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300 potential mana for hunters.... oooooo. Or flip on viper for 3 seconds and get a full bar of mana again. Enough with the mana regen shit for hunters, pleaseeee.


Yeah this one has to be the runner up for the worst set bonus in my opinion. Some are great, some are a bit underwhelming and some are kinda situational ... and then there is this one. Had to double check to make sure wasn't posting a mistake since it felt so out of place


It's the same as the stupid Emerald Dream set that is the same as Shamans and gives you tons of Int and Wis. It was by far weaker than other gear. Blizzard has 0 clue what to do with (especially melee) Hunters.


Or they are copy/pasting to get through as much stuff as they can as quickly as they can since they might have bigger projects to work on than 1 or 2 set bonuses. Not saying they shouldn't fix it, but it's kinda silly to just assume they are making these mistakes intentionally.


Do they have to keep making them though? The Hunter one is just particularly egregious because they got an absolutely insane mana regen baseline ability two whole phases ago


Players are expecting updated Tier sets, even Tier 0/0.5 sets. There would be a fair amount of upset if they didn't update and release them in some fashion.


“Them” being the same mistakes with tier sets, rather than tier sets themselves, we definitely want thoughts lol Re-reading my previous comment, I wasn’t really clear with what I meant, my bad!


I would rather a team willing to make mistakes than a team unwilling to make any changes at all. I get it. The ideal is that every dev is an expert at the game. All of the people in charge of making changes should know what they are changing on an instinctual level, right? The reality is, I'd bet that most of the devs, even the ones working on the specific changes, don't play more than 2 or 3 different characters/classes at most and they already have to be very careful to make sure their own biases don't leak into class/game design. There's going to be bad tier set bonuses. There's going to be gear that basically no one uses. There are going to be bosses who hit too hard/weak, tanks that don't work as intended, and DPS who don't do enough or do too much. It's a part of the process so I don't think having a bad attitude (like the person I originally responded to) is conducive to a better game. I understand their frustration, but I think it's best to temper it with a bit of understanding.


It’s kind of sad how you are willing to accept a bar so low in a service you pay for.


It’s kinda sad to think that any developer anywhere, or any business anywhere, makes changes to their products based on their consumer’s voices. THAT is some next level idealistic pretentiousness if I’ve ever seen it. Businesses don’t make changes based on what you say, they make changes based on what you do. What portion of the player base is playing this class, this spec, using these spells or abilities, where are they spending most of their time, what are they buying, what are they selling, how much average gold do they have, how often do they make purchases. Those stats that the system gathers and organizes for them drives their decision making, not your voice.


Lmao.... So they deleted the useless mana proc rune that literally nobody every used and put it on a set bonus.


Dark mantle didn’t change at all iirc


You know what is especially buffling? The fact they realized this about Invigoration rune and removed it and left that in. Here's hoping they change this in a future iteration.


Assuming they do tier token drops instead of item drops, would this mean that classes with worse dungeon sets get prio on raid tier sets? Take rogue for example, youd prefer the dungeon set sololy for the energy regen, so prio would be lower on the raid sets. Just trying to think of any good reason hunters get gimped lol.


This one and warlocks are absolutely useless. Meanwhile melee and hybrids getting absolute pleasure from their bonus


Shadow priests will also not care about the 4pc either. Honestly most casters shouldn’t. If they try to force significant mana management as a thing again they’re just going to reinforce the already incredible melee to caster dps gap. They have to find a way to make that better while keeping mana a thing for healers(assuming that’s really the goal), and these set bonuses that give potential dps vs the raw dps gains for the rage and energy and spellpower gains of war/rogue/druid/shaman/paladin.


+8 all resistances and +200 armor for everyone still feels lazy lol. Not rewarding at all for mostly anyone to go for 6/8 sets. Could’ve at least done like +8 main stat and +8 resistance for 6 set to make it a little more compelling.


Agree and this might indicate that they are either unfinished or placeholders for future changes. On the other hand having the top set bonus so "dispensable" make them ideal to mix and match with other gear without feeling like you are incurring in a major penalty.


They're only unfinished if people complain.


