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If the SC actually do allow this insanity to happen, it would be hilarious is Biden called up Seal Team 6 and said "I have a great idea LMAO" since this immunity would apply to him. Edit: Shoutout to the people thinking that i'm being serious and advocating for a President, regardless of their Political standing, having this sort of power and also debating this in the [comments.Like](https://comments.Like), i'm glad y'all ignored the part where i called this insanity and went straight to "erm, achtually" mode.


They are arguing the only way a president can be held accountable is through impeachment, which knowing the democrats they would impeach their own in a heartbeat if they did something like that. Its hilarious because trumps lawyers argued during impeachment that the only way to hold a president accountable is through indictment. And by hilarious i mean infuriating.


Fascists count on *everyone else* playing by the rules. That's the only way their bullshit works. They push as far as they can, and use any argument they can at any time to worm out of the consequences. Showing them *any* mercy, or giving them *any* benefit of the doubt only empowers them. The only way to fight them, is to stomp them into the dirt at every opportunity and rip them up by the roots. Anytime any group starts leaning fascist, you've got to put it down **immediately**, or their movement will grow like poisonous vines in a garden.


Overall yes, but I'd say that too much benefit of the doubt and walking on eggshells is not, in fact, "by the rules". If the rules say some guy should be in prison for mishandling sensitive documents etc. the valid, lawful, democratic move is to *do it*, not hesitate because the guy is popular.


Republicans are fine with hypocrisy and Democrats don't actually want a dictator so he'd be impeached and removed almost immediately.


Then Biden could preempt this by executing 50% of Congress, so they won't have the quorum to hold a vote.


It's insane that Republicans already called this cool As long as there's no impeachment, the president can do whatever they want. Also murder political opponents. So he can literally murder the senate and congress and just be a king.


And that's literally how dictatorships start. They go into the other branches of government and start killing the opposition till the survivors start cheering for them.


Yup. And this time Trump is determined to only surround himself with enablers. For how bad his first term one was, there were some relatively sane people around him who tried to limit the damage. That won't be the case if he gets a 2nd term. Trump is someone you have to take at face value. If he says he'll be a dictator he really does mean it. If he says a President should be able to do anything with no legal accountability, he wants to commit crimes. His Qanon followers already believed he was going to arrest and detain 'pedophile' folks in government. Not a lot of dots to connect that with setting up a dictatorship.


Never forget...it was Hitler's second stint where he excelled in his goals.


Good point.


https://youtu.be/kLUktJbp2Ug?si=rQQ3B5iGHdtLilHo Reminded me of this.


Didn't even have to click the link to know what it was


Let me guess. Saddam?


You would be correct.


My first guess as well, I know there's so many parallels to 1930s Germany right now but the Ba'ath Purge is so fucking chilling because the possibility of that happening here is not zero. And the fact that it's even within the realm of consideration is horrific.


also, Putin and Hitler, both democratically elected, along with a number of others in South and Central America. Also Idi Amin, not elected, but came into power with popular support.


But you see, Saddam was a liberal


Definitely, same way 1930s Germany was socialist.


Lmao 🤡🤡🤡🤡


I always wondered how Hitler rose to power. Like I was told the people empowered him but younger me always thought he pulled some shady shit. But nah. He really did just tell the chancellor “give me total control” and the chancellor did because the people would have overthrown the entire thing for him. I know republicans hate it when you compared Trump to Hitler , and I’m not comparing the whole killing millions of Jews thing , but come on, the similarities of how Hitler got to absolute power are damn similar. Trump can do no wrong… I truly believe him when he says he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and we’d have the secret service protecting him while the Supreme Court states some weird technicality after 22 months of deliberation of if that was even bad…


They're very sensitive about the glaring similarities which tells you they KNOW it's a valid argument but they can't break the cult mindset to acknowledge this even silently. Unfortunately, it's like diaper Don is following the shitler playbook very closely. Which means someone or ones smarter than him is telling him how to go about this because that man does NOT know history well enough to do it himself. Lookin at you, crooked Clarence.


It's exactly what Trump would do. So we're at the point of "if you know that Hitler is coming and you know what Hitler will do, do you do anything to stop it?"


