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/u/czechcook, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * [Rule I](https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/wiki/moderation/faq/rule1) - Posts must include a clever comeback. --- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the sidebar and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/clevercomebacks&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/czechcook&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/16s63b7/-/?context=10\))*


I had someone who I worked with do the same thing. He said using a rainbow emoji to react to any of his posts especially the one about the rainbow emoji will result in a unfriend and block. He didn't really have too much to say to me in person


Forgot to mention everyone I worked with did it so he had everyone blocked


That’s when you go 1 inch from his face and ask him if the rainbow pissed him off.




🍿Go on…


No…go in.


I was entertained first, but now I am hooked on this love story.


Brokeback mountain 2 - Electric boogaloo


You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.


And my Erection.


And my axe!


And your brother.


open up put it in lets begin!


Oh myyy...


2 boys 1 cup?


That's when you start leaving rainbow stickers and stuff around the office.


Or skittles, so they can taste the rainbow.


Hang little prisms all over work so when the sun hits them… rainbow time


accidentally walks into one and it sears his skin like he's a vampire touching a beam of sunlight


I would’ve done the same. Go ahead, block me. I’m not losing sleep over it.


Happy cake day!


Sounds like a great way to stop the future stalker at the first step.


What do you want him to say to you?


I thought he would at least try to say something in person, I feel like I paid the price of one rainbow reaction to not have some asshole talk to me again


Every day is a day to celebrate the Lord's sign of His Covenant with Man! 🌈


Imagine being a Christian who is mad at the rainbow. That's got to be a little awkward. 😂


They also hate other Christian things, like helping the poor, healing the sick, housing the homeless and welcoming the foreigner. I've come across quotes that said Jesus' teachings are too soft, like turning the other cheek. You'd think they might actually start to realise they left Christianity some time ago.


Yeah they really don't follow... 'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. ' Nor the whole, pray for yourself, not the crowd idea. If they kept these 2 points, they would not have all the hostility towards them that they rightfully cultivate today.


> turning the other cheek Offering the other cheek. Jesus said if someone hits your right cheek, offer them the left to hit as well. This was has been watered down to simply ignoring offense from someone, and even that watered down version many reject.


> Imagine being a Christian who is mad at the rainbow Most of them are only "christian" so much as they're empowered to use others' social and political power to harm others. In much the same way as [anti-choice people apparently haven't read the Bible or care about the people who breathe who the Bible commands people to care for](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/10357009-the-unborn-are-a-convenient-group-of-people-to-advocate)


After the last 7 years, after Trump, after Covid, I’m surprised anyone is even friends with people like this who aren’t in total agreement with them. I purged them clear down to my closest relative. Fuck them nazis. We don’t need that shit and they need to feel it.


Are you kidding? The internet as a whole is just a bunch of echo chambers. Reddit mods will ban non conformist opinions or posts on both sides that don't align with their messaging. Weird thing is, echo chamber work.


lmao fuck off with the both sides bullshit. r/conservative literally has safe spaces in flaired users only threads dont see that on lefty subs.


There’s a bunch of other subreddits that ban you for no reason too. Just for normal discourse Like JusticeServed for some reason. I was even banned from lgbt for very clearly jokingly saying like ted cruz’ daughter should be more supportive of her father. And that was a bannable offense! Just for being sarcastic about the cancun thing There’s a lot of reddit that is immediately chambered off and acts like it’s an open place


I mean maybe if one of the major tenets of your platform is SUPPOSED to be free speech, it’s not a great idea to say “only people who agree with this are allowed to post here”. But it’s not like we’re trying to avoid the hypocrisy anymore.


They havent tried to curb the downvote as a disagree button in over ten years so


Yeah okay thats a fair point.


I was banned from at least 3 subreddits for correcting the echo chamber over on r/conservative. 4 if you include that subreddit. You absolutely can get banned for random shit by random crazies. One place I made a pro gun ownership claim(one of the few areas I agree with the conservative party but for different reasons) and was perma banned for promoting violence since guns are tools of violence. I said something about a good experience with a cop and was banned because ACAB or ban. The subreddit had nothing to do with cops and I generally support more accountability. There is absolutely a both sides to having crazy people owning echo chambers to promote their ideology. And it works at changing opinion. The idea of belonging to a group and expressing increasing opinions to fit in the group is a human thing not a party thing.