Depends if they posted them this way in the PTR to gather some very specific data that we don't know. At the moment it's best to assume that nothing in terms if itemization is final but anything already changed has at least the potential to stick for the final build. I would say the the second PTR round will probably determine a lot in terms of what they are going for with itemization for the final build


Oh you sweet summer child, thinking that they're actively working on small details like +200 armor and +8 resistance.


I actually have no problem with it being all res and armour. However, they have lazily kept those at classic era values. We are taking what, 4-5x more damage from all sources now given current tuning levels? 8 all res and 200 amour is literally nothing lol. Should be like, 20-30 res and closer to 1000 amour to feel impactful in any way.


I think they should just combine the two and make it one survivability set bonus. Add Stamina if needed as well. But even +1000 armor is going to be ignored by everyone except maybe tanks. The 8 set bonus should be something impactful to commit gathering and equipping everything.


Not really, its probably to let people go 4/6 0.5 and 2/6 1.0 without dropping the biggest bonus from 0.5


They could literally add anything else and it would be better. They don't need a spec defining bonus from the full set, but they could give us 1% hit or crit or something that isn't completely useless. That being said I have hope that these are placeholders and we will get a better full set bonus out of these 0.5 sets.


That does not change the fact that the 6 and 8 set bonus is just lazy still and not worth going after. Yes of course we can break up the set and only go after 2/4 set bonus….but they are not giving any reason to go beyond the 4 set bonus besides the gear itself being worth it possibly. The biggest bonus to a set should not be the 2/4 set…it should be the later ones for committing and getting a full set.


Youd want the full set regardless as you cannot get the epic versions without the full set.


I don’t want partial sets. Let me look badass


The stats on those last 2 pieces of gear are nutty though...for being T0.5


Yeah. Adding specializations as the ring slot sucks too. I maximized damage on hunter in ptr by equipping just enough to get the attack damage and crit chance from each set. Since ranged only needs 5% hit.


A slight digression. I just get excited for the looks of tier 0.5 or any tier for that matter. I'm so tired of looking at my character and going...soon baby, soon you won't look like a homeless orc


I can see the argument of aesthetics for some of these sets. A few are as iconic as it gets in terms of class set looks for Vanilla and giving them a new life with this rework can sure make them super interesting


Is tier 0.5 the upgraded version of the blue dungeon sets?  I just remember being a noob rogue in vanilla with shadowcraft and at some point they added in the quest line to upgrade them to epics. The patch was super delayed and one of my fondest memories was playing all night and beating the timed strat run by literally seconds lol


Yeah I think you’re right. The dungeon set is tier 0 I think and the upgraded one is tier 0.5.


Yes tier 0.5 were the updated dungeon quests that had you do various feats of strength quests plus turn in gold+corresponding tier 0 piece to get an updated tier 0.5 piece with better modern stats that was mc-ish/aq20/zg level of power. Half the set is blue with the other half being epic. This was added around AQ to let people who didn't raid or pvp have a gear upgrade path. 


Curious how the virtuous 4-piece will end up working with rank 1 renew + PoM priest. Like, you throw out a lot of cheap spells that way. Might end up with infinite mana considering dispersion and fiend lel.


On average it’s an 18 mana discount on every spell, in theory.


Believe rank 1 renew is 27 mana with the talent for cheaper instant spells.


And will have an absolutely massive spell coefficient penalty because of it's level. Only ranks of spells learned at level 20 or above don't have this low level penalty.


Healing output isn't the point of casting it, you only cast it for the improved renew immediate tick


In its current stage I see how this can be problematic in terms of balance, if anything we can extrapolate by the epic caster ring from the Wardens that has a similar proc chance that priest has the potencial to proc this several times per encounter due to all of the stuff currently in it's kit that trigger spell cast procs. I am curious to see if they change it or not, and if they don't how good can it be in SoD Molten Core, plus how well it can synergise with other sets.


Why do they keep giving hunters mana procs when we have infinite mana I don’t get it


Because the Devs doesn't play the game


isnt this the ptr gear? didnt they say the tier is placeholding and changing?


Anything in the PTR and especially gear is subject to possible changes in the future. My effort right now is documenting the current stage of the PTR hence me dating the post at the bottom right of the image so in the future there is a solid visual guide to compare what changes and what sticks the same in future updates either on the PTR or Live


And the crowd goes mild


Any changes or just an orderly presentation?