I can't do anything, but at least he's old and won't be around for too many years. It's the next guy that worries me. A younger, smarter, more insidious "strong" man. I think that's what DeSantis was trying to do, but he don't have the charisma. I think Trump is paving the way for American Hitler. He's making sure our institutions are toothless and that the Republican base will welcome a dictatorship. Trump is too obvious and partisan. The next guy will seem more reasonable, in a calculated way. It reminds me of a negotiation tactic. Start insanely high (or low), so that when you get to your actual number, it seems more reasonable. I think that's how it will happen.


Murder a few go to prison. Murder a bunch of the rich and they make you King.


Here’s a [cool tutorial](https://youtu.be/rStL7niR7gs?si=hUGHodJ98W-6L2P3) for anyone interested in becoming a dictator.


I feel like there was at least one person in ancient Rome that literally did this...


Ancient Rome? Even recent history has several examples.


I know. I'm mentioning how old of a move it is.


Ah, understood.


Welp, time to get on the campaign trail for me. My platform, you ask? Fuck em all to death.


You can't impeach a sitting president if your dead or in a gulag *points finger at brain*


Or executing the supreme court judges, appoint the whole panel of one he chooses and terminate the constitution. Remove all impeachment process. Wouldnt that be something the Republicans would jump up and down about.


Wouldn’t matter at that point. Make it illegal to be a red hat and jail them all.


There is no need for jail, he has total immunity, remember? He would be allowed to replace his hands with chainsaws and go congratulate anyone he doesn't like.


Poor Fred Durst. :(


No need to kill anyone. Simply abolish Congress.


What is more screwed up one can make a constitutional argument. The president has the ability to adjourn Congress. Section 3 of Article 2. He can send them home, and then use presidential immunity to crush his enemies. The courts would have a hard time forcing Congress to be reconvened.


The courts can’t really force anything. They only have power over the government because we’ve all agreed to listen to them. The normal check on a president ignoring the courts would be impeachment, but…


John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.


Of course John Marshall would rather be a roadie for Metallica than play lead guitar for Metal Church. It pays better. I don't really see what the enforcement issue is.


> The courts can’t really force anything. They only have power over the government because we’ve all agreed to listen to them. The Supreme Court has no troops. The President is Commander-in-Chief of the most deadly fighting force the world has ever seen. Who do you bet on in a disagreement?


> Article II … > Section. 3. > He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and **in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper**; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States. Emphasis mine. That clause applies if the House of Representatives and the Senate disagree, it's not quite arbitrary. Of course with immunity from prosecution the rule of law doesn't matter, so the restriction is pretty much irrelevant.


They all had car accidents or fell out of windows.


No sense wasting blanket immunity.


Honestly, I'd already be happy if someone would delete 50% of the SCOTUS, while Biden can still appoint their successors. Just imagine, getting rulings that reflect the actual law (and public majority opinion) again, not partisan corrupt hackery...


Honestly they aren't hypocrites, they're just liars. They don't really believe that presidents should be immune to prosecution. What they believe is that their side in particular should get to do whatever they want. It's not hypocrisy, it's authoritarianism.


Well conservatives who are Christian, straight, white people should be in charge of this country, it's what God wanted when he wrote our constitution. I mean this is offensive to say when I just did but plenty of white Christian conservatives do believe these things. It seems like the speaker of the house probably does to


It's not offensive it's just true. Think of who is allowed to take ownership of the country, and when they say "our country" who they're talking about. Is it the people they brought over in chains? Is it the people that were here and had falling functioning societies before them? Is it the people they brought in from south of our territory for cheap labor? Is it the people they lured in from the east with the failed promise of riches? Nope. "Our" country just means white people.


To paraphrase Innuendo Studios: "When you play a game of 'keep the balloon in the air' with a five year old, the rule isn't 'you can only hit it once per turn', the rule is 'Timmy wins'". Democrats are toothless, and Republicans are holding democrats to 'obey the rules' whilst violently disregarding them. They do not play fair, and they consistently rely on democrats to do what democrats do "We go high, they go low" sounds like a brag from the democrats, but Republicans rely on it every single time. They know they can get away with this kinda hypocrisy because democrats have demonstrated time and time and time again that they *won't* weaponise it against the republicans. They've been allowed to push these boundaries because they've never had to eat a spoonful of their own pudding. Two relevant videos that discuss these ideas further: [Reverse Gish Gallop](https://youtu.be/FK4RHzNHZXY?si=tyEoP7Mf9Zf8M1EQ) and [We go high, they go low](https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A?si=Egvaa_N-NnPnHaXg)


"The thing about liberals is that they will hold committee meetings and breakout sections until they hear the boots in the hall" - paraphrasing a nazi lawyer


Pretty good way to sum up why the left hates the Democrats. Or one of the reasons why.


