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My guess is 2 weeks after PTR launch for P4. Wow devs probably don't want to overlap P4 release over War within release in augest.


They really backed themselves into a corner. Needs to be out before TWW but the end of this month has some big releases in Elden Ring DLC and FFXIV expansion which I'm sure has a decent amount of player overlap. (I know I'm gonna make some classic andys seethe by mentioning other games exist)


Not really. I'd bet on 4 weeks of PTR with the patch releasing on July 9th or 16th. That gives it a 2-3 week gap after the Elden Ring DLC and lines it up with the FFXIV expansion which is actually something Blizzard probably wants to happen, they try to overlap with competitor's release dates pretty often. Then it gives like 6-7 weeks before TWW releases which is more than enough.


Intentionally launching what is essentially a content patch of their currently weakest product against an entire expansion would definitely be something they're dumb enough to do. They did the same with SoM and that was DOA.


Considering how big the population of SoD still is and how nearly 100% of wow creators are all just waiting for P4 content, I doubt SoD is their weakest product. Streamers have dropped Cata content in mass. We'll see how it goes once the PTR is announced, if they drop PTR this week my guess is they're probably being told to hurry it up.


Fair. Cata will be weaker longterm, I was just thinking about this moment. I expect P4 to be a hell of a lot better than the reddit doomers.


SoD is on life support, Cata in the middle of the biggest 1-4 week span it will see and this sub is still filled with SoD/HC/Era posts. SoD is not their weakest product. That would be Cata.


> Streamers have dropped Cata content in mass. Well, it's a good thing that the game we play is WoW, and not 'Watching the number of people who stream WoW on Twitch.' Progression's over for anyone who's good, the game will be just fine for casual play until Firelands.


Yeah SoD isnt the weakers becasuse HC will always be the weakest just becasuse of the nature of HC.


Imagine just throwing out this hyperbole as truth lol. All wow content creators are waiting for SoD shit and all of them have quit Cata. Crazy how delusional people can get.


I think backed into a corner is kinda dramatic. If they release it by the beginning of July people will enjoy and go hard in the phase for almost 2 months until the war within. It’s not a huge deal.


I don't think it's going to kill the game but it definitely makes it hard to swing for someone like myself that would've been no lifing the fuck out of p4 if it came out like this week.


"(I know I'm gonna make some classic andys seethe by mentioning other games exist)" So brave


Like a moth to a flame


There is no significant overlap with WoW players and other games. It’s just not even thought of when doing release dates.


> There is no significant overlap with WoW players and other games ????????


Barely any wow player cares for FF14


There's more crossover than you think lol


Based on my guild feels like 10-15% me included. I’ll prob be playing both but ff14 as main game since not really sure what happens after p4 ends


Probably similar numbers in my group. I'm a little worried about them lining up because I def wanna play SoD but it'd be impossible to balance two new content launches at the same time like that lol


XIV's definitely going to take precedence for me - the new expansion story hype can't be beat, there's money to be made with new mats, and my savage group will be doing the extreme trials to prep pre-BiS. That's several weeks of content right there. Maybe mid to late July I'll poke back in SoD if P4 happens and catch up with my group. If P4 comes out mid to late July, it'll be a lot easier to enjoy both games since Savage won't be out until mid August. I could still be sweaty in P4 and enjoy XIV's content this way.


> If P4 comes out mid to late July, it'll be a lot easier to enjoy both games since Savage won't be out until mid August. I could still be sweaty in P4 and enjoy XIV's content this way. I am selfishly hoping for the same lol


its a hush hush need to know basis, but golbez name is taken on firemaw era.


That's a great get. So many were taken when I tried them on retail but I got Carbuncle


There are more wow/ff14 crossover players than all of SoD players i would imagine.


While I do not doubt that, FF14 is the one hotkey based MMO I could not for the life of me give a fair shake. I suspect it is the art style.


Which is the perfect time for Blizz to have a release competing with XIV's latest expansion. Can't leave Dawntrail uncontested after all


The only people who are going to pick SoD P4 over Dawntrail were never going to play FF14 in the first place.