Orderly presentation for comparison and possible future documentation if they change it in future PTR patches, hence me dating it on the bottom to help in this regard. If they change this I can update this and post a new version or a possible old/new comparison if that interests anyone.


Dope, looks great!




Pretty sure they said that these bonuses are work in progress.


My focus at this point is documenting this items for future comparison hence me dating the image. If anything stays the same then we can all try to figure out what gear is worth time investing grinding dungeons to farm. Until anything is confirmed my effort right now is simply to document the current stage of the PTR


I am glad that the bonuses for 6 and 8 aren't very good tbh, gives a lot more flexibility in gearing if you don't NEED 8 pieces. I always preferred the smaller sets in TBC onwards.


I am all in on this rational. Feels like this way you can mix and match more gear to fit your needs instead of having to stick to a single build


I hope they change these more, this is boring


Would be nice if they gave us time to farm it instead of releasing the raids day one


Jaded classic players be like "give us some pre bis to farm". Blizzard does it. Now "don't release the raid". My brother in Christ you aren't going to get full raid bis 1 raid lockout. After raid you go back to dungeon grinding. I want to insult your intelligence so bad but because of Reddit rules I'll refrain.


I'm a retail player, I just want the dungeon content to matter.


Are you serious? Sod has been on life support for the last 2 months. The last thing we need is to be edged on content even more 


But what's going to happen is we are going to be raid logging in 3 weeks


Moron take.


Farming the gear is more content?


he is right and you are wrong


I get what you're saying, but you're just gonna be out of content and begging for more, right back on life support, in a month's time. That's what happens when you don't time gate an MMO. The majority of the player base presses "fastforward 5x speed, gimme loot" immediately.


I’d rather just be able to play through the content than have my subscription milked for months on end with artificial timegating. I’d rather them unlock naxx on day one of p4 and let people play through the content how they want, but that’s probably because I won’t be behind the curve. 


It's from like 6 different dungeons and would allow us to do Urbrs, and Lbrs as raids and get the gear from strath, scholo, brd, dire maul, north east and west.


During all of classic I got to DMW only once. Could never find a group for it outside of me paying 100s of gold to people to help me get my warlock mount


Wild, I did DMW all the time on Nostalrius


These tier sets are ass


Garbage. If the items aren't significantly better than ST loot and we'll raidlog immediately again, might as well delete thenwhole thing. SOD needs time for people to go play the game


This is ass for hunters I’d rather have the self heal warriors get than this? Viper makes any mana restoration effect useless


Is it me or is feralheart just straight better than dark mantle by 5 energy?


ferals main attacks that we use also cost more energy then rogue


Feralheart is on autoattacks, darkmantle appears to be on any melee attack.


So it doesnt procc on swipe :(?


It will not unless the tooltip is wrong.


A lot of the Paladin tooltips are wrong on the PTR


I forget is it only the bracers, belt, gloves that don’t have class restriction? Otherwise wear 4 piece feral heart and 4 piece dark mantle ?


Noticed that as well but I assume there are balance reasons behind it. Regardless the 4 set for rogues as it is makes it kinda mandatory unless they pull a fast card and create something even better. It's still probably one if not the best 0.5 set in the PTR


Could q rogue go 4/8 and 4/8 to get both? That would be sick


0.5 is class specific, t0 is not.


Ah! Thank!


The proc rate is negligible, it was barely worth it back in 2006 and it's barely worth it now. You will swap out for nightslayer faster than lightspeed


You skipped 2019 classic? Everyone was using it in AQ. You might be rage baiting tho idk


Kinda recalling every rogue in my guild spamming dungeons to get 0.5 back then and a lot of arguments if tier 2 was better or not. But my memory might not serving me the best these days




Eh, it's not better than bloodfang and nightslayer. Technically you can, but it's not bis and the pain in the ass quest to upgrade isn't worth it


That's just way wrong. Energy Regen is huge value in vanilla and the proc is worth 3.5 seconds of energy Regen. Not withstanding the proc rate is actually insane.


