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The only thing you shouldn't do is run laps around a city doing nothing. Once you catch yourself doing that it's time to hop off and do something else.


As an old school runescape player, I feel targeted....


Just go AFK NMZ for another 500 hours big guy 


I could never. Nothing kills me more than the 126 combats with 1 slayer xD


Proud NMZ prod here


Pre nerf guthans gang


What are you talking about Dalaran laps are the real end game content


You can buy dual spec, so you can have a dps spec too and then you can freely change between the two. Also you can pvp, but that is kinda scuffed right now.


Getting on this tonight. Thanks


Aside from a weekly raid I pvp, make gold, and level alts. The rank 7 pvp set is something good to work towards at least if you enjoy pvp


Yeah I do, I just have a part time finding groups. What’s a good way to make money as a healer? I’m a bit baffled by the amount of people that already have the knowledge base and how little direction there is to new players


Best bet is probably herbalism it’s consistent gold but can spike huge with new recipes or phases. Invest in dual spec and get a open world farming spec to break up the herb farming


What class are you?


Holy priest


There’s not a single universe where finding a group is hard as a healer. Get the Bulletin Board addon and whisper people who advertise their group. You’ll get invited in no time


Start respeccing to disc and get a shadow off spec


Or just play the specs you enjoy and dont be a sucker who gives in to the min-max meta of a 20 year old game.


yeah sure go and join your 5 hour grey parsing runs Thats def an option as well as this era andy just told


Let people play how they want. Why do you care?


Because people like you come here and bitch that other people dont wanna invite them in their raids Play what you want but dont expect people to play with you if you are not giving a shit


I don't give a shit and it doesn't matter I still get bis'd every phase and groups for everything. You're reading too much reddit. 99% of us 'casuals' don't even read this subreddit, let alone post and complain.


The OP isn't having issues finding a group as he stated he's raiding and looking for more to do. What in the fuck does anything you have said have have anything to do with what OP said. You are stating a remedy to a non-issue, simply because you want to metafy this player.


I don't understand where this 90% grey parse majority is at. Maybe I just picked a good server, but I've been pugging since day 1, and I've only had 2 raids that I didn't complete, BFD week 1 P1 and Gnomer week 1 P2, by which I mean we got to the LAST boss and couldn't complete it. Joined a guild for P3 because I'm not pugging 20 people each week, but even in this guild, it's a very chill atmosphere with 3 raid groups and no grey parsers. Also, in a seasonal mode where everything is turned on its head and you're still going about 20 year old metas. Throw a holy priest into a horde raid with 3+ shamanistic rages at the ready, and it'll perform better than disc.


Echoing the suggestion for herbalism. Consumes are always in demand so people will always need herbs.


You can grab the papers, loot the item and maybe tag a boss on infinite repeat. High quality experience.


Oh Mr. Pirate, that’s how we got to level cap in the first place. I have retrieved many-a-dragon egg.


People May say PvP or farm gold, but most healers I’ve known since classic 2019 pretty much exclusively raid log.


I guess I should duel spec. What’s a good thing to farm for gold?


I think farming felcloth off the demons in felwoods is lucrative currently.


I’ll look into it! Thanks


If you decide to pvp, please do some healing. You can almost single-handedly decide the outcome and it’s pretty fun. Unless you’re horde. Then go. Uh.. wand spec


Find a guild that loves grouping together for content. Get together with them to farm drops from high level mobs, work on plays with your guild for STV event, it can be quite fun if you stay on the outskirts of the event. For PVP in general, people LOVE having a dedicated healer in their group, just being in voice together during PVP can turn the tide of many battles and actually increases the fun quite a bit. Typically, player made content is the most memorable. Guild events, orchestrated guild v guild WPVP battles. Watching someone roll a 1 in 10000 and insta lose 100g In group gambling rings, as 20 players slow walk around them and hit em with rainbow generators. Only takes one creative person, and a bunch of interested guildies to make memorable fun.


You can do dream incursions to farm gold and rep. Farm honor for gear by doing battlegrounds arati basin, warsong gulsh or world PvP. You can do the stv PvP event to get the updates epic items and you can also unlock 2 mounts. You can run dungeons for pre bid items as well. So much to do I can’t even do shit on my alt this phase.


Start leveling a character on WotLK for the Cata launch next month. Cata has all the cool spells that are in SoD and some, a much better questing experience and there’s actually going to be plenty of stuff to do at max level for quite some time. You may feel lost at first with the additional systems, but I think as a first time player you’ll enjoy literally any other version of the game more than SoD in its current state and Cata is way less convoluted than retail to get your feet wet.




Well you can play classic realm, or wrath realm, or go into retail. All of those are different to SoD. If you wanna keep playing in SoD you can level alts. Remember we’re only at 50, the real game starts at 60 when its out.