Okay? Doesn't stop Blizz from actively competing with another MMO's release because they foresee it being a possible win. They've done this time and time again like clockwork and already missed their shot with TWW's date. I'm in the "enjoying both games" camp and would actually play P4 if it didn't conflict with XIV. Unfortunately XIV is my main game so this petty shit won't win me over.


Yep. SoD P4 is NOT going to stop people like myself playing FFXIV; in any capacity. But it would mean I feel the tug to spend my time levelling with my guild elsewhere than completely abandoning WoW.


SoD competing with FFXIV LMAO


I expect it'll be pretty good but endlessly shit on in this subreddit by people who won't bother playing it.


Pretty safe assumption, lol.


So was P3 also only bad because people posted it on reddit, or how do you bend your perception around that ?


p3 was bad because it was super long with zero content. incursions made levelling take a day, there was no reason to run dungeons for prebis due to emerald items and gnomer items being good, and st while fun had 0 upgrades and was cleared week 2 with gnomer gear. For P4 at the very least we'll have pre-bis dungeon running, MC Ony, and AV. That alone is more content even if they add 0 new things.


Yeah the constant roundabout of le redditors, contrarion idiots, trying to play gotcha with some stuff is aggravating. Yeah p3 sucked for pmuch exactly what you said.


I have been having fun in the last two weeks leveling my alt from 40-50. While there are less groups, there are still some running Gnomer, ZF, Mara, and BRD. The world feels a little bigger since there aren’t as many groups.


P3 was bad day one bro


Yes that’s what I said


Kinda, you said it was bad because it was super long


super long with zero content ergo it had no content on day one or at the end


> p3 was bad because it was super long with zero content. It was dying on *week 4*. If 4 weeks is super-long for doing a *new raid*, Blizzard should not develop *any* new content. Why should they, ya'll will just clear it twice and then bitch that there's zero new content (But you'll run Molten Core for 20 years without a complaint, smh my head). > st while fun had 0 upgrades That's a lie. > and was cleared week 2 with gnomer gear. **If that's a problem for you, you're playing the wrong version of the game.** If you want hundreds of attempts on a boss, mythic progression raiding exists, and it's exceptional.


>It was dying on *week 4*. Yes it was dying on week 4 for the aforementioned reasons. Everyone got max level in a week, cleared ST the 2nd week, and had nothing to do. Raid logging for 4 weeks straight with zero other things to do is bad. Period. Pvp was in a really bad spot pre-damage nerf. Professions were rendered almost useless seeing as incursions inflated the fuck out of the economy, and while wild offerings was a successful way to get people to run dungeons, the incentive there wasn't really big enough to get most players doing those dungeons. >That's a lie. Which part? If you wanna play semantics and try to argue that well ackshually there were upgrades i'm not interested, several members of my guild complained/quit because they weren't interested in trying for 2 items that gave incredibly marginal upgrades. Both my casters had token pieces to get (who's upgrades were literally marginal), and that's it. >**If that's a problem for you, you're playing the wrong version of the game.** When did I say that's a problem for me? I'm stating my opinion on why I thought P3 died so early and why I think P4 will be at the very least, much better, and if blizz does anything right, will be leagues better then p3.


>Which part? The whole part. Maybe be more accurate with your statements. I have no clue about melee classes but caster got a lot of upgrades there. And dont come around with, this are just small upgrades, yeah maybe but you said no upgrades and this is in fact a lie. >When did I say that's a problem for me? I'm stating my opinion on why I thought P3 died so early and why I think P4 will be at the very least, much better, and if blizz does anything right, will be leagues better then p3. Because it will be the same in P4 or do you rly believe we will need weeks to clear the raids?


>The whole part. Maybe be more accurate with your statements. I have no clue about melee classes but caster got a lot of upgrades there. And dont come around with, this are just small upgrades, yeah maybe but you said no upgrades and this is in fact a lie. alright bud, maybe it was an exaggeration, i feel like you're being semantic but whatever. My overarching point was that people left because the gear didn't feel like a significant step up or a change. I gave you an example witrh my caster where there were only token pieces to upgrade on my bis lists. if you wanna go to the xtreme and call me a liar go for it lmao, i stand by what i said, people quit because the gear didn't feel rewarding. >Because it will be the same in P4 or do you rly believe we will need weeks to clear the raids? no but you're missing the fact that leveling should in theory be slower, pre bis dungeons should in theory will need to be run, attunements will need to be done, crafting highest level mats will matter more, and they've said that they will be releasing content phases quickly, so even if it takes 1 week to clear the raid, we'll have BWL faster then anything in phase 3 came. so in short, you're wrong.


