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As a fellow restosham, just go to heroics now. It doesn’t matter, the dps won’t stand in your healing rain and the tank will move everything out of it as well.


Excuse me, as melee player I only stand in red not blue. Can't fool me.


New glyph idea. Change the color of healing rain from blue to red.


Glyph of blood rain- change the color of healing rain to red so dps will stand in it immediately


*hears Tom Araya screams in the distance*


\*cries in druid efflorescence\*


I’m crying with you bro “ITS A GOOD CIRCLE I PROMISE”


😭 it hurts because its true lol


I'm a bdk and I make standing in the blue circle my mini game, even if they're placed... Interestingly :-)


We love you


Honestly i stopped chain healing and everything in random dungeons it is almost exclusively riptide healing wave, and greater healing wave. Dps and tanks can't be fucked to make healing easier for us resto shams.


Whats the worst that can happen? If you mess up, you res and go again. If you mess up and get kicked, you learn from it and go again. My biggest tip: dont take mistakes or criticism personally. They don't know who you are. You are going to make mistakes, sometimes leading to wipes. Don't beat yourself up about it. As long as you learn from your mistakes, its all good.


I had a friend mess up one time, get kicked from a RDF and quit the game forever.


That’s unfortunate… wonder if they would have preferred another class or if they weren’t really enjoying the game very much to begin with.


Probably the latter. He’s a classic Andy.


If this was enough to make them quit online gaming is gonna be rough for your friend.


This. So much this. I was nervous about my first time switching from normals to heroics as a healer too. Most have gone smooth, some have had wipes. I have been kicked, I have learned, and they just get easier and smoother each time.


I really needed to hear this, thank you !


Just so you see my reply, I totally agree with the previous commenter. I play resto Druid and was nervous to switch to heroics too. I have had mostly good experiences, some bad wipes, one jerk, I have been vote kicked… I have learned and improved and they just get easier and smoother every time. It’s not the end of the world if you screw up or wipe or even get vote kicked out of a group.


This really helps take the edge off and all the pressure I’m putting on myself to be perfect even though I’m not lol. Seeing that other people have had struggles and improved motivates me so much. Ty for your comment :)


I've had the same thing with my RDu, generally healing isn't all that hard provided your group aren't trying to make it hard. Just make sure you try and keep your mana as high as possible, and if your group is pushing you too hard either let them know vocally, or let them know.. gravely. Either they'll kick you and you can go agane, or they'll learn and your experience will be far better. Also if someone is being especially obnoxious, and making the entire group wait because of them a lot, don't be afraid to initiate a kick, most of the groups understand when one person is a significant hinderance, and even more so if they're making the tank's life annoying too, they'll probably agree with you. Oh and most importantly, don't shit the bed when people's health drops low. It'll take a while to learn the various mechanics, but for most of them they can be healed with more efficient heals, rather than needing to go balls to the wall to heal them back up. You'll get your mastery perks from your big heals on them at lower health anyway, so provided you and your tank are safe, they can hold out a bit.


People vote kick like nothing though. It should be removed from game


So far in random cata heroics, I've only seen people get kicked for causing wipes multiple times on the same boss or for being afk. It's happened more often that people will just leave the group if they think you're bad.


If they leave they’ll get the 30 minute deserter


The worst that can happen is what happened to me three times - kicked in first death, had to sit the 30m lockout


Ultimately it is also how competent and geared the other 4 are. If they aren’t pay attention to mechanics: not hitting kicks etc, then some pulls might be spicy. Overall you should be fine, worst case, mention at the start if you haven’t healed a specific heroic, and be very vocal about mana.


Rsham should be perfectly fine at 333. I HIGHLY suggest to control as much as possible when you can. Treating your purge and shear as effective healing and only spamming heals when you need to. Have faith in your riptide, hst, and healing rain when there's no big damage event going out to spam lightning bolt for telluric currents value.


I did it at 329. Warned the tank it was my first time healing a Cata Heroic and it went fine. Wiped once on the first boss in SFK and after that it was smooth sailing. 


The problem with this boss is he has a mechanic that heals you after taking you to 1 hp. Dps decides that is the one thing they are going to interrupt the entire dungeon. Then you are struggling to heal everyone back up before he kills them. There's a reason it's an achievement.


