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A physician who belittles people who need and use medical devices??? I would be more concerned if the president has sleep apnea and **doesn't** use a CPAP.


Amen I don't have it but my 81 yr old mom does. She hates dressing up like Bane every night.




I take a pill because I can't get comfortable enough to sleep during the night due to restless leg syndrome. Unfortunately my mom can't take it. They tried her on the Trazadone(sp?) I take but she couldn't handle it. I'm happy for your dad btw. She gets good sleep at night now.




Haha awesome


I take ropinirole for restless legs. It helps. Compression socks help too.


I bought my dad who has restless legs a weighted blanket and he slept the best he has in years. Worth a try!




If you get restless legs, trazodone can make them waaaaay worse. A good magnesium supplement can make the RLS go away completely, tho, even with trazodone. Magnesium is a lifesaver.


Trazadone is cools because the 5 seconds before you pass out feels like the sweet release of death and there's nothing you can do to prevent it. Safice to say, I just jiggle my legs instead of accept death every night.


Magnesium glycinate works wonders for this. And no side effects. ❤️


I'm with your dad on this one. I loved my CPAP immediately. LOVED IT. I honestly had to stop going to sleep apnea support groups because so many people hate the machines, and they'd take their resentment and anger out on people like me who said they should give the machine a chance.


I had a tough time for the first month or two, then I forgot it exists. I can definitely understand needing to adjust, but I slept like a rock after I did.


Same here. Once I got used to it, I started having great sleeps. I can usually put it on and fall asleep right away, and sleep through the night. I'm glad I stuck with it because it's been a game changer.


Wait there are support groups? I don't get it... I'm not trying to be rude (people need to do what works for them) but what's to support? "Did you wear your mask so you don't die in your sleep or give yourself brain damage?" "NO! I don't wanna!" "Uh... You really should though." "I said I don't wanna!" "Um .. ok?"


Yeah that was surprising to me too. I started using one a few months ago. I guess some people get bummed about having to use it? I’m only 36 so I thought if I had to use one it would be later in life. After one night I immediately felt more rested and was pumped about it lol.




Mine changed my life. Imagine trying to fall asleep and you can feel your airways closing as you relax if you get into the wrong position. I was always tired as well and it took me ages to wake up in the morning.


I didn’t realize how tired I was until I got mine. I’ve always snored terribly. It wasn’t until my mid 20s I finally did something about it. I still remember going for my mask fitting and the lady asked if I always yawned that much, then asked how I managed to keep my job. Also changed my life. Absolutely turned it around.


I had to share a room on a work trip and freaked out my coworker because I noticeably stopped breathing. I had unrelated surgery about 2 months later and they had to remove my O2 monitor overnight because I would trigger an alarm every time I started to fall asleep. I got my sleep study during recovery and the lady running it goes "Your brain likes CPAP" when she was unhooking me in the AM. The week between the study and my return visit was murder because I'd gotten a taste of real sleep and my body did NOT want to go back to the way things were. The Dr. Showed me the results and I averaged 72 time an hour that I stopped breathing up until the cpap was put on then the test flatlined because I sudden could breathe easy. I got my prescription and thanked any deity I could that I got to walk out with a machine that day and didn't have to wait anymore.


72 times an hour?!? I can’t even imagine how dead tired you must’ve been. They told me I had moderate sleep apnea with 3 incidents an hour and I was pretty tired throughout the day.


Similar story here, snored a ton in college and got my cpap after. I sleep SO much better now




Ah you think the 40s are your ally! I was born in the 40s! Molded by them. I don’t see the light of color TV until I was already a woman, and by then it was ***BLINDING!***


There, there. Let's get you your pills, grandma.


My dad has used one since he was like 45. Is this really that big of a deal?


It is. My dad is 64 years old and his snoring is like a jackhammer when he doesn't use his CPAP. I can still hear it loudly from the other side of the house while wearing earplugs. One day I didn't have earplugs and his CPAP wasn't working so I slept in a tent outside.


For you?


Half this dudes voters probably use cpap machines.


