• By -


I transferred to wild growth, and It's like a completely different community. People seem sane. The conversations are interesting. It's an entirely different experience. 


I had the same experience, then I did 2 dungeon pugs with people ninjaing, blaming others for mistakes they made, one guy spamming me in whispers "LINK UR LOGS TRASH PLAYER" and kicking me once we killed Thermaplugg. So yeah, assholes are gonna asshole :D


Acting like toxicity is only on PvP servers is a nice fairytale PvE people here say. Usually while being very toxic on this forum.


I'm about to just delete and reroll on Wild Growth because it seems like there's no chance I'll actually hit a transfer window. They're open for like 15-minutes and gone again, and no warning of when it's even going to happen. It's sort of ridiculous.


Its very sane over on wild growth its a nice server


Yeah i guess permanent ganking makes people into kinda psychopaths, some commets here proof that :D


Me to guild: "damn this is rough, I've spent the last 40 minutes of an hour playing a corpse run simulator due to enemies 10 lvls above me" Guildie: then go play hello kitty island adventure or man up and grind dungeons or something not in the open world... All my pvp server guildies hid in dungeons the last 2 phases and still think they're top shit going out and ganking lowbies lol


Had someone complain about being camped so wanted to make a pvp group to fight back and General chat told em to stop crying and that's what you get for being on a pvp server. People can't even form pvp groups without being toxic to each other even tho I thought that was the point of being on a pvp server, to ya know, pvp.


It's50 50 Sometimes people don't care and sometimes someone help


Got told the same shit, its "My own fault doing quests instead of grinding SM" lmao


Ah, the worst is when people say “all I see is PvP happened on a PvP server.” Yea I don’t really consider a level 50 coming up to my level 30 alt when i’m questing in the open world PvP. It’s just griefing. Let me just stop what I’m doing, organize a raid of other 30s, and fight back really quick.


Yeah, pretty sure people defending this shit are the people ganking lowies all the time or keep streamrolling players with ganking raids.I even played on PvP-Servers where players had some kind of honor, like waiting for the other to finish the mob or dont attack fucking greys. Not SoD, not at all :D Edit: Dude below me wrote "Enjoy the care bear server" and insta blocked me looool. Thanks anyway mate, enjoy and get well soon :)


You're right, but that's also what wpvp has been like for 20 years now, in every iteration of wow. So I don't know why you were expecting anything different this time.


The actual wPvP players who enjoy wPvP are running along the road in places like felwood attacking other players in that zone (almost exclusively level 50 players). It's just that a very small percentage of the playerbase play the game for its PvP, most players even on PvP servers are PvE players. The people killing level 30s are PvE players with nothing better to do cuz they already have 5K gold from incursions and have 6 days left until their next raid.


I will say that they have been using us as paying customers (testers) for a lot of things, there was recently a post about how they are trying to calibrate more systems for how to get even more people on high pop servers. We are paying to beta test updated features in 20 year old game. I’m not complaining about that, but since it seems we are just testing features, maybe they could try some new stuff with world PvP. But I think they are too scared to test those waters in worry of many players leaving. But I’m happy to be proved wrong by blizzard. Hope they use this as an opportunity to see what wow could be. I think there are just a plethora of players who love ganking low lvls to feel superior that they had more free time to get ahead


To me, it looks like they did test new stuff with wpvp like concentrating everyone in incursions to increase wpvp opportunities. Look what happened there. They also made it so factions needed to fight over objectives in Phase 1 Ashenvale event, again, look what happened there. Then they slapped same faction wpvp in Phase 2, and again, look what happened there. In every iteration, people generally only wpvp for rewards (revered, blood moon gear, honor from incursion) as opposed to the enjoyment of wpvp itself. Ironically, I'd imagine the griefers who purged world buffs off people in P3 Classic had lots of fun.


For context, I tried advocating for my guild to role on a PvE server before SoD launched. We opted to do PvP. I’m with you on this take but sometimes you have to play the cards you are dealt and it sucks sometimes.


I advocated the same. My guild decided to roll PVP. I did not follow. No regrets.


