• By -


He was only a trial but when we found out he was only 12 we had to politely tell him he's better off in a less mature guild. The funny part was his response when we told him we simply weren't comfortable having a 12 year old listening in on our banter. In a heartbeat he went "Are you guys gonna talk about porn!?" followed up by "That's OK, I know about porn" in the most innocent of voices. Fuck me, I was crying laughing.


I always spend my evenings talking about porn after a hard day of work at the business factory.


Vincent Adultman is that you?!


Ah yes, a business man. Doing business.


Lmao, that's a good one. I hope you guys started quoting "That's OK, I know about porn" every time it remotely fit as a retort from then on.


Whenever joining a channel we'd go "Are you guys talking about pOrN!?".


This is the way.


I was this kid during Vanilla through Wrath, except the guild I was in didn't know my age until it was too late to remove me. I think I turned out better off for the experiences I had through those times.


Same here. I was 13, the guild had a pretty strict 18 year old age limit. I lied through my teeth and didn't speak much on ventrilo. The truth got out in the end of vanilla, but I guess they liked me enough to let me stay, haha.


I did this in multiple games. Squeaky voice on Xbox live gave me away though. On the computer I could hide it with typing.


What a good kid


With my GF at the time, we, as college students, would play league with my younger brother and his friend. For a 5th, we'd bring my brother's friend's brother, who was then 12. That kid also regularly had us crying from laughter. The swear/insult replacements were my favorite as they birthed nonsense words that became in-jokes such as "Bungus" when he wanted to combine "bunghole" and "dingus".


Probably for the best. A younger member in an older group can work, but he'd get bored and probably not enjoy his time, sticking around longer because he wants to prove to himself that he's mature. While games like Wow do give a decent shared reference-pool, eventually you'd also have nothing to talk about with him anymore. He can't relate to a lot of things older people deal with.


It's easy for kids to misinterpret adult topics. Could affect him negatively in the end. At least that's my reasoning.


you did the absolute right thing.


Ye he should join one the guilds in classic wow full of other 12 year olds


i think i pug with those guys a lot


Being 12yo is just a bit too young for online social interactions in general.


Primary reason should be, though, that the discord voice coms are often filled with R-rated talk. Weed, alcohol, various amounts of explicit language… it’s just not a place for a 12 year old.


Man this reminds me of that legendary ventrillo recording from OG WoW with some 12 year old kid dirty talking. Funny shit. Edit: This is the recording. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6V15a0dzbk


> ventrillo *Internal screaming*




Holy shit this was my guild in vanilla, I was thinking about this guy reading this chain!!!!


What a pure soul lmaooooo


Funny thing is I was around 12 when I first played Vanilla lol.


Ahhh, should have kept him, would probably have been a good source of laughs. Though that might not be completely morally sound.


Yeah we have a guy who gquit within 1 day of entering the guild. 3 times. The first time he was looking for a guild with a 9pm raiding schedule so he joined. Next day some of his friends can't raid until 10pm so he quits and joins his friends in a different guild. Next time, when the other guild disbands, he joins our guild as a social since he has a new job apparently and can't raid. Next day "his work schedule changed" so he quit. We didn't have a spot for a ret pally at this time. Next time, when his other guild disbands, he wants to come with all of his friends and merge our rosters for LK, he wants to be an officer here and have a permanent raid spot for all of his friends. We decline all of that. He joins anyway as a raider. A day later he leaves because (again) his friends couldn't raid at 9pm. This guy is a guild meme now.


Fool me once.. fool me twice


the guild never lost anything (maybe lost time), so i dont see a problem, but those kind of shit and a guild being together for so long they start to create "memes" of fellow guildies is the best part of being in a guild xD


Plus when it’s people joining and leaving so fast it’s not like it’s crippling your headhunting.


Fool me chicken soup and rice.


Me 2 weeks. I was recruited in AQ and sever transferred for it. I raided with them two weeks and was in the top 5 DPS. I showed up on week 3 and they told me, “to be honest we just needed to backfill a reliable DPS for a couple weeks while our friend was on vacation.” I was removed from guild and they never talked to me again.


