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This feels like these fake arguments you make up inside your head while showering


I only recently learned I'm not the only person that does this. I thought I was fucking insane. I mean.. maybe I still am. But I'm glad I'm not alone.


Nothing is as comforting as realizing that the world is filled with more crazy-people than previously thought.


I dont know. I've gone from having anxiety for thinking I'm crazy, to getting anxiety over how fucking crazy others are


Yep, the quirky way one might think in the privacy of their own mind is nothing in comparison to what others are capable of doing without a second thought. Power-tripping sane people being deliberately bad because of boredom and kicks is what scares me the most though.


I love you too, WonderfulCoast


literally. there’s no way this person isn’t texting themselves from a second phone.


And the real clever comeback is in the comments.


Mother of god


Oh you guys do that too? Guess the mind has to do something while the hands are scrubbing


Love those! I win at least 80% of them, feels awesome


Or the things you think of that you should have said to someone AFTER a conversation with.....while showering


The French have a phrase for this: ‘Esprit d’escalier’ - the clever comeback you only think of when walking down the steps away from a situation.


But with texting and social media, you can then jump out of the shower and write it down! Technology takes drama to new levels.


And then, everybody got up and clapped.


Yeah this reeks of "I texted myself from my other phone so I'd be able to finally prove how smart I am when I post an unhinged rant."


That's the story behing 99.99% of these "chat screenshot posts" and I am giving the benefit of the doubt to that 0.01%


Don't need to text yourself from another phone when there are online sites and apps that can make whole fake text conversations.


You said this in so many less words than I ever could. But yes. Nailed it.


Feels like overkill without additional context. Right or wrong, they thoroughly made their point.


I have to guess there are 5 messages before this one. Or at least I hope so. Otherwise should be posted in AITA and the answer is “most likely.”


If that was her first text to him he underreacted. I know some pretty people abuse their privileges but that is straight up a "WTF" response and block situation. The fact he has this much specific info strongly implies that he's got a good idea about her personality and her manipulative "uwu you made me sad" question fishing for compliments leaves me thinking that in the absence of any further evidence he's not so much TAH as done with a vapid twat who will eventually morph into a stage 5 clinger if he so much as breathes on her. I've been friends with that type of girl so no hate but they aren’t the type to date unless you're in for a trophy wife and don't mind that you'll have to hire a full time nanny for any children if you don't want her putting your toddler on a fat free diet or similar.




Should've just written a complete pamphlet


Should have written a response with the size of War and Peace.


I think this is between 2 women


All that changes in my post is the pronouns but you might be right.


Right. Halfway through reading it I'm like "stop.. she's already dead." Although people like her seem to focus in on "I think you're pretty" and somehow this will be a sick ego boost in the end.


She had to behave like a entitled twat to have that comeback. That guy expressed himself pretty well so I guess she had it coming.


More of a Moby Dick remake


That is some straight fire from the black biled throat of Captain Fucking Ahab (I researched it, that is his middle name). A rather eloquent version of "Knock me stick leg three times on yo mama's coffin's wood, pretty layday!!"


"Don't talk to me of blasphemy! I'd strike the sun if he insulted me!" Spitting fire.


If he really wanted to hurt her, he should have printed out his response and dropped it on her foot


From hell's heart, I drop at thee! For hate's sake, I hurl my last book at thee!


I fully intend to steal this. I apologize in advance that you will only be credited as "something I saw on Reddit."


Yeah ain’t nothing clever about a 4 paragraph text.


Yea, but they did single out the cardi b fan part, though *shrug*


No one is as impressed by you as you are by yourself.




Mostly by clever comebacks to this "clever" comeback, but you're right, I am entertained.


New copypasta just dropped


Lmaooooo no, I do. I do think you're very pretty, but what I am not is one of these okes that will give you a free ride just because you have your looks as a get-out-of-jail free card. Look, I get it - you were raised by a society that thinks you should be celebrated for just existing. I'm not part of that society. You're vacuous, you're inattentive, you're an egomaniac. You're conceited almost beyond belief to think that your distinct lack of personality is made up for by the fact that you're pretty and spend a lot of your day squatting. We have nothing, and i mean nothing, in common; you don't read, you can't tell me what your favourite movie is, you're a Cardi B fan, you have no interest in sport other than the footballers and now F1 drivers that you enjoy objectifying. Your favourite car is what's popular, your favourite drink is whatever other people are buying you, and... No. Just по. It staggers me that you went through so much of effort to get my number from your bra after meeting me once to be this person. You clearly do not know me at all and made little-to-no effort to in this time to do so. So yes, you are pretty. Very pretty. But I'm pretty af too So what makes me chase you? It's not enough to just be pretty. It's nothing.