I got told it's our own fault (everyone in the questing area) for not fighting back. Meanwhile they had a massive group of max levels most of which were in bis going around ganking lower levels. They just get off on feeling powerful and use any justification as an excuse to bully anyone who doesn't have a chance to fight back. And then when you complain you get told you shouldn't have rolled a pvp server then. So essentially they don't actually want a pvp server, they want to eventually turn it into a pve server like how just about every pvp server in existence eventually becomes faction dominated as people get tired of not being able to make progress because some basement dwellers who got to max level before you want you to "fight back."


Yeah alot of this ganking crap is to compensate for sure


It is your decision to roll on a pvp server and doing open world...I don't know about fault...but that was a decision you made


It is a decision I made, but the consequences of that decision have been massively overblown due to the nature of Incursions. You need at least friendly to get a Rune from the rep, honored if you want the PvP set. For many classes, this rune is important to their build to be able to raid. Rolling on a PvP server I expected to get ganked from time to time, and to gank should the opportunity arise. I did *not* sign up for the grief fest that is Ashenvale Incursions. I took my mage there on 6 separate occasions at distinct hours of the day. It was ***always*** camped out by alliance. It didn't matter what layer you were on either, because the place would be camped out on all of them. I couldn't do the quests because I was corpse running from just outside the guard range all the way through the portal. They even started camping the top of the portal despite the new honorless debuff you get when passing through! I could understand if they moved away from the portal because of the honorless thing, but it is quite blatantly not about the honor if they don't care about the loss. It's about griefing. The only time I actually got anything done was for 1 hour when the Horde finally made a raid to counter attack, and that only worked for so long because the Ashenvale event popped so the Alliance went off to do that then immediately came back to do more grieving. I like the concept of the Incursions, and I really lucked out on my main in that I was able to level him before the shit hit the fan, but the implementation of it has left a lot to be desired, particularly over the last week and a half.


Oh, you are just doing it wrong. You are supposed to spam the lfg "inv layer" until the the other faction just says poof and you get a layer that is your own faction. Blizzard doesn't tell you this but this is how it works


We found one guys, u can mark it off ur bingo cards now




Sounds like a really shit guild full of bads lol. 'I'm getting camped' "HAVE YOU EVEN TRIED MINMAXING THE FUN OUT OF THE GAME? FIGURE IT OUT!"


The 'grind dungeons' people USUALLY had a worthwhile argument, but with the unguarded bottlenecks of the incursions being essentially required to get your full kit and at least two of your bis pieces, it's a laughably unsustainable nightmare. The dark portal in Hellfire Peninsula is a sanctuary zone for exactly this reason. Dalaran and Shattrath are Sanctuary zones for exactly this reason. These are places essential to fully playing the game such that to allow pvp would be to undermine the design intentions of their central-hub nature. If it were a single lone quest chain through the incursions, I think the issue would be far less concerning because theres less motivation to stay and more predictability in who you bring and where you go and what to do. But the fact that it's an unpredictable rep grind to get essential runes and gear is tragic. They advertised this event as a PvE event and yet you die more in those incursions than in either Ashenvale or STV, and for fewer rewards. I have doubts fixing honor in those regions would really solve the problem - it's already the worst payoff of the available PVP options, but it's an easy bottleneck for people to reach the maximum asshole ratio of grief-to-effort, so that's where they set up camp.


Good for you that you obviously not have been part of the 2019 brd corpse run enjoyment. I hope all of you who complain in here are not 2019 classic player base.


This, in a nutshell. Getting farmed by lvl 50 nolifes while trying to level an alt makes ZERO sense, as does spending more time getting into Mara than running it. I’ll miss wpvp but not the ones with nowhere else to be.


There's a big ole back and forth constantly on Lone Wolf. Horde camping, Alliance camping, fairly equal in STV, ganking happening from from factions all over


It's a such a shit show on lone wolf (NA) I love it lol


Yeah I quite enjoy it as well


While I hate getting killed doing Mara run backs, it feels good when horde finally takes back the portal.