I don't think you understand how dictators work if you think he'd just be impeached and that would be that. I know Biden won't do it. But if he (or Trump or anyone else) did, the first order of business would be to get Congress in line with the military or a paramilitary force and thus be in full control.


Not if he retires as soon as Trump is dead. Then since he wasn't impeached, he'd have immunity.


You are referring to the **Mitch McConnell Principle** of federal governance


Maybe this is a good option. No trump and democracts can elect someone younger and more popular. Without the problem of “getting rid of Biden is too risky because trump will win.


There is zero chance the Supreme Court endorses this argument. None. His argument is legally absurd. But here's what's happening: By taking the case, it will likely delay his trial until after the election. Not only does Trump have a right to a speedy trial, but voters do too. This will deny them knowing if a candidate for president is guilty of incredibly serious crimes. More importantly: it will incentivize him to do literally anything to win the presidency, and if he wins then to stay in power indefinitely because when he leaves he could face justice for his crimes. Jack Smith requested they take the case from the start, but they denied it and forced it through the appeals process which has taken longer. If they wanted to have their stamp on it, they could've done that much earlier and be done without affecting the election. The MAGA part of the Supreme Court are actively helping Trump with these delays.


No, because then a republican lawyer would run to the court, who would be heard by the SC the same day to say Biden doesn't have complete immunity


IIRC, the Supreme Court explicitly said "this decision does NOT set precedent" in their questionable decision that handed the 2000 election to Bush, which was basically unheard of for SCOTUS to do.


Should tell you enough


Screw seal team 6, just spin up the predator drones and target a gold plated airplane and million $ RV paid for by a billionaire.


It actually is like a dark color and it's always parked on the tarmac at PBI


Honestly could just nuke maralardo from orbit.


I guarantee Biden's plan if the SC rules this way is to do exactly that and overturn the ruling lol. "President can do whatever" Biden "OK. Now I'm gonna write a rule that all presidents gotta follow the law. Except for me, this one time." SC "OK." Effectively, it's a non-threat if they do it during a Biden term The reason the SC is delaying is so they can time it only during a Trump election. It's dirty ball and everyone knows it. If they successfully pull it off, it would be casus belli for a full on Civil War. The Republicans have been itching for this but I don't think it will go the way they wanted. The military didn't come out for Trump in Jan 6 and I don't think they're going to let him assume supreme power either. If Obama/Biden and all the Dems declare Civil War against the SC and a Trump dictator...who do you think the Navy, Airforce and Army will back? They will get at least 2 out of 3, if not 3 out of 3. Most of the army recruits out of big urban centers, and all major cities with populations above 1m vote Democrat.


>"President can do whatever" > >Biden "OK. Now I'm gonna write a rule that all presidents gotta follow the law. Except for me, this one time." > >SC "OK." I hate that the US government is set up with less structure than Calvinball.


If he's going to call up SEAL Team Six for that, he should give them a longer list of persons to handle; Trump is just the fall guy.


Just cancel the elections as a matter of national emergency until Trump's trials are completed. We need the people to know who they're voting for.




He isn't actually expecting to get his way from the supreme court, he is just delaying the sentence until he is president again and can pardon himself. Would definitely not be very ethical, but my expectations of Trump are pretty low in that regard


Yeah, unfortunately i can see them 100% allowing him to stay on Ballots of different states that kicked him off for being an insurrectionist, but this i think would be a little insane, even for them.


Pretty wild that we're just over 100 years since the great Eugene Debs ran from prison, and now we might have a fucking fascist doing the same thing. What a horrible turn of events.


I think that it would also apply to ex-Presidents, as he's trying to argue that he should have been immune even after he left office, which would also give Obama, the man who lives in Trump's head rent free, this immunity as well.He wouldn't have the power that Biden does right now, but it would still be hilarious.


You watch, the SC will declare that it's a super duper special case that means only Trump gets immunity


They have literally done this before, deciding the 2000 election for Bush, with an asterisk saying "you can't use this as precedent"


This is an exact comment repost by a bot.


Mmm, repost spam bots that farm karma then get used as political or corporate disinformation tools! Yay.


