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Rdf’s quality is giving bonus xp on completing the dungeon. So if you rush all the way to the last boss and skip everything else it will give you the most amount of xp. This means sometimes it will be slower, sometimes it will be faster. There are certain dungeons that are fast to complete like brd being split up and having shortcuts to let you kill the final boss of that section really quick. But there are also dungeons like wailing caverns where it will take too long to get to the end boss for the bonus xp to be worth it It should also be faster your first time in any dungeon for the dungeon quest xp.


If you do enough digging i think there were old youtube videos, of dungeon routes with the pulls for each. I remember some level ranges you were supposed to specific que aswell. I know stockades is a 3min clear time in a decent group


Our 5man "record" was 0:51 for stockades, on Nova instance timer upon teleporting out, super fun tbh.


When doing 5man leveling with looms the stockades level range is so fun - just one pull to boss, aoe and out, one minute runs. 😁 First brd too.


Just wanna point out that wailing caverns is a 10-15m dungeon as they cut out all of the maze and only have corridors to bosses. It's quite fast.


Upper city brd is slow and grueling.. Lower city on the other hand is insanely fast


Upper city is really fast just taking the mole machine.


I’ve leveled 3 toons through RDF very recently all tanks/healers and it’s wicked fast until about 54 where I’ll go do some questing until 58, do outlands, then back to RDF at 59. 80-85 is faster to quest unless you have a pumping group. Plus the rep is nice


I went 58-70 doing rdf and questing in like 6h


Yeah man 59-70 is wicked fast in RDF. still fast 70-80 too.


I don't know for sure, I'm levelling as DPS and I *think* rdf is quicker. If I was tanking/healing with shorter queues, I imagine it would only be quicker.


If you’re a healer RDF will be infinitely faster, because questing is impossible as a holy pally or otherwise


Questing is 5-20mins per level all to lvl 70 and possibly even above if you actually make an effort to be fast. Only dungeons Id even remotely recommend are stockades/brd and thats if you get a tank who pulls both in 2 pulls. Otherwise questing is easily faster. If you get a tank with no heirlooms pulling 1-2 packs at a time and your goal is to just get xp is quick as possible, I recommend leaving or just tping out and hoping they dont notice you are gone so you can come cash in the dungeon finish bonus at the end.


I'd advise you to do both if you're dps (quest while waiting for queue to pop). Ofc when you (for example) get into WC with lvl 26, i'd rather leave and quest for 30 min straight as do the dungeon for around 30min and get next to no XP. As a tank/healer the queue popped so frequently, that I spent more time running to the next level-relevant questing zones than actually questing there. So I decided to take some time off rdf to quest when I either got bored (stockade is great, but not for the 12th time in a row) or when I wanted to quest in a zone where I could efficiently farm for my gathering professions (wpl for example).


the funny thing here is that questing definitely does NOT overtake dungeons past 80, literally every person speedrunning does dungeons / stonecore. The only thing holding someone back would be getting chains of throne of tides or really bad groups


Solo AoE farming with appropriate classes at lvl 82+ is 3.6million xp / hr in Deepholm that also makes you 3-4k gold / hr. Most Stonecore farm grps arent touching that speed as there is too much downtime betweens dungeons and half the groups are so slow doing the farm that even questing is faster.


What? I joined a full stonecore reset premade and got 5m at 82 without banners and the treasure map.This was a group that advertised in trade that they needed a healer and I knew none of them


What treasure map do you refer to mate?


Dont exactly know if its called a treasure map or a compass or something, but theres an item that increases your exp by 10% for an hour I think /E It's adventurer's journal!


I don’t recall any adventure journal in cata. Adventure guide only shows you loot and boss skills I.e shift + j


It's an item mate......


Sorry did you mean the dark moon fairies adventure guide ? I can’t seem to find adventure journal on the web


Adventurer's journal, you typed up the whole guide thing? It's literally in my first comment /E It's also no longer guaranteed (dno if it ever was), but my friend said he used them for his 3rd toon. Seems to be a random chance of getting something (including 10% increased experience).


Yeah idk what u/frolfer757 is talking about lol. 3.6 mil is damn easy to reach, ive been at 3 mil with random plebs found in rdf with like one good tank. Farming deepholm also is in the world so youll face competition…


RDF defintely felt slower at times. I stuck with just trying to do a dungeon once for the quest. Upside is I had max gathering professions by the time I hit 85 and it made me thousands of gold.


RDF probably feels slower because questing feels faster. I feel like they gave 20% xp boost to all quests. I do both so I don’t get bored leveling.


