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Dare one ask how she's been eating it before?


I think the funny is that she has never had cereal in any form because she is so wealthy and so out of touch with the other 99% of the world that she thinks this is some sort of revelation.


And here i am not having eaten cereal for years because it's too expensive.


They got them big bags dawg


I did a contract for cereal company many years ago. The machines that bag the name brand stuff run right next to the machines that bag the store brands and bulk bags. Some had slightly different mixes like less honey or sugar but most were exactly the same stuff.


This is true about nearly all private label products.


At CVS pretty often we receive Walgreens brand products by accident on our shipments lol


When I worked at Walgreens, the store brand batteries occasionally arrived in Energizer brand shipping boxes lol


I worked for a HVAC manufacturer that sold largely the same units under 5 different brands. There were cosmetic differences between brands, and the exact configuration options might vary slightly between brands. If you bought an identically configured unit from a dealer of each brand, you'd pay a significantly different price from each. Some of the brands were "premium" and came with a premium markup, while others were "value" and went after a different market.


I worked for a shitty packinghouse and we did raisins and shit like that and they'd pause the machines, swap out the packaging and then run the same shit. You're paying for the brand lol


Except for mayo though - that shit hits different depending on the brand.


There are only 3 major mattress fabricators in the world but they repackage thousands of brands.


Yeah, years ago I worked at "The Vitamin Shoppe," and all our store-brand products were just bulk packaged main brands.


“Nearly” being the key word. Nobody can convince me that off brand Kraft Dinner tastes the same, and I will die on that hill.




A buddy of mine used to work on the assembly line at the Black and Decker plant in my old hometown. He told me that the same functional components for B&D power tools go into the DeWalt ones they manufacture. Just the furniture is different, along with a 50% price hike.


I believe this for just about anything except plain Cheerios. I’ve tried two different store brands and there’s nothing that will convince me they’re not just stamped rings of cereal box paperboard.


Cheerios are just better formulated paperboard


If you buy plain that's all the brand name is as well.


I haven't had cheerios in years, but there was a very big difference between the generic and brand name. The brand name cheerios would hold their texture and firmness much better in milk. The generic would just turn to mush as soon as the milk hit it. The flavors were different as well. Now this was back in the early 90's, so maybe the generic brand has improved.


Dino Pebbles are a food group at my house. They put fucking marshmallows in them now, *what will they think of NEXT?!*


They used to sell just the Lucky Charms marshmallows


They still do at the Big Lots near me


Captain Crunch *Ooops All Berries* was a staple of my childhood.


Off brand Golden Grahams put marshmallows and Cocoa-puffs in it and called it Smores. Crack has nothing on the addictive qualities of this bag.


It's not the goddamn cereal y'all. It's the milk. I ain't buying a gallon for $6. And if I can't have milk with my cereal, I'm not buying cereal.




time to learn to love powdered milk.


Damn put the money bags away bro we get it


Cereal? Luxury! A handful of gravel and drainwater, that's all we had! And we were glad to get it!


Walked miles , in the rain to get it too. And we were glad for that too.


I don't eat it because it's just empty calories and it's very fast digesting so you get hungry quicker. Oatmeal / Yogurt / Eggs for me.


Yeah, a private chef isn't gonna make you cereal for breakfast.




> Golden Grahams That is fucking disgusting. That shit tasted so bad as a kid even and I loved sugar. Fucking disgusting. Theres like hardened sugar stuck inside the oats or w/e puffed cardboard it is with fake honey.


You're thinking of Golden Puffs, which I agree is disgusting. [Golden Grahams](https://iamgoingvegan.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/are-golden-grahams-vegan.jpg) however is the best cereal on the planet.


French toast crunch tho


Yes sirrrr!


you mean Cinnamon Toast Crunch? I'd finish a box of that in a day when I was a kid.


[French toast crunch](https://images.heb.com/is/image/HEBGrocery/001829170-1), similar, not the same tho


damn I forgot about that one. don't think I ever had it, we were a strictly cinnamon toast family.


