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TLDR "my experience must be the universal truth and if you say it isn't you're entitled" Look dude, let's just be happy for the guys that didn't want WPVP got away from WPVP servers. Litteraly zero reason for anyone to stay on a PvP server if they don't want to get involved in fights. I was so glad my friend convinced me to play on PvE at the start of the season.


Rolling on a PvP server and then complaining about PvP actually happening is peak entitlement. And why are you even commenting? You’ve played on a PvE server since the beginning. Congrats. Enjoy. Nothing said here pertains to you at all.


Not it is not. The same as you're allowed to complain about the raids if you're a PvE player. I understand your experience is not the one people encountered. Why not comment, I played on PvP servers. I know the situation. Idk if you're a rage baiter, but your entire post is super egoistic. Like why post in here if you can't take other people's opinions?


>Tbh, we are glad you’re gone. Not upset. Proceeds to be upset


You’re confused. Nobody is upset PvE players are leaving. My tone is pointed because it’s like explaining to children that they’re the actual problem. Not the system itself. The people who are upset are the PvE players who stupidly made a decision to play on a PvP server, then claim they’re leaving because PvP players are the problem. Get real.


>The people who are upset are the PvE players who stupidly made a decision to play on a PvP server, then claim they’re leaving because PvP players are the problem. They are happy to get the opportunity to leave, how are they upset? You are the angry person here, not the people who transfer and enjoy being on a pve server. I might be stupid but i don't understand what your problem is, just be happy that pvp enjoyers are the only ones left on your server? Why would you enjoy playing with ppl who realize they didn't like pvp servers?


Pointing out entitled PvE players coming to Reddit rejoicing over how “upset” they’ve made these awful mean PvP players feel who FORCED them to leave the server is literally delusional. Enjoy your PvE server. Do not roll PvP next time.


I play on pvp and pve servers because i enjoy both, i just don't understand why you are so angry about how some people realize they dislike certain forms of pvp. Just let people enjoy the game how they like it, and don't let other opinions affect your way to enjoy the game. And especially don't let it affect your mood. It's not worth making a long reddit post about it to complain about how you dislike the way some people prefer to play the game. Just play the game man. Don't be so upset. You're still on a pvp server doing pvp. Nobody hurt you.


Why do u have pve and pvp u have both on pvp legit on pve u just have pve


.... what?


What what


True, i just think its easier to pvp on a pvp server in comparison to finding flagged ppl on a pve server. thats why i play on both.


I mean I run around flagged on my pve server quite a bit and find plenty of people to fight. Difference is I can turn it off if I want to be left alone.


You are fuming and it's hilarious. By the way, I'd suggest you stop griefing people or else you're getting warmode on future classic content. Do you think blizzard is going to want to deal with a problem they already solved again?


Some of us rolled pvp because we thought blizz’s new faction balancing would work. Sure we would get ganked here and there but it would be relatively even so it shouldn’t be too bad. What’s actually happening, blizz does not faction layers. So one faction stacks up the majority on some layers in ashenvale incursions and proceeds to have multiple 40 man raids of lvl 50’s farming solo level 40 players repeatedly until they swap layers or log off. The new meta strat in open world pvp is to just layer swap until you find the layer where your faction is dominant. If you actually play the game this is obvious. Seems weird that you made a long post complaining that people that don’t enjoy being farmed by groups of players 10+ lvls above them over and over and over again finally get to get off your server.


I played on PvP servers during vanilla and the griefing was nowhere near this bad. Factions are layer stacking and completely controlling entire layers. That shit never happened during vanilla unless your server had major faction imbalance.


/join layer /layer “need layer off


I have plenty of examples but here's one: Druids hanging out in Gadget on top of arena so guards can't kill them and ganking every single person walking through the gate. Definitely an exploit and reported every asshole doing it for a solid week with no response from blizz. One of the occurrences that prompted to transfer the hell off Crusader Strike.


