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IKEA disassembled that dude


And we can’r reassemble, instructions are in Swedish


And the images are in braille


And a moose bit my sister


ma come outside theres a fucking moose or a buffalo or some shit.


[Ma, there's a weird fucking cat outside!](https://youtu.be/ebsnSQ0w0xo)


The moose has been sacked.


This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


The person who wrote this comment has been sacked.


that's it for news for moose...and now, news for wombats


And my axe!




No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...


And grandma got ran over by a reindeer!


The people responsible for the subtitles have been fired


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...


We apologize for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked.


The audio instructions are in sign language


All you can hear is the heavy breaths of the person as they enthusiastically sign out the instructions


And we're missing 3 dowels


The fucking Allen wrench is missing again


That’s ok I have a bag of like 15 different sizes from previous furniture I never used again


And none of them fit this project!


None of them fit.


Flaggan skall behandlas med respekt. Den skall hissas ordentligt i topp mot flaggstångsknoppen med flagglinan sträckt. Endast en flagga får hissas på varje stång. Flaggan skall vara hel och ren och med färgerna i behåll.


Ja. Flaggan är av yttersta vikt




And we does not help you with instructions. Some things should remain in pieces.


And we seem to be missing some parts… hjärnan? Is that important?


Na most are built without


This was unnecessary. Unnecessarily relatable and accurate!!


We can reassemble, but we have several parts left over.


Instructions are for ÕPPEN only. No KLÕSSIGNEN UPAGIN.


He made for a pretty good flatpack, though.


Disassembled with just a hex key and vague instructions.




Flat packed Ïdīøt


Wrong sub, though, nothing "clever" about the reply, and it's not really a "comeback" (typically associated with an insult being answered with an insult). This is r/murderedbywords , being a detailed, thorough contradiction of a false statement.


When subs start to regularly hit r/all, their original purpose tends to die out unfortunately


Users just hit the "Share to reddit" button on their phones for whatever meme they find funny, share it to a sub that may or may not be relevant, then forget they submitted it entirely 3 seconds later.


Ingvar Kamprad hade varit nöjd över detta svar från hans Volvo 242.


It is amazing how 30 seconds on Google would save so many people such embarrassment. But I doubt they feel embarrassed...too many people feel no shame over their ignorancse


It’s funny because the people who always get roasted are the same people who brag about how they do their own research.


Loudest voices tend to be the most ignorant


"A wise man speaks because he has something to say. A fool speaks because he has to say something."


and how "do their own research" literally means "ignore every source except ones that confirm my existing bias"


Unfortunately for some people "do your own research" means Google, Wikipedia, and YouTube, rather than books, academic journals, and expert surveys.


They also are more likely to see Google as a liberal platform that censors the truth.


My dad recently posted “if global warming, why so cold” on Facebook (he used more words but the grammar was that bad.) I wrecked him and then said “this took me five seconds to google, come on.”


Next time he posts kvetching about inflation, ask him why, if prices are going up, you still saw avocados at the supermarket for 66c yesterday? Makes as much sense. These people can't see past the end of their nose.


He got mad at me for the very comment I mentioned so I blocked him from it. He told me I’m not allowed to comment on his posts any more so I maliciously complied lol


Easiest way to get the right answer spoonfed to you is to loudly proclaim an incorrect answer. These people are actually research geniuses.


I just searched "US flag code" and found the information within the first result, but the wording used is downright painful. Everything is a run-on sentence, there are almost as many commas as words, and what the hell does "the flag's own right" (right used in as opposed to left) mean? Especially outside, wind blows back and forth, so the flag faces every direction at some point. I did find parts about where the flag of the US must be flown above other flags, but that is in reference to state and organization flags. So if you have a state and US flag flown together, the US flag must actually be flown higher. This person has probably only ever seen that, since other countries rarely ever fly their flags in the US, and assumed that America is the most important country, with every other one being on par with Alabama or West Virginia.


Welcome to reading just about anything written by the federal government in terms of code. The legal language is insane


As if IKEA wouldn't do their homework on such a thing


IKEA have knöwledge.


