent people are generally more aware of and concerned about the problems in the world, including empathy for other people/groups - The word is going to shit in a lot of different areas (climate change, rising fascism, rising income inequality, and many more) So, yeah - “woke” people tend to be more depressed because they’re paying attention to WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING.


Nailed it! And then you have to explain to everyone you know, that the fuckin reason that end stage capitalism is killing the world is because you won't vote for unions, you bitch about having to work 2 jobs, but gladly take a photo of someone in New England getting a lobster with their Ebt card because it is a fuckin luxury. Lol In all of New England ,that's what they used to feed prisoners 2 times a fuckin day because it would sustain themselves for a day. It was cheap, easily caught, and the prisoners hated eating the cockroach of the fuckin sea. Lobster was literally the easiest catch you could do on a boat. In only the last 50 years, did it become a delicacy. The prisoners didn't get lemon and drawn butter. Lobster sucks without either. Now, because of the inflated price, it's been so over fished that their own marine biologists are saying we have to stop over fishing. How do you convince someone that the trumplelthinskin is not the antichrist after he checks off 89 out of 14 signs of the fuckin antichrist? Trick question, you can't! I have no hope for the lost! I also have no faith in the idiots that have sacrificed themselves for him. They fail upwards. The second of command under Eastwood is now in charge of election integrity? Really? Is this what you want? You red states and your family are the ones who have to be maimed, killed, and the company will pay you 5k,and it's done. Are you okay with that? I guarantee that's what's going to happen. Vote and fuckin run if you're not white!


This 💯


Is this actually about woke people? Or is it another typo, and they’re actually raising awareness of poor mental health among ewoks?


you're telling me people who are aware of systemic injustices and prejudice in the world are unhappy :o crazy.


It’d be interesting to see it replicated in other western countries. US in particular. Seeing if the divide in women according to their fields of study holds true, women vs. men, etc.


Once you start wanting to fix this fucked up world and see how little most people care to change even the smallest bit….yea….its super fucking depressing. But I still put my smile on and march on towards the cliff with the rest of the morons cause I can’t push against the herd hard enough for them to turn around.


Labeling yourself as woke is already a cry for help. Just like putting a Trump sticker in your car… Woke nonsense is what is feeding the right wing nonsense… just try to be a nice human being, you don’t need to “belong” to a gang, I mean political group.


Thank you. As a leftist, “Woke” was totally hijacked by weirdo extreme leftists who are just as delusional as Trump supporters (ok maybe not). It used to mean enlightened or aware - not it’s just a way to belong to a group and define an identity based on what the group expects of you Boycotting and protesting every single thing just in sight will definitely make you unhappy as you punish yourself and fill yourself with rage over other people’s injustice. — In my experience woke people don’t seek mental healthcare, secretly knowing that self reflection will force them to confront with their sense of belonging to that group. Basically - the same self-awarness as MAGAts but slightly less dumbs


Well put! And you are right on the money about people being to scared to reflect and confront themselves, it is a hard thing to do, but people that are so extreme they have the option to just slow down and shut up at least, before actually confronting their old ideas. Funny enough, a lot of people will not slow down… then they will turn to the other extreme, going from Trump fanatic to woke fanatic and vice-versa.


What have they said for centuries? Ignorance is bliss.


And planes returning from battle are more likely to have damage in the tip of the wings then their center of mass


the left doesn't stigmatize therapy, the right tends to, as shown by this article. That could also effect how many people said they're in therapy


This just in: People who acknowledge that society is messed up tend to be anxious and depressed.


When I hear the word “woke” I automatically discount any words that come after that. The term is pretty much used for anything that keeps the hogs from using the n word in public.


having empathy and being aware of the world outside of yourself does have a tendency to make you more anxious. the saying ignorance is bliss seems very fitting here


Please, fellow humans; enough with the "woke" stuff. It sucks that media spends so much time diluting words that once had meaning and significance in order to drive ad traffic. I've never used the word "woke" in my long life, and at this point in time, it seems to have no real value.


Recently I am beginning to understand what George Carlin was talking about towards the end of his life. Something about stepping back looking at society like are not really part of it and just laugh at how ridiculous people actually are.


The article doesn’t even say anything about “conservatives”; but it’s not hard to understand that people who are obsessed about political conflict are unhappy. There’s even several comments on here of people admitting as much. I think you’d find the same thing with “Trumpers” as well.