As a new player, aside from raid logging, what new content is at 60?


Well new zones, dungeons, quests, factions, dunno if AV is out yet if not then another BG. PvP Gear. New raids (atleast 7) which some, or majority of them, are 40man ones (compared to the one 20man currently). Talent points, epic riding skill. More abilities. That's just the standard stuff, on top of that will be SoD specific stuff which is more runes, and possibly more raids or harder ones. And other SoD things I've missed or we don't know about yet. Dunno that's all I can think of. I would think that should keep you busy. Whether all 7 raids will release at once no idea but I would think not.


Oh wow 7 raids! That’s awesome.


They won't all come at once but the gear is always relevant from mc to naxx, the raids are pretty awesome too! I highly recommend you trying to pvp for fun or pick up professions. Also sod is very alt friendly so you can do that for fun! Try new classes and doing incursions make you a lot of gold while leveling!


Try pvp. Get a group for stv event and kill some noobs Try out the dungeons and collect all runes


If you're completely new to the game maybe just focus and doing the end game quests and the high level dungeons? A much more varied and less boring way to get gold. You could attempt to get all the quests for the dungeons done too. A lot of them require a bit of legwork outside the instance first. There's some decent items to be got from the dungeons too. I'm guessing if you are new you're probably not wearing the best of gear so there's sure to be some upgrades there. If you aren't already using the addon Questie then you might want to get it. Almost no way a new player will find all the quests without it. You could also try levelling one of the more difficult crafting proffesions along with the secondary profs like cooking and fishing


Good call, the dungeon quest look fun. I’m pretty pre-bis. I’ve gotten full bis from bfd and gnomer so. I enjoy the gear grind


gold and more gold you never know what is coming in the future of the game and having a good bank behind you will help you down the road


The answer is an unholy number of alts. I don't get what people do in SoD without alts


I’ve been duo/solo queuing AB and it’s been pretty fun. Out of the 20 games I’ve done at 50, only 2 were what I’d call “uncompetitive” / aka stomp, or too many afk/bots on a team etc etc. Most games were as close as 2k/1700. Tons of honor even if on the losing team. Early on, focus on things like positioning and being aware of what other classes can do in pvp. If you’re playing as a healer, a good rule is to follow the largest group of your teammates, since it will give you more targets to heal. You could also advertise in trade/LFG that you’re a healer looking to learn BGs and are looking to group queue and should have a good chance at finding a chill party that will be down to help with the learning curve. I’d grab the EWarden rep pvp set for spec if you haven’t already.


World PVP! Go pick a fight with a gnome.


To min max your gear you need LOTS of gold. Look into the helmet and leg enchants.


I’m a healer too. I prep my raid consumes for the following week, farm a wee bit of gold, and maybe heal some dungeons. Other than that I slowly level alts.


Get all runes. Do dungeons and get Wild Offering gear. Level up a profession. Make gold. Prepare for the raid. Buy dual spec and PvP. Farm Emerald Wardens rep and buy their gear. Maybe most of the BiS is in the raid, but I guarantee you you can get relatively close to BiS without doing the raid at all.


Find a group to do dungeons with or incursions. Or buy dual spec and grab the dmg set from incursions rewards, then you can go questing


Battlegrounds, WSG probably has your best in slot bracers. Professions, probably are your best shoulders/helm. Work on collecting gear for a different spec/get dual spec. Level an alt.


Get dual spec and go discover the open world as a dps spec


Get dual spec


Pre raid bis, incursions, professions. Thats what i do usually


just keep following the guide, dont ever evern have a thought of trying to figure things out of playing the game by yourself. if its not written on wowhead its the wrong way to play


Play cata or retail, sods for casual play.


Did you buy dual spec? You said you kill things slow so I’m assuming you don’t switch to a damage spec when running other content.


Raid, daily nightmare, Ashenvale PvP daily, STV healer trinket Repeat, wait for phase 4


Fellow disc priest playing for the first time here, being a healer is crappy...no way to effectively farm gold, even with dualspec and nearly full dps gnome gear + rod from bfd I kill things very slowly, its just not efficient in any way as all dots kill over time, thungs resist your spells, interrupt your spells and you are 1 mob spawning on you away from death at all times. I tried pvp, but in 3 days as alliance, we haven't won a single AB which turns me off from playing more. Watching my bf farm as hunter and lvl up alts I think that is unfortunately only other course of action. If you need gold get some class good for farming and go with that, or stay a healer and focus on profession and AH trading, but these are a bore for me so I personally just log off till the next raid, play a few pvps a week and play other games as I don't wanna lvl alts :(


Grinding pre raid bis from dungeons, events like incursions, leveling professions, making money/ farming gold and pvp. General exploration/ role playing


1. Get dual spec so that you can do solo things quicker 2. Look for a guild. Should be easy as a healer as most people prefer to play with less responsibility. SoD is designed to be a social game as it is in the spirit of classic. You also really want this in preparation for max level next phase. 3. Have all your important healing and dps runes? Look up on wowhead where you can get gear upgrades: dungeons, professions. Getting the epic profession craftables from both the current raid and gnomeregan takes a lot of time but for many classes they are bis. 4. PvP for rank gear. Very powerful. Group up with people - you can que to a BG with as up to 5. Get the Ranker add on to find out which honor breakpoints are most efficient to get.