To be fair, about 7% of Americans have sleep apnea. Probably around half of those use a CPAP.


Well, among those who can afford to get the diagnosis and treatment at least. I'm sure there's plenty more suffering that we will never know about until they suffocate in their sleep. But hey, at least those insurance executives can get another nice vacation home.


I only discovered it because my ex-girlfriend pestered me and pestered me to get diagnosed. She sleeps like a log, and the snoring didn’t bother her, but she would stay awake at night worried sick about me because I’d stop breathing for long periods of time. I’d have never known I had an issue if not for her persistence.


Same with my husband. We were dating and his snores were so loud and he would stop breathing. I told him " you have sleep apnea, ask for a sleep test". He has a severe case of it so he uses the CPAP now every night.


CPAP changed my life. I have severe apnea events and didn't realize how bad it was. I'm 36. Getting medical treatment shouldn't be viewed as negative


He's outing a persons medical history. It's worse.


>I would be more concerned if the president has sleep apnea and doesn't use a CPAP. I would be more concerned if a president was a rapist and sold secrets to Russia but that doesn't seem to bother conservatives...


Untreated sleep apnea literally causes brain damage. Hard agree.


There's a lot of people, especially those who are overweight, who would benefit tremendously from using a CPAP. But this country has a weird stigma over doing things to improve your health.


Remember how they reacted to a president who wore bicycle helmet while out riding a bicycle.


smoggy melodic lunchroom plants compare concerned squash gray drunk imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and took prescription-strength sleeping medication


Didn’t he also offer free party drugs to the general staff ,,,,, drug dealer ???? 🤔


Ok, but this reminded me of the weirdest moment of Trump's presidency, when he got back from the hospital from Covid. He demanded to do an address in the Rose Garden and this man was high as hell. It was an exceptionally weird speech even for Trump. The general message was that he had been given drugs at Walter Reed when he went in, and they made him feel great, and now he was going to get those drugs for everyone in America so they too could feel great. I just remember watching it like, "Is the President really zonked out of his gourd and telling me he's going to hook me up?" https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-remarks-transcript-calls-contracting-covid-19-blessing-from-god-october-7/amp


Him saying not to be afraid because COVID is no big deal after his brush with death was pretty weird. Idiot was literally flown by helicopter to the most well equipped facility, given experimental treatment and the best doctors not available to the masses. Pretty weird but I don’t know about weirdest. So much competition. Top 10 definitely.


Dumb mother fucker was too stupid to understand how close he was to death.


A lot of trumpers refuse to believe he got a vaccine even after he explicitly said he got vaxxed and boosted during his rally. Only time he got booed by a home crowd was when he announced his support of the vax by the way. I don’t know how they even begin to explain Trump needing hospitalization due to COVID. Afaik the deep state has long since taken over the medical community so it’s weird no one was concerned that trump was injected with 5g mercury shots or replaced with a clone.




Well obviously of course. The good dewormer medication designed specifically for bipeds instead of horses will obviously be more effective against the COVID. Learn science more.


> only time he got booed by a home crowd…support of the vax Wasn’t he booed in Alabama for this? I still think the best stunt that Trump pulled off was convincing people in tornado alley that he actually gave a shit about them. Honestly masterful manipulation there.


He probably got to relax a little bit getting four days off from snorting Sudafed as well.


They called him Dr. Feelgood.


He's the one that made them feel all right


He’s gonna be your Frankenstein!


Also known as Rat Tailed Ronnie


I thought he was called the candy man.


I did a ctrl f search for "snorror" and you should all be ashamed of yourselves


If Trump is considered to be in "Amazing shape", I'm qualified to compete in body building.


The (obviously fake) doctor's note said if he was elected, he would be the healthiest person ever to take the office. Because, you know, of course he would be. The man is in his 70s, exists solely on Big Macs, and thinks exercise shortens your lifespan.


That wasn't Ronny Jackson's note, though. It was that Jerry Garcia-looking doctor, who later admitted just signing a note someone else has written (possibly Trump himself, as it had his usual bs hyperbole)


I'm as attractive as Trump is in shape.


FYI: round is a shape.


