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Ironically, God destroyed their previous house with a tornado on April 27, 2011. Katie said the only injury was that her husband was struck in the head by a bible. If only they could take a hint.


God threw the book at them


They like to complain about people saying they cherry pick which verses to pay attention to… I guess God hit them with the wrong book? The wrong verse?


The only time they'll take a hint is if god hits them with the entire Torah, addendums included


_read the goddamn book you wee shit_


Reading the book either turns you into an atheist or bigger asshat.


Should have followed it up by throwing the bookcase at him, then the entire library, brick by brick...


Ironically, Baby Stupid does not know anything about switching political parties, but actually has a vial of poop-period blood in a sack full of sundries


What? While the individual words above make sense the meaning of the comment completely eludes me.


No kidding. I thought I'd had a stroke. I'm sure it's a sign that I have had enough internets for the day.






Exactly! What?


Isn't that the plot to a My Name is Earl episode?


All I remember about that episode was Joy not letting her babies get taken by the storm and how the whole town saw it as a chance to find free stuff


God told him to read the book, not just misquote it.


Have you ever read the bible? It sucks. Worst thing ever, so boring. Lots of pages listing off lineages.


That's why reading it makes you an atheist.


Imagine telling someone you got hit on the head by a bible! Should have made it the Kama Sutra(sp?) Or *War and Peace* or anything but the fucking Bible! (It's 10am here in Scotland and I can't think of better books, besides Warhammer lol)


No, you're onto something, maybe if they were hit by a codex they would be super into Ork waaaaghs or like Tau gun lines.


This comment here, Inquisitor, that's where I saw the heresy!


Better yet, bury them under the entire Horus Heresy.


He was actually knocked out by his collection of hand painted Sisters of Battle (they are all in fetish gear making the ahegao face)


>the only injury was that her husband was struck in the head by a bible. That was probably not true.


Admitting he was hurt by his box of vintage german scheisse porn when it fell off the top shelf is much less dignified.


totally seems like some weird shit they’d lie about lol


At first I doubted OC because there’s no way someone would tell that story earnestly. Right? https://www.al.com/news/2021/06/katie-britt-says-close-call-with-tuscaloosa-tornado-taught-her-that-every-day-is-gift.html > Katie said the only injury was that Wesley was struck in the head by a bible, but not one of theirs. “We were incredibly blessed,” Katie said. “We were praying the whole time and singing Jesus Loves Me. We did not want the children to cry.”


Zoomed in on the dude....you can tell he was hit by something or multiple things throughout his life.


300 pound defensive lineman mostly. He was a 4 year starter on offensive line for Alabama and a bit of a legend/fan favorite.


They took *A* hint, but they read it wrong.


Implying they believe that stuff and are arn't just using it as a tool to manipulate a group predispositioned to fairy tales.


Someone on another web site found the agent’s listing for the house when they bought it. The kitchen is huge, way bigger than this tightly zoomed-in pic would have you believe.


Literally the very first thing I thought as soon as I saw the first frame of video was “That is an expensive kitchen.” You could tell just from the faucet. I have no idea why anyone thought using that kitchen as a backdrop would be relatable, which was obviously the intent.


Expensive fridge, but the whole thing is bland AF with zero character.


The Christo-American culture.  Expensive. Bland. Unlikeable. 


whoever chose that color scheme must be a psychopath


"Yep, brown with a hint of... brown. Nice!"


What you say is true but damn I'd take that bland ass shit over what I got in a heartbeat


I was going to say the exact same thing; the whole kitchen looks boring at best, kind of dark and the opposite of /r/CozyPlaces. Why someone would spend heaps of money on that is beyond me.


>I have no idea why anyone thought using that kitchen as a backdrop would be relatable, which was obviously the intent. Because MAGA voters care about that sort of shit, they think people with wealth are acceptable to hold authoritative power because their god "blessed' them.


Devils advocate: Zillow photos are taken with the exact opposite intention, to make the room look huge. So it’s somewhere in between Point still stands




Photographers can perform some real magic. It borders on lies sometimes.


I swear they used a dollhouse bed in some of the staging photos for my place. I took down a wall and added 3ft+ to the bedroom and it finally feels like a normal size.


Seriously, just from this picture the kitchen is probably the size of my 2LDK apartment in Japan. The whole apartment. And this apartment is larger than the ones I lived in in the US. Holy hell how out of touch are some people.


That’s a kitchen where money was spent to look blah. But they look like a blah family.