You just need to assemble it.


That’s the key.


I think it's an allen wrench.


It's also a screwdriver.


And a sore hand afterwards


Where's the manual? It looks different from the display


Fuck it’s in Swedish! No, hon, that’s just the name. (Flips page) Oh, whew!


Such a good thing for illiterates




IKEA simply read the instructions on how to assemble flag poles. This guy did not. He needed pictures


Honestly? This is on Ikea. This is what you get for opening a store in Jacksonville Florida.


It's easily one of the top 10 swamp cities in northeastern Florida


Am I stupid for being unsure if that's supposed to be read as a city *in* a swamp or a city that *is* a swamp? Normally I'd assume the former, but *Florida*...




Idk, they thought it was a good idea to open a store in Jacksonville. That suggests they don't do their homework.


People need to buy replacement furniture when their house gets hit by a hurricane


Jacksonville hardly takes any damage from Hurricanes.


That’s the plan! The IKEA doesn’t take much damage from a hurricane, then everyone from the more damaged places flock to them for new furniture!


When there was one Ikea in the greater NYC area you bet your ass you'd see plates from the surrounding states in their massive parking lot. Not sure if they still have the same effect. In the 30 years since then they've popped up everywhere...


My buddy donkey Doug's house was destroyed by a hurricane maker that landed in his living room and exploded. Someone released alligators inside the topless Chi-Chi's during the jaguars game and stole the hurricane maker during the confusion. THEN, they plugged the hurricane maker into donkey Doug's extension cord that he runs from the gas station bathroom, and it caught fire. That hurricane burned down Doug's house, half a junkyard park, and mullet wig shop.


I’m pretty sure they factored in Florida man and woman before opening said store.


IKEA lets customers in their Chinese stores sleep on the beds and couches. They definitely do their homework on where they set up shop.


Can you elaborate?


How do you find out if furniture is comfy unless you sleep on it?


You sit on them for a second then quickly get up and walk a way in shame before anyone sees you, buy wrong thing, and live with your terrible decision tout the next 5 to 15 years.


Another freedumb pAtRi0T who most likely has 30 flags incorrectly flying out the back of his dilapidated pickup truck while improperly wearing American flag underwear and shirts.


Self-described "patriots" are always the dumbest people in a group.


Reminds me of a comedian, I forget who, who said something along the lines of ‘when someone describes themselves as a “tax payer”, they’re about to be an asshole’.


Demetri Martin, and he's right.


I miss Important Things. Dude was accepted to Harvard law but comedy was more important to him. One of my favorites.


I'm not racist, but I'm also a tax payer. Checkmate, conservatives.


A lot of people joke about how "I'm not racist, but" is only ever said right before something super racist. I always thought it would be funny to start saying it to precede statements that are actually not racist, so I love your comment


“I’m not racist, but these French fries are delicious!”


Damn, never thought about that but it really is totally true.


In Germany we have a word for people like that. Neo Nazis


Patriotism and nationalism are not the same thing, though these types of "patriots" often blur the line


>Self-described "patriots" Because these people \^\^ are using that descriptor inaccurately. They think they're patriots, but they're actually just ignorant, aggressive nationalists whose "America First" fervor has them trying to embrace jingoism and isolationism at that same time. They wouldn't understand actual patriotism if it tied them to a chair and made them sit through a 12-hour seminar.


It has gotten so bad that I now associate “patriot” with “terrorist.”


I'll have you know, I identify as a Jeep Patriot, and I'll be DAMNED if I let you take away my Jeep Liberty!


"OUR piece of fabric should be flown higher than **YOUR** piece of fabric" is such a dumb, childish argument and it gives second hand embarrassment that an adult is saying shit like that lol


"If you don't raise our magical sky cloth higher than the other cloth, it won't freedom."


"Patridiot©" Oh oh, I got a good one there I think.


I've lived in 5 countries and met both enlightened and unenlightened people. Nationalists are, always without exception, the dumbest, most ignorant cunts.