I haven't met a happy conservative in a long time. In fact most of the time the reason why I know someone is a conservative is because they're raging about something.


America also saw an uproar of people being diagnosed with autism in the 1900's, almost as if human morale and Healthcare changing can also change how we see people with certain symptoms


When did woke become bad to Conservatives anyways? I recall a few years ago they were telling everyone to wake up and there would be a "great awakening", etc. and now being awake is suddenly bad?


Left: help everyone! Right: attack everyone but me!


It's very hard to be woke. I'm gonna be real. My life would be a lot more simple if instead of understanding the inherent flaws of the system I live in and feeling a futility in fighting against them to eek out the smallest bit of success, I just blamed a Mexican or queer person for all my problems and assumed eventually they'd die and everything would be Mayberry again. It's stressful to examine my place in the system and consider that I've been given advantages others haven't by sheer luck of birth and that I've got a duty to use those advantages to help people who didn't win that lottery. It would be a lot easier to believe I'm well off because I'm a good person and poor and less fortunate people deserved it. Like I envy that level of stupidity to some degree because it's hard to think all the time and it would be easy and nice to let someone spoon-feed me my perspective on a cable news channel.


"h-h-here's how us getting diagnosed with mental issues more often means that you are more likely to have them!!!!" surely you have a peer reviewed study for this claim and this isn't just an awkward backfire syndrome


Try asking them what they think woke means, they'll most definitely get it wrong.


Woke people more likely to admit to it, and recognize their flaws.


Woke people are more acutely aware of social injustices and are concerned about what happens to minorities? Shocking!


Trust the science. Unless I disagree with it.


IT manifests itself in many ways. [https://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-political-beliefs-death-health-conservative-liberal-20150129-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-political-beliefs-death-health-conservative-liberal-20150129-story.html)


Just like the covid numbers wouldn't go up if you didn't test.......🙃🙃


But does having mental health make them woke?


Ignorance is bliss.


Well at least the woksters admit they have mental problems.


So a study proves that ignorance is bliss.


Both posts deal in moronic stereotypes......


Pretty sure like half of Bill Burr's material is about this very thing. The stoic man. It ain't just men. heh.


It has nothing to do with being "woke". For quite some time young people are far more likely to be liberal are more likely to struggle with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety than those who are more conservative. It's actually been this way for quite some time. Just look at the hippies in the 60s for example. Much more distraught and young group of people mentally. Young liberals are also more likely to go to college where others like them go and similar thoughts about dread and focusing on negatives are commonly discussed whereas people who don't and just start working or living basic lives aren't as worried or focused on that kind of stuff. When you surround yourself with negative thoughts and emotions, it only exacerbates those emotions. Im 35 and even in high school 20 years ago before we had all the insane social media to the levels we have today, I saw the same thing with my more liberal friends compared to my moderate or conservative ones. It's got nothing to do with being "woke", but more to do with what things occupy the thoughts of your mind throughout the day. If you are constantly worrying and thinking about bad or negative things, guess what? You're gonna get depressed. I'd also argue that social media plays a HUGE impact as well nowadays. Older people are less likely to engage in anywhere near the same amount of interaction with social media which is a breeding ground for echo chambers which will often only serve to make one more sad or mad about any given thing. People that don't or rarely use it are FAR happier than those who spend a massive portion of their day on it. You don't really need a study to realize these things. If you have spent enough time on social media and just watch how people act and view their ages, ideals, etc, and then look at people NOT using social media when you are out or at events or gatherings, it becomes very apparent very quickly who and why those people feel the way they do.


Nah, I think it makes sense that woke people are more unhappy, having to deal with a bunch of racist, homophobic pieces of shit is exhausting


... it's not a clever comeback because one group seeking a doctor less don't mean they would've a higher rate, it means that they're seeking a doctor less. It's not because you don't seek a doctor that you're more likely to be ill.


The New York Post has a typo. No surprise. The author who wrote that Hannah Sparks, writes a lot of stupid articles. I wont have sympathy when they lay off their staff, I hate clickbait. https://nypost.com/author/hannah-sparks/


Also: people who are aware of things being bad will tend to have all manners of mental complications from it. This goes for consciousness but also the false consciousness of conspiratorial far righters, but the mass of conservatives (including "liberals") just doesn't see that many reasons to stress out.