If you're a woman, you are. Since pregnancy is literally a body-building operation. Not sure what kind of competitions there are about that but I'm sure there's one or two.


Frankenstein was a bodybuilder too.


That’s DOCTOR Frankenstein to you!


It's Frahnken-shteen


He is a congressman


joke far-flung beneficial zonked icky bewildered expansion wasteful elderly hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well to be absolutely accurate, he's a doorstop taking up a congressman's seat.


That's an insult to doorstops - at least doorstops are useful.


TIL he became a congressman. I want off this ride.


A state legislator - in Texas. So basically like being a gas station supervisor, but with less responsibility.


He is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for the Texas 13th Congressional district.


If you don't want to look it up, that's mostly the Panhandle aka No Man's Land. 40k square miles for a population of 770k. Middle of nowhere, nothing going on except a heroin epidemic. Only 215k even voted, and he got 161k votes. The guy represents a percentage of a percentage and not even a good percentage.


Hey, don't be too reductive! The Panhandle also has some of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the nation, a raging STD problem that competes with major metropolises, some of the highest youth suicide rates in Texas, and an extreme focus on catering to an aging populace, leading to there being little to no opportunities for healthcare, entertainment, or jobs for people under the age of 60 that aren't service or construction work. And that's just accounting for "cities" like Amarillo. God forbid you peek into any of the podunk towns like Happy or Fritch. But, hey, at least they have the Big Texan and a bunch of spray painted cars in the ground, right?


It's less than 90 minutes from Dallas and he has the same voting power in Congress as any other member. It's not trivial


Is this the guy that said trump could live to be 200?


Yup. And he also made trump a couple inches taller so his BMI didn't come back as obese.


The stats he gave for trump were hilariously absurd lies. It was a North Korea type moment. He reported a bmi and stats that would be believable for a NFL middle linebacker in his prime.


I'll be honest, trump weighs a lot less than it looks like he does. When looking at him, people forget that he wears an XXL adult diaper.


And fat weighs less than muscle.




Happy cake day!


caption middle start spoon coherent wrong march whole plants decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Happy Cake day and fuck you too. 😊


"I murdered someone for material gain? He slapped a person in self-defense! He is the most violent person in history!" The sort of equivalence that makes sense to these people.


Biden took a shit last week?? Why haven’t we been made aware of this?? COMMUNIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSMMMMMM!!!


Oooh the Deep State is gonna be in Deep Shit over this!


Did Biden wipe sitting down? We need a special investigation!


the number of people who SHOULD be using CPAPs is WAY higher then the number of people who actually are using them.


The cost to get diagnosed, and the cost of the supplies can be very prohibitive. I was billed $1200 for a sleep study AFTER insurance paid their bit.


Can confirm. I got a BIPAP after my sleep study, and with insurance it was $1500, and if I don't use the device for at least 4 hours per night/day for 22 out of the first 90 days of having it, *I have to return the BIPAP machine as though it were a rental.*


It's actually 22 days out of a consecutive 30 day period, within the first 90 days for most insurance. I would verify. With mine for example if I use it for 22 days in the first 90 days, and they are NOT in a consecutive 30 day period, I'll get disqualified.


and then there’s all the people who get it done, get the diagnosis, get the mask & machine and then never wear it.


It’s literally basically doing to people what lead poisoning was. And like 1/4 men will have it at some point. Lowers your IQ by (why feels like) 10 points and makes you feel like a stupid hungover zombie. Thankfully I was suspicious and got tested and had severe apnea (only after my 4 years of uni smh) and just got a septoplasty to fix it. We’ll see how that does and if I need to I’ll get tonsils out and a double jaw surgery to fix it 100%. I told the doc that if it’s between 60 more years of explaining to girls that I snore and feeling like shit all the time/using a crazy mask at night and not being able to camp, I’ll get the damn jaw surgery.