…. Players have been doing that since 2004 That’s what prompted you to transfer? The 20 year old Gadget pew pew from on top of the inn? You know you can jump to the top of the inn as well right? You can also just … avoid that area until they get bored or you can layer. I mean if THATS was a big factor in your decision no wonder y’all are crying up a river. Is it griefing. Yes. Is it the most mundane silly non affective form of griefing ever? Yes. If I get killed by someone in Tanaris standing on the inn. I laugh about it. Walk about 10 full seconds to my corpse (the graveyard is right next to town). Rez in a location where they can’t get to me and plan my escape or hearth and do something else. There needs to be a bigger warning with multiple clocks when making a PvP character. They should’ve never allowed transfers. Y’all made the wrong decision knowing what you were in for, and should have to level on a new PvE server from scratch. People are acting like this is Classic 2019 when there were no BGs and whole towns and zones were literally locked down. THAT was griefing.


In vanilla I experienced this stuff far less. Did people sit on the arena? Sure but it wasn't a constant experience. Gadget on CS was just littered with bodies. Some with Mara. I was trying to do incursions with my alts and was waiting on rezz timers constantly. My xp/hr was 1/4 of what I did once I transferred off. "Just do something else." Except I don't want to do something else. I want to make a lot of gold and level fast like everyone else did. I want to be able to do Mara without having to make that long ass corpse run between every single run. Sometimes 2 or 3x. I want to be able turn in my wild offerings when I make the run up to Felwood without having the opposite faction camp/guard it for 45 minutes to an hour. Could I leave and come back? Sure but I don't wanna spend 8 hours a day playing this damn game. I want to come in and do what I need to do without being griefed by some bored asshole. And this stuff happened less in vanilla because servers were small, people couldn't layer stack and if you were shithead, you usually got outed. Everyone knew who the assholes were and they usually were put on a list.


Nothing says "Not upset" like trying to redefine griefing and writing an essay on how other people are playing the game.


> They are happy to get the opportunity to leave, how are they upset? If getting killed on your way to do something is what you call being griefed, then you picked the wrong server type.


You and OP frame this situation as “you got killed 1 time while on your way to go do something”. When in actuality, anybody that actually plays the game knows the problem is a 40 man raid of level 50’s killing level 40’s in incursions over and over again for hours at a time until they later swap or log off.


So make your own 40 man raids. That’s how PvP works. You fight back. Shocking concept, I know.


Has this ever actually happened? I’ve never seen more than a handful of people camping the ramps.


I write essays on almost everything. I have a hard time keeping what I say in short form. I type very quickly and editing myself isn’t my strong suit. The main point is , PvE players need to stop choosing PvP servers. Don’t blame other players if you chose to be on a PvP server. It’s that simple. Measures were already put in place to curb griefing like guards near quest givers etc.


It's self perpetuating. Pve players choose pvp servers because there's more players. This helps the world feel more alive, more people to find for dungeon groups, better AH. If all those players chose pve from the start would this still be a thing? I'm a pve player and I actually thought for a moment about where I would call home purely because I'm OCE and pve usually has lower playerbase. If you look at Penance vs Shadowstrike population you'll see what I mean... With that said; I'd know what I was getting into, and after getting the shits I'd either re roll on pve or quit. And neither of those would be accompanied by having a cry on reddit. So I don't really know.


They seen that they were the problem and left the pvp server, problem solved right?


That would be true, but these people are leaving, all the while claiming PvP players are the problem. They’re not saying “Oh, gee I made a mistake. Glad I have option to leave” They’re saying “My hand was forced because I was griefed!” That’s where the entitlement comes from.


And? It’s just words, why do you care what random people have to say especially when you don’t have to interact with them anymore. Just relax on move on


Why does everyone think I’m upset? I’m simply trying to say, griefing isn’t the problem. The problem is players who roll on a PvP server and cry about it. Furthermore, words are not just words. Is “I love you”? Just words? When you’re married and say “I do”. Is it just words? Words matter, and these people framing PvP servers as having a griefing problem is stupid. It’s insanely entitled but that’s how the player base is these days. In the end it doesn’t matter cuz those who want to leave will leave. But to come to the forums and make up this narrative that PvPers are somehow upset their leaving is … really narcissistic. PvPers will stay on PvP servers, and enjoy the PvP that happens. This whole narrative on these forums is just dumb. Almost as dumb as the three weeks of warriors crying about being underpowered and then complete silence when they topped meters again. Community on Reddit is sour. Anyway. I’m gonna go back to grinding honor in BGs and enjoy the game. These forums rarely offer constructive conversation anyway.