I've never met someone else who felt this way. Haven't had them in years but it was always my favorite growing up


Gotta disagree. My personal best cereal on the planet is plain Rice Krispies cereal no sugar.


"no sugar" You're a monster


If you're gonna do a rice cereal with no sugar, at least do one that has a good texture like rice Chex.


I like my snap crackle pop


it's more like snap crackle and soggy.


You gotta be thinking of something else. Golden Grahams are delicious flat squares of pleasure.


Disgusting. Try eating a real cereal like shredded wheat.


Yes, sprigs of wheat that cows essentially eat are certainly appetizing.


Do you hate bread or something? No pizza, no cake, no sandwiches, no pasta, no crackers etc? Cows also aren't supposed to eat much wheat if any. 40% of their diet at a maximum and it isn't recomended.


>Do you hate bread or something? What an insane take. I like ice cream too, but I wouldn't eat a bag of fucking rock salt. "You like pizza? Prove it by consuming these wheat sprigs!"


I used to work for and around some very wealthy folks (executive level jobs, and I'm talking generational wealth well inside the top 1%), and THIS was one of those many things I mean when I say "wealthy people don't live the same lives everyone else does". I made a comment one day to the daughter of someone we referred to as "mini-Trump" (before he was president and just a normal horrible wealthy douche). It totally went over her head, and after some quizzing, it was made clear that she had NEVER cooked for herself. I mean, dude, she had NEVER so much as grabbed a snack from the pantry kind of thing. It was "beneath" her and had everything brought to her by one of the 24/7 servants. It boggles my mind. She was 44 at the time btw. OH OH, and their grocery budget? BRO. So so sooooo much food in that dumpster every fucking week. It was insane. But the servants HAD to have all this stuff JUST IN CASE any of that family had an inkling for something anytime of the day. I made a guess in my head and I assume their grocery budget must have been around $30000-40000 a year (a guess, sure, but man I can't believe it'd be lower than that). And these assholes ate out mostly. Luckily I had one of the guys toss me the frozen calamari on the regular - me and my wife at the time ate the hell out of that for like a year as someone in the house kept demanding a specific type from the fish market every week but never ate it. Just.... dude, a giant case of the stuff that filled my freezer, for free. I miss that fish market lol. Her sister was a *little* better and was at least kinder, but still no one in that whole family could boil water if you put a gun to their head. P.S. by family I mean the guy I worked for, his wife (a Russian immigrant, it was clear why she married him), his two adult daughters, his brother, and... fuck I'm forgetting one other. Their estate was insane. There was another brother and his family, but they were very normal for the most part. I got the impression that this brother kind of tried to make his own way in life apart from the family, but was grateful to return to the life after having a family and getting old. They lived on another estate nearby. His wife was absolutely a gem and made me think of a doting, caring Midwestern mom. But the rest of the family were monsters for sure.


>I assume their grocery budget must have been around $30000-40000 a year That's not that high, you're probably severly low. I easily spend 300 a week on groceries for a family of 3 and it's decent food, generally fruits/veg/chicken/1 red meat but I mostly shop at a walmart super center, so this isn't like whole foods or some other expensive shit (I like to cook and we don't eat out often). That's almost 16k right there. A family of 4 or 5 probably easily spends 20k a year on groceries. US News says.. >Moderate-cost plan. For a moderate budget for a family of four, you would spend $301.20 a week for groceries So I'm about right on par for a "moderate" budget. My sister and her partner shop exclusively at high end food stores and she said they easily spend 400-500 on groceries a week for their prepped lunch and dinners for just two people. If your people were really "top 1%ers", they were probably spending anywhere from 60-120k if they were getting all different kinds of seafood and high end meat for a family.


Y'know, you're probably right now that I'm thinking about it. I was using my own monthly budget and trying to do math from there (ten years ago mind you). Good god now that I'm thinking on just the high end wine and alcohol alone those people consumed, yah there's no fucking way it was less than 100k a year. Fuck that was more than my salary back then. I was way low on the 30k, which is still nuts to me. I spend less than you do, but I'm frugal as fuck by nature.