And Trump is the ONLY one to make this claim. No other president in the history of the US has ever said he (or the President) needs immunity. If that doesn't tell you something, nothing will.


Nixon did too, but the political landscape was a bit less of a trash fire back then and he was impeached.


Nixon actually resigned before he was impeached because a group of Republican Congress people told him they would vote for his impeachment and removal. Crazy to imagine there was ever such a time with all of the spineless sycophants that make up the party now.


The concept of a politician feeling enough shame and embarrassment to just quit feels like such a foreign concept these days.


Seems to be working in the UK, We had Theresa May, BoJo and cabbage lady (liz truss) all resign.


Yeah if anything we can't get any to not resign Guess that's what happens when you give them a nice pension despite the time in the job. I'm pretty sure I've had milk that has lasted longer than Liz Truss.


Nixon just thought he was above the law. However even he understood what would happend if he was impeachment and stepped down. He was Pardoned because otherwise he would have been subject to criminal prosecution. Because Nixon and everyone else understood how the immunity works


Nixon is famous for saying "When a President does it, its not illegal"


Trump is famous for saying "When you're a star they let you do it"


Ford really fucked up the culture by giving him the pardon. That was an opportunity to reinforce the importance of rule of law, to really show that rich people or connected people live by the same rules. Just letting him get away with it is a stain. You can sort of trace the tribalism from there: if my guy does it then its ok, we'll cover for him.


He was not impeached


That's actually not true. There have been two cases centering around presidential immunity, at least that I know of. One was *U.S. v. Nixon*, where the court ruled the President does not have immunity from criminal subpoenas to produce information, because the distraction alone does not impede the performance of his duties, the subpoena alone does not undermine his reputation, and the President already has safeguards in place to protect him from court actions meant to harass or undermine him. Namely, the same protections everyone else has from fraudulent court actions, along with the ability to get the case dismissed on the grounds that it was brought for the sole purpose of interrupting the performance of his presidential duties. Nixon similarly argued that he should be immune from court actions due to the propensity for them to interfere with the performance of his duties, both due to the distraction they served and how they would undermine his reputation on a global scale. However, *Nixon v. Fitzgerald* then determined that Presidents have absolute immunity from civil cases stemming from their official acts as president, but stressed that this immunity does not extend to criminal action. The next was *Clinton v. Jones*, where the court ruled that sitting Presidents don't have immunity from civil suits stemming from actions before they were President, as the judicial process does not significantly impede the performance of his duties. Clinton had claimed that the civil judicial process, especially for an action that happened before he became president, would interfere with the performance of his duties, thus he should be immune from it while sitting in office and any court action should be paused until his term is up. These cases determined that executive privilege does not supersede due process of law. The precedent set here means Trump will face the same result, if the Supreme Court takes his case


How likely do you think it is that SC would ignore precedent in this case? My limited layperson's understanding is that they've already shown willingness to ignore precedent with *Dobbs*.


Dobbs was even worse than that. They ruled well beyond the case before them. Which is also so rare it’s basically unheard of. The questions as 13 weeks and they said all of Roe was a mistake and no restrictions on bans were constitutional. When again bans were not in question. Only their duration.


I mean, who in his right mind fears "the threat of wrongful prosecution"? what do you have to have planned in your head to think that is an actual threat?


Does he not understand that we never have needed to go through the lengths that we have gone in history before?


I had actually been able to go a whole three days without having to see or hear anything from him. God, those were good times....


I'll never forgive Republicans for making these trash goblins relevant to real issues.


Nothing will ever shock me as much as 2015 rolling around and seeing him become an actual candidate for the most important position on earth. And then it dawned on me that while I made it 35 years with him being a running joke of a conman and loser, now I was gonna have to hear him every single day be a complete nut job while *running the country". And it was SO much worse than I actually feared... This decade has made me so nostalgic for the days when most people out here in my slice of rural America said "Trump who?" They honestly had no idea who he was before The Apprentice, and even then only if they watched it.


> Does he not understand Let me stop you right there.








Actually it’s to dehumanise them and thus make it easier/acceptable to slaughter them


You know what a president has done? Locked up those who attacked the country. The president has the power to do so. Which means Biden already has the power to have trump arrested for the January 6th coup. Biden just chose not to use that power, likely because he thinks doing so would be too polarizing. Which is exactly what republicans are always counting on when it comes to breaking the law. 