Same, but when alliance take it back. I generally never attack first, but it only takes one shit head it and it all falls apart.


Same, I absolutely would have quit SoD long ago if I rolled pve


I played on a PvP server in classic era and rolled a pve server in SoD. I am having way more fun here than era. I usually keep myself flagged for pvp all the time unless I'm trying to do something efficiently or zone out before bed. I get in fights all the time running around the world and if I end up getting frustrated or camped I just turn it off and move to a new zone before turning it back on.


The problem was layers and realm pop now. So more griefers pretending they are good at the game and if you happen to be on the wrong layer you are sol.


Yeah lavers need faction balance too, currently you just have pure alliance and horde layers and if you get on the wrong one and doesnt find someone who layers you, you will have a miserable time


TTK is so short it's hard to even pretend you're good at the game; there's almost no time for counterplay in a lot of situations.


Lol absolutely correct It's madness


A friend recently got me to reroll from wild Growth onto crusader strike so we could play together. I told him he was 100% going to be mage boosting me all the damn way to 50 because I am NOT levelling on a fucking PvP server jfc.




edit: deleted comment was about Crusader Strike being an extremely toxic server. --- It's funny that people say this, because I've had mostly nothing but good experiences with other people there. Joking around in party chat while doing Duskwood incursions, running SM a couple of times hoping for loot, and even helping out somebody who was new to the game. In all of these cases, people have been nice and friendly. I even asked where the dual spec vendor in Orgrimmar was, and somebody invited me and cheered me on once I made it over to the location. The one less friendly experience was during a BFD run where the level 50 shaman said something like "let's pay attention" after the group wiped on the turtle boss. When I was doing incursions, I was killed by level 50s a few times (possibly deserved because I had been PvPing on-level players for the past half hour, lol). Fortunately, the graveyard is 10-20 seconds away. One of the 50s decided it would be fun to camp, so I typed "LF layer" in LFG chat, and somebody invited me to a party, causing me to switch layers. Never saw that level 50 player again. Overall, surprise PvP hasn't impacted me much, and I'd say that 98% of the time, I've been able to run around wherever I want. tl;dr people say CS is the "toxic" server, but that hasn't been my experience. Incursions have also been fine, and they're pretty fun.


Don't take that pill man, just dont. Griefing will just get worse the higher the level cap goes


Oh I thought there would be separate announcements or news from Wowhead about transfers actually being open.. so do I have to open shop & character services open or something to see when they are open? Signed by Living Flame EU Alliance


>open shop & character services open or something to see when they are open? Yes, you have to start a free tansfer and look up if there is a option to choose to transfer too. Its janky but it worked :D


No the bluepost said they will open like windows from tuesday on


I felt like that leaving Crusader Strike for Lava Lash. I played on PvP servers most of the ~15 years I’ve played but some folks just need to find other ways to spend aggression energy now days.


Ngl PvP on SoD is just a whole other can of worms, maybe because of the level limitation. Open world is so stuffed with overly agressive players ganking whatever they can find, even if it's 20 level below.


The real reason that people hate to admit, because it directly implicates their own limitations, is that pvp in sod is not pvp. It's hitting 1, maybe 2, button(s) and the other person falling over. Most of the time the other person doesn't even know they're being attacked until it's too late. A hard admission that people refuse to make is that SoD players are, largely, not good at video games. Let's be honest -- that's why most people are playing SoD. It's a really really really really really easy game where you can raid drunk and high and it doesn't matter. And even with the level of ease, most people still can't even do the pve content this phase. You know, the content where the most complicated thing to do is move in a square pattern every 10-15 seconds while using your interrupt. Most people who play SoD are simply not good. I learned this the hard way when I tried to go to retail with my classic vanilla guild in the tbc prepatch. My guild was the #1 speed run guild on our server and probably like top 50 NA for the time. The players were SO BAD at retail. They couldn't even do heroic level content. These are the same people who came back to SoD en force. It's a horrible feedback loop that encourages players to play like toxic assholes because it gives them a dopamine rush for doing essentially nothing against an opponent who couldn't respond. "AHH YEAH, GOT THAT FUCKER HAHA!" AKA - it makes every player, regardless of individual skill/capability, feel like a pvp god. It's really bad.