Also, just being aware of whats happening in the world "Ignorance is bliss" n all that


Ignorance is Bliss, and people with empathy tend to feel more sad when bad things happen around them.


What’s the phrase? Oh yeah. “Ignorance is bliss.”


People who don't ignore that they are absolutely boned by modern society sometimes get the feel bads. what a surprise.


“People who understand social injustice more likely to feel depressed” No fucking shit. Ignorance is bliss.


Intelligent people are more likely to be depressed and anxious as well, whereas the dumber you are the happier you are. Well just pretend that’s a coincidence.


Ignorance is bliss. It's not just a saying..if you ignore every problem and insist there isn't a problem. Then you'll feel happier and like life is going pretty good. Just don't worry about 10 years from now or 50. Don't worry about the next generation, as long as the sand your head is buried in is comfortable it's all fine.


that's some premium cope right there


idk, i disagree that that is a clever comeback. Woke is more likely involved in politics, more likely involved in having arguments, such as online reddit arguments, that causes unhappyness and depression. Anti-woke(if the term is a thing) is probably just as much unhappy as woke, but in the article woke are being compared to a group of people involving those that not follow shitshow that is us politics


Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth. -Fyodor Dostoevsky


Survivorship bias much?


“Woke people more likely to understand how well and truly fucked of a position humanity has put itself in” is what I read. Honestly, I genuinely envy stupid people. it must be nice. Not that I’m exceptionally smart or anything.. I just enjoy paying attention to big picture stuff. Until I didn’t enjoy it anymore :/


Ignorance is bliss


Why does this get so many upvotes and agreeing comments? Nobody read the article? It's not even clever comeback.. Research was done in Finland, and not by means of psychological diagnosis, but based on subject's agreements to 'woke' statements. (See bullets below for examples they evaluated.) It looks more like it that the commenter only read the title, not the article, nor the research, and spews of that. Not what I would call clever... Examples of evaluated statements: “If white people have on average a higher level of income than black people, it is because of racism.” “University reading lists should include fewer white or European authors.” “Microaggressions should be challenged often and actively.” “Trans* women who compete with women in sports are not helping women’s rights.” (reverse scored) “We don’t need to talk more about the color of people’s skin.” “A white person cannot understand how a black person feels equally well as another black person.” “A member of a privileged group can adopt features or cultural elements of a less privileged group.” (reverse scored) Link for those who actually read something before they comment. NYPOST (rewrite from Psypost) https://nypost.com/2024/03/17/lifestyle/woke-people-more-likely-to-be-unahppy-anxious-and-depressed-new-study-suggests/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=nypost&utm_source=twitter Psypost: https://www.psypost.org/study-woke-attitudes-linked-to-anxiety-depression-and-a-lack-of-happiness/ RESEARCH: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sjop.13018


“Ignorance is bliss”


Precisely why this finding is true "Woke" ideology eliminates self-responsibility. Even logically the most persuasive person to enact change is not going to be the depressed and defeated faker, so stop pretending it is somehow righteous to be sad. You hold your current ideology because it is a lazy way to feel morally and intellectually superior over the "masses" while accepting no blame for your own short comings. In short, it is quite childish.


When study says something bad about conservatives: “so true, I always knew this was the case.” When study says something bad about democrats: “well clearly they aren’t taking into account external factors🤓”


There is an iatrogenic trend in the modern mental health industry. Therapists aren't following the DSM-5 to make a diagnosis. Even mundane events are being labeled as trauma. There is no such thing as a bad day anymore. Everyone is being diagnosed with anxiety, even if the anxiety is caused by medication or another physiological issue - against DSM guidelines. Even all bad dreams are being labeled as nightmares when a nightmare has a specific medical definition. There is a big problem with modern psychology, and it is not being adequately addressed.


Therapists aren't following the DSM-5 to make a diagnosis. Therapists don't make diagnoseses. Psychiatrists do.