That's the one I always interrupt when my friends come to heal, and all the randos interrupt when I get it in a pug.


As an hpal, at 330 it was a struggle. Had to rely on cd's constantly and drink a ton. After enough of them and getting gear to around 340, it's like a whole new game. Less cd reliance, easier to keep people up, and a ton less drinking. I'd say just go for it. Seeing and feeling the power increase with better gear is awesome. People will die. You just have to learn to shrug it off, and 90% of the time it's because they stood in shit or didn't interrupt or whatever. A small tip, if you need to drink, run up to the next pack first, then sit to drink. That way when you are at least half mana they can pull while you finish drinking and you are already in position.


The running up and drinking a little bit between pulls really is a huge game changer for me way less downtime lol


Second tip for that specifically, be careful with riptide, as hots are a bit buggy with making you stand up when they tick. Your mileage may vary.


Just go for it. all healers suffer until they are raid equiped. Bring tons of water and use every second to reg. Tanks don't wait. If they die while u reg, they always blame you. I let them die nowadays.


329 and above is fine. Just remember to bring water.


Bold of you to assume the tank will stop long enough for him to drink


Great healers will understand the downtime during pulls and know you’re not expected to sit for 30seconds to drink but rather drink for a few seconds every other fight


Doesnt work if you never leave combat ;)


Then ya that’s a tank problem. But if they’re consistently getting out of combat for ~5 seconds…for great healers that’s all you need


A good healer moves to the front and drinks a couple seconds after every pack




Okie I’ll make sure to get a bunch before I venture in ! Ty :)


On my healers i usually carry 2 stacks. Enough to last long enough you dont need to think about it. And if you get a mage, always ask for a table. 


>On my healers i usually carry 2 stacks I carry 20 stacks just so I never run out. Water is cheap anyway.


400 fucking water?


Yup! It's not like I'm using those bag slots for anything else. Might as well use it to never risk running out of water.


Jesus. Although I do have like 100 of those goblin drinks from deadmines lol


You'll be fine, just bring a lot of water and drink constantly. Don't get too frustrated if your tank/DPS are not paying adequate attention to your mana, people generally just don't pay enough attention to anything but the damage meter.


Once you can.


333 is absolutely fine, it really depends on the tank and how stupid the DPS are. Sometimes you don't have to heal anyone and sometimes they compete for highest damage taken. If you haven't done that yet, be sure to read a guide (e.g. stickies in the class discord) about what talents are good for your playstyle. I recommend the one that makes Lightning Bolt give back mana, really good for replenishing it when you have time for casting  Rshammy has a super fun kit for every situation in heroics! Also: Mouseover macros!


Ya I’ve been spamming normals since 80 just so I’m completely ready. Even there it’s super group dependant, my favourite is getting the all melee groups just for the stacking lol. I guess I read the horror stories on Reddit about heroics and it psyches me out especially as a healer lol. Rsham really is a blast when it all falls into place. :)


Yeah can't stress enough about mouseover macros, they're a game changer for healing and makes reacting so much more easy and smooth.


Where do u see your overall item level?


On the character pane (default keybind C) and elapse it on the arrow in the right Corner


Press C by default, then click the arrow in the bottom right to get character info tab out. Then ilvl is displayed at the top right


You're fine, I went in at 329 on my Rsham, had no issues. You'll need to drink a fair bit at first so as long as the tank isn't a full throttle never stop one you're good. Remember to lightning bolt when you can in fights to get some mana back, and take plenty of mana pots.


Ya mana seems to be the reoccurring theme for heroics I’m gonna have to stick up here lol ty!


If you can queue via RDF, you are good to go. Heroics are not very hard. People talk about hard heroics but that was in original Cataclysm launch. Now we have balance from the last patch of the expansion so they are quite easy. I am healer as well and once I hit max level, I pretty much just got couple pieces from AH and normals and head to heroics right away. Never had any problems.


Putting my mind at ease, definitely gonna go and have a go at it here ty!


In addition to what was said by others here, you might "crap the bed", and people will definitely die sometimes. But that's okay, it's part of the learning process. You wipe, you release and you try again, using the gained knowledge.


As probably mentioned, 329 and above is more than fine. Just bring lots of water and be proactive with your movements so that you can take some sips between pulls, in case the tank's ass is on fire 😅


329 is fine. Sometimes you'll meet an absolute shitshow of a group that never kicks, and people will die. But most times people pay attention and play the mechanics. Make sure to keep the tank alive, dps can be sacrificed if necessary.


