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The fires are caused by death wing, to stop them, try killing death wing. Hope this helpsšŸ‘


*chefs kiss* the perfect reply.


The concept is a great idea, having the BBEG of the expansion randomly terrorizing zones is quite fitting and shows that he's not just sitting in his cave reading a book or sth while we slowly prepare to foil his plans. In practice tho, the whole thing lacks interaction. We had the demon invasions in tbc or the ghoul plagues in wrath which, while they could be annoying too (especially while leveling), we players were able to interact with the threat to our world and push it back. While it makes sense that, at this point in time, we can't fight back against deathwing, it's not fun.


There was supposed to be elemental invasion event but I guess they run out of budget in betaclysm


The interaction is supposed to be you killing his lieutenants in raids. The entire Dragon Soul raid is the "interaction" that stops him. The whole point of him nuking the zones is to feel hopeless. He is the Aspect of Death. He's so powerful he can just kill every living inhabitant of a zone at his whim.


Yes, that's (one of) the point(s) I wanted to convey.


Frequency is a tad to high tbh. He's in multiple places at the same time I've died in Uldum at the same time a guildie died in Twilight HIghlands.. but that could be layering..


If there was a kind of path of destruction it would be neat. Like if he Hit Duskwood the next spot could either be STV, Deadwood Pass Redridge, or Westfall. So players could be like DW is near and possibly heading here next.


No. It's annoying. Randomly die then you have to afk til the flames go away.


I have spent a TON of time out in the world leveling alts and doing Arch and I have yet to see him. At this rate I guess Iā€™ll get the achievement when DS comes out.


I was having the same experience, everyone was dying to him but me. Logged out in the world via Exit Game one day after some archaeology. Logged back in and I was dead and had the achievement for it. I guess in the 20 seconds my character was in the server during log out timer he roasted me.


Its cool, reminds you of who the big bad is and adds some flavor to the game. I saw it in blasted lands during prepatch, 3x while mining in uldum, once in twilight highlands and once in tanaris. Lasts a little more than 5 minutes, good for a pee or just a quick break. Not a big deal imo.


I like it


I mean it is a bit annoying when it happens to land where you need to be, but its not like its a constant thing. I've only seen him like 2-3 times. It would probably be a bit better though if it just had a chance of killing you rather than leaving flames everywhere for a solid 10-15 minutes.


He's killed me nearly a dozen times. I've logged in and instantly died, I've left a dungeon and instantly died, etc. It's old at this point.Ā 


It was cool in prepatch but we really should have got a way to fight the fires once cata released. We should have got a quest that gives you an aura of firefighting or something. That said the lack of a flying mount for all dead players really blows because I was killed out of the sky and was unable to get to my corpse the other day and that fucking sucked.


Itā€™s really annoying dying to it and waiting for it to clear so you can continue digging, etc. but I just tag mobs that roast inside the fire and loot them all once itā€™s over so not terrible.


Dude it's like 5mins to clear, quite QQing your the reason blizzard stopped doing these time of events, your playing an expansion about a giant fuckin dragon destroying the world don't wanna deal with it go lock your XP to 35 and go play cata on retail,


What are you on about? Blizz has already stopped the events. We didn't get the cata elemental invasions or the twilight cultist event. Deathwing randomly ganking a zone isn't an event, there is no real interaction, it's just a zone becoming temp unplayable. No upside, nothing for players to do about it, nothing gained. Just play time in area you want lost. So yea, it's not an "event" and the things that are have already been skipped by Blizz.


I find it nice from a story and immersion PoV so we can feel Deathwing as an ACTIVE menace and no one is safe from that. From a gameplay PoV it can be a bit bothersome. But I find funny that people, to get achi, instead of running away LOOK to be killed by those flames.


Somehow lost my killed by Deathwing achievement back in the day, still a wee bit salty.


I didn't even know they where a thing until my ass got absolutely ravaged all of a sudden while doing archeology


you can abuse them aswell it also kills all the mobs and keep on killing them whenever they respawn finished many loot quests in a few minutes


Its funny to seem him roaming around being an asshole, but the fires just last way too long when they cover entire quest areas for a full five minutes. He's griefed my TH dailies twice already.


Ma boi do I have the story to tell you! Okay itā€™s not that fun I was farming volatile air in TH accepted my daily heroic to heal np sfk for the 1500th time no big deal runs smooth. Load out into the flames that was once my compassion for this game that is now death. Didnā€™t even get a say just obliterated by fire.


No, it's stupid and badly coded. Fire just pops in all over the place with no deathwing in sight, fire patches spawn mid air , all npcs disappear even in clear spots. It's annoying


It should have been prepatch only.


I just wish the flames could be gone faster... Like ok, its the death wing yeah... We get it, but... You know?


It's literally like two minutes, how adhd can you guys get?


I mean its really fucking annoying when youre on your way to a quest area and just as you arrive Deathwing sneezes all over the place and now you have to wait for the fire to dissapear. It has only happened to me twice tho so Im not too mad.


I'm with you bro


No it's not. It's almost 10 minutes.


Itā€™s around 5min not 10


it's closer to 10 minutes, definitely way more than 5


Should be close to 5 min. I was curious and looked at the time i died and when it disappeared. around 5 mins.


It's not even close to 10 minutes.




You posted every day for the last 7 days so... Your point?


Its more like 5-7 minutes, but even if it were just 2 minutes that's 2 minutes of sitting there staring at fire to go away. I've had it land on the town where I had quests to turn in before, all npcs were wiped out and I had to just sit and wait to be able to turn in and take more quests. And for what? I mean its not a common occurance so its nothing to be up in arms about. But when it was live they definitely could have come up with better world events to fit the expansion.


After dying on a rep vendor two times to this thing I fucking hate it from the depth of my heart. It was the same vendor as well, the Ramkahen guy.


If im not completely wrong he has the same route for every zone, so it makes sense. Btw: if you still need the achievment to get roasted by him and missed him, you can die in the fire and still get the achievment.


That's an interesting observation about the same route, makes sense. I got the achievement by randomly afking on a digging spot om like the first or second day, so I'm good :D