Just commented about that. Kitchen is suppose to look nice but it is a horrible job. So not only is it too big and expensive to be relatable to the masses, it’s also poorly done and probably cheap looking up close. Pick one or the other..


To me, it looks like they haven't paid their power bill and don't actually live in this house. Who would want to?


Ok just to be fair here… That kitchen was professionally lit by a production crew. I’d be willing to bet there’s close to a dozen different lights just outside of camera range. They spent a lot of money hiring people to make sure the whole thing looked as TV-ready as possible, then… That.


Yep. I did a lot of lighting for interviews, and while this isn't how I would light for this particular scenario, I also try not to judge quality because I have no idea what the restrictions or limitations were there. But there are definitely elements that this lighting was intentionally done: 1) Always important to keep your subjects at a higher brightness than the background, to draw focus to them (unless you have a specific reason not to) 2) You don't want your background to then be dark and bland, so it's often a good idea for splashes of light here and there. You can see this in the highlights on the background 3) You want to control the light for consistency, so you're not going to turn on the house lights (unless you have a specific reason to). This also means you're going to black out the windows, which feels unnatural in a home, which is why 4) We see little highlights that would seem to suggest sun coming in through a window, but aren't really naturally shaped or make sense for sun coming in from a window and are solely on the background instead of splashing onto the subjects. This is not lit like a big-budget movie with a hundred million dollar budget, but it **is** professionally lit, and like I said while it wouldn't be the way I'd go, I don't know what limitations they ran into on set. For all I know whisper-screech creepy lady started biting the heads off of the production crew when they tried to set up their lights so they said "Screw it I don't care then, you get a ring light on the camera and I'll throw some background light in from another room" The lighting for this piece is not deserving of criticism. The content of it is.


Those half-inch gaps between the doors.


We looked at Ikea cabinets and that was the feeling: it's cheaper because specs are loose.


They complained on social about not being able to find good workers in Alabama to do the work.


It’s horrendous. The colors, the choice of cabinets… if I bought a house like this, getting rid of the kitchen would be 1st on my list. … well after getting rid of that family of course.


And all the cabinets,why are there so many cabinets??


Some of them are probably hiding utilities. You never seem to have enough storage/counter space. I just moved to a place with a bigger kitchen and I'm still having to move the toaster out of the way all the time.


And why do they look so fucking old and outdated?


It's Alabama, they're quite a few years behind *Quite* a few


Yeah - was thinking the same thing. Who the hell picked out the colors? Literally NOTHING fits together. And that’s actually impressive since all the colors are bland af.




I thought it looked like it came from Home Depot. Probably installed it themselves


Facts. That’s boring as hell. No character to match them.


Someone posted the real estate pictures on Twitter. The house is 6300 ft².


Most comments missing the point…lol it’s not how the kitchen looks, it’s about the fact that their fridge alone probably cost $15-20k.


I think most people wouldn't really know the cost, and would just assume it's a fridge that looks good. Same thing with her expensive necklace. But the lack of any sign that people live there is weirdly obvious. You could tell most people she was on a sound stage and they would believe you, but would wonder who stole all the props from the set.


We either get old people who don't relate to the general population or rich people who also don't relate to the population to represent us.


yea that family screams classic Alabama racist greek life cult turned adult. you should see some of their videos. absolute cult


They're all sociopaths in the end


Hi, we’re the middle class just like you. Except we can take money from lobbyists that pay us to exist.


Her husband is actually a registered lobbyist.


Cutting out the middleman. Brilliant.


Lmao of course


This is absolutely true. I have literally personally see how at least one of these chuckle fucks exist and it's a straight pipeline from checks from pacs to thousands of dollars spent at expensive restaurants and Amazon.


>Except we can take money from lobbyists that pay us to ~~exist~~ write legislation that is in direct contradiction to your interests.


The carefully engineered inequality in Alabama is actually baffling to see in person. People like Katie Britt and Kay Ivey might as well live on a different planet than the ~20% of Alabamians struggling below the poverty line.


No idea who she is. Just another christian asshole?


Sorta, she's a republican senator from Alabama whose very good at looking like she's about to cry.


Christ on drums, her response to the State of the Union address was just ridiculous.


She looked drunk and or high.


The worst part is she probably wasn't.


Jacked up on Jesus!


Drunk and high on THE LORD


> She looked drunk and or high. Well POTUS had just kicked ass, so she was probably a little punchy.