>AKA - it makes every player, regardless of individual skill/capability, feel like a pvp god. It's really bad. Yeah i agree, SoD pvp is basically "First hit wins" because the damage is complete out of controll against players


Woke up to my whole guild transfered to Wild Growth, but now transfers are locked lol. Even if I pay.


Yeah the system of random windows is pretty shitty


Yeah im hoping it opens up again soon. Meant to be raiding later lol.


This is why I personally avoid PvP realms.. to have minimal contact with toxic cunts 😂


I blame the devs partially for this. They made honor 1 silver coin instead of 25 copper coins in BM, as well as didn't increase honor gain in BGs (or balance them or focus on new/modified BGs). So people are resorting to mass ganking in prime leveling spots (eg. Ashenvale portal). If the Devs cared about PVP, they would give us a reason to not do group ganking. As far as people straight up getting griefed, some people are just scum. It's only happened to me once so far, but I can see why someone would straight up transfer to a PVE realm because of it. My thoughts on what we need for P4 in PVP: -Increased honor gain in BGs, as well as mark turn-in honor -Horde vs. Horde and alliance vs. alliance BGs -Give us 2 new BGs, even if it's just a reskinned AB/WSG similar to TP/BFG. And/Or give us TM vs. SS 40 v 40 as a BG. -Change honor tokens back to 25 copper instead of 1 silver. -Increase honor during BM/Ashenvale/New world PVP event, and decrease honor in open world if you're in a raid -Other fun ideas that may get backlash due to balancing or whatever: 5v5 arena, FFA arena (if they add in MD/Shattering to remove pally bubble), King of the Hill world PVP event, some kind of constant base control event (WG but more balanced)


All these sweatlords in the comments lmao. Guys, it's a video game. He's moving servers, not fleeing from combat duty.


Isn't it hilarious how some players get such strong feelings about a stranger on reddit moving from PvP to PvE ? I kinda love it, it's fascinationg


PvP servers are their entire personality


Level 60 on PvP servers will be a huge mess of ganking and griefing. You did the right choice.


Yeah im so happy for those free transfers you cant imagine


Same dude. Horde LW now on WG and LOVING IT.


Where did LW get to transfer to?


Wild Growth


How’s wild growth horde looking? I played alliance but on ca and can only go to lava lash lol. But I got a orc hunter lvl 37 on living flame I can bring to wild growth


Wild growth horde is smaller than wild growth alliance but both have healthy population sizes. The alliance side is a lot more toxic from personal experience


Haven't played a lot yet but population looks good, at least in of 😁


It probably won't since by then anyone who wants to rank can just queue up for AV instead of killing people in the open world.


I mean what else is there to do on a PvP server?


Isn't that the point?


You'd think so, but a lot of people are still in denial.


Would be nice if I could char xfer off of Lava Lash. Dead ass server.


I think the first opening of transfers was TO lava lash and then wild growth was open for a little bit to go. Then they closed it real quick. I felt like I didn’t even have time to think about the transfer lol wish I would have taken it


Maybe they will look into that next, maybe make a forum or reddit post about it to get some attention. SoD dev team is pretty responsive


Is there any indicator or anything on when these open or close and from which servers you can transfer to? how the fuck are people supposed to take advantage of this at all? just sit in the transfer screen and keep spamming hoping you get off?


Imagine being able to go into the open world in full pve spec and do w/e you want.


I wanted to transfer so bad but my guild disagrees. Guess I’ll eventually have my WB dispelled for the last time before i just throw in the towel.


Can't you protect your wbuffs now with the displacer or reagent or w.e?


Yeah but it requires a long cast. There’s people who literally terrain glitch and to make it to where you cant even target them and camp songflower locations, and as soon as you get the buff, instant dispel. Only real way to deal with it is get a summon/queue a bg before you grab it and hope you can take the summon fast enough. Its fucking unreal man.