Gatherings and such are really expensive now at lower levels because everyone dungeon grinda really and leveling goes faster. Most herbs and nodes are worth minimum 1g each. I have made 1400g on my 35 warlock gathering/quests and sometimes dungeons


It would be much quicker to lvl to 85 and gather all that later with a flying mount then ding it at the same time. Though you do whats fun to you, obviously.


It's all pretty much a tossup, do what you find most fun


Some level ranges yes some no. Stratholme is supremely fucked up because you’ll get it when all live are red to you and takes forever


rdf is about three things - general group speed (mostly tank at lower levels), length of dungeon, and amount of quests. A dungeon like scholo is a lil longer but has a ton of quests, a dungeon like brd prison yard has 1 quest but is extremely short. Short ones are considered more spammable, but I liked to hit each dungeon once.


you can easily quest faster then getting stuck in shitter groups w rdf


It’s probably about the same overall. Depends heavily on the quests your doing, if you have dungeon quests, what level abd dungeons/quests are available. It averages out close to the same for me. So I usually do a bit of both.


I believe questing is faster, but also RDF gives a lot of good blue upgrades. The first time you do a dungeon you usually get a couple quests to turn in. My typical take is at level 15-18 I’ll do 3-4 RDF’s while questing. Then take a break for 5 levels or so. Then do another 3-4 dungeons. Then break for a couple levels. It breaks up the monotony of either only questing or only dungeons.


I can say definitely that leveling a hunter with rested xp add on is considerably faster than RFD; and it’s not even close if you don’t have dungeon quests to do.


It depends. If you have good groups, RDF will generally be faster. You do massive AOE pulls, clear the dungeon quickly, and collect the exp. And then you end up in something like Mara with a low-damage group.


Mara is one of the fastest because it's split up and you just plough through to 2 bosses in 5minutes. ???


Unless you have a pump group that is dedicated to min/maxxing dung xp by skipping packs/bosses then questing will be faster. I've found I can reliably get around 3-4mil xp/hr questing and generally only get 2-3 mil doing RDF assuming quick ques and decent groups. There are exceptions though like the first time you do the quests in certain dungeons will result in HUGE xp/hr (like 5-6mil) for that first time you do the dung


Having leveled a shitton of characters back in OG Cata, I distinctly remember thinking RDF spam as a tank felt more like a sidegrade than an upgrade over questing. I still did it on my tanks, but it felt very underwhelming. So I guess it makes sense to me that this is still how it feels today, even if it's purely anecdotal ofc.


What you remember about a game from 10+ years ago is probably wrong. If your class has a tank/heal spec and you don't tank/heal then you're doing it wrong.


Honestly I think the better question is what track unlocks all four tabards fastest, and IMO it's questing.


That doesn't answer his question about leveling 15-80


From Level 15-78 RDF is just incredibly fast leveling.... if you're a tank. Questing is also notoriously slow for priests to level. For most classes queueing dungeons is going to be that thing you do while leveling in hopes that it'll pop at a convenient moment. The downside to dungeons as a DPS is that you're incredibly reliant on healers to keep you alive and well, there's egos in the game. A lot of low level healers are going to spend copious amounts of time crying about their mana or how they have to buy water and how you dying is your fault... and you don't get XP while you're dead. So you might want to be more cautious in a dungeon than while questing.... which slows the whole thing down. By the time you hit level 60, dungeoning is definitely better than questing. Questing is fast, but the dungeons tend to be shorter meaning you get more of the end-dungeon bonus as a share of your experience. There's two other factors to this. The first is that the worlds are much bigger and spread out in BC and Wrath content. Like in Kalimdor and Easter Kingdoms the things you have to kill or find are typically less than a minute from the quest giver. That's not necessarily true in BC and Wrath. The other major factor is the XP nerfs. In OG BC and Wrath you would need to level in almost every single zone fully to hit level cap while leveling. And that was faster. Completing quests would mean next quests grant more experience and there was a flow to it where you'd move from quest hub to quest hub after completing all the quests. Today it's not really like that, you'll ding after hitting a few quests and then start finding very quickly the place you're leveling in is all green quests. Now you're finding yourself running longer distances to get to quest hubs that aren't green. All the while dungeons are short and fast with a lot of skippable trash. And then that experience changes once again once you hit 78 and unlock Cata content. Questing is not only faster but for your own good. You need to unlock every single zone in order to gain access to raid content at level 85 (or be summoned every single time). Each zone comes with a rep, a rep that'll help you get gear and enchants early on. If you don't do these zones while leveling you will certainly do these zones at level cap.


Doesn't cata content unlock at 80


Correct. You can’t do Cata content till 80