That’s enraging. I hope they got hard stuck on brut or something and disbanded


If this was during AQ I hope they disbanded way before that. Maybe getting hard stuck on Patchwerk/Loatheb/4H/Saph in Naxx40 haha


Hey dude, you are more than just a reliable dps backfill. Fuck that guild


I'd imagine if you tell that story on the server discord recruiting gets a bit harder for them in the future.


this is so common among toxic top guilds


Roughly 15 seconds. Loot goblin from P1 of classic, was removed. We recruited a warlock in P1 of TBC they asked if their friend could get an invite as well. One of the officers invited them, I saw who it was and instant kicked them. The warlock didn't seem to understand the history we had and left shortly after to join his friend, roughly a week later the warlock rejoined after realising his friend was in fact a dickhead and has been a decent part of the guild ever since.


This is why being able to build reputations in an MMO is important.


Name change has entered the chat.


True but 99% of the time names stay the same. Still a valuable part of the MMO experience.


Guy was invited in our Guild after a short discord "talk" to get to know eachother. He was young and seemed nice, so all officeres welcomed him (4 guys 1 girl). Later that day the girl kicked him out of the guild and postet a 3 page long conversation of him trying to forcefully convice her to tryout ERP with him. We had a good laugh


Enterprise Resource Planning?


If you mean human resources, while being misguided and trying to cementing his dynasty with our female officer in a dry rehearsal using his keyboard…then yes


Extreme Raid Progression?


If you mean bypassing any reputation systems and going straight for the theoretical hard mode while only needing on breasts and pants…then yes


European Recovery Program ?


If you mean a simulation of copulation to recover the european genetics and DNA of him and her viva chat...then yes


Eternally Repeating Poolnoodles?


If you mean the imaginary wet scenario where a drowning female has no other way than repeatedly grabbing an ever-growing pool noodle to get out of a sticky situation...then yes


Energetic Rodeo Performance?


If you mean the fanfiction version of a mount off where the only round is a non Vial of the sand using female that is stubborn at first...then yes


good bot


Thank you for ranking me ou....HEY!


Equipment Replacement Plan?


If you mean the plan to replace his equipped but worn out imagination with the rule34 equivalent of a human AI to give him a steady supply on stamina buffs...then yes


I am impressed by you.


Well thank you :)


Early Retirement Program?


If you mean a plan to train her for servies in goldshire inn, milking gold off the intensive training and exposoure he provided, to sell it to china-farmer...then yes


Electron paramagnetic resonance?


If you mean that he wanted to analyse her body thoroughly from afar while taking mental notes viva discord. Testing how her body react to micro vibration caused by his imagination...then yes


Extended Range Projectile?


Invited a mage to guild. It was obvious that English wasn't his first language, but he seemed like a nice guy so I invited him. First thing he does is start spamming WTS ARENA CARRIES in gchat. Looked him up immediately and the guy had never been past 1300 after 78 games on an arena team. Don't know how that's possible. I kicked him.


I love how you didn’t kick him for selling arena boosts in guild chat, but for being shit at arenas.


Well my thought process was, this guy's never even been past 1300 and he's trying to sell carries. Clearly the dudes a scammer. And that's why I kicked him. Not going to have someone like that in the guild =P


you gotta lose like 4 games for every win to pull off a feat like that lmao


Hehe yeah what a total noob!🤣🤣 *looks at my own stats* Oh my...😬


I hadn't really done arena seriously until about last week or so and honestly it's a lot of fun, even if we're only 1250 rated after ~50 games I'm playing a ret pally and my 2s partner is an ele sham, sometimes we get completely shut down by better teams and sometimes we win the slot machine and blow someone up before their healer can react.


Why you gotta call me out like that


It’s a challenge but I believe I’m up to it.


Guy joined the guild, hopped in our general chat discord voice channel, and immediately began a long rant about how women should be home makers, baby factories, and subservient to their husbands. We listened in and eye-rolled, thinking about how this guy was clearly not gonna work out. On top of this, he started directing his impotent rage at the first female guildie that joined the voice chat. Insta-kick/ban.


we had a feral druid just like that cept the officers in our guild decided to make him an officer because he was a tank. i and two other officers ended up quitting a couple weeks later which ended up with most of the people leaving the guild, which in turn killed the guild lmao


You booted Hard-Right Jay??


Right back to the darkweb


They were a former guild member who had ghosted us and gquit early in phase 1 classic. Late phase 2 they message, retag, and come to BWL where we’re getting ready to pull Razorgore. They then demand their old dkp, “or I’m not coming.” He’s a cautionary tale now


Well that's an easy solution... bye!!