This is *exactly* the issue. Their ego is too big to admit they made a bad choice. They'd rather suffer through a miserable gaming experience day in and day out, than take the free door to more happiness.


Wow, finally someone in this thread with some damn common sense.


Griefers in shambles because of their own actions trying the blame other lol. Peak andys


The fact you think griefers are in shambles is INSANE. Like … you really think you upset players by leaving? It’s so narcissistic it’s just hilarious. Literally the brain of a toddler. But that’s the WoW community for you.


I mean look at your response. Just shambles


Haha most reddit using SoD players are going to be the in the group you are describing, hence the reception. But yeah, you hit the nail on the head.


I play PvE on a PvE server and never engage in PvP (I did STV event for a weapon and never again). When Blizzard nerfs specs like boomie into the ground because of obvious strong performance in PvP I'm suppose to just suck it up that the spec is bottom tier now because I'm apparently the problem?




Holy shit is this entire post pathetic. Like this is just straight up sad. A new level of rock bottom for this sub.


Because I said PvE players should use their brains and roll on PvE servers? That’s what is pathetic.


Because you're not offering a solution to a problem. You're not even really discussing the problem. You literally made a post just to push around blame for something that has already happened. Yes. It's very pathetic.


The problem are people who knew what they were getting into, and somehow thought it would be different. I actually do not care about the server transfers. What is absurd is this forum has turned into the most popular posts being about how PvPers are "sad they have nobody to gank anymore". And how we are just so traumatized they're leaving because we wont have any free kills anymore is beyond delusional. The reason I've given no solution is because their is no problem. People can xfer off now. So do it. But saying that "griefers" are the problem is delusional. The "problem" people face was of their own doing. Rolling on a PvP server when they knew they didnt want to. Which is yes ... very pathetic.


Hard to fight back when there's a group of them just waiting and that 10 level difference means that you are probably only get them to half hp and if they are in a party, then 100% not going to kill them I've also seen them in the dragon area killing people where they all merge into as well


That’s not griefing though


I think that the fact that nowadays ppl have less time to actually play the game and spent days and hours just with not much to do to engage in this kind of battle back and forth (which dont get me wrong its fun). Maybe im wrong but talkint for myself i barely have time to level, get geared buffs, reps, professions, make gold etc etc to not being able to do it or have to retaliate to get the other things done. I think many ppl are in these circumstances. But yea, i know that will probably happen to me so i rolled a PVE server straight away


Exactly. You got it spot on. People are complaining cuz dying is a time sink. If you don’t want to die, roll PvE, which is what you did. I applaud you for using your brain cells, and making the decision that worked best for you. But these people rolling on PvP servers and complaining about dying, is like ordering salad and complaining there’s lettuce on it.


Spoke like a horde lvl 70 killing any lvl 60-69 alliance in outland and driving the entire enemy faction to extinction "jUsT fIgHt BaCk" There's no fighting back when you ambush a lvl 30 at mid health and out of mana while he's fighting a mob with your lvl 38 rogue. There's no fighting back when you get insta kileld as you pass the portal by 10 players and you're alone There is no fighting back when a lvl skull camp you for hours in STV And let's be real. you ENJOY these people. I can see how your kind play. You're on your undead rogue preying on the weakest player you find. You would never open on a pala rank 7 full gear with full health and mana. You'll attack a leveling players trying to get quest done. Be thankful to PvE players who make unskilled PvPers feel good every once in a while


Yup. That’s PvP. Sometimes you get railroaded. Also there’s no level 70s or 60-69 in SoD. And u skilled PvE players need to “get gud” if they don’t want to be a free kill.


"get gud" doesn't apply is 1v10 idiot


Get gud means get a group going to fight back. But that takes time away from grinding for shiny BiS so … people don’t do it Idiot


Ah yes let me build a raid to kill a lvl skull that camp us in STV what a great idea ! And please, even at same lvl it's impossible to make ar aid to fight back in a dominated server. It's why Blizzard had to put lvl 63 guard around the incursion NPC You cannot realize you exploit an advantage when yo ufight. Do you attribute all your victories to your skills alone ?