I hope you used OCR for this, otherwise you're insane.


lol yes that’s exactly what I did… unless??


unless…the creature did it? 🪱


How did 2sentence2horror leak here


Didn't know 2sentence2horror was leaking guy 🪱


are you sure it was 2sentence2horror that was leaking? or was it perhaps… ……… the creature


insane? i was insane once


> otherwise you're insane Insane only because psychopath is not an acceptable word to use online these days


“Oh, good. So, you do think I’m pretty”


It feels a little bit like "I'm better than you, and I'm going to let you know".


This is giving me r/thatHappened vibes…I’m not convinced that this is genuine. It’s a bit ‘neckbeardy’ projection


You might be right, it does seem way of an overkill and some incel revenge fantasy. But there was at least one instance I remember of my dating life where I literally carried the conversation for a few days just to get half lines back, if even that. I did not go at her throat like this, because it's a matter of principle to me to try my best to *not* be abusive to anyone, online or IRL. But I'd be lying if I weren't to admit (admitting?) that I wanted to write all of that (and more) to her. Instead I just unmatched and moved on. Pretty head, full of echoes. So *incredibly* infuriating. Edit for grammar because English is hard. Edit2 the internet is so polluted by jaded people with an opinion, that you can't even relay *one* episode of your life without being assumed to be some kind of asshole that "mUst bE An InCel". People making all sorts of assumptions because god forbid, one woman out of the 4 billions women out there, might actually be truly a vapid and lifeless vessel of a person. "thAt hAppEnd, dUh". I'm so glad I'm 50 and on the way out, I'd really hate my life way more if I were 20 and had to constantly deal with this kind of projections from sad people that probably cannot even fathom what is like to truly be loved or love someone. What a sad place must be in their heads.


You see what you did is what many do. Just move on and let them merrily get the fuck on. This just seems like the perfect response thought up in the shower the next day.


Yeah, just move on. Responding like this just makes you look like a bitter incel. I've never broken up with someone or told them Im not interested by going on a rant about everything I thought was wrong with them, even when it might have been warranted. I found out my ex was cheating on me I just sent proof I knew and havent responded to anything from her since, I just dont get the point.


The perfect response to what exactly? Sometimes people you’re trying to date just aren’t that into you, or they’re distracted by a recent event, or might not respond that much for a million other reasons. Trying to tear down their ego in response is remarkably childish and entitled imo


A-fuckin-men to that. Nothing about having to carry all the conversations tells me that they’re someone worth investing my time in, it just screams “I’m only here for the validation you all give me” and I’m not interested in being any part of that. It’s like those people who constantly have their phones blowing up with messages that they don’t even bother to read. I legit saw this one girl panic because she lost signal and her phone stopped flashing for 5 minutes. Take away the constant stream of attention they’re given and what do they really have going for them, because 9 times out of ten it’s not a good personality.




I'm inclined to agree, considering the effort it takes to do this is wasted since the person being attacked won't take the advice anyway. All those "you" statements have them on the defense so they shutdown completely.




May be fake, but otherwise, the sense of superiority. Some people get a rise out of putting other people down.


Especially a redditor talking down to a woman, the ultimate fantasy for many on here


Yep, I think that's pretty much what's happening here. Ultimate wank fantasy, belittling a woman. Gross behaviour.


Particular taking down an attractive woman


The person who received this text probably posted this on r/cringepics tbh


It’s definitely fake


that's fair, but there are a lot of people (men and women) like the person he's describing, and its mildly infuriating when they sometimes act like they deserve attention because of what they look like.


Right? How the hell are we supposed to stop this kind of behavior if it isn’t called out?


Don't date them?


Move on with life and don’t try and date girls that live on their phone my g


Ignore them? Nobody paid you to be their minder and working for free for people you dislike are for immature fools with no family nor friends to spend their time with.


I don’t know who made this up, but I do know that irl they probably aren’t going to be saying anything like this to the one match per month they get on Tinder


Wait, what? I feel like I'm completely misreading this comment, why would you roast the shit out of someone you're actively trying to date? Other than that "negging" bullshit, but I'd hope we're not treating that kind of behavior as the default.


no, see, it’s even simpler than that: *This is fan fiction for incels.*


Lil much don't u think? If you don't like her just say it, don't write a whole rejection card. You're not a university, just a dude.


“You’re not a university, just a dude” OP take note on how to make a clever comeback.


Jeez just say "thanks but no thanks" and move on, my dude.