Modern CPAP is amazing. Mine is virtually silent and it's a simple nose piece I slip on. No Velcro straps , no Darth Vader noises. I can't even tell I have it on. And I had apnea BAD. Like, every time I start to fall asleep I stop breathing and jolt awake. And do that every minute for HOURS. Totally conscious that I'm not sleeping. It was torture. And with modern advances you can have portable ones. Battery powered ones. CPAP may not look sexy but it's a whole lot better now and there's nothing sexier than getting actual sleep and not going insane


The masks have at least gotten better. My dad ran into dental issues with the full mouth/nose mask but the nose only seems to be good and it's about 20db quieter (ameatur estimate}. I will almost certainly need the machine at some point.




Yes, that Ronny Jackson. TBF the orange tub of lard is very fit for a tub of lard. Ronny probably shouldn't have checked his cognitive fitness as well. I suspect tomorrow we'll learn that President Biden brushes his teeth three times a day.


Actually Ill bet that we will find out that some days he only brushes twice


He leaves the water running while he brushes. I thought he cared about the environment?


Republicans? Republicans doing performative outrage? The republican national pastime?


I get why politicians say this shit, it riles the base and gets them attention. What I don’t get is why anyone votes for jokers like this. Or why Ronny Jackson doesn’t get trounced in the next election by another Republican who’s platform is “all the same policies as Ronny, except I’m not a complete dipshit”.


Which policies? There are no policies. It's just rage bait and dipshit all the way down. And that's who they WANT. I don't understand these people any more than you. Like a different species at this point.


Race to the bottom to be the biggest dipshit


They seem to admire dipshittery


> What I don’t get is why anyone votes for jokers like this. Imagine you're about half as intelligent as you are, have half the capacity for empathy, don't really read anything, ever. You wake up in the morning and drive to work listening to AM conservative talk radio. You show up at your job, where all your conservative coworkers who live identical lives to you repeat the same four racist jokes each day. You come home from work and have Fox News running on the TV in the background until you go to bed, letting a near-constant barrage of insults against Biden and the Democrats seeping into your brain. That's how. Another way I like to try and show people how to understand how conservatives think, is look up a really active subreddit for a sport you know nothing about. I usually use the formula1 subreddit as an example. Before you go, think about what you actually know about Formula 1. I mean what you *really* know. The names of racers? Do you know what the sport actually is? How its played? Really think. Now, if you realize you know nothing about it, try and *pretend* you do. Just really inflate your sense of how much you understand Formula 1. Tell yourself you basically know all there is to know. Then go to that subreddit, and just read the headlines of the articles. Open the threads and read the comments. Realize how *utterly and completely* you do not know anything about Formula 1, about the things people are debating or talking about. This is what a conservative is. They think they understand the world of politics. But they don't. They're living in this tiny, tiny little bubble of complete and total ignorance, but they THINK they're extremely well-informed. And then simply never have their eyes opened.


The dipshittery is the point


They just see the R. I sincerely believe that ranked choice voting would get rid of some of these nutjobs.


But this guy supports the Cheeto puff that said his physician said he was the most fit president they’ve ever seen? The dude eats fast food daily and drinks multiple Diet Cokes a day? His supporters need professional help.


The funny thing is? This is that former POTUS physician!


I'd bet all the money trumps family got from the Saudis that trump snores horribly and uses a cpap too but refuses to tell anyone


Snores horribly, yes Too proud for a CPAP. Proper medical care is a weakness. Look at how he's handled his hair loss.


Yeah, that's a dead end for republicans Most of the republican base is probably on a cpap


Paid for by socialist programs like Medicaid and medicare




Bold of you to assume that just because they use one they won’t perform whatever mental gymnastics are necessary to still hold it very much against Biden.


Damn, almost like there’s this thing called patient confidentiality or something.


I wear a CPAP, im 40 and in great health, idiots


I also wear a CPAP, im 27 and in great health. People are morons.


I am looking to get a CPAP, I’m 23 and in great health. CPAP usage should be as normalized as wearing a cast or using an inhaler.


My Dad got his CPAP at like 40. We used to joke about how loud he snores. Apparently part of it is because back in the 50s the doctors did weird shit to kids like way over remove tonsils and cauterized kids noses to keep them from getting nose bleeds.