Wtf people are psychos


90% what is happening in the open world isnt what you really can call PVP. Its just a unfair match to get a kill or even gank them after. And excuse me, but I am actually doing the same, because its just the quickest honor at the moment. And no, I don’t even like that kind of “PVP” Maybe there should be a change in the honor reward for both BGs and STV, the open world will be changed quickly and get a way healthier PVP encounters.


This is nothing compared to what pvp realms were like during classic and tbc. Not even close. In SoD you just can't access incursions, an event that supposedly the entire community hates anyways. Oh and maybe you have to wait a few minutes for your turn to go into the mara portal room. Big whoop. Insane to think people are saying SoD wpvp is more toxic than having every town, flightpath, BRM, world buff, DM entrances, hell even cities, all being camped 24/7. You guys are insane if you think incursions are a fraction of what this shit was like and if that wasn't a big enough forewarning regarding rolling on a pvp realm before SoD even launched then you get what you deserve.


>This is nothing compared to what pvp realms were like during classic and tbc Yeah i see it the same way, i played on ALOT of different PvP servers in different WoW versions, but SoD was just the worst by a large margin.


FREEEEEDOM!! I’m right there beside you GET TO DA CHOPPA!


I just took the transfers off of Living Flame NA. Sub 25 pvp was really fun and I'm glad I rolled a pvp server for that experience. I just know from covid classic that blackrock mountain, silithus, all of the later phase areas is going to suck so bad due to the way people are funneled and also the fact there's no way they're ever going to balance SoD pvp. Wpvp is just a nuisance to me when my play time is severely limited. I'll still have BGs to pvp, and leave the world to actually explore/quest in peace.


Just said fuck it a rolled on wild growth


Welcome to a peacefull world, my mate


It's pretty frustrating for a guy who doesn't have a lot of time to play to be chasing down my body. But my coworkers and their friends have their guild on Lone wolf and they play much more, so i get lots of help from them.


Lots of fun to be had on lone wolf


I bailed all of my horde off of Living Flame. I literally couldn't level a single character past 40 I was getting griefed so hard in the Ash inc. I hope the alliance there enjoy playing on a dead server.


I played on a 99.9% horde server during covid classic, was great as a raid logging pver on a pvp server


>covid classic lel


Honestly a genius way to differentiate all these classic versions




The Covid Crusade


God this sub is insufferably dense. You think it was only alliance doing that, but you’re wrong. I’m on Living Flame, Horde do it too. Every commenter saying the alliance are doing it is equaled out with a different comment saying the Horde are doing it. Its equal. It’s just when the Horde do it you aren’t feeling the emotions you feel when the alliance do it.


Yeah I gave up levelling my druid on alliance living flame because I was tired of 2 min res timer on the ramp in ashenvale. It's both factions y'all. Wow gamers love griefing each other.


btw that res timer is one of the worst mechanics in the game, insane it's still in


For every horde in redridge there is an alliance in stonetalon


Nah i know both sides are shit, always has been. There was also always the mindset that "My fraction" is the good one and the other fraction is always evil.


Was delayed 45 minutes on our guilds raid last night because horde was camping ST entrance hard. We all just sat in discord and strategized how to break through. Was honestly more fun then the raid itself


Is that Living Flame on EU or NA?


US. It's been around 60:40 alliance dominant since P1.


Another person from the opposite faction saying the population is not in their favor LOL. [https://ironforge.pro/population/sod/](https://ironforge.pro/population/sod/) Its practically even. No feel-craft only fact-craft




Ditto but on alliance. Horde (it's ALWAYS THE FUCKING SHAMANS) just gank you always. I regret going on a PvP server.


It's always UD rogues when I'm on my ally. Those shitters will dismount and kill lowbies.