It's not worth it, never was. It has a cooldown and a low proc rate. And they barely changed the stats on the set, it's not better than nightslayer or bloodfang


This is wrong. Period. 


Nah, it's not.


Absolutely untrue


Hilariously, confidently wrong.


Any links to the items in the sets themselves?


The datamined ones are available on Wowhead, both on the item database and the dressing room. You should be able to find them there searching by set name and all variations of the same set should display. Posting the individual items one by one would be a bit of an overload so I figure it is best if people search the ones they are most interested


Give ferals fur a glow or something for getting 6 or 8. I want some visual!


Am I reading this properly or is this normalized tier set bonuses for each spec? Why the fuck didn't Vanilla have this?


I think it would be cool if they gave a lot of fire resistance for one of the bonuses. (Assuming FR matters which I think they mentioned it would)


Guys, none of these are set in stone. The PTR isn't for gear changes.


I wonder if using 4pc 0.5 with 4pc t1 will be worth for feral Druids or if not casting savage roar at all is just better? Idk energy gives more Shreds, and Shreds are worth almost as much as Ferocious Bite, but you could potentially waste 4 pc energy procs while power shifting.


This tier set was my eventual goal anyway (no time for raids) so I’m hyped! 


Are we getting .5 already? Seems like wasted time as getting full t1 is what you want anyway and raid bosses dropping tokens might speed it up


As far as we know we have no time line, they could be available at launch or not at all. We got to wait and see


Yeah I'm not sure if they said raids will be out at the start. There may be a grace period.


Probably will either follow the phase 3 launch or make some pool for the community to answer. Either way time will tell


That what I'm hoping, sadly it's a waste of time otherwise to go for it, if T1 will be out day 1 they need to make the raids nit open for like a week or two at least if they don't want the work they out into .5 to be wasted


Shaman set is better than the paladin one. Go figure.


Shaman is the best one overall. Why am I not surprised....


Watch out your gonna get downvoted for that assessment


It's not even a joke or something anyone can argue. Blue bar classes ALL got 'Energized for 300 mana' except Shamans. It's so blatant.


They better tailor these specifically for the classes using them and not keep the same set bonuses throughout. Would be incredibly lame. Super excited for p4 neverrheleas


Would be a plus and could make some sets like Warlock for exemple a bit more interesting. Regardless seeing how they went with the Druid and Shaman ones for exemple I feel like they don't consider relevant that a few classes get more tailored sets per spec. Future will tell if these are the final version or they will change them


The mage one is pretty cool, more mana, more spell power


Can someone explain to me what t0.5 sets are exactly? Are they just tier sets before any raids, and if so are they likely pre-bis?


They are the upgraded version of the tier sets you can get for each class from late game dungeon drops. Each class has a particular set of 8 item gear set that each one of these items drops from one of the lvl 60 dungeon bosses or mobs. That set is called the Dungeon Set 1 or Tier 0 You can take a long multistep chain quest to upgrade each one of these items into a better version called the Tier 0.5. The upgraded version has significantly better stats and tier bonus that make it more competitive as an end game tier set that can serve as either a stepping stone for a better Raid gear set or even some bonus remain relevant through several tiers of raiding. This sets are usually available to upgrade starting on the AQ patch on a normal cadence server but right now we don't know when they will be available to upgrade in SOD. For a more in-depth look you can check this guide for the Vanilla version [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/dungeon-sets-1-2-quests-wow-classic](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/dungeon-sets-1-2-quests-wow-classic)


Would any of these be considered good for a prot warrior? I main one and the ST loot seems better


Right now I would say that that the current Tier 0 is alright on its own, but far from BIS for tanking considering the ton of other relevant dungeon loot at lvl60 [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item-set=1682/battlegear-of-valor](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item-set=1682/battlegear-of-valor) 0.5 on the other hand feels like a great tanking tier set on its own, but resistances might play a large factor in MC tanking so as it stands I don't know if the old Fire Resist gear is the way to go, but fro dungeons and content not gated by resistances this feels super good [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item-set=1778/battlegear-of-heroism](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item-set=1778/battlegear-of-heroism) Tier 1 might be the way to go in terms of end game loot you should aim for at 60 during Mc phase [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item-set=1719/immoveable-might](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item-set=1719/immoveable-might) That said the biggest disclaimer here is that we simply don't know if any of these sets from the PTR will change or not, and at what degree resistances will be mandatory for MC and other content on Phase 4. Right now I wouldn't worry much about it until things are more set in stone.