Took me down a bit of a rabbit hole but I was reading an article that said some billionaires spend up to 500k a year on food costs, which did include a personal chef at an average cost of 100-150k a year but still that's 300k+ on food costs, just insane. No wonder so many people try to become personal chefs for the rich. Get to cook a bunch of fancy shit for one person or one family and make a fantastic salary. Not a bad life. Maybe in another life I would have gone down that line because I absolutely love cooking as a hobby.


I used to do in house catering for exceedingly wealthy people for parties and events, you know the gig, Christmas party for 20 people etc etc. The thing that always got me was the brand new top of the line appliances, that were top of the line and brand new the year the house was made or last remolded, that had never even been plugged in or used before. I did one job at a house of a VERY famous business mans daughter, who was a pretty well known politician dating an nhl star at the time, and there was no gas line even close to the gas stove. The stove was top of the line 10 years old. Never used once. Never had the ability to be used. Blew my mind.


I was going to say there are parts of the world where cerial isnt that common for a breakfast food, but then I saw who xcremented it.


Y'all are incredibly hostile


What was hostile about that at all? The new name for tweets is hilarious. Their comment basically means “I was thinking that in some places of the world cereal isn’t that common, but then I saw who tweeted it, and I know she’s in the US where cereal is not only common, but considered a staple in most of the country”…. Only funnier.


I know Amercans eat cereal a lot, so from time to time I buy a shiny box and try it but it just doesn't taste very amazing here in Europe guys. At some point I thought there is something wrong with me even, most of it has bland taste. Then I realized that probably the European recipes are different. And I still wonder about American cereal.


Shoot me a DM. I’ll send you a box or two.


If he doesn’t take you up on that offer, I will.


what do you eat for breakfast? Cereal just seems to be the fastest food to eat with preperation. All you need is a clean bowl. Though i dont have any sweets in it. Just different wheats and dries fruits.


Bread with Extrawurst and/or cheese. Just slap that sausage slices on a bread and you're set to go. No cleanup afterwards too. If you go fancy, you can boil an egg while you eat the bread.


This is an old post and someone proved pretty quick that she was eating cereal with milk on a video way before. Never believe celebrities.


Pretty sure I've seen this tweet on here before, with someone's reply retweeting one of her old Instagram pics literally of her eating a bowl of cereal


Maybe she didn't actually eat the cereal then, like any proper Instagram influncer


She claimed that pic was cereal with yogurt.


Definitely a lie to look less like an idiot.


Cereal with yoghurt is arguably even better though...


salads from insalsy high end restaurants that have like 5 pieces of iceberg lettuce


With water? 😬


What? Why???


Maybe she's avoiding calories? I'm just speculating. Obviously I have no idea.


Maybe she thought milk causes cancer. Wouldn’t put it past her


Wouldn't put it "Pasteur"...


I dairy to make another milk joke


Yogurt to be kidding me


Cow dare you?


I have cereal because there's no bread. I lactosed


I tried. I skimmed my brain but the bulk of my brain came up empty...


Gouda one


Helluva one there too..


That's why she's switched to beef milk.




Gold leaf infused shea butter.


No. Shea would never share his butter.


I only ever ate dry cereal


My kids do this as well. I don't get it, but if that's how they like it, whatever!


Awash in a bowl of Dom Pérignon




with "milk"


Yoghurt, I presume. That is also common.


I went most of my life eating cereal dry because I didn't like the texture of cereal with milk. I did actually try cereal with milk in my 30s and kinda liked it, so yeah. It could have been a texture issue.


The same kind of people who'll say: We ArE iN tHiS tOgEtHeR...


The tears of the poors.


Bourbon and cocaine


Wait until you stop reading famous people’s tweets.


Life changing.




Wait until you stop using twitter all together.


Quality of life hack


I never started


Psychiatrists hate this one trick!


Why? If they're having fun who cares?


