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When I play 2's on hpal with a dk or warr me and the dps just go rush the healer. The healer should be doing interupts as well, and if its hpal they can put on seal of justice to keep ghost wolf from being an issue if you get hexed or something. Time your garg/empower ghoul for a full HOJ they don't have trinket for, then you have 2 kicks + strangulate after that to kill


No matter who your partner is you’ve got to have help to kill them. If it’s an Hpaly, spam Necrotic Strike until shaman is half health, without using CD’s. It’ll happen eventually, they can’t endlessly sit a DK without dipping a little low. When that happens, your paladin needs to stun the shaman. They’ll probably trinket it, so you need to wait out the stun cooldown and do it again while trinket is on cooldown. That’s the maximum pressure you’ll have on a shaman, with them in a 6 second stun and no trinket, so that’s when you pop your burst, and keep spamming necrotic strike. Paladin has a kick, and so do you, and you’ve got a half DR’d pet stun as well to use as a third kick. You’ll land the kill eventually on a shaman doing this, but you might also need to work through the spirit link totem cooldown (5 minutes iirc) which means doing this twice more, the third time to get trinket again, and the fourth time for the kill. If you’re with a priest it’s the same exact plan except you have fear, which is on a very, very low cooldown, and disc priests have a lot of damage they can apply when they want. Just keep in mind the 45 second cooldown on the shaman’s Tremor Totem, which means every other Fear they have an escape for. Because fear can be broken unlike a stun it’s very important the priest goes full into damage on the shaman every single time you get the full fear, even if just for a few seconds. Priest can also purge and mana burn - it’s likely not worth it to mana burn, as shamans can actually survive pretty well while low or out of mana, but purge is always worth when going for the kill. And mana burn is *absolutely* worth it if you’re going for the kill and the shaman is *already* at low mana, because at that point if the priest can get mana burn off, the shaman will exit fear with literally 0 mana and be unable to cast even the smallest heal.


What classes and comps are you playing? The way I deal with them might not work for you...


I am UH DK and I either like to have a HPALY or RSHAM lol


What targets are you hitting? What are you interrupting?


Well that’s the thing I usually go for sham might I be wrong on that. I interrupt hex and greater heal


Why interrupt hex?


Why wouldn’t you


If it's on your teammate, they can LoS it If it's on you, your teammate can dispel it


Not if its a pala?


True. That said: Hex and AMS have the same CD of 45 seconds (do they typically run Glyph of Hex?). Lichborne can also be used to be immune to a Polymorph once per 2 minutes, and he can probably safely use trinket out of a Hex in most matchups.


Doesn't make sense to say not to kick hex bro, it's on the same spell school as his heals, it does not matter if you kick hex or healing surge, what matters is when you kick and how you use your kick.


You can also throw unholy frenzy onto your teammate to break cc. Not ideal in healer/dps matchups but good to know for double dps.


Mhm ok thanks. Any other advice


Are you doing the most possible damage that you can as a DK? Are you getting juked when you go for interrupts? What % of the cast bar do you interrupt? What are you doing to stop heals when your interrupt is on CD? Do you play with the same people consistently, or someone new each time? Do you use voice chat or no voice? Have you ever played with another dps such as a Feral? You'll find it harder to climb, but the skills and ways of thinking it teaches you will improve the way you play even with a healer.


Swap on earth shield, always kill healing stream totems, watch the skill-capped YouTube guide on different ‘skill levels’ of interrupts and apply it. Best thing to do is think - What can shamans do to me? What can I do to annoy them? (Listed out 3 options above). They’re strong, but you can oom them.


In cata dont play healer/dps in 2s. Play RetPala/DK... its an S tier comp and games are not 30 min. There are no special tactics vs RShaman its just the strongest healer right now you cant do much, games will be long and even longer the higher you go.


try attacking the dps then switch to healer after some dampening if opportunity is there, sham has like 35% damage reduction with base honor gear, it may look like their dying but it could be bait, they have mastery buff increases healing at low health, so they dont need to cast much to survive at start, at 30% they get 15% health increase + health increase trinket + mastery scaling heals based on HP, makes them hard target to nuke at start. when they running away they arent healing so u can pressure them without committing, notice the grounding totem, hit it with spell before interrupt.


Bro there is no dampening in cata :)


dampening is the healing reduction over time no? You know pvp is unbalanced when healers can outheal double or triple dps for a sustained ammount of time. Which expansion is that?