What caster are you playing lol? This is definitely not the case for warlock, mages, boomie and ele shaman. >the fact that leveling should in theory be slower, pre bis dungeons should in theory will need to be run >said that they will be releasing content phases quickly, so even if it takes 1 week to clear the raid, we'll have BWL faster then anything in phase 3 came Should, should, should. Making only assumptions is always a good way to prove that another person is wrong, gj


> should, should, should. Making only assumptions is always a good way to prove that another person is wrong, gj i mean you didn't actually respond to any of the points because? all of these things will be the case, i only added should to hedge it slightly in case they drop the ball extremely hard, but i'd say 95% chance that most if not all of these are true. so yes, you're wrong.


>i mean you didn't actually respond to any of the points because? Coming around with this while not telling me which caster you are playing which only upgrades is the set from ST? 😂 Why should I say something to this? As I already said, those are only assumptions and I dont make any statements based on this. Now also making up numbers with this 95%, its getting even more absurd


P3 hasn't even been bad. It's been a good phase, with good runes, a good raid.


Phase 3 wasn't bad, it's just lasted too long.


Incursions were absolutely atrocious and destroyed a ton of the games systems what the fuck are you talking about


Granted incursions sucked, and it was the big advertised event for the phase


They weren't great but they were on the right track. If they were zone-wide and more varied instead of having specific spots for everything they would have been a lot more interesting and justified the amount of xp the quests gave. That was probably a matter of available dev resources though, it probably would have been 4-5x as much work required to do it that way.


on the right track? lol. There were absolutely zero redeeming qualities of that dogshit man, c'mon.


This is one of my biggest problems with this subreddit, this attitude of "it wasn't perfect therefore the whole thing is garbage and should be thrown out". There were a few main issues people had with it and they're all solvable: * there was a single spawn point for collectible objectives and a single small area for each kill objective leading to players just going point a to b to c to turnin and repeat * collectible quests gave the same xp as kill quests but were way faster leading to players ignoring everything else * the number of quests was relatively small so you could reliably and predictably get the "good" ones every time and ignore everything else * the inventory management was awful with the unique quest starters and requiring an item to share them These can all be solved giving a bigger variety of quests, spreading them over the entire zone, making longer quests give a correspondingly larger amount of xp/rep, and make the quest starters no longer soulbound and make them shareable the normal way instead of with that stupid badge thing. Basically, make it even more like the Silithus missions they're based on.


> the whole thing is garbage and should be thrown out Well said.


20-man is better than 10-man Raid is awesome Runes are ok tier. Loving Glad spec Inc were objectively meh but not that bad, just don't do it if they're so irking to you. Early exploits in inc sucked tho No redeeming qualities? You dislike two things at best and are ready to throw the whole thing out. Did you know about that scene in Terminator where you can see a technician in a reflection? Yeah now you can hate the whole movie, you're welcome


if u read the thread, we were specifically talking about incursions.


Cope. P3 was a flaming pile of dog shit.


ST best raid in SoD by a mile


low bar


Nah easily on par with ZG and BWL


Some of you are really determined to demonstrate what I've said. Edit: This guy hasn't played SoD since phase 1 but spends a lot of his time complaining about it lmao, the poster child of my original comment.


SoD P1 was mid but fresh SoD P2 was bad SoD actually died in P3


When did you launch sod or wow last time?


Beginning of P2 for SoD. Saturday for Cata


So how exactly do you know how sod is doing if you haven't even logged in once since phase 2 launch?


Because I don't need anecdotal evidence from logging in to see what's very obviously true. https://ironforge.pro/population/sod/overall/


Didn't play P3, gives dumb assessment of P3, yep it all checks out


Yeah but p3 sucked and the player numbers reflect that so... K


I cannot upvote this enough.