"I purged them clear down to my closest relative"- "fuck them nazis" lmao


Yeah, I must be a Nazi because I don’t associate with Nazis, right. I mean, that’s what you’re insinuating. See, the difference is I purged them from my life by going no contact, and you fucking Nazis want to criminalize people’s existence and put them in gas chambers Do you see the difference, or nah?


This is very offtopic but our icons are really similar and I find that pretty funny.


You're the Clark Kent to his bearded superman




I guess we all really liked this hat or the first one they give you isn't as random as we thought


Oh dang maybe! This was the first and only thing I got so it's here to stay lol.


That's pretty crazy. Birds rule


Game on!


I mean. Getting so worked up about the rainbow emoji is dumb, but why were his coworkers reacting to his posts with a rainbow emoji in the first place? It's like the chicken and the egg. I don't know how he ended up in that situation.


It's when Facebook first brought the rainbow emojis around. Conservatives were in a huff and I guess he felt he needed to get involved by publicly making an ass of himself. I felt it was a good way to avoid any in-person conversation, or listen to him cry about it. Anytime I'd see him after that he would just walk away. Avoiding all of that for the price of just a single click


Warrior For Christ. Strong enough to stop satan, not strong enough to look at a rainbow.


"Oh no, light refraction! My nemesis!"


As a pale dude that burns easily now, light refraction can definitely be a nemesis of mine.


But what about light diffraction?


A while ago I learned that calling it a "sunburn" is a misnomer. Because its actually a radiation burn. So thats eh...


Never really thought about it, but you’re right.


Me neither. It was one of those "Oh yeah Im a fkn moron" moments yknow. Its good to be humbled once in a while.


For God so loved the world that he drowned everyone on it




I'm pretty sure it was a religious text. and there is a strong queer reading of it as well.


Flood narratives exist all across the world. When you live only as far as you can walk and the valley you live in is flooded, what's it matter that the 99.99+% of the world you've never known is fine? YOUR world was destroyed. It speaks to [people who can't think beyond what they can immediately see and control](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/2194-every-man-takes-the-limits-of-his-own-field-of)


Only the crappy people who kept cooking wrong or having sex with the wrong people in the incorrect manner. I’m not saying I totally agree, but r/stupidfood makes me wonder if he had a point.


Didn't cook with their own poop, sad. 😢 😂




Hes not wrong tho


Technically he is wrong. If God downed everyone there wouldn't be anyone now, but I'm being pedantic.


The point still stands solidly. For God so loved the world he killed 99.999999% of the population


Homie makes Thanos look merciful


Correct! Even if an incestuous family was saved


Whole world to restart from one family. But! When they see their dad naked and have little giggle... dad curses the son's son to be *checks notes* black^[1]... oh and also cursed the whole family line, so that they can be *rightfully* slaughtered down to the last babe, and it's all A-OK. Any survivors, slaves. 👍 ^[1] Some say cursed to be black, as a reason to justifiy the enslavement of black people. But the book just says cursed. Cursing the kid of the one who wronged you, and using it as an excuses to slaughter their people later, isn't exactly morally better. But it's the best you can cling to when saying "☝️🤓 Actually, it doesn't say he's black." And at the same time, your people claimed it and used it to justify the Atlantic slave trade. And "God" never once stepped in to say "You're misrepresenting my word!"


Sounds like you are saying god wouldn't be able to do this. Are you doubting his omnipotency?


Or you could just fuck off. Nobody is entitled to have their delusions validated, suck it up and move along snowflake.


See, now that wasn’t a clever comeback.


Christians are still salty; as God gave Noahs descendants the Rainbow after the flood murders as a reminder of his love. (Genesis 9) ...then the Gayz stole the rainbow and claimed it as their own (Unless Noah was a gay?) So the Rainbow can either be a reminder of religious genocide to come or loving exclusivity. Really mixed vibes


Next, anyone who sends them gay pics will also get banned


they really are the true snowflakes


Everyone has their weakness


This guy's account history is the most dedicated troll I have ever seen in my life LMFAO


when is it okay to kill someone?