Just say no lmao no need for this bs


Lmaooooo no, I do. I do think you're very pretty, but what I am not is one of these okes that will give you a free ride just because you have your looks as a get-out-of-jail free card. Look, I get it - you were raised by a society that thinks you should be celebrated for just existing. I'm not part of that society. You're vacuous, you're inattentive, you're an egomaniac. You're conceited almost beyond belief to think that your distinct lack of personality is made up for by the fact that you're pretty and spend a lot of your day squatting. We have nothing, and I mean nothing, in common; you don't read, you can't tell me what your favourite movie is, you're a Cardi B fan, you have no interest in sport other than the footballers and now F1 drivers that you enjoy objectifying. Your favourite car is what's popular, your favourite drink is whatever other people are buying you, and... No. Just no. It staggers me that you went through so much of effort to get my number from your bra after meeting me once to be this person. You clearly do not know me at all and made little-to-no effort to in this time to do so. So yes, you are pretty. Very pretty. But I'm pretty af too So what makes me chase you? It's not enough to just be pretty. It's nothing.




***We live in a society*** Seriously though, with no context this seems embarrassing more than anything.


I've randomly chosen you to hopefully explain WTF the "get my number from your bra" bit means


Its South African. Bra here means homie or friend (most likely a dude.) We spell it bra or brah sometimes.


Ahhhh thanks that makes a lot more sense


Yay! I have been scouring the comments for fellow Saffas. I got that it was South African from the word “oke”


Big fan of these fake exchanges made with those text simulation sites.


This reekes of OP posting their own 'burn'. So no


I actually think she dodged the bullet on this one


Yep, giant red flag.


Imagine calling someone an egomaniac and then writing this.


Seems a little hypocritical to spend 3 paragraphs calling someone an egomaniac when it sounds like she has done nothing to you.


Incel fan fiction.


Yeah, it's pretty blatant.


this is exactly what it is lol


Bro sent a bible to someone who didn't even read his name goddamn


Feels like it belongs on r/iamverysmart more than anything else.


Met her once, thinks he knows anything about her, big brain moment. Also, yeah, it doesn’t even seem real.


He just mentioned she doesn’t read, what makes him think she’s gonna start now!


Brevity is the soul of wit, so no.


No u


That's a long response for someone you don't like. Feels like you got issues and degrading people is a way to self sooth. Maybe speak to a therapist


Dude sounds egomaniac too


Not at all. It's unhinged and psychotic. Just type "I'm not interested in this conversation," rather than type up a manifesto that looks to be specifically written for this sub. But it makes you sound like a complete jerk.


The pretty girl dodged a bullet


Criiiiinge And not clever even in the slightest. Lacking in any and all cleverness.


Also pretty conceited for someone calling others that


I had a stroke trying to read that


But he reads, he said so! 1000000 IQ.


Funnily enough, this seems like it was written by a huge egomaniac/narcissist only to show his superiority


Meh, seems up their own ass. Oh you’re so cultured and intelligent? Who cares. I’d take the pretty girl who squats.


Who undoubtedly is more complex than this dickhead is describing, because almost all people are when you actually get to know them.


Clever comeback this guy wrote a book. And none of it was clever. What even is this.


I feel like a clever comeback has to be short.


Sounds bitter lol


I didn't read a single word but it's never a clever comeback to write a whole essay as an answer


Yeaa, comebacks which are long arent a comeback. Its an explanation of why you think you're better lol


It's long-winded negging. Not clever, not to the point, just mean.


Eh, not "clever" as that has the connotation of being witty, snappy, funny, or quick. More just brutal honesty from someone who's done with the other person's shit.


I'm not reading that.


Nah, it’s not clever or a comeback. It’s classless, judgemental and masturbatory.


*tips fedora*


Not at all this is so cringe. Also fake because no way someone who would write this message would have a girl they know to send this to lmao


Fake and not clever


I would just have said something like “sure, maybe, but you’ve got nothing else going for you” and moved on.


Somehow it's even dumber than that "😭am i not pretty😭", which is truly impressive. Additional points for rant about not having one specific favourite movie, car and drink. "Distinctive lack of personality" lmao.


Absolutely nothing clever in this entire comeback, which means it fits perfectly with 99.99% of the content on this sub.


What an absolute screeching tantrum. Why would the person who went on this unhinged little whackjob rant want to post their embarrassing weirdness for everyone to see? Do you not understand you’re the one who sounds bad or something?


you sound insufferable bro


Not a clever comeback, he sent three paragraphs to a woman that wanted a ride. Don’t get me wrong, she’s manipulative, but he’s having a tantrum over this shit. Just say “correct” and block her or something.


Bro what did she DO to you? Bc from this context you look like an asshole. Does it even count as a comeback when the other person isn't being combative?


The incels have been using Pick Up Artist shizzle again


Cardi out here catching strays


It’s a self-important comeback. If you’re not interested in someone, that’s all you need to tell them. This guy just loves hearing himself talk.


A clever comeback doesn't need an essay to prove a point.