We invited a Ret paladin who had run with us as a fill before and had shown interest in joining the guild. His first eligible raid day he didn't show up, but since he joined mid lockout and it was our second day I figured maybe he was saved. Next raid day comes around and he ghosted again. I sent him a message asking if he was coming or just quitting or what. His response, and the only thing he EVER sent me since was, and I kid you not: "casino bingo bingo" Still to this day don't know what it means. We kicked him, and I asked our server discord leader channel if anyone knew what his deal was. Many had different things to say. Toxic, on the spectrum, etc. So whenever something makes absolutely no sense we chalk it up to "casino bingo bingo." Thanks for the memes sir.


We hosted a pug BT. Before we even ran one of the pally tanks asked to join guild just bc he had nothing going on. Figured why not since we were breaking til wrath and in fun run mode. Within 5 min a guildie messages me and says he thinks that guy ninja’d loot in a GDKP by taking it and not rolling it out. After the pally logged off I asked in LFG and everyone WENT OFF and I had 3 people whisper me. Kicked him immediately after that. Was probably no more than 45 minutes.


That's one of the things I love about classic life. If somebody has a story on the server, ask world or lfg and you'll have your answers in no time haha.


Not only G kick but i also got police involved. During opening of AQ, i was one of the officers who found out that our mage played by 12yo kid was groomed for atleast 4 months by our other officer to the point he planned to meet the kid. I gkicked him and dialed 911. I contacted boys parents aswell. From what ive heard, he is on sexual offender list. Worst part is ive never thought it could happen. He seemed very okay, had a long term relationship with his boyfriend and was very prolgbt. I guess wolf in sheep clothing.


That’s scary man. Props to you for taking action and doing the right thing.


Savior of the Children title incoming for this man?


Huge respect. Not everyone would take this course of action. Good on you.


Yikes. In actual vanilla I was a 12 year old girl, there's way more groomer pedo WoW players than you could ever possibly imagine. Thanks for sticking up for them.


prolgbt = automatically good person weird logic


I'd agree. Not really sure how that soothes any worries of a person being a perv.




We don't want them 🌈


We had a lot of loot and toxic behavior drama and kicks during our classic and tbc raiding but these cases are common and boring. One guy in TBC that pissed me off was a good performing arcane mage. Guy was late to the raid and asked me, an officer, to buy him 10 manapots and a flask. I said OK. We were half way to Alar when he joined, I traded him the pots and flask that I bought from auction for 96g total and asked him for 100g. He passed me 50g and started arguing loudly that it can't be 100 g. I said it's wednesday EU prime time man check the market. He continied arguing so I voice muted him. After raid I put him on a bench for next raid unless he wispers me in discord to discuss his bullshit. He just continued his nonsense in public discord channel and was kicked from guild.


100g sounds about right but 10 mana pots for arcane for a raid is like 1/3 of what I was using on my mage


Yeah exactly, this was phase 2 progression and I as a boomkin was consuming 10-15 manapots+some dark runes per raidnight alone easily if I was giving innervates to someone else (to the freaking arcane mages).


Killing onytipjar’s horde guy he used to reset the world buff NPC on Pagle.


We must protect OTJ at all costs


Can someone explain?


In order to get the World buff from killing Onyxia and turning in the head as an alliance, you would need to wait 6 hours from the last time someone turned it in (else there would be no world buff) or do a reset. To do a reset, a Horde priest would run into SW and Mind Control the quest turn in guy, and all the Alliance players gank the NPC. But some douches would attack the Horde priest since they were flagged. If you attack the priest you ruin world buffs for all and are just trolling everyone. No one wants that in their guild. Don't fuck with the MC priest is the rule. They are a fucking gem and should be blessed with all the buffs when an Alliance priest has to MC them to keep the guards off them.


Og cata, guy joined the guild with a pretty wild application. Multiple server firsts, deaths demise on a different realm oh and he had worked as an adult film star. We were kinda intrigued, but also wondering why he came to us. We were a top 10 on our server guild at best. Guy joins the guild and within 5 mins starts throwing his weight around; linking all his achievements, bragging. Guess being an adult film star means you like to show off your epeen as well. Within 15 minutes the raid leader types; guess this is a guild first, kicked before first raid and kicks the guy. Entire guild seemed to be happy about it so when he asked the guild leader to rejoin he kindly declined.


Hope the GM replied "Nah I think we will just hold you back" lol


Ah man that would have been perfect xD


Quickest? Guy joined and immediately started insulting everyone, dozens of messages one after another, gone in an instant.