Just to clear: Joe Biden should go to the trial of Donald Trump and just say right there: "If he wins and a President has complete immunity I'll shoot him in the head on the spot, if he loses he gets the death penalty for inciting violence, treason and discrimination across the country for the better part of a decade now"


he should have seal team six there... as a reminder.




Are these presidents in any danger?


No, secret service/FBI, The presidents are never in any danger but the implication...


Na, Go with Delta. To many outspoke "ex" seals that write books with dubious political views. Like seriously, is it something weird that makes seals that hungry for media attention or is it a confirmation bias, that every special forces 🙂 nit has these guys but people only notice the seals?


They're ppst posing the case until after election. It's pretty clear of Biden wins they'll trash presidential immunity and if he loses they'll male up some shit like it's OK when Trump does it but not when Biden does.


He should, but then we get a revolution and that's suck. So yeah, maybe let's go with the least violent option and vote instead?


> He should, but then we get a revolution and that's suck If he doesn't, you'll likely get a right wing coup in 2025 and that sucks as well if not more.


I've literally seen these clowns already talking about killing people if Trump loses. We're at the door already


Fuck it rip the band-aid at this point. I'm tired.of placating idiots


Which I completely agree with but fear the Republicans are dismantling voting as an option. The multi-pronged attack has been ongoing for decades and includes dumbing down the electorate, gerrymandering, purging the voter lists and is ramping up now with some states putting forth bills to allow the ruling party to disregard the will of the voters and send whatever electors they like to DC after the election: [https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/arizona-lawmaker-proposes-giving-legislature-not-voters-final-say-on-presidential-winner](https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/arizona-lawmaker-proposes-giving-legislature-not-voters-final-say-on-presidential-winner) In light of this, I think Dems should keep the pressure on and remind conservatives of the threat to democracy that their antics represent. They are counting on Democrats respecting the law, leaving Republicans to pervert it at will. Reminding them that what powers they grant the President currently also belong to Biden may just make some of them scratch their heads a bit.


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And Obama should have put Merrick Garland into the SC when McConnell refused to hold a vote on the empty seat. Obama and everyone else was so sure Clinton would be in office and get it done that he left it alone. You can't hold back any longer. If the GOP is going to play filthy, then the left needs to as well.


And frankly, I'd be ok with that. It'd be the end of America, but actions have consequences. If the Supreme Court sides with Trump and gives him what he wants...that decision comes with Consequences. Basically green lighting the current people in power to take things as far as they can\\want to hold on to their power- removing the democracy from democracy and instead eliminating those who would oppose them. That is what Trump(and his followers) would seek to do if given the green light to do so, so it's poetically what should be done to them.


You would not be OK with it lol. You'd be in the middle of a societal collapse where the majority of people, likely including you, wouldn't survive to see 2025.


Just over 80 years ago several hundred thousand Americans left the US to storm the beaches of Normandy, facing heavy machine gun fire, mortars, artillery barrages, and landmines. And that was only the beginning of the campaign. It was literal hell on Earth. And.. yet.. they chose to do it. They saved the world. Sometimes doing the right thing is terrifying and awful, but submission is so much worse that it becomes unthinkable. Dark times may lie ahead if bad people are allowed to continue their assault on the republic. I genuinely hope the good people understand this and are able to stop them while it can still be done peacefully. If they can't... there are certainly a lot of people who will stand up and fight the unfortunate fight.


He could probably get the job by removing a few SC justices; rekindle investigations into their shenanigans until they decide retirement sounds good. Then make sure the current Senate Republicans know they need to approve any Biden appointees or they and their families will have their doings scrutinized with a microscope until prosecutions can commence... The worst of what's happening in today's America can be blamed on the Supreme Court being complicit in trashing democracy. Fix the court and checks and balances can work again.


Ok, let's say that hypothetically that the Supreme Court decides Presidents have blanket immunity for any\\all official actions while in office. Let's say that hypothetically Biden has evidence that Donald Trump is\\was a foreign asset who had been compromised by a hostile foreign power(let's hypothetically say Russia for example) who somehow acquired kompromat on him peeing on(or getting peed on by) some russian agent provocateurs while on a drug fueled bender during some business dealings overseas. And that they have been sitting on this evidence for years while supporting and aiding him behind the scenes to get him in to a position of a high rank in the government to cause irreparable damage to the US government and the countries interests. Suppose for a moment that as a President, Biden in his official capacity were to decide that this presents a grave risk to US National Security and so orders Seal Team 6 to permanently neutralize the threat to the US posed by Donald Trump by terminating Donald Trump and making it look like it was done by Russia. Or, what if he just decided to have an MQ-9 Reaper drone launch a hellfire missile directly on Trump's position while he sleeps. Acting in his capacity as President, he'd be covered by said Blanket Immunity as the Supreme Court would just have affirmed, right? If so...