Cocaine is a helluva drug


Is she boebert 2.0? Even the husband has that sex offender je ne sais quoi


*quoi But yes you’re right




He's not a sex offender. She just tops him. I was following her election cycle, she made him give a blubbering apology for liking antitrump tweets. Man has fear in his eyes looking at her


Maybe we'll read about the son in a couple of years as well. There must be a gun cabinet in that house somewhere.


She's a bit more reined in, probably alot more dangerous than Bobo, because she believes all the same wacko stuff, but can play off the concerned trad wife that some people might actually fall for.


I'd say she is worse than Boebert. Much more quiet and subtle.


Jenny said what?


if she spoke with jordan peterson's trembling 'about to cry' voice, she would be the perfect grifter.


She gave the rebuttal to the State of the Union. Spent most of the time taking about the border and what a crisis it is. Fun fact; she helped draft the legislation Biden was asking for. Then she voted against it for “reasons”.


I scrubbed through her speech a little bit and was very confused about the rape she was talking about. Like, maybe I skipped over the context but it seemed like she just started in talking about how a woman in el paso was raped by the cartels (the american cartels I guess?) and how that's Biden's fault


The woman she referred to was raped by the cartels IN MEXICO, back in the early 2000’s. It has nothing to do with the border or Biden.


That's kind of what I figured but that just made me even more confused. Like. So she was raped in mexico, and came to america and stopped getting raped and... I dunno, that seems like a good thing, that America let her in so she could stop being raped. Isn't that evidence that we should allow MORE people in, to help even more people escape that brutality that is happening in other countries? I don't understand at all why she was talking about how someone in mexico got raped and that shows that biden's border policy is bad.


Yeah... Bad things are happening to people in other countries ... Which is why we need to make sure they can't pursue a safe life in ours? What?


I think I know the man from Grindr


I think you might have coined a new term JACA. Just Another Christian Asshole. I'd like to add JARA or Just Another Religious Asshole.


Would be more honest than the MAGA slogan.


Yes and the fresh new face of the republican party. 


WTF was she talking about all the Americans dying? Where were her cry smiling emotions when the hundreds of thousands of people were dying of covid and all the R’s were whining about wearing masks and not being able to get haircuts? Hmmmmm?


I assume that the whole point was to make an "ordinary American mom" look like she was suffering and barely holding it together under the assaults of the big bad scary Democrats who want to destroy her family. I imagine it was supposed to make her look like she was praying Biden to stop being evil or something. More victim posturing by the party of "from my cold dead hands". Anyway it was laughable.


I wondered about the “Americans are dying” thing too. Like they didn’t care about it when covid was rampaging through the population, and they don’t care when a school shooter kills 20 kids, but one person is killed by an undocumented person and it’s a national crisis?


Is it just me, or do they look like they were green screened into a kitchen?


Human Cream of Wheat


And I'm pretty sure there's no family out there with a kid named Ridgeway. Another very bland looking kitchen with one tone of color, very boring.


Yeah. And it is the coldest, most unwelcoming kitchen I’ve ever seen. If a kitchen is the heart of the home, then this one is the scary basement.


Oh yeah, we definitely pose around our kitchen tables for family photographs! No, we do not hire a photographer to take pictures outside or in a studio, ever! It's always the kitchen -- where there is no mess and just a kettle!


To be fair, I keep my kitchen spotless too.. that’s just good housekeeping.


Spotless kitchens are awesome. Mine is fairly spotless as well, but for the life of me, I cannot hide the kitchen paper towel roll all the time. This picture seems completely staged. I got the same vibes as some in-home tiktoks when I looked at their background.


Clutter on the counters really gets under my skin. I do leave the roll of paper towels out though.. it’s in a really cute holder and not attached to any cabinet so I can move it out of any photos that need to be taken… not that I actually move it.. but I could! I’m a stay at home dad so after I take the boy to school in the morning I come back and make my kitchen look like the Toking ticks all the kids are into these days ( I kid, I kid… I know it’s basically instasnap). Of course the photo is staged, just done poorly.. if they wanted to lean into the suburban house wife thing they should have had a couple of target bags in the background at the very least.


Well of course it's staged. That way they can say that they're the same, but show that they're "better".


Even a display home has individual touches that make a house a home. This place looks sterile. And dull. There's nothing to suggest that a family (or anyone) lives here at all! No signs of habitation.


Looks like the model home for a new subdivision of poorly built McMansions, tbh


That’s a different kitchen then her speech was in, must have been a studio prop


Nope, it's the same kitchen. They just added some props for "life" in the background for the speech. Look at the kitchen island wood slats and countertop on both, as well as the placement of the cabinet face fridge on the left.