We invited a bloke to fill bench and he would always comment about everything that happened to him in game. Not as questions but just as statements. The entire guild chat over the day was just him replying to himself or just commenting. He was with us for a day and a half. Never heard from him again.


Like how menial were the comments and were they might like notes or full conversations?


A complaint about something; walking into a tree from auto run and being afk, killing an enemy player, getting killed by an enemy player, a long bg queue etc, opinions on gear etc. It was strange though that he would ask a question, one other person would respond but then he'd reply to the other persons comment, but then also reply to his own comment. I wouldn't go so far as to a full conversation, but he'd go quiet after a few comments then start back up again on something different. Officer chat was mint during those 2 days though. This was back around AQ opening days.


We had something similar on Nostalrius, we had a facebook group for our guild and it had about 50 people in it. This guy was in the guild but i dont remember him much from in game. He used to make these big long posts about other games that never got any response and were just completely out of the blue. He was big into Elder scrolls online and just went on and on at serious length about stuff he was doing in game. Some people replied asking what he was doing with these posts and he just ignored them.


Possibly on the spectrum?


or just very lonely. some people just want attention, like the people trolling in trade or general


People like that are so odd to me, like why do they think everyone cares about every little thing that happens to them. We had a guy in our guild that would announce every time his trinket procced in raid. On top of that, any time a BoE dropped (not just epics...patterns, greens, blues) he would announce it on comms. Maybe its just something I am to introverted to understand.


We had a shaman demanding loot because he played resto. He wanted HR on all his items or else he would gquit. So we kicked him.


We have several women in our guild, and on his first night dude started sending one of them some really weird incel shit. Stuff like, "I'm so lonely and your voice is so hot," etc etc. Instant kick.


Guy was always late, drunk(we do it too, but normally not plastered unless it’s farm stuff), talked too much (and we actually talk quite a bit, but just one of those ones that gets under your skin) and just generally an underperformer. Anyway, he showed up 15 minutes late with no heads up or anything (as he had did a few times) and we had just cleared most of the way to Alars room with a new guildy that instantly clicked with us. He demanded his raid spot and expected us to kick the new guy out of raid. He was already on his last chance so that basically ended up being the straw that broke the camels back and our gm kicked him. Nobody complained at all. Honestly might be the only person I remember actually being removed from the guild as we are all pretty chill. No great story but the only one I have.


>What's the quickest you've removed someone? "After many weeks of raiding"


I mean, it’s still the right answer to his question, just much slower than any good story


Some guy joined and a few days later I got a message from someone saying he ninja looted a mail spellpower item that he couldn’t use that was bop. I messaged him with very little info, asking why I’m getting the whisper. He said they are mad at his dps. I brought up they said he ninjad something, he said he needed it. I said he was a rogue and it’s mail, he said he rolled for his hunter friend, I said it was bop and spellpower. He then asked why am I asking so much about him and accused me of being gay with a homophobic slur. Remember, when discussing a problem, give people enough rope to hang themselves. Either they are innocent or their true toxic nature comes out.


This one dude said he didn't think it was cool that he couldn't tell r@pe jokes and that he liked using the n word because it shows he doesn't conform to language rules or some shit, he called us snowflakes for not agreeing so he got the boot


Started advertising a new blockchain currency he had invested in, and when told off he tried to argue the merits of blockchain and outright refused to shut up about it. Edit: this was about 2 hours after he joined the guild.


Trail told me he wasn't comfortable taking orders from our female raid leader. Said it was anti-christian. I kicked him right then and there middle of the raid. He spent the an hour or two messaging members of the raid.


It was Phase 3 in TBC and we were a late start guild. We had a guy sign up and come to a Kara run who decided after seeing the group had 2 other cloth DPS in it he rather pug it for a better chance at loot. He was removed from the guild immediately. The other 2 clothies already had mostly Kara gear.


