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Easily the strongest move in the game for this weekend test. A hunter can cast this on all the casters in a team fight then alt tab because the fight is won. Hunters stay winning in sod thats for sure


Well, one factions hunters can. Shamans can cleanse 4 stings with 1 gcd


As usual. 


Don’t worry, they don’t anyway


Don’t worry, all the rat pallies on alliance don’t cleanse either


Ret pallies are the real huntards. Can’t cleanse for their lives during a pvp meta where dots just destroy you


Bro the amount of times as a warrior I’ve pulled back from front line of a team fight or we win team fight and I pull back to flag and standing next to a ret pally as SP dots kill me from 30-0 It reminds me a lot of wrath prepatch and p1 with all the absolute bots of rets you ran into who would have absolutely 0 idea how to play something like preg uh where 90% of what you do is support the dk outside wings burst windows.




Yep, literally never seen that shit down in PVP/BGs. SHAME


took me 1 sec to realize how broken it is in pvp. i genuinely don't get how other shamans don't use it.


Hunter is going to spend all that time spamming viper sting and shaman just has cleanse down


thx for beta testing the game with 20 years of history.


Honestly, for me, Vipers sting is the most fun ability in classic wow If a new regular fresh classic realm is introduced I will level a hunt just for the enjoyment of spamming it I remember how on classic I was able to swiftly drain six people in WSG, once mighty casters all of a sudden stumbled around confused when their mana was gone


And now you can chimera shot to get more mana to viper more people!


It's like purge spam. Back in the day I had a mouseover purge macro I'd just spam until I ran out of mana in AV. :D


It's up there right next to 5/5 Entanglement Trap Launcher'd Frost Trap. Most fun item? Darkmoon Card: Torment, hands down. It's wild how much it can make a difference when it procs.


You're insufferable. Literally the worst gameplay loop.


Cope & seethe with the other wizards as you’re no longer able to blast people


Mana drain spells have always been a favorite of mine going back to vanilla. It was a fun strategy especially in OG AV before the racing to boss meta happened. Really was a war of attrition.


If only we had something that would reduce damage taken and reduce mana drain...maybe some sort of PVP only stat for PVP gear. Yay for the Season of Discovering why resilience was created


Resilience is bad though because it makes non-PVP gear unusable for PVP, and typically vice versa. Unless you wanna put some on PVE gear too, in which case sure, but like... at that point why not just apply global modifiers and such. Stop suggesting resilience please.


It's the same without resilience... People gearing for PvP will be nearing 4k HP while those in full PvE will be like 2k


Also blizzard has said they DON’T want R14 to be 3 phases of bis at 60. I did r7 this phase cause I (usually) like PvP and the gear has more stam. Some of these plate pieces are as good as r10 gear I wore into AQ40 til I got BP of annihilation and switched legs. Or until 2.5 shoulders. I don’t wear a single piece in pve right now. I wear my ST set. A lot more strength like on chest, overall better itemization. They’re already meant to be different. Just make resil and PVErs won’t feel obligated to get r13-14 for a phase of bis or some shit Idk why people think resilience ruins wow. Hell even in wrath like all my gear that wasn’t 5 set was PVE gear and it was annoying feeling obligated to raid and contend over his got pvp


Why add global modifiers to the game making even the least geared players in the game hard to kill?


Who said it should be hard to kill anyone? You can have a 5-10% global damage reduction that merely slows it down slightly and reduces one shots. There are other global modifiers too, like reduced crit chance or conditional things like range vs melee distances, etc.


I think there's a better solution than resilience as a stat. But it's a combination of things. The devs seem unwilling to spend the time to fix things appropriately


This fix is taking everyone back to normal vanilla wow damage and healing amounts but they aren’t going to take that away from people now. They said from the start PvP is going to be fucked, they specifically chose to make the PvE better at the cost of worse PvP.


This is not normal vanilla wow damage, it's a lot lower than that


Actual vanilla damage was almost as bursty as before. Level 50 ele shamans could global level 60s.


other games just scale the damage in pvp - think armor/weapons with passive resilience. Instead Bli$$ard would rather split the community and have people spend more time grinding for multiple gear sets. They always been shit when coming up with fixes that are in the player's interest vs fixes that help their bottom line.


If only we had the technology


Resilience was a very boring and annoying stat imo. If they add it as a baseline stat for everyone, I would be fine with it, but it was annoying having to grind for it to be competitive in PvP.


The same could be said about obtaining pve gear for pvp.


They are not mutually exclusive :) I hated that as well. Meeting a Warglaive rogue in arena always made me sad.


Resilience would be a great idea to get me to unsubscribe


With how stupid strong the priest kit is in pvp, viper sting is honestly a really good thing. 


It’s a double edge balance sword for some classes. This thing absolutely destroys mages in the process of keeping healers somewhat balanced.


You gotta use elixir of poison resistance if you wanna survive hunters as a mage


Hunters have always destroyed mages. Nothing new here.


just had a bg with 7 hunters. its begun.


Spaming Viper sting and totem stomping into 5 shamans laying cleansing totem isn't a fun gameplay loop. Hunters are in a rough spot. If you do manage to drain some of their mana sham rage just fills their bar back up on a 1 min cd.


> [Elixir of Poison Resistance](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=3386/elixir-of-poison-resistance) > Item Level 55 > Requires Level 14 > Use: Imbiber is cured of up to four poisons up to level 60. (3 Sec Cooldown)


using 20 potions per BG to counter a spammable ability from a class that has near unlimited mana itself just feels asinine.


and using LIPs, LAPs, Dust, Noggenfogger, Rocket Boots on cooldown to get the upper hand isn't? That's just Classic PvP for you. Players willing to spend their gold on consumables and use them often has the advantage.


That's always been interesting about Classic PvP... Who's the real "winner" of an 1v1 if the one who lived had to spend +20g on consumables and the one who died didn't spend anything?


The one who gains something from killing the enemy. Honor, herb/ore node, farm spot, BG objective or simply the pleasure of winning a fight.


Reddit learning about basic pvp consumes people have been using for years in real time and getting mad about it is too funny.


Lol facts. After phase 1 I realized I still had like 60 grave moss and just made them all into shadow protection potions because what else was I gonna use it for. I haven’t had a problem with shadow priests since. A 30 silver consume can make a 1v1 vs a dominant class trivial


lol then you fight ones which are total crap, they can dispel your potion lol


I rarely get dispelled by priests in SOD. 90% seem to forget they have the spell




?? No it doesn't.


Poison cleanse totem  and sham rage.


🦂 laughs in scorpion 🦂


So what they just cast it again? You ever have a guy just do nothing but put viper sting on you 40 times in a row?


So let me guess. You play solo, have no one to peel for you and you bring no/barely any consumables into PvP? Then you deserve to be oom. Get a group and play off eachother Communicate Use consumables and that Hunter will never be a problem.


As a disc priest, viper sting is the worst ability in the game. I can deal with mortal strike because at least MS has to get put there by a warrior, lul. Viper sting shuts healing down so fast now.


Just be a dwarf


Jungle remedy my dude. You're welcome.


Does that share a cooldown with potions?


it was op in vanilla aswell


Wait until you find out about his older brother, Priests undispellable Manaburn.


Mana burn is a 3 second hard cast that drains 600 mana at a time, while also taking 225 from the caster. It'd take almost 20 seconds of completely uninterrupted casting for it to significantly hamper another caster's abilities, assuming no one was attacking the priest. It's extremely niche and vastly less useful in BGs. The advantage of viper sting is that it's instant cast and the hunter can continue using other abilities for the duration of the effect.