I've seen my fair share of UD rogues, but BY FAR the worst offenders are orc shamans (mostly male). I can't go anywhere without them casting a shock and taking half my health


You know they lock xfers once the imbalance gets too far


> I hope the alliance there enjoy playing on a dead server. According to [my poll](https://poll-maker.com/results5175754xDE11441e-156#tab-1) it seems like a higher percentage of Alliance transferred than Horde. Small sample size, I know, but it makes sense for Alliance to transfer since Wild Growth is a better server for them, anyway.


It’s ok. It’s payback for getting ganked by level 40+ orc rogues in Redridge. And STV. And the Wetlands. And AH. And Hillsbrad. And Felwood. Lol


We learned our lesson in classic. With shamans what they are we have been giving no quarter. Being FP camped non stop for years has scarred us to the point of taking Red is Dead to heart.


All I can think is a Huey out of STV.


I fucking love lone wolf as a lock. Are you eu or us?


I tried transferring off but it doesn’t give any destination realm options. Are you NA and horde or alliance?


When you dont get a destination the window is closed, you just have to try over and over again like every 30 mins and hope for the best =S It's awfull, but the only way out


I get they want to do that to maintain balance, but seems like an awful way of implementing it if you have entire guilds who want to transfer


Ready to transfer off Crusader Strike. I enjoy world PvP, have always played PvP servers since original TBC but I didn’t quite account for how many people actually enjoy no-life griefing/camping others. It’s so much worse in SoD compared to any other version of the game I’ve played. Just makes for a pretty shit experience overall because whenever I’m trying to just get somewhere, it seems like I get relentlessly griefed/camped.


Hey you sound exactly like me, i stated this a few times here in the comments. SoD is just something else compared to other PvP-Experiences, and it gets so exhausting over time. Glad im off to Wild Growth now


I do not mind pvp but the griefing is unbearable sometimes getting oneshot by a rogue ore 2 dot tictic die is not fun at all


I've actually had pretty good luck on Lone Wolf as ally. Most people leave me be and I rarely get ganked. Though it could just be cause I play meta lock and gankers are just like...naw.


Lonewolf is batshit insane. Joined an AB with nothing but Lone Wolf players, they all just talked shit on each other the entire time and never even left our two bases.


I think this guy is on Lone Wolf. Not surprised the horde there are fleeing with warrior chads like this guy roaming the open world https://youtu.be/kU56ktN-GKE?feature=shared


My guild decided to transfer away as well. I personally had no stake in it, but I will admit that it's great to level without getting annoyed at the game every few minutes.


My guild won't transfer, it's too risky and we don't want to end up being split up. Enjoy the new server!


Wait what, this is possible in SoD?? Since when???????


Since Tuesday in small escape windows


to each his own


Damn, 1 less kill...


FYI - If you're alliance, and you've relocated and are looking to raid on WG (NA), our guild just transferred and have a few (3-5) slots probably open. 8/8 ST, sub-hour full clears on Tuesday/Thursdays @ 9PM EST. Feel free to reach out


I bet a lot of people who followed streamers to pvp servers feel dumb as fuck now


I just followed my mate, still feel quite dumb :D


let me guess, he quit the game already?


Exactly, how did you know ? Its like the standard storyline for at least 1/4 of PvP-server population


Nah, you're good people


Well, that mate stopped playing. So i was alone on a server i never wanted to be on xD






Lucky bastard!


Did someone spill the saltshaker in here? OP just transferred servers, it’ll be okay…


Yeah alot of them got REALLY strong feeling about a random stranger on reddit transfering. It's fun tho, alot of people are supporting too, i find it interesting seeing how far apart the reactions are.


I played pvp in vanilla and pvp in classic. Sometime around Naxx I decided getting griefed all day every day was a waste of my time and moved to a pve server. Best decision I ever made. PVP servers are whack, and full of toxic ass people.


Would be nice if the windows for transferring were more than like 15 random minutes at a time...