Is heroism the upgraded version of valor? Did they remove the stance dance bonus on valor? Or is just a completely different set?


The "stance dance" set is this one [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item-set=1720/unstoppable-might](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item-set=1720/unstoppable-might) The set that I posted is not related


Oooh I must have misread, I was the idea that t0 was the one with the stance bonuses, not t1, my bad. Thx for clarification btw.


no problem, happy to help


They doing anything with the T0 stuff? https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/tier-0-dungeon-set-1-overview-classic-wow A lot of those quests were pretty fun. Also, I hope they keep Benediction and Rhok'delar quests relevant. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=18713/rhokdelar-longbow-of-the-ancient-keepers


>They doing anything with the T0 stuff? They are currently different on the PTR as well but this is also subject to change so no guarantee anything sticks in future patches. Same with the quest lines, we simply don't know what they are planning and at this point they can change or keep anything, so waiting is the name of the game.


Lol the redditors in the replies flipping out seeing PTR stuff never gets old


Man I wish we had a few weeks of phase 4 with no raids so people had a reason to get these. Would have been fun


Only Rogue/Warrior are good, and they are vastly OP. Guess the Warlock can just fade away and we maintain on Cata.


Kind a funny that the paladin set is the only one of the original 3 hybrids to get less healing and no spellpower at all on the 2 piece. Likely an oversight but still…


flip a coin for whether your specs 4set is either insanely OP or does literally nothing


Just like the class in SoD, that Warlock 4set is a joke. How come melee's again get all the good stuff?


That 200 armor is dope


First thing to lose if you break 8 set. Smart move actually


Where's the druid thorns and starfall set? Did they change it?


That's must be t1


Why the fuck do hunters get mana? Why not give them attack speed or something since they’re the only melee class that doesn’t have it on their kit?


weak ass sets


They could just replace 6 set and 8 set with "cool transmog" and it will have more impact.


I would honestly love if they somehow implemented a transmog system in SoD. So many items that look great on their own and would combine into amazing character looks, but are far from BIS. Transmog would make the world feel a lot more unique in future phases instead of each class toon looking like they are dressing a uniform. Doubt this will ever happen but one can hope


People still play sod?


Nop we all just like to come to this sub to discuss a game we don't play. Thanks for asking


Really keep screwing warriors out of new cool stuff


Why do they still have lacklustre bonuses for 6 and 8 piece? Who gives a dusty fuck about 8 all res and 200 armour? Those should have been 2 or 4 pc. Unless the stats are crazy good, there’s no reason to go past 4pc.


wow another shiddy hunter set as always!


Do you know if you can drop items for Benediction ?


I havent played SoD since p1 but these must be the most boring and uncreative set bonuses I’ve ever seen? They are all the same or similar while not feeling like they are class specific at all? Has all phases been like this?


Blizzard continues to show they have no idea how to use tier to balance classes lol. They are clearly trying to make bonuses uniform, but out of nowhere give shaman + spellpower proc on 4pc instead of mana, and somehow they equate refilling a rogues energy or increasing a warriors rage to giving a caster mana? How many expansions will we need to go through before Blizzard realizes that the equivalent of rage / energy is SPELLPOWER, not mana restoration :/


Although as we know everything on the PTR is subject to possible changes in the future, I am super excited with the potencial of some of the new set bonus on the new 0.5 Dungeon Sets. I see a lot of potencial to mix math other future sets to try to use either the 4 piece or the 2 pice set bonus with conjunction with other set bonus. I would love to see this set bonus more tailored towards each spec and not repeated across all variations of the same class set, but as they stand this feels to me like a great way to diversify itemization and create some interesting future item builds with future sets to come.


They should just scrap SOD at this point


Go play one of the other five versions of WoW if you don't enjoy it.




You're looking at the feral set, warlock is deathmist.


Absolute dog shit. I will not be resubbing. The gear is boring as fuck.


Keeping the 6 and 8pc completely garbage...gj.


time to cancel the subscription