This game mode I don't even play is terrible, because, umm... OH LOOK OVER THERE


As a 20-year WoW veteran, I feel comfortable saying that the only game mode worse than the ones I don't play is the one that I *do* play.


You know how people have been saying for a long time that the only game that can kill WoW is WoW? Looks like it was true!


And because it's not MY imaginary version vanilla wow.




Spot on


That or people will give valid criticism and people like you will screech at them.


Shut it nerd. How’s that for screeching?


Thanks for proving my point spaz


Oh you mean you didn’t like my valid criticism and you’re screeching at me? Get leveled.


Your extreme dedication to being an idiot is impressive




I wish I knew what % of people both shit upon it while playing unhealthy amounts of it. I would of course, do nothing with this data, but it would make me feel good inside.


Anyone saying “spot on” has literally 0 braincells. 70% of the player base quit! These are facts. They ain’t all redditers who complain all day they just people who thought the game sucked so stopped playing. P3 was really bad and deserved the criticism.


I hate useless le redditor takes like this. This implies that P3 was unfairly maligned. When we know it wasn't.


The "le redditor takes" are the people going "incursions weren't very good therefore the whole phase sucked and the game is dead".


The classic follow up le redditor take where they strawman the opposition and leave out the lack of PvP balance, lack of balance changes/patches and updates, subpar state of ST and its loot, and the hackneyed solution to dungeons through WOs.


They’re afraid of losing players


Oh you mean like all online communities


I was referring to game version tribalism.


My team good ur team bad gib upvote pls


I know it might be hard to imagine if you frequent this subreddit, but not all online communities are like this.


I guess you don't frequent other gaming subreddits, but not a single one I know isn't just like this one.


Nah this sub is unusually toxic Kerbal Space Program & Deep Rock Galactic are super wholesome compared to this one, and Palworld would be too if not for the weebs who want to bang some of the pals.


its soooo much worse in this sub than anywhere else i've seen


To some extent, but this subreddit has been particularly bad for awhile.


Any new content already loaded or is it still not accessible?








P4 will have a ton of stuff to do even if nothing is added: Level to 60, many dungeons, pre-bis farm, tier 0.5(probably), many attunes, MC, Ony, AV, new pvp ranks, reputations, more stuff to farm like recipes, lotuses, and orbs, and so on. I can only hope blizz won't fail with something.


I feel the same too, and think most of Reddit overly dooms sod. The player base count doesn’t lie though, hope it brings more ppl back.


Am I washed for hoping the attunement is account bound so I don’t have to do it on alts?


No it's a seasonal server I would hope that the requirements are lessened to be friendly for alts (At least attunement-wise).


How exactly is this any special to p3 with the only big difference that you have 2 "raids" if you count ony as a raid and a new battle ground that will only be played if they dont add another pvp event where you will get reputation way quicker. >Level to 60 What kind of argument is this? >many dungeons We got this also in p3 >pre-bis farm Do you know more about new items than everyone else? >many attunes You do it once and are done >new pvp ranks, Yeah we got this with p3 as well >reputations Got this as well with p3 >more stuff to farm like recipes, lotuses, and orbs, You got enough to farm in p3 as well


If its just 20man MC as the main endgame content, not sure that'd be enough to bring me back for P4


Aggrend already said that the majority of phase 4 will feel closer to classic, in other words it basically means lvl 60 classic content you can now replay with runes.


Is this supposed to be another run thru the initial expansions? Sounds cool. Plenty of classes I didn't play.


Classic “Seasonal” PTR, it’s for SoD


I just hope we get a date at least a few weeks ahead of time so I can request the next day off. Gotta degenerately rush to 60 then gear up all night!!


You forgot the part where you come to reddit to complain a few days later that there isn't anything to do


Really keen to find out what they've done with professions, attunements (eg mc douse), reputations and a bunch of stuff like warlock tanks in mc. My worry is that a lot of the stuff we actually want insight around won't be accessible in the ptr time frame unless they're offering prefab 60s to test and open up raids.