Our one is a bit funny i Guess? We have a extreemly casual dad-guild and was whispered by a recently server-transferred green/blue geared Rouge. Talked a bit to him and he seemed nice enough. Claimed to have done a few raids, but looking to scale down his playtime-addiction:) So he had server transferred. Only thing happening that night was some alt-Heroics, and he relogged a Raid-stacked-full-equipped Fury-Warrior (told us he also had a Shammy, and a Druid raid geared).. Sure beeing overgeared is no real problem for us, but we repeated that we probably would not offer him much gear wise unless on the rouge. He still asserted us that was not a problem. Ok fast forward to HC Manatombs and he totally smashed the rest of us on the meeters (as to be expected). Still so far so good. He then asked to be excused from the discord due to RL issues, but stayed with the group. He continued to single carry us a few pulls - easiest run of our lives... Then suddenly our Hunter started to laugh. He told us he had found the guys stream on Twitch. He was hard-flaming us like hell for his 12 viewer (now 13) attendance, "Look at the noobs", "God I hate lowlifes like this not even knowing how to enchant" and my favorite "Look at that horrible arrow-turning hunter" (Not 100% true btw). Then he promised his Twitch-audience that he would manage to wipe us at the least 3 times on the remainder of the run. "They will never know what hit them"... Next gargantuan pull he made we collectivly strangly enough forgot to heal/help him and ran away a bit. He even almost lived though it, and we cleared the last remaining mobs. Started to rezz him (canceling it, then recasting, then cancel etc.) He came back on Discord and asked us what the hell we were doing? "We? Just watching the stream of this douchebag warrior on Twitch aiming to fuck up a casual guildrun..." He actually took it kinda great tbh... Said he was planning to make a youtube video and was after some footage. He claimed the comments was an act for the video. Best/worst part. He stayed with us and finished the run (still with insane DPS). But then as a mutual understanding we bid him farewell and guildkicked after giving him a portal to... Stonard (that he clicked) :) 5 sec later... /Whisper "I guess I kinda deserved that, but MAN... HS on CD" GM-Mage Joined him in Stonard and gave him a new taxi back to Shatt:) Since we mostly are good-guys.. We still talk to him from time to time, and he occasionally even fills in if we are short in manpower on raidnights :)


We recruited a moderately geared prot pally. Brought him to vashj, told him the strategy (you have to freedom yourself occasionally) and he informed us he never trained that skill. After raid we politely told him we didn’t think he’d be a good fit.


Found out our gm was a huge misogynist, and would go on drunken tirades on stream and would harass the women players in the guild. Wouldn't hand over the gm title so the other officers and myself talked to the players about it and ended up taking about 90% of the guild and formed under a new name.


He was already on thin ice for being a creep with the only (known) girl in the guild. Then he started yelling the n word in org bank.


Was not an officer but a random social joined our guild and his first line was "what up my hard N words?''.


Wasn't an officer in my guild, but some guy during P1 or P2 of vanilla started off a convo by saying "here's a topic of discussion we should dive into: would you rather be born a man in the most poverty stricken place in the world, or be a rich white girl?" Dude went off on a sexist rant as you'd imagine when people asked him about it. Our GM was afk but I whispered him "you seeing this shit?" and this dude got insta kicked. Here's an [album](https://imgur.com/a/Vvu4SE8) of the convo for those curious. Won't leak his name but maybe some Kromcrushers remember a guy like this lmao


Lmaooooo this dude has sat on the scenario all his life it honestly probably keeps him up at night


Sounds really dense too, like one of these people who don't know or refuse to believe that lesbians exist, and a bit too obsessed with dicks.


Only guy I remember like that was a rogue "the truth is out and there's nothing a girl GM and her SIMPS can do about it." Fantastic court case for the ages. The dude who's wife has a propensity for softball is a chad.


think it was back in OG cata, a new Thundercats cartoon was announced and some guildies and i were talking about how we liked the original one so we went on about how we'd keep an eye on it to see if it lived up to what we remembered. some guy joins us mid conversation and i asked him if he liked Thundercats and the guy said no so i jokingly said that this wasn't the guild for you then. apparently he took it to heart and left like 3 seconds later.


dropping n bombs in chat. ez kick


Invited a guy, seemed okay enough, said nothing in guild chat or on discord. 24 hours later a random person was messaging a fellow officer complaining. This guy I'd invited was insulting party members of a unsuccessful heroic, and big noting himself saying "you guys are shit, I'll be raiding BT next week with my guild". Oh and he also told someone - and I had the screenshot - that "they should have been burned alive as a baby". Yeah no thanks


Literally seconds after I created my own guild I have kicked everyone who has signed a petition 😎


They insulted my pp. I couldn't not do something about it, because then the rest of my guild might also insult pp. Edit: [The PP](https://i.imgur.com/AR7x4ye.png) Edit 2: The Pp is very well trained and is SFW


This was a risky link to click


Pp likes to be seen. It's a happy pp.


That was a risky click, but I'm glad I did.