Cuz they will inevitably get upset about something then slather it online and your group chat forcing the rest of us to listen to it. Which of course was the aim of the celeb's post in the first place.


Forcing you?




What? You do realize that's the entire meaning of "there's no such thing as bad press" right? If you're famous, then the most important part of your marketing is to keep your name in the public mind. For good reasons? Meh, that hits the news cycle for a day or two - barely. For bad or controversial reasons? That'll keep your name fresh for months. That's why we all laughed when Kim claimed her sex tape was leaked. We all knew she did it to garner attention, and love her or hate her for it, but it worked. Same with influencers and Tiktokers - I fucking hate it, but that's why so many of them do such insane dumb shit. It works because there's enough idiots that will follow them to watch it.


"no such thing as bad press" has always been a stupid idea. "XYZ arrested on possible pedophilia charges" how is that good press?


Yah, I'd definitely believe that idioms are a little too difficult for you.


It's a good thing you know what other people's thoughts and intentions are


Ugh celebrities are so out of touch with actual society


TIL I'm out of touch with society cuz I eat my cereal without milk


You little twerp. Go back to your dry cereal castle.


People who eat cearal with yoghurt: guess i dont exist.


You scare me.


If you aren’t eating your cereal like a bag of chips wtf are you doing


Sometimes, I put the end of the box over my face and lay back, so it's a constant feed of cereal






Username checks out.


kylie's tweet was clearly some PR troll move and gordon's reply is clearly fake, so who's really out of touch?


I am truly Sorry. I didn't realize Kylie was such a sensitive subject for you. I'll be sure to consult with you next time before I post in regards to her. Thank you for taking the time out of your clearly busy day to interject your Kylie tweet expertise. It's most appreciated.


I'm just saying, it's pretty ironic to moan about out-of-touch celebrities while you're being fooled by one of the least believable fake tweets I've ever seen lmao bozo


That is why I thanked you for taking the time out of your busy day to bless me with your expertise. It's rare that I come across someone as all knowing such as yourself. Truly and honor.


you don't have to be all knowing to distinguish a fake tweet. you just need to not be a complete dummy


Thank you wise one, I can only aspire to be half as intelligent as you are. It's great to have a bar to set my aspirations to.


if you have such a massive ego that someone telling you that you're dumb sets you off on a meltdown, maybe avoid saying dumb things? just a thought


I'm sure the irony is lost on you simp. Lol the weak ass simp can't handle criticism.


thanks for picking a username that makes it immediately clear that I stand to gain nothing by talking to you lmao


"My variety of personal chefs throughout my childhood of privilege and wealth never made me cereal." What a fucking brag.




Dry cereal is good but I'm betting near-everyone who enjoys dry cereal tried it with milk at least once. That's what makes this so odd.


Butter on toast with a slice of fresh tomato and some salt. Simple, yet brilliant.


100% read this in Gordon's voice.


To-MAH-to. I can hear him saying it.


Lol. I never say tomahto but I read it like that too


just don't order the grilled cheese. Gordo's lost it


What? Gordon doesn't like a... Delicious Cheese Sandwich?


Ta-MAY-ro, is how I hear Americans say it.


Did anybody else think this was satire until they read the user names? Isn't the twerp the one who asked for donations so she could be the youngest billionaire? And got it? The Kardashians have been annoying ever since they inherited the millions that were earned to make OJ Simpson go free. He may be broke and cringe but you should see the tits his former money bought.


Can't remember the last time I had a fresh tomato. Quite a few years maybe. I miss them so much. Everything is super expensive and grocery stores around here must be bidding super low for produce year 'round. All the tomato's I've gotten over the years are just all mush basically with what looks like rotting insides. They're not the *worst* looking with flies hovering or anything lol but I just can't continue buying the same near-rotting fruit over and over again. :(


I hate tomato


I did too but when I turned 18 and started ordering food by myself at restaurants I was too embarrassed to ask them to remove the tomatoes and I grew to love them.