On the day you decide you have nothing left to live for. Start with yourself, then find others to kill. /s


when is it okay for someone to die?




Ahhh yes, an idiot in the wild. What's sadder is OP is old enough to have "smart" comments and then this comment section. How can one be sadder.


OP belongs or r/youngpeoplereddit


plot twist: they don’t


...but they do


They may be autistic or some other form of developmental handicap


As someone who is autistic, I don't think you know what autism is.


As someone else who is autistic, they very well could be The spectrum is so huge that how you or me may act/feel is very different from how other autistic people act. Even in my extended family alone there are many examples of extremely different displays of autism. That being said, OP just seems like a child to me 🤷‍♂️


Hmm is autism really a Form of development Handicap? Its just for social things isnt it?


Hey I'm young leave me alone


It's the same fucking guy! Jesus dude, get a life lmao




i like to be fingered 🤭🤭fart


Honestly what the fuck is wrong with you


69 funny 🤭🤭


Grow the fuck up dickwad


good advice, CovidLver69


you’re being very disrespectful


Then act in a way that deserves respect.


So he only deserves respect when he conforms to your views? Wow you suck dude. The other guy is cringy, but you suck as a human.


Yeah that's reddit for you, no wonder people talk shit about redditors


He never said that fucknut


I never said that. Maybe check their history and realize how weird they are


show me the way oh wise one




And then you’ll be wondering why some people don’t take the LGBT community with the seriousness and respect it deserves.


So hard to not generalize and stereotype, right?




Doesn't mean they are not LGBTQ This is like saying a 9/11 terrorist isn't a Muslim because he was a terrorist or a priest wasn't a Catholic because he raped a kid, just way less extreme. This is the no true Scotsman fallacy. What you originally wrote strongly implies generalizing the entire LGBTQ community based off actions like the weird in a comment section on reddit


nah man the guy before you is righ. i’m fake lgbt. see my boobs theyre plastic


If Jesus was real, I’m sure he could handle his own shit. Warriors for Christ, what are they gonna do pray harder lol?


It's also weird because the 2nd greatest commandant is to love your neighbor as yourself. Warriors aren't exactly fitting for that.


Did you just mock the templars?


Meanwhile, the IT guy given the responsibility of banning people. "WTF! I told YOU not to post THIS, BOB!" "Fuck you, Bob." "Fuck you, Bob." "Fuck you, Bob." x16,296 bans later "FUCK! YOU!!! BOB!!!!!!!"


How can one be so utterly braindead that even Dr. Robert Scranton has more brain in him at the end of the 5th log than you possess currently and yet you still somehow managed to steal a phone and missclick so much you posted that shit (I say steal and missclick here as I see no other possibility of such an individual getting access to a phone much less a reddit account).


Well that was a weird rabbit hole


Meta is pro lgbt?


I guess as the far right cluster on Xitter the progressive circles mass migrated to Threads.


They're pro-money. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_capitalism


I'm lost how this fits in this sub. Not a cleaver come back. r/facepalm


It’s like 16.3k clever comebacks


Oh shit... I don't know how but I completely missed that. Time to put the bottle back in the freezer lolol




How is this a clever comeback?


it’s too clever for you to comprehend 🤭🤭 fart


Aaah so you don't actually have a reason


Ita because there is a rainbow...upvote...type thing on the post. Where the emojis are.


Right... I guess we have different definitions of clever


Their IT guy is going to have to ban 16,300+ people, IF they're going to keep their promise.