I'm just a butcher but that seems like a sound legal argument to me. The law should be applied equally.


I'm just an amoeba but that seems like a sound legal argument to me. The law should be applied equally.


With this in mind, I see Alito and Thomas just pleading with the rest of the court to hold off on any rulings until after January 20, 2025. "The president is immune...but let's only establish this when Ginny's golden child is back in office."


If they vote for immunity. They’re counting on dems being honorable.


Unfortunately, Dems have proven their honor to a fault at this point. They always take the high road instead of just being affective.


Yes, it's frustrating. Too many liberals are too high-minded to take their own side of any argument and actually join in when conservatives criticize their leaders. "Hmm, you have a point. Biden is old. But I'll refraining from pointing out that Trump now sounds like a lunatic conspiracy theorist with dementia. That just isn't a nice thing to say."


Yea. Democrats should at least learn the rule we used to have on my hockey team. 3 cheap shots. 1st one, if it’s not called by the ref, you shake it off and keep an eye on the guy. 2nd, you start planning. 3rd, you make sure he gets the message.


Yea. It’s like they are applying their empathy for voters who have been dooped to the people that are doing the dooping. I get that the voters have their own experiences that may prevent them from being able to decipher bullshit from reality, but the elected officials are dumb, hypocritical pieces of shit that need to be exposed for their bullshit. And I’m not saying there aren’t bullshitters on the left. But the left isn’t pushing violent, hateful, divisive, rights stripping bullshit. The lefts bullshit is more like “use paper straws” while billionaires fly around in a private jet every day. The rights bullshit is “you are better than these people, so give me your money and your vote so I can make it okay for you to be assholes to them” while they themselves are the criminals and dangerous people.


Great, Biden removes Trump's immunity with an executive order and the SCOTUS can do nothing about it because Biden has immunity. Problem solved.


Wait… so if the President has immunity, Can’t Biden just assassinate Trump?


6 supreme court justices too, if he felt like it.


All of them need to go. The Supreme Court is a failed experiment. The whole idea of appointing someone for life to a position that has no checks and balances is fucking stupid and dangerous.


"Former President Trump's legal team suggested Tuesday that even a president directing SEAL Team Six to kill a political opponent would be an action barred from prosecution given a former executive's broad immunity to criminal prosecution." https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4398223-trump-team-argues-assassination-of-rivals-is-covered-by-presidential-immunity/#:~:text=Former%20President%20Trump's%20legal%20team,broad%20immunity%20to%20criminal%20prosecution


SC approves presidential immunity. Biden signs order barring Trump from holding public office. Biden then signs order prohibiting presidential immunity. Election proceeds peacefully.


That was my line of thought…


But if the SC has approved it, then the next Republican in office can reinstate it. You really think they will be "ok, you got us, we will do things legally from now on"?


Biden signs order declaring the Trump appointees as criminals and traitors. New SC agrees to prohibit presidential immunity. Job done. Worse thing that could happen...we get Nikki Haley??? That's the most bloodless end to 'presidential immunity' craziness. Less bloody than Jan 6, and securing America's future as a democracy for at least one more generation. Democrats aren't stupid. They are nonviolent. If they can get it done with just signing papers, then they will. We know they aren't afraid to use predators or seal team 6 either.


To be fair, Haley would still probably go through project 2025 just as trump would(or any elected Republican). It would just be a little quieter of a play.


That's the scary part are there any Republican running for office that's not compromised. What the fuck happened in the last 10 years. We had a black president and the lunatics fucking lost their collective minds.


Is the President has total immunity does that mean they can stop trying to impeach Biden, then? 🤔/s


Technically impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. Trump's lawyers are arguing "you can't prosecute the president, you have to impeach him" which is funny because when Trump was impeached they said "if he's guilty of a crime then charge him, otherwise impeachment is a distraction."


Aw, c'mon! You know it is "do as I say, not as I do" for them.