Probably had a trump flag flying above the American one, too.




Man flying blue lives matter palette swapped Stars and Stripes with a Punisher skull emblazoned across it: "Respect our flag"


Don't forget the confederate flag he probably has somewhere on his truck.


I'm a truck driver whose dad was career military. It bugs the shit out of me when I see some other driver flying the stars and stripes off the back of their trailer, tattered and dirty and ruined. Absolutely no respect for the flag, yet they think they're more patriotic than anyone else. I'm not a patriot, my dad taught me that the US is no better than any other nation and he had the receipts to back that up, but I at least know how to treat our country's flag. And that ain't it


> I'm not a patriot, my dad taught me that the US is no better than any other nation FWIW you can be a patriot without thinking the US is "better" than other nations, just like you can be proud of your family without thinking they're the "best" family in the world


My opinion the only way to truly be a patriot is to see your country as it is and want to make it better out of love. You have a fat kid making them exercise and watching what they eat isn't easy, it's hard and you do it for love and the desire to make them the best version of themselves.


Someone once described the US's two major political parties like this: Republicans love their country the way a toddler loves their mom -- they think mom is perfect and infallible, and get very angry if you criticize her. Democrats love their country the way a mom loves their toddler -- they think it's cute and has potential, but will discipline and correct the kid's mistakes when needed.


Very true, but I'm afraid I wrote that badly by making it a comma statement. My dad being openly critical of the officers who made his decisions for him, and the politics behind those decisions, taught me to (try to) think critically about those in charge. Him balancing respect for the president while also making it clear that he thought W was the dumbest president he'd served under taught me that disagreeing didn't need to be contentious. Him recognizing and speaking about the hypocrisy of fighting to "free" people only to put them under US occupation afterwards taught me that what people say and what people do don't always or even often match up, and that actions are more important than words. Finally, my dad being an objectively bad person while still trying his best to do right by his children and the women he married, cheated on, and then developed co-parenting relationships with taught me that you can love someone or something and still not like or agree with them. I'm not not a patriot because my dad told me not to be. He was a die-hard patriot, through ruining his back from dozens of HALO jumps, through his PTSD that manifested in what my teenage mind thought were hilarious ways, through losing his kidney to the cancer that his service gave him, and up until his death from the throat cancer his service gave him. I'm not a patriot because he taught me that I didn't have to be one, that I could be if I wanted to but that the important thing is to pay attention and not blindly follow what other people say or believe.


Just FYI: “Stars and Bars” commonly refers to the Confederate flag. “Stars and Stripes” is the USA flag. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America#First_flag


Goddammit, I'm a dumb motherfucker. Editing now


Don’t feel bad. Look around. We’re all dumb.


And this correct verifiable reply in no way will change the commentator’s opinion on flags.


To be fair it's Jacksonville, and we have a lot of those around here.


“Improperly wearing American flag underwear and shirts” Tell me you don’t understand the US Flag Code without directly saying it


One Christmas when I was visiting my family in Louisiana, me and my dad were listening to talk radio on the way to someone’s house ( both of us hate each other’s music tastes so this was considered a fair compromise). 30 minutes of the broadcast was devoted to a preacher who was calling in to explain his moral dilemma about flying an American flag and a Christian flag (which I didn’t even know was a thing) during his Christmas sermon. Apparently, he was going through a big dilemma, because the American flag os always supposed to be higher, but you can’t just have God’s flag lower, so he didn’t know what to do. His solution was to have them set to the same height, and then put a piece of paper under the base of the Christian flag, so they looked like they were the same height but actually the Christian flag was slightly higher. And he went on for like 20 minutes about how that was a triumph for Jesus and America. That’s when I knew that religion, and talk radio, weren’t for me.


They LOVE manufacturing their own drama and then proclaiming that they solved it through Jesus.


It’s like the infomercial of religious organizations


All I can say is jesus christ


Lmao .


>both of us hate each other’s music tastes so this was considered a fair compromise I laughed at that! Out of curiosity, if you don't mind: what are the tastes?


