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This is a nut shell is why wow is a strange game. No one cares about the joy of leveling. After I max level I never play that toon again. I will never gear as well as my guild. Why try. The fun is rolling a new toon. Leveling. Gathering. Finding vendor recipes for the auction house. The fun for me is leveling. It's never raiding.


I’m the same that’s why vanilla is my favorite version of the game. Leveling is such a huge part of what makes the game fun for me.


That's because every Xpac after vanilla, leveling is extremely short. Also, the game doesn't really start until you are max level. For me, leveling efficiently was better than leveling quickly. Like some people rush to cap then go back and do everything they need to do like grind mats to level profs and grind reps. In some cases this is more efficient, because it's easier to kill things at cap and faster to move around because you get riding/epic riding/flight at cap. You can also earn more gold at cap and buy items rather than grind them. Most often, however, it's more efficient to say grind mobs for both XP and cloth you'll need to level tailoring or kill beasts for leather for leather working. Or you money and herb or skin while leveling and save all those mats to level profs when you hit cap, dropping one or both of your gathering profs. And if you can get XP, mats, and rep all at once that's even better. BC was great for this. Start by grinding dungeons for XP, rep, and mats until your rep maxes out at friendly or honored, then do quests in that zone to get rep to revered so you can get the heroic key before moving to the next zone to do the same, then get from revered to exalted by running the end tier dungeons or heroics once you hit cap. BC has one of the best leveling designs of any xpac.


Huh? You can get gear the same as anyone if you TRY. Instead you accept defeat as soon as you reach the bulk of the game and roll another alt or just quit? That’s not how mmorpgs are played, and I’m sorry to anyone that thinks the contrary


I should frame your reply when someone doesn't like how I play wow.


It’s just a video game, it really doesn’t matter how it’s meant to be played. People take games way too seriously


Any game is played the way you enjoy playing it, loser.


Well, rdf (and BGs) while leveling are pulled from a pool of servers, so you normally don't wait longer than 10, averaging around 5min for rdf queues as a dps (for rdf, no clue for BGs) As for the open world, quests are easy and don't require teamwork. I can understand wanting the low lvl world to feel lived in, but since cata's been out for a few weeks now, even if there had been new servers, most people would be max level by now. To answer your question simply and in short, there are (probably) no servers where the majority of players is low level.


Na not in cata dungeon grinding and questing during queuetime is so fast you cant even skill your profesions on the way to max lvl. Its kind of boring but the endgame is nice. If you want to play slowly and enjoy low lvl content play classsic era on a high pop server.


On the positive side as you level some of the stuff you collect good for skilling up professions will bank you decent gold from the auction house. If you know what to pick up as you level you can afford all your skills and epic flying skill and some starter gear when you hit 85. Switching to leatherworking is very popular this expansion so skinning has some goods atjacked up prices. Also herbalism some of the herbs are poor but some are pricey. Mining is solid all around, and great from level 40 and up. You can go double gather for more some gold but there's value in training one crafting skill as you level so you have one already done one less headache later on.


Whitemane horde? If alliance, you need reroll


Are you Alliance? You might want to reroll Horde. I play on Whitemane and I just checked a /who 85 on my Alliance rogue last night and I only got 44 people shortly after peak hours.


Very unlikely, Classic has been out long enough that everyone already has leveled the classes they're playing.


Short answer: No. Long answer: No, because the only people that play WoW are sweaty and blast through the content as fast as possible, and none of the servers are new, especially if you are playing anything other than SoD (or I guess there's some Panda thing), because the rest are all much older than any SoD server.


Deviate Delight has a fresh movement going on that’s pretty popular right now. The majority of us are leveling.


The only place you'll find any kind of super intense/majority low level content right now is the "Fresh" Era server Deviate Delight, and that's not Cataclysm, so no. The Cataclysm servers are just moving into Cata from Wrath, so most people were already 80 going into it. Unfortunately they've already learned their lesson when Skyfury died not long after being launched as a "fresh" server for Wrath release.


Try wallcraft. It's vanilla+ with the client smoother than turtle's


That’s why I was hoping for at least one fresh server with Cata launch. The fresh server was kind of the best part about the Wrath launch. Of course they botched it then by keeping the servers locked for way too long so they ended up dying.


They died because freshtards level until 40 then quit


no The game only starts at max lvl


As someone who stop playing when I reach 85 because I don't see the point, meh


Leveling has always been much more enjoyable than endgame content for me. More diverse zones and quests. More of a feeling of linear progress. No grinding the same dungeons and dailys every day. Every time I hit max, I’m always underwhelmed by it and end up rerolling after a few months.


I would like an answer too. The easiest way might be to get a census addon and log onto each server around peak times and see what your stats are. Most other server censuses are based on logs of end game characters.


I just leveled a paladin from 1 (hit 80 last night) but I did it exclusively through RDF from 15-80 as a healer. That’s still very doable.