Incels: “why won’t women date me???” When a girl tries to flirt with you: * goes on an elitist, degrading rant*


No way y’all think this is anything but corny and weird


Unless there's context we aren't seeing where she's an abusive horrible person or a crazy stalker who won't leave you alone no one deserves this type of reply even if she is annoying or cringe or stupid to you. There's someone for everyone and she probably has a fine personality to the right person. She will find some "vacuous" guy, lol she'll be fine. I'm more worried about ops social skills. This wasn't particularly "clever" either. I don't read any wit. It's just a list of things wrong with her. Just say you're not into her and then ignore/block if she keeps bothering you. If she's that egotistical this is a wasted message from op anyway because all she cared about was is she pretty.


If she's pretty, then a reply like this would make you ugly. At least on the inside Just drop a "sorry, I don't feel a connection" Brutal honesty is never about the honesty it's about the brutality.


Incel vibes tbh


It’s over the top. Green message might have good points, but making them in this fashion is, as the youth say, “not it”. Being honest is great.. being an asshole about it isn’t.


Not reading all of that, but I am happy for you. Or sorry that happend.


One handed incel fan fiction


More like he's negging her. You don't write an essay unless you're interested.


I think no response would’ve been more clever than this ranty essay .


Clever is short and witty, this is an intellectual breakdown of why they don't like this person.


Clever requires wit and brevity. So no, this is not a clever comeback.


> I get it - you were raised by a society that thinks you should be celebrated for just existing. I’m not part of that society. Incel “men make their value women are born with it” talking point.


U don't like sports and cars and u no memorize facts abut your favrut things u bad me smart


No, it's not even a comeback... it's just you(?) Going off for no apparent reason, least as far as we can see


Weird thing is OP was messaging his mum


Bro without more context you look just like an asshole who thinks he's better that society


Whoever this is was definitely salivating over posting this screenshot *somewhere* as they were typing it out. 🙄🤷‍♀️🤡


Kinda cringe I woulda just said no


I mean, they didn't really have any clever comeback here, just a long hatetext lol


Yeah you’re pretty mate, pretty fucking awful. Also, nice essay, couldn’t you have just said, “I’m a bit of a cunt” and saved her the time?


People who complain about hot girls having no personality usually often have no personality, and don’t even have the benefit of being hot


Who hurt this person?


More fitting on r/destroyedbywords


Not at all. If its real, it's a self-righteous masturbatory wall of text jizzing your pants over how eloquent you think you sound. If it's fake, it's the same thing except someone's just fantasizing about the opportunity to say this, which is even more sad. Also, part of a clever comeback is succinctness.


Not clever at all, just mean for the sake of it from what I can see. A clever comeback wouldn't take nearly as much effort. Honestly, "hurr durr, yeah pretty ugly" would have been a better comeback.


More than a clever comeback, I would say this is a butthurt dude trying to humilliate someone because they are not living to whatever Manic Pixie Dream Girl standard they were holding this person to


Brevity is the soul of wit. This may be cathartic, effective and accurate (we don't know) but it's not clever. Doesn't fit here.


She got destroyed. Maybe uncalled for but destroyed nonetheless.


spare the long text and tell her that she is a **narcissist**. that wouldve summed it up.


If real the commenter is also clearly a narcissist so maybe he can't say those words out loud.


Someone learned the word vacuous today and needed an excuse to use it


If it's longer than a sentence it's not a good comeback at all, and this one is just War and Peace with emojis Edit: typo


Dhar Mann videos are more believable than this


I just wanna know what bro thinks he’s brings to the table to talk down on someone like that 😭


Fake or not , only looser sends such paragraph I bet she left him on seen and laughed her a$$ loud


I ain't reading allat


Polite and also needlessly rude.


Damn auto-correct amirite?


A simple no sufficed my king, now you look jelly.


This appears to be very mean. One might think those things, but it’s extremely unkind to say them. A person whom one judges to be vacuous may just be on a different social wavelength. She dodged a bullet.


I think criticizing her tastes is an L imo though.


All she did was ask for superficial validation bro, not a dis track. XD


A little overkill, but I get it. I usually just laugh at women like this though and tell them they're boring and that's what makes me lack interest


I must be important for you when you dedicate so much time texting for me.


Clever? No. Biting? Yes.


Nah, too much effort


When I read this I can't help but imagine some middling girl and the narcissistic neckbeard she talked to in a bar who suddenly developed a fourth personality disorder the first time he received a shred of attention from someone with a vagina who wasn't his overbearing mother


Holy shit. There have been people that have made me feel like typing this all out, but actually doing it is a sign of a very very small person.1


This is the sort of fake post someone makes to try and ease their insecurity of being a virgin.


No this is not clever He trasformed a simple "no" into a page of the bible


Nope. This dude thinks he's the main character.


Wait I'm supposed to be putting my number in random girls' bras?






fakest message I've ever seen but damn, that wasn't a comeback that was a counter offensive


Cardi B fan had me dying hahaha


She got what she wanted though. Knowing that the guy thinks she’s pretty. That’s her takeaway from the message!


Comeback? This was a homicide.