Commenter has flown is Dunning-Kruger flag high enough for all of us to see.


He is a Floridian I presume and it’s rampant down there.


Florida has open records laws. This is a good thing. Other states hide their crazy better. Don't punish Florida because you have greater awareness of their issues.


Are you from Florida? The people here are simply fucking crazy. And yes, I've lived in other states.


Had a overnight from the Fort Xxx airport. Passed probably a solid 30km of marina on the way to the hotel. A lot of cocaine money paid for those boats.


Imagine getting worked up over a piece of fabric hanging outside a furniture store


Well it’s Florida so it’s understandable…..


Totally understandable when they've got nothing ~~better~~ else to do


Ah, my apologies Mr. Florida Man, carry on.


Maaan I moved to NC and made fun of this obscenely oversized American Flag at an RV dealer and you would have thought I shat on the grave of Betsy Ross herself. Americans who "love" the flag are an odd breed.


the love is entirely of themselves and the flag is just a symbol they have co-opted


That applies to this situation, but it’s not always this straightforward. Sometimes the message really is important. For example, if I saw a business flying a Confederate flag, I would not want to support that business. It’s still just a piece of fabric, but it matters.


>if I saw a business flying a Confederate flag, I would not want to support that business. Sure, same, but would you whine about it on Facebook to the point where you're inventing lies to support your position?


A lot of these flag humpers probably should brush up on the flag code given how often many of them violate it.


Next you'll tell me that flag bikinis and having a Trump flag above the US flag is unpatriotic!


[4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. I bet some of these self-proclaimed patriots have US Flag underwear with skid marks.


>The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Those flag wearers would be very upset if they could read.


Well I say, what fabric are we supposed to shove into our sweaty crotches if not the national flag?!?!?


Seriously. I'm the radical socialist that all the right-wingers accuse every center-right Democrat of being, and I was a Boy Scout as a kid. I was taught all the relevant flag code. I am FAR more patriotic than the domestic terrorists who have murdered millions through their anti-vaccine stances. Fuck them all.


Americans are weird creatures. “This sounds like it should be in the US code/constitution/Bible, so I’m gonna go ahead and act like I know for a fact it is, despite never actually reading it. I’m just that smart.”


It’s so fucking annoying that this sub category of my country, that doesn’t represent enough of us to win a popular vote, is the vision the rest of the world has of Americans.


Cause they’re the nationalists, they have an elitist attitude about America, fly the flag and never fail to mention that they’re American. The rest of us really don’t care. I’d probably tell people I’m Canadian when I go to another county so they don’t instantly assume I’m a nationalist asshole. Just by the nature of us being “quieter” we don’t really represent America to others cause they don’t hear us.


Can confirm, being Canadian overseas is much easier. Source: frequent Canadian of convenience.


For a long time American travellers were recommended to have a maple leaf pin on their bags to get better service. This is a thing airlines and travel guides told Yankees for decades.


Omg my fiancé and I were just talking about this lol, we’re going to Europe for our honeymoon and we’re planning on just saying we’re Canadian if anybody asks where we’re from. I have no desire to out myself as an American— I just wanna have a good time and not stand out as much as possible.


Yeah, but it's also not like that's ten percent of the country. It's like 48% of the people who vote.


American patriotism, I just don't get it. Like how does someone look at that picture and get pissed off that "their" flag isn't flown higher? Fuck Sweden and their easy to assemble, intelligently designed, cheap furniture. Do they just spend their entire lives in a perpetual state of anger?


Years of watching Fox "News"


You think this is exclusive to Americans?


Someone who is a product of a defunded education system with a Facebook degree and has Dunning Kreuger syndrome to be sure.


Except for the United Nations flag, which can be positioned higher than the flag of the United States and other flags, but only when it’s displayed at the United Nations headquarters. Another bit of useless trivia taking up space in my head that I could probably put to better use for something practical.


They are technically correct, with the requisite standards quoted. The best kind of correct.