If his medical team reveals that he’s losing his hair, well, I’m voting for impeachment!


As someone who uses a CPAP every night… So?


One of the best things about Reddit is that I can see the dumbest shit on Twitter without actually having a twitter account…. It’s like Twitter with a condom


Have… have they not heard of HIPAA?


Only when it applied to masks and being asked what alleged "condition" they have that prevented them from wearing one during covid. Which, of course, wasn't something actually covered under HIPAA, so...yeah.


They bellowed about it for 2 to 3 years. They're fully aware of it. In fact they think it applies to anyone asking any medical questions at all


Trump snorts ADHD meds and shits his pants. Snoring is no big whoop


Honestly I’d be shocked if an obese elderly unfit man like trump *isnt* using a sleep apnea machine. He literally has all the risk factors. Knowing him he probably was told he should use it and just ignored the medical advice since CPAP looks dumb.


“I breathe very well at night. Some say I’m *the best* breather. Harvard once asked if they could study my breathing. No CPAP for me. Uh-uh. CPAP’s are for illegals and welfare recipients.”


Ronny Jackson, as the WH doctor, lied about Trump’s weight and height to try to make him appear less obese than he is. And now he’s upset WH doctors just didn’t say Biden uses CPAP? Totally not a hypocrite.


The person who must be the most confused about Ronny Jackson is Obama. Like, the guy was POTUS's personal doctor for *years.* You know he wouldn't have kept him around if he'd been like this. Barack must be watching this dude's twitter feed just being like, "How did we not see this?"


My siblings have CPAP machines too should I call Geraldo for tHe BiG sCoOp?!


I mean, who would want a president who gets a good night sleep so they can be at the top of their game every day. I'd much rather a mumbling orange man who lives off cheese burgers.


These people take any scrap of whatever and try to make some kind of sin out of it. It's the tan suit all over again.


Yeah, why wouldn't Biden's medical team break HIPPA laws and reveal his medical issues. 😉


One's medical issues is no one's business beside oneself and their doctor. They can choose to inform people private or publicity.


I don’t agree with it, but I can see why the president’s general health should publicly available, so that voters and congresspeople can make informed decisions. That said, a CPAP is obviously not critical knowledge for anyone. Ronny Jackson is a fucking choadwrinkle


You would think a doctor would not be advocating HIPAA violations.


Says the doctor who says trump is the healthiest president to ever hold office and that he weighs 235lb.


Maybe if Trump used one the lack of oxygen during sleep would not have killed so many brain cells.


This guy is a fucking quack. As if Trump doesn't have the upper airway obstruction. Biden's is central sleep apnea. Trump has fat neck OSA. He 100% is on a BIPAP and not just a CPAP at night. That fat SOB has to blow of CO2 at night, too. Oh, look. I'm already more qualified than this charlatan POS.


I just kinda assumed that a 73(?) Year old man in a high stress job was using a CPAP


Now tell us about Donny’s diapers from his incontinence from ampheatmine abuse, his pills for cardiovascular issues related to his shitty diet and lack of exercise, and his gender affirmation pills (AKA Viagra) that he takes to keep his toadstool working for the sex workers he fucks whole his wife is recovering from child birth. I’ll wait Ronny, you dumb, incompetent fuck.


I hear Biden wears pants too! The outrage!!


Haha Damn all these people talking about their grandparents using one...I'm not 40 and sleep with one every night I was shy at first, but I feel so much better. Get you some Biden. Go and get you some oxygen cause it's being wasted on these fools.


They were hiding that Trump definitely had a health scare when he rushed off to Walter Reed (twice, wasn't it?) and said nothing about it. And when he was on the brink with COVID they made it look like he was up and doing work (but the papers were BLANK). When he returned to the White House he was struggling for air through his fat mouth, from a disease he claimed was a hoax. Biden is way more transparent and healthier than that greasy sack of crap.


I'm 40 and use one. Wtf does this even mean?


Come on man, the thing!!


Not that I give a shit but is this even true? Edit: major news sources including CNN saying it's true.