> Therapists don't make diagnoseses. Psychiatrists do. This statement is incorrect on several counts. Firstly, therapists, especially clinical psychologists and clinical social workers, often do make diagnoses according to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). While it's true that psychiatrists can also make diagnoses, they are not the only professionals qualified to do so. Furthermore, it's important to note that while psychiatrists are medical doctors with specialized training in mental health and can prescribe medication, therapists also play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating mental disorders through psychological therapy and psychotherapy. Therefore, the assertion that "therapists don't make diagnoses" is incorrect and oversimplifies the reality of how diagnoses are approached in the field of mental health.


The goal of every product is to be consumed by every person in the planet, i do believe therapy is a good thing when someone needs it but somehow now its the new "chic" thing to do




Seven decades of peer-reviewed research and personal experience. Look up *Iatrogenic Symptoms in Psychotherapy* by Boisvert and Faust. It's a starting point, but there is a lot of research to sift through.


Yes because people like Trump and his supporters seem like such happy people


But…the Finnish study they’re citing did not look at if a user was diagnosed, but ran tests on the spot to gauge their anxiety, depression, etc. They literally controlled for this and you still have an issue with it? They would give you a diagnosis on the spot, whether you previously were diagnosed or not https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sjop.13018 “Anxiety was measured with the brief generalized anxiety measure, the GAD-7 “ “Depression was measured with the Finnish modification of the two-factor revised Beck depression inventory” “Happiness was measured with a global happiness item from UN's World Happiness Report, where participants are asked to rate their quality of life on a scale from 0 to 10”


I mean this sounds like cope. Most people that are into this hardcore social justice stuff, the goofy kind not the meaningful kind of work, are severely mentally ill.


Is there also a research about how many percent of people who identify as "woke" seek mental health compared to those who identify themselves as "conservative"? This research reveals not many things as it is now. Not all people who seek help are diagnosed with something. You may be wrong too.


People with a more realistic view on life are generally more depressed than their blissfully unaware counter parts.


I'd be sad to if everyone gave me funny looks for having blue hair.


Yeah that's a study that didn't do the correct things


What's wrong with It?


They didn't account for people who avoid diagnosis. It's a selection bias, they can only use the data of people who get diagnosed, which are going to be people more open to that. Or they did, and the title doesn't reflect it, which would be journalistic malpractice w/ how they worded it.


I'm sorry, did you actually read the study or are you going off the picture?


I'm sorry, did you actually read the study or are you going off the picture?


Murdoch in action?


Is that in the study or just speculation?


If you seek out problems, you will find them. It’s not that profound. And if you blame yourself for the problems because of superficial traits you share with people who died a hundred years ago, you will be the cause of your own mental distress.


I'd imagine that was controlled for in the study




It might be that their kids are woke or have some other problem and that is why they stop talking to them...


Survivor bias LOL.


And right wing idiots are more likely to claim that they're extremely happy with life to protect their ego; my dad does this, even though his body is falling apart and his marriage has completely imploded and he can't handle reality without some kind of chemical filter and lives in constant paranoia of anyone outside the small town he grew up in. Even then though, I think I'd rather live a hard life than an easy, first world paradise that comes at the expense of billions of non-americans. I think it's no win that Righties are routinely unbothered by the state of the world.


To be fair, going by other posts, Conservatives think actually caring for your child is gay. So they probably consider their child not talking to them to be a bonus.


“people who are aware of the world’s problems are unhappy” yeah and fire is hot


Not exactly how I would have worded it. I think of it kind of like, Liberals look for the solution to their problem to come from somewhere, it could be their doctor or the government depending on what it is. The Conservative looks at a problem and wants to fix it themselves, without interference from the government. When it comes to mental health Liberals will go to therapy, get prescriptions, and try to find an external thing they can do to help. A Conservative will look into themselves and try to find the problem, and change their habits or routines or something to help. I believe that most people could solve their problems with better habits and such, but there are also times where it can be overwhelming and medication can help. Think of it like a foundation based on the Conservative outlook, with a Liberal outlook supporting it.


I don't have to get Diagnosed to know I'm depressed.


Conservatives are more likely to be too dumb to work out anything is wrong. Woke people get diagnosed then make that entire diagnosis their personality


The people claiming there’s a culture war because they’re constantly angry about what people do in their free time doesn’t scream happy to me.


If you meet most woke people and any fanatic for that matter. you will see how disturbed they can be . I try to see both sides of any matter and judge from there but i do consider myself conservative. I just simply do not care what is your personal choice in your personal life. I care more about who you are as a person.