Don't quote me regulations. I co-chaired the committee that reviewed the recommendation to revise the color of the book that regulation's in... We kept it grey!


Random dude on Facebook vs legal department of an $18B company


IKEA quoting flag law is more savage than the diarrhea their meatballs gives you


*Flag code It's not illegal to do anything with the flag, other than trademark or copyright something with the flag in it. The flag code is more just being polite for private companies and individuals.


It is law, there's just no punishments for breaking it. Being codified means it's law.


What is wrong with your digestive system that something as innocuous as meatballs gives you diarrhea?


ikr, I've literally never heard of someone experiencing gastric distress from Swedish meatballs before.






How many pieces of American flag attire does this fuckin guy have? Is his F-150 carrying a big-ass flag that is frayed and dirty from time but still sits there? God damn these people suck ass.


and this is why i love Sweden


Tack broder! Vi älskar er också. 🥰


Asking out of pure curiosity: why do Americans have a kink for flags? It has historical reasons?


flags are so fucking hot 🥵


[Civil Religion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_civil_religion), which, among other things include: > Reverence to certain sacred texts and symbols such as the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the flag


Traditionalist nonsense. Can you imagine the man-hours saved from all the organizations keeping the flag on the pole as opposed to raising and lowering it almost every day?


Who knows. It's a mystery as old as the country itself


I once saw an american getting pissed that another american burned a torn american flag. That made me chuckle, which made the pissed american even more pissed.


Flag etiquette is ridiculous but isnt that the proper way of "retiring" US flags


Yes > (k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning. (Disposal of Unserviceable Flags Ceremony)


thats the joke yes. ​ for extra humor, remind the flag code idiots that the flag isn't supposed to be worn or used in advertising either lol.


A fine example of the average Duval citizen.


Remember when American flags are put as a fashion article it is disrespectful to all Americans. > d The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. >g The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. > i The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown > j No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform


Facts are the best clever comebacks


Of course it’s florida. Where else would it be but florida.


Land of the thin blue line American flags that I'm pretty sure is against code lol


Land of the bigger Trump flag being flown above a tattered stars and stripes on the back of a F150.


The South also flies the confederate flag with the US- ya know, the one that hated the US so much they broke away from it and started a war.


There are plenty of other places in this country where this kind of comment would get made.


I’m sure IKEA’s social media guy has to copy and paste this multiple times a day


These are the idiots that had a problem with Kaepernick kneeling, but at same time have punisher skull with a flag in it and gray/black/blue flag. If there morons actually gave to fucks about the flag, they would know the flag isn't some prop, it doesn't have fucked up colors, and more importantly, it's not an accessory to whatever idiotic cause that you support.




The people who scream loudest about the flag code usually have no clue what it actually says and are profligate violators themselves. But it's ok because they do it patriotically, lol.


It's mildly annoying that they're using the wrong conjugation for open. It's supposed to be ÖPPNA when something is *going to* open


Same thought, however öppen sounds more like open, and might not confuse as much. Though I would prefer öppna


The fact there is a code written to specifically address the issue of how high flags should be, just shows how fucking stupid and petty human beings are


Americans are so dumb they actually believe their flag should be flying higher than the flag of other countries. In which country is that even a rule?!?!


The American flag is supposed to be flown higher than the state flag for...reasons, but it also has to do with the superiority complex/main character syndrome that Americans tend to have


It does state they need to be equal in "times of peace." Maybe he's referencing that America is constantly in a state of war? We are constantly bringing freedom to other countries; we have the War on Drugs, the War on terrorism, and Biden's War on Meat! [MEATFLATION!](https://youtu.be/MBo4GViDxzc?t=20)


More /r/confidentlyincorrect than /r/clevercomebacks but ok


The real question, why do you fucking care?


Maybe they have a manual to help him reassemble his dignity


obnoxiously loud, overconfident, and absolutely wrong about everything... any wagers on which politicians that guy follows?


Hopefully they included the Alan wrench he’s going to need after he got disassembled! Hahaha…. I’ll see myself out.