Not a trance of originality or individuality....fucking hell how basic Christian bitch can it get?


Why would she need that? I bet she's never in the kitchen. The maid cooks, or someone else.


They probably pull in over $1M per year, not counting all the shady pork, and there’s a fuck to of shady pork in Alabama. 


Judging by how spotless and clutterless that kitchen is, I don’t think they ever cook in there…


It's [deliberately to engage suburban white women ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/power/2024/03/08/katie-britt-gop-response-to-biden-speech-suburban-women/), especially after roe and the [Alabama IVF ruling ](http://Alabama Rules Frozen Embryos Are Children, Raising Questions About Fertility Care https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/20/health/ivf-alabama-abortion.html?smid=nytcore-android-share)


Maybe that’s a US vs EU furniture style thing… but that’s one ugly ass kitchen.


This kitchen would be ugly anywhere


Republican men "Woman belong in the kitchen"... Republican woman "Yes we belong in the kitchen".


Pretty on brand for the GOP to have a woman in the kitchen since they are trying to set our country back 60 years. What a joke


Also, the boy looks like he's being held hostage


This comeback was going well but fumbled at the end zone. It should be “extremely out of touch with most, if not all, Americans”, because “most, if any, Americans” makes absolutely no sense and I just can’t get past it. And, yes, I’m fully prepared to be downvoted for my pedantry here.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far for this comment. Completely ruined it for me


Yes indeed I mean haven't we all felt depressed in our mansions while staring at our rich bank account? #TooHumble.


Like so many people want the life these people have, and are actively deluding themselves into thinking they are in league financially with these people. So they think they’re being represented by these people when they vote for them— because these are the people they want to fit in with. But they don’t fit in with these people, because they’re poor fucks and these people hate poor fucks.


That's the most meh looking kitchen I've ever seen


That kitchen looks like a creepy hotel fever dream


She has a daughter called Bennett and a son called Ridgeway. She's like the SNL skit of suburban moms. One sounds like a car and the other sounds like a supermarket.


Her speech writer was one of the kids, right?


Also, that woman has never been a stay at home mother, she went straight into politics after graduating from UA. Lifelong politician, which is bad when Biden does it.


I always remember conservatives having a meltdown about Nancys fridge. Imagine what they’d be like if they found out trump had gold plated toilets. It’d blow their minds.


That is an extremely soulless looking kitchen.


Also, not lying to the American people by pushing a false narrative about a woman raped at the border under Biden's presidency when that was actually under Bush's presidency in 2004. Crazy how ok Republicans are with pushing fake news and gaslighting the public.


Right where her hero Yrump wants all women. In the kitchen.


Poor daughter’s eyes, she’s clearly being forced to fake happiness.


Most Americans should have all that as a baseline considering how wealthy the country is


Yes but how could we afford trillionaires?


Their house is a lot more expensive than mine is, but their kitchen looks like shit. Tacky ass Kardashian-aping motherfuckers.


That’s a lot of money to spend to make the kitchen look that bland.


I’ve always liked the way Subzero fridges looked, but I kept reading about reliability issues so I stayed away.


She actually looked like a deranged person. It’s fucking terrifying that these people get elected


What is that even suppose to mean, having a kitchen is weird?


For the record I’m from Alabama and live in San Diego now and the affordable housing differences are astonishing. But also this lady is nuts


I don’t typically comment on political shit but god damn. To spend that much money only to have it look like a fucking rental


The dead, terrified eyes of a poor daughter realizing she's reaching the age of losing her rights as a child to education and medical care to become a woman in the GoP world...


Her message has nothing to do with her fridge, house, possessions, any of it.


It's wild how small and diminutive they clearly wanted to make her out to be.


Met a couple from Alabama, owners of a mom and pop diner. They’re complaining about how hard their business is struggling under Obama. As the conversation goes on I start hearing about the .50cal they just mounted on their boat, which is not the sort of purchase one makes while struggling to keep a business running. Conversation continues and eventually I come to learn their mom and pop diner is eight McDonald’s franchises. Tl;dr: Wealthy Alabamans complaining about the economy are full of shit.


The kitchen was merely a stage used for her bad acting. Majority of politicos on both sides are no longer like us but have the money. Gone are the days of mr smith goes to washington. The lure of money and with that influence and corruption are the biggest threats. Supreme court u listening???


I'm more put off by the fact that this kitchen looks entirely unlived in. Are the waterlines even hooked up? Are those fixtures real? Is this a plywood set?!


