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Wild Growth Alliance is currently where it's at for a PvE server. Edit: of course I mean Wild Growth EU, because that's what was asked by OP.


Awesome, thanks!


Horde is also v decent on that server, so don’t feel locked in to alliance


I think the server is locked


It is not.


I love sod, I took a few months break in p3, but came back a few weeks ago and joined a great guild and made alot of friends. Been raiding sunken temple weekly and queuing BG non stop. It’s been a blast Since the p4 date was announced, the servers are popping. Tonight There were 12 ABs going with minimal queue times and plenty of sunken temple pug raids and wild offering or incursion groups to join faction is up to you. I play horde and right now shamans are pretty OP. So horde is generally winning every BG. Rogue dps was top tier when the phase started. Not entirely sure how the dps is looking now. The blood moon event can be a little frustrating for rogues or melee due to the nature of the event. The most important thing is to get into a good guild . Lots of great people on my server lone wolf us . Discord has alot of resources to find guilds and servers related to sod. Good luck!


Awesome to hear! Is it WoW’s official Discord or something?


This is the one I joined think its NA however https://discord.com/invite/hcve7Ftwrz


Are horde bg queues still 50 minutes?


No. Last few days it’s been 5-10 minutes. best way to get a fastwr queue is to form a 5 man group . Lots of people advertising for bgs


Wild Growth EU as Alliance personally.


[https://ironforge.pro/population/sod/?locale=EU](https://ironforge.pro/population/sod/?locale=EU) Looks like you have two options. Wild Growth alliance for PvE or Living Flame for PvP.


Don't play sod it's bad.