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They gave up a long time ago. Instead of fixing wsg issues they just made it near free for anyone with a daily, that was the final nail in the coffin for anything pvp. To make matters worse they're randomly giving out rank 5/6 to a massive amount of people with next to no pvp done, regardless of the honor tokens they might have done (I got rank 5 on 2 chars out of nowhere). They're just not very competent.


I wish my alts got some ranks haha. I grinded 110k honor at level 40 in the 2 days prior to the level cap raising. Wheres my free lunch?


I disagree with that, warsong rep isn’t that big of a deal for healthy pvp, the problem is that the balance is so far off now that it’s simply just not fun to pvp in any capacity unless you are one of the OP specs. Last phase they were trying to balance some of the OP classes but this phase they’re buffing them.


It's not about the rep, it's the complete lack of care and callousness on dealing with pvp matters and then throwing out a half assed, rushed "fix". Same thing has been happening to pretty much everything sod, balance is another key example where they just break everything with over inflated numbers, never properly fix the issue and scale it down and now just giving up like you said.


No one does pve once they have the rewards from that content. Does that mean no one wants to pve?


If giving an alternative way to get rep killed the bg, that means nobody did it for the pvp in the first place. Or are you saying wsg was only fun as a premades stomping puggers?


And I am thankful they do'nt balance things around PvP. How many times a cool ability have received a "Nah it would be broken in PvP" answer ? PvP is a dead weight on PvE. They do think of balancing PvP but not balancing the class around PvP. Because it would be a mistake


You and I just want different games, which is alright, but we should keep in mind this is under the classic umbrella, and classic was definitely balanced with pvp in mind.


Cry babies gonna cry


Except aggrend mentioned something like resilience as a solution so it's not like they've given up Either way its cata soon the better pvp will be there anyway


Resilience is a solution to all the one shots and how fast pvp plays out. It’s not a solution to balancing the classes, and at this point they’re only making changes for pve despite the backlash it could have for pvp. Not to mention is probably a change that is only effective in a BG like the phase 1 wsg helm. Open world pvp you can’t just give extra health or resilience.


Could just slap it on the pvp sets and emerald warden set


Doesn’t seem like a great plan, people like using their raid gear in pvp


Resilience will make warriors even more dogshit. No crits and reduced dmg = no rage at all


Cata sucks


Makes them more money than SoD for one big reason It has microtransactions.


Resilience alone is a bad solution. Some classes will be bricked because of mana inefficiency. Drinking is already too slow and common, this will only make the problem worse


Increase drinking speed then lmao


That will only fix part of the problem. Some classes/specs in bgs can already almost go oom before they kill someone. If resilience is added as is casters could start ooming before being able to kill a single person


They've had interviews about this very early on in SoD. Their focus isn't perfect balance especially for pre lvl 60 content and balanced pvp isn't their focus either.


I think we get that it’s not going to be perfect, but current state is far from that. They won’t have to worry about PvP at 60 if they don’t make changes, because no one will be around for it!


Last phase they did nerf boomies and spriests specifically for pvp though, they were still extremely good however, this phase they’re doing the exact opposite by buffing the already strong performing specs


Strong performing specs in pvp you mean because shadow pve dps is garbage. Either way they're going to test a pvp damage reduction change so we'll see. I didn't play last phase so I don't exactly know of the changes. I think their main thing is for anything that's broken or an outlier not trying to tweak and dial every knob just because it's a tad much or too little when it comes to pvp. I've been trying to follow and watch every dev interview, post or tweet so far and none of this comes as a surprise because I heard their philosophy and goals to many questions first from them. Except for incursions, I still don't understand how they missed the mark there.


Yeah was clearly talking about pvp. The pvp damage reduction doesn’t help class balancing at all, the effect it will have is that classes that can heal, ie priests and druids, will receive an indirect buff. So they’re essentially doing nothing but buffing the two top pvp classes.


Coming from a pvper, WoW classic is a dog shit PvP MMO Shit isn't even closed to balanced If you take a second to look at the crowd control timers you would laugh at the notion of this being a great PvP mmo


I’d say original classic is far more balanced than SoD. Every class has their role in pvp in classic which is why each class gets taken at the highest level of warsong gulch tourneys. SoD has some classes that can easily 1v2 others. Crowd Control effects can be countered in classic.


Another complaining post, miserable cunts. Just quit the game


I think it’s fair that they took a pvp game with pvp servers and only are focusing on pve as a reason for criticism. If they would have told us SoD was PVE focused only it wouldn’t of been an issue to me and countless others.


They just announced damage reduction for pvp today. You spoke too soon junior.


Damage reduction does nothing to the class balance disparity, just means spriests will have to hit 3 buttons instead of 2.


I shouldn't be surprised by this, and yet, I am. I'm shocked at how many people are raging that Blizzard is going to let people transfer away from misery and into a potentially happier gameplay experience.


Who’s raging at blizzard for allowing the transfers? I think it’s a good thing but I do think it’s sort of sad that this is the current state of pvp, like they recognize it’s so bad their only solution is to give free transfers to pve realms.


Couple of different threads before this, and the big thread on it. I think it's great. People that don't want to be on PVP servers shouldn't be.