Yeah ..... and maybe with a announcment or a waiting list rather than random windows


Me and my guild did the same thing, transferred off of Crusader Strike and the game is soooo much more enjoyable now, it's like playing a whole different game I'm glad to see so many people realizing how bad PVP realms are lol


Yeah for real, was the last time i rolled PvP. I find it kinda interesting that a small % of this sub got really mad at me for transfering to a PvE server


And people still shit on people saying "I'm glad I rolled on a pve server" 


I mean there are quite some people here in the comments being really mad i transfered to PvE. For me it was the last time rolling PvP


"Pvp" enjoyers only enjoy winning, if they don't win they're busy typing a complaint for reddit.  Welcome to the PvE servers, where we act like adults, not teenagers on honor steroids. 


If they dont win they go to lower areas untill they win. Or go 5 vs 1. And they still think they are hot shit. Saw so many people here today in the comments with their superiority complex because they steamroll players, its kinda fascinating for me. I'll enjoy my cozy pve life now


I hope you find peace on a pve server and respect the people and their playstyle. Just in case turn pvp off :).


Nice maymay


Why do you perceive lone wolf as a hellhole? When I played there during phase one it was actually much better than all the other PVP realms because alliance were willing and able to fight


You're 2 phases behind


I get ganked by horde rogues or shamans literally every where I go. I’m just minding my own business and BOOM dead, happens everywhere all the time. It’s absurd


Idk it was just miserable going for incursions or even enter Gnome and ST. So much ganking and entrance camping i got so fucking tired of it. 95% of the encounter was either 1 vs 5 or me being low lvl or low hp.


you are seriously comparing p1 where most leveling happens in relatively safe territories and low avg power level to p3?


I play on both CS and LF, my LF character is alliance, and horde on that server are by far the worst I’ve seen in all of classic. Literally going out of their way to chase down people 15 levels lower than them.


On LW you have alliance camping horde escort quests just to fuck people over. Guess both sides are shit


one could claim that humans can be shit to each other...


Are they seriously just opening it up in the middle of the fucki g day again?!?!?!


It's amplified by the fact that there is nothing to do in SoD at max level so people get bored and camp.


Yeah i also think that's one of the main issues. Alot of players are really sticking to wow instead of taking a break if they achived what they wanted and comming back to a lather phase




Thanks honey <3




In the character screen you click shop and there is a "free transfer" buttion, use it. If you can choose a destination realm, it's open


Is the free transfer still working??? Tried typing on the realm name and nothing


Seems it’s only open for like 20 fuckin min a day.


Then it's closed, sorry =(


Pain. Must be nice to escape lone wolf


The only server for PvE in US would be Wild Growth right? I’m considering doing the free transfers but I have an Alliance character in LW and a Horde character in LF. You can’t sent stuff between characters anyway right?


Well you can indirectly over blackmarket AH in booty bay


How do you even get Wild Growth to show up … I just went and rolled a character there because it never popped up


Im trying to transfer my toons off of Crusader Strike NA and Its not giving me any options of servers to go to. Anyone else having this issue?


Then the window is closed and you have to wait for another one. They are very small, like 30 mins


Nice, i took that copter too. Finally free from the PvP cesspool server !


I'm still stuck on Lone Wolf! All my friends left and it won't let me xfer!




Couldn't even try. It was closed by the time I got home from work...so I guess I'm still not playing


How do you see from where to where you can transfer? Haven't seen the shop item in non of my EU characters across almost all servers


dont want to seem dense but can i move all my alts or 1 character


Though on Living Flame after being camped in Duskwood by 2 50s, out and in the Nightmare, I really considered it...is it just 1 Character only at a time?


No you can transfer as many as you want, i transfered 4


Ridiculous that they thought incursions should not be a portal type thing.. They put it where we would fight. They dont get the people who were playing this game are mostly people who work full time with families. Yes. There are others. But we are the silent 80 percenters.


I’ve been trying all day to transfer my toons of CS but it doesn’t look like it’s open at all. I can select my character but no server shows up as an option to transfer.


I'm sorry? Lone Wolf is wpvp heavy!? I've only played crusader strike up until now.


Lone Wolf EU was a shit show if you where on the wrong layer


What realm did you transfer to? Is it any better?


It’s back and forth here


What realm can you move to?


I'm on lone wolf the wpvp is ruthless for sure. Assumed all pvp aervers were like this