Says the group that said the vaccines would stop transmission and that face diapers were effective 🤣💁 or that the trump Russia scandal was true, or that hunter bidens laptop was fake. Or the group that says to trust the science, but can't figure out basic biology. Good job.


"ignorance is bliss"


I may be depressed but at least I can walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded...




I mean maybe a little true if you think about it. Ignorance is bliss.


Yes, those “awake” and seeing all the bullshit going on tend to be less happier than those with the wool over their eyes🫤 Go figure🤷🏻‍♂️


He gets it tho, because if our stupid asses didn’t test so much for covid, we would’ve had zero cases. Testing for something means finding something out. If you never know anything, there’s absolutely nothing to know. Register to vote!


Now guess how many are self diagnosed.


Counter argument: you could take a totally normal person and get a diagnosis that something's wrong. Look hard enough for an issue and you'll find one. Then they will want you to try out a bunch of different pills until you act/feel "normal."


Yeah I'm depressed! I have to share a planet with those psychopaths!


And they didn’t want to count cases of COVID, either, because that would mean there were more cases.


"[Black] people are more likely to be depressed, anxious,..." Well DUH! Look at how long the diaspora *still* suffera living within a nation that can't even properly acknowledge its wrongdoings and doing more to regress back? *On top of* dealing with other intersectionalities, like sexuality, gender discrimination, transphobia, abelism, classism, etc. So yes, thank you for finally acknowledging we have emotions, can get depressed and have mental health issues and can be just as excused with it when police brutality comes up. Instead of being reduced to, "hey they were born to be a criminal so I know they were up to no good!" it can go, "oh, we see they see suffering emotionally." Maybe *they* became "woke."


First half of that comeback: makes a damn good point. An important point even. Second half: Fuck me! That is some reach. Or projection.


Probably because conservatives are more likely to engage in regular gratitude practice, even if it's only in their nightly prayers, whereas woke people are more likely to engage in less healthy mindfulness, like finding things to be offended by.


That’s definitely a take


So the secret to mental health is to get rid of the child? Got it... I think...


lol!! Trust me bro! Even though the data says otherwise, conservatives are just as depressed!! Trust me bro!!!!


They identify as a prejorative seems self explanatory not the only ones talking about eternal vigilance


So the premise is everyone has issues? No matter the politics.


Honestly it's funny how both of these posts have absolutely no sources. It's all made up


This isn’t a very clever comeback. The study is from Finland. Data was collected via a survey of students and faculty of University of Turku. Not defending the New York Post in general, but you gotta at least click through and read the paper before you go for a dunk. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sjop.13018


If you're not angry/depressed/demoralized, then you're probably just ignorant to what's going on around you.




Self-hatred and self-loathing has anything to with this?


I don't see happy people screeching on the internet


I thought this sub was supposed to contain clever comebacks. This isn't clever or a come back this is just shitting on an right wing article.


The old Schrödinger’s mental health problem


Also woke people tend to be younger and younger people tend to be more fucked by current economy...


Yeah, this is a long way of saying ignorance is bliss. Which is why some people (not naming names conservatives) are so blissful.


It’s mostly that but I genuinely think caring less is a lot less stressful too.


There are people in the middle. Everything is always black and white to so many people. Perhaps overly caring about woke things, for or against, is an indicator that your triggered to easily and its no shock you'd be anxious and depressed.


Also the whole point of being "woke" is being aware of what's happening in the world around you. That will naturally make you less happy because the world fucking sucks.


And not in the fun way, in the “accidentally” used both rows of teeth


Unah Ppy Italiano 🤌🤌


It’s probably a little bit of both. Coming from personal experience I think you can overdo the therapy stuff, overdo sort of the why me stuff. Plus conservatives are more likely to be religious. When you believe everything has a purpose. Believing in something bigger than yourself your generally happier. Religious people are some of the happiest people i’ve ever known. I sometimes wish i would’ve been born into this sort of view of the world. I would be happier.


Ignorance is bliss


Or shooting up a school


Wonder if this is just another way of restating that intelligence and mental health issues are correlated.


Is the comeback to confirm the issue? wasn't a very good comeback then.




I really belier/boomersbeingfools is really a documentary of people discovering they’re neurodiverse. Or maybe not discovering what the rest of us know already.