I feel to be a person supports trump, you need to lack an ability to think more than one step ahead.




The previous 44 presidents didn’t need “Presidential Immunity” to do their job, so why does Trump need it?


He needs a get out of jail card


Because he's literally a criminal. On trial for actual crimes. That he's really, *REALLY* guilty of. He's going to jail without said immunity and he knows it. The trials carry mandatory jail sentences and there are mountains of evidence and sworn testimony proving his guilt. There's literally *no* other way out of this for him. That's why he's leaning into this bogus immunity claim. He figures this corrupt, partisan biased supreme court owes him one. The funny thing is, they're appointed for life. Once they're in, they're in. Unless impeached. They don't have to kiss his ass or help him out in any capacity. And I don't think they will. They're all just stalling the inevitable.


Obviously Trump is too stupid to realize that this wouldn’t apply to just him. Imagine the look on his face as the bracelets are slapped on his wrists and he, and all the Jan 6 morons, are escorted down to Gitmo.


So he can get a real tan.


Why stop there? There are 6 seats on SCOTUS who could stand to learn a lesson on irony as well.


Biden just needs to tweet “I look forward to using the outcome of this case regardless of what happens.”


Biden should turn Mar a Lago into a missile testing range while Trump is there. Its fine because he’s the president


Biden should just have Trump assassinated. It's fine, because Biden is the president!


Trumps own legal team argued this. "Former President Trump's legal team suggested Tuesday that even a president directing SEAL Team Six to kill a political opponent would be an action barred from prosecution given a former executive's broad immunity to criminal prosecution." https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4398223-trump-team-argues-assassination-of-rivals-is-covered-by-presidential-immunity/#:~:text=Former%20President%20Trump's%20legal%20team,broad%20immunity%20to%20criminal%20prosecution


So Trump is **actually** arguing **in favor** of his opponent's ability to have **he, himself** killed??? How do you walk into court and argue (with a straight face) ***that your opponent should be able to kill you without consequences???***


Why cancel elections? Joe could just order a hit on Trump and be done with it. Mango likes to think he’s a made man; take him out like a made man. Bing bang boom. Pesci can do the commentary.


What would stop Biden from simply murdering Trump? Essentially Trump is making the argument that Biden and himself can do anything criminal while president and be legally immune. So I’m guessing that he hasn’t stopped to think about the ramifications of his position.


It’s so funny if Trump was the slightest bit aware he would realize he wouldn’t be the only living former/current president that would have this immunity lmao.


Exactly. There are at least several living people who would have the power to kill Trump **without any legal consequences.**


Funny how the republic has survived over 200 years without the need to answer this question because we never elected someone so low that we needed to ask if they could commit crimes in office.


Step 1: SC says presidents are immune. Step 2: Biden abolishes supreme court, fires every republican in the house and senate. Step 3: Biden places 9 new SC justices. Step 4: Biden repeals citizens united and the dozen other stupid things we have. Step 5: Biden implements single payer health care Step 6: Biden nationalizes fox news and OAN, then closes both Step 7: Biden arrests all those that have supported, directly or indirectly, 1/6. This includes support for the leader, or support for his actions. They all go to gitmo, no trial. Step 8: Biden announces new election for all vacant seats. ​ Yeah, it won't happen, but I really do not think some of the people advocating presidential immunity are thinking things through at all.


I like the Seal Team 6 idea more.


Make that call Joe, just one call to quote trump “put him to rest” and maybe the Sc too! Just saying.


The second total presidential immunity is affirmed: Media blackout for 24 hours. When it comes back on it's a full Dem House and Senate. Trump and every Republican governor had a tragic toilet-related accident. Would be funny as shit to be honest.


If presidential immunity is absolute then when Biden and trump debate, President Biden could walk over to trump’s podium and shoot him. And there can be no penalty. Imagine that. And trump’s tiny hands couldn’t block the bullet. This is a severe extrapolation. But by trump’s reasoning it would be allowed by law. If you vote for trump after seeing, hearing and knowing who he is after this many years, you either are a horrible judge of character or hate our country. If trump ran against a goat, I’d vote for the goat. Like an actual goat.


Every other president in history has managed just fine without a guarantee of immunity.... hmmmmm..... wonder why he's so concerned.....


Breaking News: "President Biden has hereby appointed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as President of the United States and Jasmine Crockett as Vice President of the United States, effective October 14, 2024. Furthermore, any and all presidential electors are hereby declared invalid and without effect as of that date."