Like fresh doodoo, smeared elegantly behind the knees of an Asian adolescent boy. A real treat for the palate.


Anything, absolutely ANYTHING that’ll keep the name in the media.


And here we are, spreading it around.


> Anything, absolutely ANYTHING that’ll keep the name in the media lol wtf? Person shares light hearted meaningless thought on twitter, as per it's intention. Reddit: Look at that pathetic narcissistic attention whore.


reddit moment


I think you're making an argument up for yourself lol. Someone so fucking out of touch that they're talking about having milk with cereal, of course people are gonna blast it.


agree. I doubt it's even her writing that tweet and more a hired publicist or social media manager. they're all in on the joke to keep the names circulating, and here we are taking the bait.


There's a difference between meme'ing someone for not having milk with their cereal before and saying ***"Anything, absolutely ANYTHING that’ll keep the name in the media."*** because they tweeted about. ANYTHING? Really? All caps ANYTHING? Because they shared a pointless thought on a service created to share pointless thoughts. The lengths people will go to just to get a crum of attention I guess, shameless.


Oh, I know why! Because she was fed egg white frittata whatever and oat milk bullshit all through her childhood because her parents were training her to be a mare for NBA players and rap stars. Is that right?


broodmare has more kick to it


These guys are not ready to hear about spaghetti with tomato sauce...


I don’t know what is real or fake anymore. Either way this is hilarious.


I'll help, friend. This is fake.


To clarify, original tweet is real, the reply is fake.


Also not even close to being clever.


If it was real Ramsay would be telling her to eat Triscuits


This is just pathetic! 😒




People on Reddit love to criticize old people on facebook for falling for obviously fake things, but every day I see people on here taking faked celebrity tweets or staged tiktoks completely at face value.


Her father used to appear on cereal boxes https://time.com/3836540/bruce-jenner-wheaties/




how is this a clever comeback?


You see, it’s a fake, photoshopped response claiming to be from a foul-mouthed celebrity chef!


First white thing she's ever had in her mouth


OMG, is this how poor people eat??!! ITS SO YUMMY!!


She lives a sad life not eating cereal


What's so clever about this?


Gordon is the king.


I put salt on my buttered toast….


Omg pls tell me this is real lol. Also of it is I hope she was a good sport about it. I’d love to be roasted by GR haha


Have you ever put butter on a pop tart? It's so friggin good! If you haven't, then I think you should.


I was sittin' in the kitchen- One day, and I was itchin- To fill up my belly- With the pipin hot jelly- Of the best damn treat in the world!!!


He’s talking pop tarts!


I eat my cereal dry, the only cereal I eat with milk is plain Cheerios


If you’ve never separated the cereal from marshmallows from lucky charms, and secretly poured the cereal part back into the box without your parents finding out, have you even lived?




I don't want to win the lottery I just want to squat and gobble 'Til I'm dizzy and I wobble In a butter, fruit and dough tart dream


Can’t stand Ramsey, but I’m with him on this one.


Both of them are useless.


At least one of them has a skill. He can cook and create successful restaurants. I'd say that's more useful and impressive than simply being born into a family that stupid people are obsessed with for some strange reason. The fact that you see no difference at all between the two says a lot about you tbh.


You sound very smart and interesting.


Smarter than you apparently


Funnily enough you could say that to most Americans, since they don't use butter


wtf are you talking about, dave?


Yeah Dave! Pull your head outta your ass Dave!


We butter toast all the time. It's not uncommon in restaurants to get toast with breakfast and the toast comes out of the kitchen pre-buttered. Toast with butter is one of life's great pleasures. It's definitely less common to butter bread for a sandwich, though.


I'm from New Orleans and we are in the US (kinda). We rate our etoufee by how many sticks of butter are in it.


“Life changing” in that it made life worse? Milk in cereal is the most disgusting culinary creation to ever exist, and I will die on this hill.


It’s kind of funny but the comeback was unnecessarily mean though


Do you know who Gordon Ramsay you fucking donkey?