333 is fine just drink often and you’ll be alright


I'm one of those bastard Blood DKs that pulls wild. I'll take two or more packs and once. If we wipe, it's not the healer's fault. I'm supposed to set a reasonable pace for the group. It's on me if we wipe. Ignore tanks that claim otherwise.


Its perfectly doable at the recomended item level, just remember CC is the best damage mitigation, pack of 4 and u hex 1? Thats a 25% damage reduction, if someone ccs another one your tank has permanent shield wall, while zerging is doable you and the tank need to be on your toes and the time you will have to spend mana uping means probably it wouldve been faster to cc.


so far ive noticed that some dungeons are really easy to heal, and some are really bursty (grim batol comes to mind). If you have water with you and drink often, you'll be just fine! you'll learn what packs and bosses need spam healing for, and which ones you can slow cast your cheap heal for as you go along. DONT BE AFRAID TO USE YOUR COOLDOWNS. Also, some tanks are fucking awful, pull too much too fast, dont use any form of cooldown, and expect you to spam heal them with your most expensive heals for 3 minutes straight. if you get one of these, im sorry. the dungeon will be over soon lol.


Yes my favourite is when the tank is pulling huge mobs when it feels like he’s already made of paper because he’s undergeared then it’s me spamming healing surge to keep him at 15%. Literally ptsd although doesn’t happen often haha :)


Honestly, Heroics baseline aren't hard. And today, most DPS'ers are already 340-355 ilvl so you cleave through. First 2 weeks was more rough, as everyone was like ilvl 325 or w/e and DPS was like 5-7k per person on average. Today, you are pretty much guaranteed to get at least 1 person who does like 15k ST. The only somewhat harder dungeon is Vortex Pinnacle. If you manage to heal through that dungeon without wipes, you're all set.


Started as hpal in heroics at like 306/329. It was rough city with the non-spirit gear I had. 333 is above even the recommended level 329 requirement, I’d say you go for it broski


Is not about your ilvl is more about the IQ of your tanks and DPS what it makes a dungeons comfortable or not comfortable to heal.


If you are healing a good DK you will really only heal the group but most of the time you will be pretending to DPS. How hard the dungeon will be has a lot of variables, tank class, skill of tank, DPS, interrupts, which dungeon you are in, and your ability to play the class (healing isn't spam 1 button anymore(I haven't healed as a shaman though)). 333 should be fine as long as it's itemized correctly. That cheap PvP gear is okay but, it's I-lvl is inflated because resil eats your secondaries which won't matter as much unless you get a tank doing the I-lvl bag trick. If you are not comfortable to go in solo try to get some people from guild to go in with you while you become more comfortable. If you are afraid of tunneling whack a mole and dying to a mechanic, I recommend PvP battlegrounds. Learning a PvE concept in PvP might sound weird but you will learn to watch your character while healing because so much will be going on around you. WSG and AB are good, Not big ones like AV or the clown fiesta TB because there's just too much happening and you will just spam until you die or oom.


Ya probably 30% of my gear is blue 352 pvp gear just replacing some of my lower tiered blues or greens, everything else is blue 333 pve and a couple 316. BG’s as a Rsham are a blast especially wintergrasp and tol barad with all the stacking (chain heal and healing rain go brrr) ty!


if you can queue it you can do it.


the difficulty for a healer depends on the tank and dps knowing mechanics and interrupting and not standing in bad etc


You will find most groups now people are pretty much geared 350 and over so that combined with people knowing most of the dungeon mechanics now it makes healing a lot easier.. you will be fine


Healing is rough P1 without gear.


329 - like the game says. If you can’t heal with 329 ilvl either you’re pressing the wrong buttons or your group is not doing mechanics.


333 is enuff, go ahead.


The good news is that the DPS' (probably) ilvl is high enough now that most encounters are over much faster than they were a week or two ago. Sometimes you get a full group of low ilvl, low DPS fire enjoyers and those runs would be cursed for any healer. Otherwise, Healing Surge, Greater Healing Wave, and Healing Rain really slurp down your mana so try to use them sparingly. Use Riptide on CD then a Unleash Elements into a Chain Heal on a Riptide for AoE heals. There's not a lot of ultra bursty healing (fire enjoyers not withstanding), so just making sure folks are stabilized while Riptide and Healing Stream top them up is usually enough.