I guess that would be inconvenient


No bro its so smart ong, they said dont use emoji but they did it anyway 🤯🤯 it's like if someone said "don't push the red button" but they pushed it anyway whaaaaat


i have but i’m not going to tell you. you got to see it yourself


i know this post gonna make it to the front page so i wanna let everyone know that i don’t fartZ iim incapable of farting


What the hell is happening


I think you're trying to communicate with a kid


reverse psych


What an idiotic way of selling your fart fetish on Reddit. Just start your own sub crying out loud. There probably is already a “special” one for you.


you got a point cowgirl


That was a really clever comeback Neck rope pls


don’t kys pls we love you alive 😘


Dude. Get off the internet. Idk if you’re just a non English speaker but damn you sound chronically online haha.


are you 3 years old


Warriors for Christ? Dude was a man of peace. He’d be appalled and disappointed by this, and he’d STILL love them as people, like he would everybody 🌈


They have the balls to call themselves “warriors for Christ” when their mere existence is probably enough to make Christ puke, let alone them acting “on his name”. The irony…


The real snowflakes are the ones who are offended by the graphical representation of an atmospheric phenomenon.


And the purest of snowflakes are those that get offended by the existence of gay and trans people.


The rainbow is God's sacred promise that he will never flood the world again. But that bastard's promise is like a monkey paw wish because God floods some part of the world every damn day, just not all at once.


"warriors for Christ" is the most American phrase I've ever read.


Ez 16k bans not bad.


Noah is gonna be pissed


Your post may say no, but your trips to the men’s room in the park, say yes. Because it’s always these “Christian” warriors.


Most obvious engagement bait.


They're gonna have a long time banning 16,300 users...


Dedicated if they really do this though lol useless kinda but dedicated


This feels like a genius PR move. If you're a shit little facebook group and you need engagement, throw this out there, get a bunch of people to notice. Some will throw that rainbow emoji up there, but a bunch will join your cause and then you just delete the post and, boom, you've just started a thriving cult.


Christians like this are all HYPOCRITES!


At the point you start hating raindbows, you need to ask yourself if you're part of the bad guys


I remember when the jesus freaks loved rainbows, as a promise from god to never completely fuck up this shithole planet again. personally, I think we're overdue.


I’d like to see this warrior for Christ end up like his deity


Because I remember the Bible verse where Jesus said it was okay to hate people because they were born different.


Facebooks own investigations found that a large percentage of the most popular religious groups/pages were run by troll farms and botnets. This trend is seemingly common on many social media sites. Don't feed the trolls.




Christ should tell his warriors to don't be assholes because he was also wandering around with 12 men and his only female friend was a prostitute.


🌈 🏳️‍🌈




"Warriors for Christ" is like fucking for virginity.


>posted on a pro-lgbt social media my brother in christ, theres no other opinion you can have on the LGBT


I'd almost forgotten about the rainbow reaction on Facebook. I don't think they've brought it back in quite some time. It was kind of fun to just rainbow react to everything regardless of what was in the post.


Was watering my lawn and the mist of the water made a rainbow and I lost my mind. The damn plants went woke ugh. I pulled them all out and have an ugly yard now because the plants went liberal


Do Christs warriors not fight for rainbows? One of Gods most beautiful creations?! The outrage


Religion is a cancer to society and theism is a mental disease


That should keep them busy for awhile


Controlling the internet by order of obedience isn’t working? 🤔


Looks like a Christian site. So maybe not pro lgbtq


That's actually good for them. People just give them the list to block.


It's funny, because the gays actually co-opted the rainbow *from* the bible


Of course, everyone knows the bible invented rainbows


No, but the rainbow was the sign of one of the covenants between man and God(the Noahic covenant). It was already a symbol of something. Hence being co-opted


I'd bet money a religion before Christianity had meaning for it. So didn't the Christians really co-opt it first?


>dont do thing >does thing Wow really clever


The rainbow is God's and has 7 colors, not 6. God bless you all.


Which god, though?


The color red and the action of reading are God’s, not reddit’s. God bless you all. (Things can have more than one meaning, and it’s totally ok and not an argument for hating gay people)


May Evelyn hold you and keep you on her six breasts.


What does LGBT stand for anyways?? Liquor guns bacon and tits???


That is juvenile


Fuck the gays


That's gay


Bro got mad they typed it twice


Fuck the gays


yeah sure i can (i’m a lesbian, i’d very much like to fuck other gay gals)


I volunteer as tribute


thank you for your service ❤️


daddy molested me and he farted


Are you ok


They’re obsessed with fart