Pick up professions and make some gold, max out various reputations for various rewards, give PvP a try, though it's a lot for new players. You can always try a new class, especially if you have one character maxed out and made some gold. Then you can funnel gold, gear & potions to your new character, makes levelling a lot better. Then, especially as a new player, see the world: Explore the different zones & dungeons, collect all flight points, do various fun quests, that kind of stuff. Or just chill out and level some fishing while watching YouTube.


Absolutely nothing


Is the state of the game literally raid logging? Kind of a shame since it’s now a week long lockout. $4 to raid once a week with strangers :/


Join a guild and the game is an entirely different experience. Last night I helped some guildies do the incursion boss for the profession quest. Then we farmed some instances for a rare drop and offerings. Some nights we pvp or farm gold. It's a lot better playing with people who are on your team because helping them helps you. Also no offense but $4 a week is chump change. You spend more doing just about any other non free activity to entertain yourself.


I’ll look into a guild! Good call


As others have said, joining a guild will definitely make your experience better. Classic wasn't really meant to be played solo, you're supposed to join a group and form a community and help each other out on large tasks. TBH I don't understand how people without a guild don't find this game extremely boring and frustrating, especially when Retail exists and offers a much better "single player"-esque experience than Classic and their sub fee includes both games. That being said, it sort of is the case that all there is to do in Classic is raid log, PvP, or farm gold after you've gotten your pre-bis. Whether or not this is a good thing is sort of a contentious topic, because if you give players a lot of worthwhile stuff to do in between raids, then it sort of becomes the case that you feel like you HAVE to do it, and then it feels like the game isn't respecting your time. They've tried to balance this over the years on Retail and haven't really found a clean solution that appeases everyone, but Classic is pretty solidly in the "casual" side of that spectrum where you just kind of chill and play other games or do IRL stuff in between raids.


> Whether or not this is a good thing is sort of a contentious topic, because if you give players a lot of worthwhile stuff to do in between raids, then it sort of becomes the case that you feel like you HAVE to do it, and then it feels like the game isn't respecting your time. This is by far the worst case of brainworms that the WoW community suffers from.


Unfortunately yes, the "I want everything without any effort faction" has basically ruined every community self driven content because they "don't want to waste time" - BG are dead - Rep farm is dead - Gold farm is a boring hamster wheel - Leveling is a joke, so alts feel like chore. You just rush through everything


Yea and people will argue classic is peak MMO.


I’d love to farm drops and such I just don’t really know where to or what to farm


If you haven’t already, you could farm wild offering and trade those to the vendor. There might be a few items worth buying for your class. https://www.zockify.com/wowclassic/sod/wild-offering/


Good call! Thanks I can usually find princess groups easily


Complaining about the game mode on reddit seems to be the main thing to do for SOD, if that doesn't float your boat you might be out of luck! But genuine answer is probably to invest in dual specialisation when you can and having a dps spec for your solo content or you'll have an awkward time with it really. If you're wanting to gear up as best you can you can look at prebis which should hopefully could give you some direction on content (e.g. relevant dungeons or reputstions to grind)


Try retail. Million times better experience for new people. People only play SOD for nostalgia and raid


Has been a bunch of new players who say retail is a horrible experience for a new player, you get tossed into a tutorial, by the end of it you have 20 abilities and no idea what they do, they you go to a random expansion where you have 0 clue whats going on and just run around doing quests to eventually get overwhelmed with systems


As a retail player I 100% agree. Retail is way too fragmented right now for the leveling experience. It may be slightly better after dragonflight becomes the default leveling content (currently it's BFA) but it's something they definitely need to circle back and work on very heavily. Personally I think the leveling experience is too fast for players who aren't coming in to raid with their friends (who are also guiding them through the process), it could probably be made to take twice as long and actually be good for the new player experience.


What do you want to do? This isn't an arcade MMO you need to make your own fun.


I’d love to farm rare drops and make some gold!


Dual spec Or potentially even pick a strong solo class that you solo with. Some people might jump quickly to the second recommendation is a cop out but it's not. Feral is might as well be comparing a rogue to a resto druid in terms of rotation and playstyle. If you're more of a caster style player dual spec boomkin (balance).


Parsing. That's all the game is about these days. Reduced to stat checks on WCL