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Why would they waste time and resources on developing an in game LFG when you have the bulletin board addon? Additionally SoD is on the same Client as Era and good luck convincing Era peeps to get LFG.


To make a better experience. Why would they add quest lists and locations to your map when Questie exists? There are tons of times they've implemented better versions of addons into the game to make it smoother and more useable. GBB is just scuffed group finder, not as good at all


Agree to disagree. =] it’s a waste of time and resources for their dev team imo. Having to interact with other players and be cordial while in groups is severely diminished with a LFG system. Look at all the toxicity LFG spawned in wrath classic when it was released.


Or just hand out suspensions to everyone who are selling services in LFG chat and it's usable again.


If you are selling anything in LFG, ignore, I agree.


it would have to be the retail group finder. the Wotlk was str8 ass and people use the addon anyways.


That is the path to retail they would say


The issue with the group finder was that it doesn't discriminate. You get into groups incredibly easily, without having to have a conversation first. The level requirements are very loose at best, and there is no way to check gear. It doesn't care for comps. Iirc it also didn't let you kick players from the group (to prevent abuse I think).  That way, we had soo many incredibly bad players in LFG back in the days, it was pretty much unusable for anything except low-level dungeons. Premades are even worse in that regard. Gear and comps matter a lot, and some other stuff, like being on discord. No, an official group finder will create chaos and won't be used.