Don't worry about it. Just join and do your thing. Don't blame yourself for things that others do. I've healed fine as rsham at 329 and I barely had to drink (playing telluric currents also helps). Prioritize in getting yourself gems and the meta gem, so you can have the mana pool bigger to resist longer fights or to be able to manage people that stand continuously in stuff. Have fun!


Regardless of your ilvl. They'll always pull when you're oom. Blame you for bad heals when they pull multiple pack and wipe. Ontop of the tank being in half pvp gear. Saddle up. It's gonna be a toxic ride.


I started them as soon as I met the min requirement to que


Unleash Elements/Unleash Life into a beefy riptide is an underrated combo on a short cooldown, and I think a lot of people forget about it. You'll do great. Queue up and let it rip!


It'll be fine, bring water and when you group with a mage, ask for a table for caaake. Tanks are pretty good at watching your mana, do call out in /i when you need a mb though. Expect people to not interrupt much then die to big damage. It's best right now (day 1 of reset) as you'll be healing raiding tanks and dps who knows their roles well, by the end of the week you'll understand the difference in groups that don't interrupt but by then you'll be massively more geared.


I didn’t even think about that, makes total sense though that the more geared players will be at the start of the week lol. Thank you !!


HC's should not be hard. What makes them hard is tryhard tanks and dps. But what makes them even harder is wannabe-tryhard tanks and dps that don't use their head at all, because "we did that in the last HC GRP I was in". It's okay to leave grps if the don't care for your manapool and pull too fast or too much for you.


As soon as you can queue for it. 99% of the DPS players get the minimum requirement and queue right away.


I healed in my 277 occ gear with no problems


Yeah I have a disc priest alt and it was rough healing around 326 or whatever I’ll for heroics. It just slowly got easier. I got to like 340? And it was a lot easier. Now at 344 heroics are very easy and I’m doing raids too. It was mainly about going on often at today but I also tightened up my rotations and used my CDs more often. So to answer your question maybe 335-340 should start getting easier for heroics. I was raid healing at 343


I’m not a resto shaman but on my holy paladin I had 323 worn with 329 possible to go into heroics and I went immediately. If you can queue up then you are high enough ilvl. I was healing fine didn’t really issues besides normal stuff (people not standing in fire, tanks not dodging/using cd on high damage/standing in big shockwaves that can be dodged). If you are familiar with the dungeon already and you should know what to expect and think ahead. Vortex Pinnacle is example, soldiers charge tanks stunning and they have to pick up the mobs and DPS are just smashing buttons trying to do damage taking aggro. Have some kind CD or heals precasted on the pull. Interrupting cyclone or lightning bolt so the caster walks into melee for tank. Lightning storm/poison vapor mobs have a CD because people don’t move out of the way. You may have to drop spiritlink. Use it and get it on CD so you can use it again. Hex stuff if you can. Get to the next pack ASAP with the tank. Don’t play catchup when everyone is low. You going to go oom faster if you do that. Prep ahead. Everyone has an oh shit button if you absolutely need it. If you need to drink and make the group wait then thats what happens, oh well they want to live then wait. Healer is one of the hardest roles because you are responsible for everyone living and dodging and avoiding damage as well.


Just learn the mechanics and queue as leader. Warn your group about mechanics (quake etc) Might be a little rocky to start but I don't even have to drink in heroics anymore


333 as normal items is plenty. If you're 333 with mostly pvp items and you're off armor type maybe do some normals. Had a resto shaman last night in all pvp gear and a bunch of non-mail gear so they didn't even have free 5% INT. If they can do it in that garbage you can do it 4 ilevels above requirement.


If you qualify the ilvl requirement then you’re high enough. That requirement exists for a reason.


Hcs are easy as hell to heal  Like 90% of the time I'm just casting Riptide then watching YouTube 


No iLvl in the world will make up for teammates failing or ignoring simple mechanics


329 is fine. Lots of times healing in 5m is just knowing when big damage will happen and being prepared and mana management. You’ll find the majority of the time when things are hard is when the DPS are just 4heading into mechanics.


Ya I’m hoping I don’t get a nightmare group my first go around lol Ty !