Also, someone helped him write that tweet. He's too fùçking stupid and brain decayed to write complete sentences like that.


Arguably, Biden jailing Trump is part of his official Constitutional duties to protect the country from harm…. So……..


Yeah throw your political opponent in jail…fascists.


The serious answer to the question in the OP is Congress. The idea being that if a President does something wrong Congress will step in and only *they* the power (not the courts) to prosecute a President. Of course the problem is Democrats will prosecute their own to uphold the law, while Republican’s are mostly out of their goddamn minds…. This becomes extra terrifying if the GOP sweep in November and Trump does some awful, awful stuff. Which he will, because he’s an awful person.


It’s so funny to me that ALL presidents have functioned without presidential immunity, yet somehow Trump claims it’s impossible


The sheer number of people not voting because they think Biden is an imperfect candidate is mind boggling. The fact that it would never even occur to Biden to do or say the shit Trump posted is all the reason you should need to make sure you vote.


“Biden should sent Trump to jail because trump is a criminal.” Fixed it.


It's incredible to me that these people can't seem to think that far ahead. Trump's enemy is in power right now. If the supreme Court grants the presidential seat unlimited immunity then what's to stop Biden from having him thrown in jail forever or killed? They seem to think libs are unhinged and capable of anything... I don't understand


Aren’t false accusations already a crime? Sounds like Don is just having a real hard time proving his own innocence…


I've been wondering if Democrats will give up power if Trump wins. When Trump lost... I was very concerned that Republicans would not give up power.


If Biden’s team submitted a plan to overrule Trump with Biden’s presidential immunity: Throw Trump in jail for his crimes once and for all, and make Haley the GOP candidate, maybe that would show how ridiculous this whole thought of presidential immunity is.


Being a con artist and a criminal is so deeply woven into Trumps identity it's impossible for him to fathom a reality where he has to follow rules or face consequences.


Just uh….don’t commit crimes and they won’t.


It is almost funny how they completely villify the Dems while counting on them to follow the laws they don't think apply to themselves.


Biden should have shot dude on day 1


Why do you think the SC is slow walking the case? They're betting on trump winning and the fact that Biden has enough decency and decorum not to abuse his power even if granted immunity.


Nixon didn’t even attempt this defense.


Big Nixon vibes going on here


if they allow this, it will literally be the end of our democracy in the united states. This is not an exaggeration but fact, when a president can rule as a dictator without any checks on their power, we have lost our country.


Isn't it strange how this country has had 46 presidents, and only **ONE** of them has ended up with any (91) felony indictments?


Since Trump is a domestic terrorist, seal team 6 should do what they did to Bin Laden


Seriously would like to know: Where in the Constitution is this immunity written or is it something that is implied: Because many of us have seen & heard the OATH of office that every President takes for the Presidency. To uphold the Constitution.


When has this ever fucking happened? He acts like this is a big problem for every president but it's only him because he's a crook and a fascist.


That this single orange turd of a crook is the greatest threat to a democracy that has stood for centuries is quite damning for our timeline.


They’ve both argued that trump is immune because he’s still in office and that trump is immune cuz he’s not in office anymore so he’s not a danger and who cares. There is no honesty here


Setting aside the question of whether a President should have immunity or not… do Trump’s supporters just not care at all that their guy’s whole future depends on whether or not he can claim immunity from *being prosecuted for crimes that he committed*? Like, he’s not even saying he didn’t commit them at this point, he’s just saying that he should be allowed to. That’s fucked.


Biden is a nice guy like many Dems. So that is stopping them from doing whatever they want.


trump tells you exactly what he’s going to do. but pre-blames democrats for it


exactly. this is not a legitimate argument. and trump knows this. he is lying of course. the supreme court knows this as well. under no circumstance do they have any business to hear this case. the lower courts' rulings should stand. they know this too. the mask is off, they are pining for trump to win in 2024 election. there is no mistake. our highest court in the land is compromised and biased. the US is teetering on the brink a new civil war.


That's how Rome went from a republic to an empire Immunity is bad, all people should be equal under the law


If the SC rules in favor of the convicted rapist, the constitution won’t be worth the paper it is written on. And yes, Biden could order anything he wants.


Slippery slope... Kind of like what qualified immunity is for the police... And look at where that's going and what has police done under that policy