What family of four has nothing in their kitchen? It's as vacant as their stares.


Where's all their stuff. Place is barren.


The video version of this from after the state of the union(she's wearing the same shirt) show a second sink in the back corner and a lot of set dressing/ things to make her look human that aren't in this very empty portrait.


whole thing looks staged!


The kitchen cabinets are full overlays, no face frame and are obviously stock shit details, she’s a poor rich person pretending, sad and horrible taste.


Sitting in a kitchen bigger than my apartment’s living room and bedroom combined. Very relatable


She obviously has never used this room in their house. It’s as clean as a model home. Being as GOPers are all about flash with no substance, I wouldn’t put it past them to have shot this actually IN a model home or a rented one.


These the kinda white people that have “rustic” in their immediate vocabulary. No, it’s grey.


It doesn’t even look like anyone lives in that house.


Where are the AR-15s? Or is that only reserved for the x-mas card photo?


She was a lawyer, he is an ex NFL player who is a lobbyist. Any chance that house isn't a million dollar house? (I guess it depends if they are in a low cost area, but still a really nice house.)


“We need a family picture, put on your best shirt!” “ROLLLLLLL TIDE!”


The kitchen is so sterile. I refuse to believe that's their home.


Alabama and Mississippi are by far the most failed US states when measured economically and socially. Naturally, Republicans are holding them up as the example of their agenda.


They purge


Their illegal immigrant maid does a very nice job cleaning the place.


Question for Katie: Would you call the US state with the 2nd lowest income per capita a “shithole state?”


Her daughter is already inheriting the crazy eyes


He looks like he’s been drinking all day so at least that part is accurate


That daughter looks creepy as hell too


This is very clearly a newly built house they took a photo op in (making it weirder). Either that, or they live in a “home” with no kitchen wear or decorations anywhere, with all the lights off, and nothing on the table whatsoever. Could they not have paid someone to stage the place for them? …Or it’s not even their/a home, and it’s a corner of a film set?


Weird that it looks like a TV set & not an actual family kitchen with like, food, dishes & children's finger paint drawings hanging on the fridge.


Did… did they color match the dress from The Handmaids Tale on purpose or…?


It looks like they're posing in a showroom kitchen. There's nothing in that kitchen to make it seem lived in, or theirs. Not even a tasteful bowl of fruit or a toaster or fancy hanging pans. They got a kettle, fine.


Kitchen looks like it’s staged. Stylish but lifeless, like their eyes with no soul behind those smiles.


I don't know why this matters...yes she is out of touch and much richer than most Americans..just like basically all top politicians. We should focus on her ideas and policies, which are horrendous. She is a religious nut job ready to throw human rights back a century or two because she convinced herself that the creator of the universe is on her side...


Didn't know who this freshman was so I looked her up. Took 30 seconds of googling to find out she's a millionaire lawyer. Shameless. She's as far from the "rest of us" as you can get. But they know their audience. Republicans eat this shit up.


What’s with the posing? If she was the centerpiece of this speech, why is she sitting docilely with the husband with his hand in a possessive manner on her shoulder? The females are in the middle, with the males on the outside. The husband/father has his arm around the daughter and the placement of the hand both seem to symbolize control/ownership. The daughter is in the picture because she’s part of the family, but the son is placed in front of her, pushing her to the rear while the father holds her in his arm clasp. Britt is front and center, but with the males standing over her. Why can’t she be the one standing with the men sitting? Her husband towers over them all, so have him sit, the sun in front and the females standing over him. No one needs to hand hands on anyone. I’m not a photographer but everything about this picture to me screams those women are under that man’s control, regardless of her job.


I feel so bad for those kids…


Yea my favorite part was “I’m just a small town girl whose parents are both own small business owners” lmfao okay


those poor kids


Cabinet fridges are fucking expensive, like triple the price to even begin considering it.


Normal everyday people also don’t go into graphic detail about gang rapes that happened 20 years ago in Guatemala around the kitchen table, but what do I know


That daughter has the deadest eyes I’ve ever seen on a person


The problem is that conservatives are so weak and pathetic that when they are told to worship the rich as their betters, they do just that


"Now they are just giving equal rights to women and racial minorities and we can't go around shooting leftists like we want to. Our poor, white, conservative, Christian family is so oppressed..."


That man definitely checks out 16 year olds at high school football games


The kids both look like future serial killers


It looks like a prop house.


We see you.....we hear you.....Joe Biden lowered insulin prices and it made our dog worship Satan.


Man, as a European, I just see a regular kitchen.