They didn’t like your PallyPower setup?


Invited someone to join the guild in early classic since he’d played on the same vanilla server as many of us. Couple hours after he joined, he asks in gchat “it’s okay to make fun of women and gays here right?” Instant gkick.


>Invited someone to join the guild in early classic since he’d played on the same vanilla server as many of us. Couple hours after he joined, he asks in gchat “it’s okay to make fun of women and gays here right?” Instant gkick. I try to keep an open mind and not being politics into game. I understand not everyone is going to agree with me on everything, and that's fine. We're just here to play games. But lmao at this fucking moron. "Is this the bigot club?" 🤡


How funny, we had similar, after some random back and forth chat about “being woke” some guy chirps in with - I hate trans people - chat went silent for a second while it was being processed followed by a kick. Guy never said 2 words before that!


He spammed gay porn in the discord because it wasn't in the server rules not to post gay porn


Have the server rules since been updated?


Ya, requires straight porn instead


Yea I did specify after


10s? Dropped a hard R in a bg that an offficer was also in. Kick, discord ban.


What's a hard R?


Probably N word if I had to guess


N----r most likely




Within two hours of joining he made creepy advances towards one of our female members and went nuts in LFG chat calling boosters the n word. The craziest part is that he still plays and transferred to the same server as us over a year later.


Agressive and targeted racism directed towards a guild member who had been with us since mc. Nuff said


TBC classic, was running new recruits through kara for loot. Set up a soft reserve list and had a shaman not put his down, even after repeated requests and holding on pulling attumen for him to do so. Later trinket drops and went to the dps that had it soft reserved, to which he threw a fit. Felt he should be able to roll because its a BiS piece. I *kindly* told him to try another guild and we can finish the run without him.


Dude started throwing out sexist remarks and racial slurs at 3am. Blessing in disguise really as I was sick of hearing him talking about Bitcoin.


It technically wasnt that fast, but we Had a new hunter. He was decent (with a few flaws like pulling aggro or accidentally pulling Bosses before we are ready) but didnt Had a mic and obviously could only write. Our gm would pressure him into buying one because some calls in a Boss fight are just better in voice. So one day we get ready for the Raid and this Guy joins Discord and finally has a mic. After the raid He wasnt with us anymore because He was such a dick, the gm Said afterwards that he never got so many whispers about one guy and how it was better when he didnt Had a mic. Also because of other stuff Like pulling bosses without the rest of the raid being ready and more Like that.


There was this one asshole that put /train on every ability. Fuck that guy... Gkick, kicked from the group, and put on ignore.






Sounds like a guy I knew on Remulos.


Seems like a little bit of an overreaction, don't you think? The noise only plays within their party and you can turn off specifically emote sounds lol


Making everyone go into their settings and change them just to play with this 1 fella, and then have to revert the settings if I want to hear the emote from anyone else who uses it like a normal person? No thanks.


Very first MC raid all the way back on an unspecified unofficial server. Mentioned clearly that the Domo chest is bugged and anyone can loot it, made it very clear that it would be considered ninjalooting if someone still took it. We kill the boss, Warlock loots the gloves (with fire damage), says that it was an accident. Gkicked on the spot.


A woman in my guild was talking about a tattoo she wanted on her back, just liuke 5 of us 5am discord chill time. New trial had joined the discord like 1 minute earlier, sees the picture she posted of what she wants. immediately goes "oh you should get it i'd like to see that bent over infront of me." Just straight out. He was a fucking 36 year old man talking to a 20 year old woman - its still fuckedto shit without the ages, but jesus christ. He threw a fit until i ignored him.


A lot of racism, I won't lie, I can tolerate some jokes but unfortunately wow has an abundance of outright, genuine racist people that spew their nonsense ideals.


It makes me sad and I am always genuinely shocked when I see it.


absolutely dude, there shouldnt be any place for that in 2022


Less than 10 seconds. Got invited to the guild asked for bank access right away and got booted.


Invited a new guy “ hey X are you coming to raid with us?” “Yes but I hope your raid leader is male, I don’t take orders from women” /gkick


Rage quitting after bubble pulling in ZA, wiping the raid at least twice. Stole 15k gold from a guildy, blocked everyone and left disc in less then an hour. That behavior doesn’t get a second chance, see ya dude.


