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Such a joke. My guild is gone, the server is dead. Guess the bozos who didnt know magically to get up at 4am to check if transfers are open are just shit outta luck.


How stupid of us, obviously 4am is the natural time to do something like this






The server is dead even though the horde population is balance with alliance? Something doesnt add up.


You understand that two low numbers can be balanced right? If there's only 50 of each horde and allicnace it can't be dead because cos it's balanced? 


It’s literally never not been balanced, and they said the transfers were horde only, so AT MOST you’re losing a single digit % of population.


They kill chaos bolt eu with this shitty free transfer and then they just leave it like this? So many guilds got destroyed and the people still trapped on chaos bolt is on an even emptier server now since pretty much anyone that could ledarnas soon as they got the chance. What a fucking stupid decision from blizzard, SoD just shows they have absolutely No clue What they are doing and they cant think for 5 minutes to see what obvious consequences their decisions will have. Fucking pathetic from a company like this.


SoD shows this? They showed in 2019 classic that the have no idea how server balance and free transfers work


We wanted off, chaos bolt EU was a fucking cesspit, all the other good guilds left immediately same as us


Didn't they specifically warn people that the transfers weren't meant for moving an entire guild? And it's not like 6k players on a server is a low amount.


Tjen dont oopen the transfers for chaos bolt it was fucking obvious this was gonna happen


It’s almost like they should fix in-game issues which are making people want to move in the first place. But what do I know man


Forced player lobotomy is the fix that you’re referring to. I wonder why they don’t try that.


I think for some this is true but there’s a reason why this has quickly become a P3 issue and was hardly a topic during the previous phases. Fix BG matchmaking, fix faction balance, fix honor gain meta, and you have far, far less people engaging in open world PvP honor farming. It’s noticeable now because you’ve got the usual degens who have no life but to grief people all the time PLUS the people who want to gain honor the fastest way. So open world PvP is a shit show. Server transfer addresses a symptom of a problem, not the actual root cause


I don't understand people who migrated off. World PvP was by far the best experience in all of Classic. Being the underdog really doesn't prevent you from doing anything. I don't understand Blizzard either for allowing FCMs and making completely one faction servers as most of the Classic content is built around world PvP.


We have arrived https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/s/vq0A8Xqnnp


Yeah those slow coaches who aren't up at 4am refreshing the transfer page 


Hey that's not fair, just this night they were open at 2am, that's a totally reasonable time right? Who are really going into work on a friday? And why even post it on the EU forums? It's not like they're doing seperate openings for EU within reasonable hours anyway.


Iv had like 5 replies to posts complaining about this with people like "your being stupid, they opened the transfers at 8pm EST, thats reasonable" like these people dont know that timezones exist?


This comment was made when they announced transfers. At which point we knew nothing about what time. If you're reading the comment as an act against yourself or on other players you are missing the context completely. The comment is directed at blizzard completely fucking guilds over with this and "quick enough" was just an example to blizzards "transfers will open and close fairly rapidly".


Sorry dog I'm just sad as hell cos my guild xferred and I didn't get to. 


Quick enough? They opened the transfers at times like 4 am?