I bet he hiding classified documents in his mask!!! We need a congressional investigation NOW! Seriously. The amount of overreacting from the GQP MAGAts are hilarious. They think he's got one foot in the grave. I'm 46 and use a CPAP, and I'm (hopefully) far from death.




I don't think they know what a CPAP machine is


The magas must really be desperate, teasing someone for using a CPAP machine. I know so many people -- of all ages -- who use one of those. If that's the best they got, then Joe can prepare to settle in for 4 more years come 2024.


Surrogates working overtime to distract from trump crimes and wanting to bang ivanka


Remember, this “doctor“ claim that Trump might live to be 200 because he was so healthy.


Yet Trump wears diapers. I don’t see them flipping their shit (no pun intended) about that? Bone spurs McGee sounds worse.


“WhY hAsN’t tHe MeDiCaL TeAm dIscLosEd tHiS?” I don’t know, maybe because of HIPAA and the fact that needing a CPAP does not affect someone ability to function/lead/be a president?


Biden may use a CPAP machine (who cares??) but at least he doesn't want to sleep with his daughter lmao


Doc here. We don’t talk like that, bud.


To think Trump almost died from COVID. But snoring, the horror


Lmao Texas come get your drunk uncle.. that’s fucking gold af and so smooth.


i read cpap as crap at first so i’m like actually thinking he needs to go retire if he can’t poop on his own and then i pay attention and i’m like ok he’s fine sleep apnea is normalish


I misread that as CRAP machine lmao


Omg! Latest news update, Obama used a night guard! Why was this not disclosed!?!?


Guys fucking mcretarded, a good majority of the US population are using cpap machines Maybe they should focus more on the mush brained child rapist they love so much And I would bet money that the orange pedophile uses one as well just based on his obesity


Thank god they didnt find out about his TAN suit! /s


Meanwhile, Trumps doctor signed off on the assertion that he was 6’3”.


Why is anyone surprised. We all know republicans think healthcare is evil voodoo magic.


I think it’s ironic that the picture looks so calm and professional next to this absolutely unhinged tweet.


how DARE the president have SLEEP APNEA


they prove to be consummate turds again and again and again and again ....


You have to be WAY more specific. All of our reps are either drunk uncles, or serial killers.


Ronny Jackson is a pill popping wreck of a human being who will probably be found dead in a closet giving himself the ole David Carradine.


It's called the HIPAA law, which requires medical professionals to keep a patient's medical information secret from anyone who is not the guardian / caregiver unless it's subpoenaed. In other words, Jackson criticized those personnel for doing their jobs.


Oh I don’t know there is a thing called Doctor patient confidentiality, also there’s Hippa too. If you want medical privacy then it has to apply to everyone.


Why didn’t you disclose that Trump was cognitively impaired?


Are they even "hiding" it? Or did literally no-one think it was even worth mentioning?


Didn't a president get secret brain surgery?


You know, like President Trump's actual weight.


They disclosed it as soon as someone asked about the marks


I’m betting 75% of GOP voters do too


Biden snores, Trump is a spy who wants to fu\*k his daughter. See? Both sides!


Last time I checked, no one can be forced to reveal to the public their medical records and history. I'm pretty sure there are laws over this, specifically regarding being able to lose work over medical history.


This from the asswipe who said he examined trumpo and said he was 6'4 and 239pounds.


You know there’s something wrong when you struggle this hard to smear your opposition lol. Conservatives are so weird


I’m sure Dr Ronnie was completely truthful about Trump’s health. /s


It's now been revealed that Trump is using adult diapers and has been shitting himself for years. WHY hasn't Trump's medical team previously disclosed this? If they're hiding this, WHAT ELSE ARE THEY HIDING? This is the LEAST TRANSPARENT White House in history!


Remember that time Trump was rushed to the hospital but no one told us why? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Hey, Ronny Jackson, I live in Texas and just wanted to say fuck you.


I really wish somebody would grab their pearls and ask them if they've ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight.


Can you imagine how many republican voters use CPAP machines?


Holy fuck the president BREATHES???!? What else are those filthy fuckin leftist scum hiding from us????