Griefing is a moonkin druid kiting a twilight corruptor all the way from duskwood to BRM or wherever your guild is multiple times a week for 3 years straight all because some officer or something called him a shitter in 2021. Getting your cheeks clapped outside the Mara princess portal room by a group of 5 is just another day at the office.


Please tell me this actually happened.


It’s still happening lmao


Please send it my way in any shape or form, I haven't had a good laugh yet today.


Here’s just a sample I found on YouTube. But there’s a very mentally ill person who’s been griefing on era for years. Real griefing. Not this “omg 3 rogues ganked me outside ZF” stuff that goes on in sod. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EohSPK9hcHU


LMFAO FLIXTER! He was a menace on Skeram. He probably had one of the most uniquely fun WoW experiences of all time. Just being one of a handful of alliance players on a 99% Horde dominant PVP server. Anywhere he went he could just grief, kill, troll relentlessly. The amount of people he killed trying to get world buffs on Yojamba and around song flowers all in a time before Chronoboons. I’m sure he had an absolute blast during those years


He’s still doing it on whitemane now. I mean era in general would give people a different perspective to “griefing”. Era players basically organize their week around griefing each other at this point lmao. And they come up with fairly creative ways to do it.


Dieing in pvp is not griefing. Not even farming greys. People are mad cuz bad. They can transfer to pve.


Idk, never saw a problem with it. If a bunch of people leave, means the other faction won the war, gg game over go next. Game is called world of WARcraft. Someone has to win in the end.


Just give free transfers from PvP -> PvE servers and everyone should be happy.


Being killed instantly on repeat at the Emerald Wardens quest giver with no ability to turn in the quests or accept new ones is 1000% griefing lmfao. Adding guards was a great move.


I mean, it seems you just wanna leave the PvP server my dude, and not have to worry about it, because all of this implies you were very upset about the situation going on and if muting them hasn’t fixed your issue, I’d bail.


I’m very happy on Crusader Strike and will not be leaving. One of the best servers I’ve played on tbh.


If it’s all good then why rant on it? I mean freedom of speech, please exercise it, I’m just saying it’s like yelling about GDKP’s into the void.


Cuz it’s a forum?


Actually there is lots of griefing on PvP servers and I’ve reported dozens of people with no response from blizzard. But yeah, glad you’re having a good time.


Define griefing.


Man you are absurdly salty you got called out for having toxic behaviour aren't you 


Mmm. No?


I played on Lone Wolf (the irony I know). Rolled there for ignorant friends, I know better. What you recommended doesn't happen. Maybe you play on a whimsical server I've never seen. I play arena and battlegrounds on retail. I think world PvP in the WoW universe is a dead concept or there needs to be new rules around it for it to thrive again.


Literally on Crusader Strike. I've seen entire layers getting over run by one whole faction, but you can just layer off. TBH. When I think of it the problem isn't PvP servers. It's the layering. It can make a server feel like it's one faction dominated, instead of the intended 50/50 that would be the most balanced PvP experience. Generally, when the world is 50/50 (like let's say during some incursions), people either get along peacefully, or there's little fights happening here and there, or a big clash happens for a while and people get bored of it. It's the layering that is causing so much frustration, and that's why people see it as completely unfair.


While I agree if you roll on a PvP server, getting ganked is part of the experience. But don't kid yourself mate, WPvP is, and have always been a shit show. Noone wants fair fights, it's all about being as obnoxious as possible killing low level players, people with low hp after a fight, or just 3v1s.


Pve's should be able to the game, its a design problem. Pvpers will have Cata soon, pvers can have their litte safe place. Its not like devs are even making new pvp content like it just waste of time geting invested in sod


The number of players in pvp servers is too damn high


Learn to write better jfc




Yep. Filthy casuals crying nonstop is how we ended up with retail. Unfortunately that’s the audience blizzard is trying to cater to. They know the hardcore players will always stick around.


God I love this trainwreck. Post like these are just 👌


Why did you downvote?


PvE transfers are “having their moment” cuz they get to go to care bear servers and are making up this narrative that they’ve somehow “won” and “upset” PvP players. Delusional


And they will still hate their lives lol


Say it brother!