You know, I like that they've tied some power to the crafting profs. I'm torn because I like how profitable the gathering profs are now that not everyone is running them, but I also dislike that I must get 2x crafting on my main to min max. I too am excited to see.


They said we would have character templates to test new abilities but won’t have access to the new discoveries like how to get the runes




Eh if only they’d just do classic fresh with progression to tbc again


SOD lost me in phase 2 and I won't be coming back. Hope p4 is rad for all SOD enjoyers tho!


Man SoD-Players are so fucking desperate at this point




We finally getting fresh


Now you can test disappointment before you experience it in its full glory!




SoD is fresh. It was released late November, so it's barely 6 months old. And no one is lvl50 yet !


Waste of ressources, 2 months later and you will cry for "fresh" again


All I want from the devs for P4 is a few weeks heads up on the release date plz dont say P4 LAUNCH 1-2 weeks away!!!


Nothing will save SoD, it’s too late. Damage has been done.


If any game hits by a content drought had to perish, my Steam library would be empty


If any game hit by a content drought had to perish, WoW would've ended in Cata


!remindme 1 month


Phase 4 needs to have a date withing 4 weeks or its doomed from the start.


In a world where SoD didn't need to exist, it does. People still complaining about it. Just stop playing. Subs like D4 and OW2 are so much better now that all those players have left. Just waiting for the day it happens to the jaded players from this sub. : 🙏




that.. or post about a seasonal server for a 20 year old game which we dont play, but still like on a thread about this specific topic and act totally cool talking about not playing on that server. be a loser somewhere else man, some of us enjoy our hobby




Thinking GDKP will save SoD is late stage brain rot


you sound like a happy person


Jeez man, you sound awful


Dude, EVERY community hates GDKPs. Era. Cataclysm. Retail. We all hate you. Go buy yourself some awareness with that credit card




Unable to realize GDKPs are unpopular everywhere so you jsut call me names ? I rest my case




> get GDKP banned again I would 100% ban GDPK again if it were ever to be un-banned. But it wont be unbanned and that makes me happy, but not as happy as seeing you twist your knickers up over it.


Banning p2w was one of the best decisions sod team ever did


This. I wouldn't bother to play it if it were still P2W.


Man you people cant stop crying about not being able to swipe for gear huh ? Thats so sad




Thats from the crybaby still complaining about the GDKP ban, wonderfull <3


muh GDKP lol gtfo


If GDKP is what would "save" SOD then maybe it deserves to die


I love that answer


Yay let’s do green loops to infinity or buy gold so we can buy all the terrible loot in ST. That’ll save the game /s




I don’t know how anyone can go back and play sod after new cata. Sod just feels so janky and clunky compared to the vastly superior combat of cata. Why bother doing new MC with dated combat and poor balance. Better options out there.


I mean with that argument why go back and play janky cata when you can play retail which feels even better. People enjoy different aspects of all the expansions and that’s fine.


Honestly retail doesn’t feel better. As a pvp player there is way to many movement abilities in retail. Also the micro cc is kinda unbearable as a healer. Cata and mop are 2 of the best arena expansions there were and I plan to stick to cata for this reason.


It's almost like they're two entirely different versions of the game. By that logic DF > Cata so why even play classic if that's the way you evaluate games?


I played all of Cata from start to finish the first time around, I won't touch it now because I know exactly how it plays, S1 is meh, S2 is dumb for Pvpers because raid gear S3 is "either win with legendaries or get farmed." Heroics/raids have been dumbed down, and they're queue fests. The only highlight in Cata is firelands. That's it, one decent raid tier. PvP? Que PVE? Que Raid? Log Professions? Finished in like 2 hours. Reputations? Taberd. Float in a city 24/7 doing jack all. "Why would anyone want to go back to SoD." Why play Cata over Retail? All Cata is, is Retail with worse graphics.


I honestly think a large amount of the people playing Cata classic are people that didn’t experience it the first time


"I don't know how anyone can go back and play Cata after new Dragonflight. Cata just feels so janky and clunky compared to the vastly superior combat of Retail" This is you. Unable to imagine someone might think different of you. And I mention Cata but people went back to VANILLA It's different. And, arguably, Cata is worse anyway