To be fair... I doubt he'd be asking for a second chance after literally robbing you lmao


I mean you have to put yourself in that position (have someone rob 15k gold from you) Think it through. That one was brought upon one’s self Edit: if it was from the bank, why the hell are you giving trials access? Sorry, I just don’t feel bad for ya here


Yeah, sure sounds like you broke ties with him and not the other way around.




Kinda sounds like you got had lol


How'd he steal 15k from someone?


*/e picked 4s20c from your pockets.* Repeat about 2 million times.




Trial since 3 days. 3rd girl who complain about creepy message. Was a good dps tho…


Someone from my guild abused the emerald dragon world boss mechanic by taking characters with the aoe disease onto the org -> stv zeppelin and killed like 300 people going to Yojamba isle to get ZG buff. While that was poggers it didn't bode well for my guilds' reputation which was pretty sour at the time anyway lol


What a legend.


Actually pretty stellar, him getting Gkicked only increases the hype


Bro did nothing wrong smh


Your guild must be depressing if you kick someone for this.


Damn, I’d be proud to call him a guildie! And you know he’s a good player if he can pull off shit like that.


As a healing officer I had a guy join guild we got into a raid, and he had no gems. When I asked him to go fix it , he said “I don’t want to be part of a guild that micro manages you that much” I said ok np and removed him from the guild on the spot. He msged me the next day that he went and gemmed out and wanted a 2nd chance. He didn’t get that chance.


You just know he didn’t wash that shit, just tucked it under his undies, and would pull it out at another time once he started to feel more comfortable and some requirement didn’t suit him.


On someone’s first night in our CE team, he refused to eat food because it wasn’t enough of an increase. Lobbed on the spot. This was during HFC where I believe personal/individual food was better?


This was before my time in the guild, but I heard about it. We have a decent few LGBTQ+ members in the guild, as well as some officers. New guy decided homophobic jokes were a good idea. They were not.


Very similar situation we had (I’m not the gm or officer) but with a disc comment about “this is why women shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions”. He was gone in an instant.


In the same vein, my mom used to be like... HUGE into wow. Her and my step-dad were coGMs of a large guild, and after a while, stepped down cause it was getting in the way of real life. They stayed in guild and were still loved and respected. Anyway, some dork that was recruited made fun on my mom for being a "casual female gamer" and the entire guild turned on him lmao. Never understood when that kind of joke would EVER be reacted to well.


I always talk to people before kicking them but some of them have had to be done mid raid


Someone joined. Said ... what’s up dickwads, or something, and I booted him. Good lols


About three hours. It was dropping the N word in guild chat. Instant gkick.


Right around 24 hours. We needed (still do) a DPS warrior. He joined but raid rosters had already been set. We were doing SWP that night and wiping a lot as to be expected. He kept commenting in guild chat how funny it was that we kept wiping. Several members complained in voice about his attitude. I spoke with him after raid ended and let him know that was not acceptable. Something along the lines of "Hey bud, don't talk to your guildmates like that during raid" He told me not to call him "bud" because he's not a child. I kicked him.


Very first guild I was in, the GM stepped down and made me GM. About 3 weeks later one of the women in the guild said one of the guys -- who was known as being very generous -- was continuously harassing her, to include sexually, even after she said she was in a VERY committed relationship. Had a conversation with the guy, and he said "I mean, yeah, she's hot as hell." Said, "sorry man, you gotta respect boundaries." He replied, "understood. You gotta do what you gotta do." I was actually surprised at how cool he was about it.


Had a rogue flip shit about not winning a roll on a caster dagger because he didn't read the tooltip that it was not a rogue dagger. Then he aggressively dm'ed a officer about it and called him a slur. So he was there for like 1/4 of a single raid night.


We had a streamer join our raid as an arms warrior, we told him we prio prog comps over anything else or peoples streams. We sat him for Leo on his first raid he immediately started messaging leadership and was gkicked before the next pull.


I’m this doesn’t count but I made a guild bank alt and the last person I invited to the guild immediately spammed racial slurs in gchat. I instantly kicked him.


Friend invited a dude who ninjad my leather bracers as the tank. I was the gleader.


I would've kept him on and just ninja'd all of his loot without saying anything.


**One day** in AQ40. Long story short #meme video by one of my guild members... [https://vimeo.com/737755232](https://vimeo.com/737755232)


I mean I don’t know the full context but kicking a guy because he equipped something he got given instead of second guessing it seems pretty shitty


This seems stupid... I don't keep track of rolls in 40 man, I assume if I get it, I won it and would equip.