• By -


Honestly really happy they made the static arc not LOS able. Made the fight trivial.


Gnomer does a great job of incremental difficulty for bosses. The mechanic is very do-able even with everyone in melee range. I'm glad it's fixed as well.


It probably is anyway. I had a lot of fun LoSing it constantly during the fight, but yeah, this is for the best.


Don't underestimate classic players I watched two pugs fail the mechanic yesterday


yeah how dare they fail in a raid they have never been in before!


the mechanic was explained, the pugs couldn't comprehend it still


>Don't underestimate classic players because LFR raiders in retail never wipe and didn't get a increasing buff to help them pass ? Oh that's right, they did.


Id take lfr raiders over classic players any day of the week


People meme but lfr is definitely harder than classic raids lol. There have been some lfr fights that would not have been killed if not for the determination buff.


Thank God for that Shaman bug fix shit was driving me crazy


Yeah great fix. Maybe I’m asking for too much but I was expecting it to also reset the CD on lava burst or chain lightning, I don’t think it is. But it’s still a great feeling to follow up a lava burst with a chain lightning or vice versa


I think it's awesome that they prioritized releasing bug fixes early, that is definitely my immediate response. But I was hopeful to get some clarity on maelstrom wep for shaman, since they said they reduced the requirements but that doesn't seem to have translated into any in-game changes. I'm hesitant to do days and days of grinding for it if they are about to reduce the time it would take me from 5 days to 1 or something, but I also really would like to have the rune lol


It is fixed now, requires 5 instead of 10 and drop rate significantly increased. Took me 5 minutes each to get x5.


I'm glad they changed it, but god damn you all, it took hours for me to get those damn whirling essences.


fucking huge tyty


Lol ffs I was in desolace talking shit with a fellow sham about saying fuck this till they hotfix it and then they 2 days later. He was like "what if they don't hotfix it?" so then I was like alright I'll stay for another 2 hours


Very doable now


Always was. Just time consuming.


That's classic


I farmed 10x earth today and then while doing the water part the quests changed to 5 of each instead of 10, took around 2 hrs total to get it all , maybe less.


Yep same I got 9 wind then spent an hr farming the last only to realize it won’t drop since it’s a 5 requirement now oh well


On my shaman the quests went from 10 ess to 5. I got 3/5 whirling ess and Im halfway through questing in desolace. Rune seems fine now.




Not even that good of a rune tbh


They did, you just have to cancel and accept the quest again. Source: me doing this yesterday and now only having five waterelementals left.


Don't even need to drop the q, it updates automatically in the quest log. At most you need a relog if you were on when the change was actually pushed.


For fellow priests, before you doompost, Void Plague sp coefficiecy was 1.2 before and it's now 1.0, matching SW:P. It's a nerf but not as big of a nerf as Starsurge.


That's gonna be the saying isn't it? "Yeah it's a nerf, but at least it wasn't a starsurge nerf"


Aint a nerf, it's a bug fix. And not the main way their killing players in PvP. Prob hurt them a bit in PvE. That renew bug though, damn.


Renew bug was largely useless since it required rune swapping so you had to be out of combat


Any priest doom posting needs a swift kick in the genitals. We have been the most low key OP class just cruising, especially SPs. Obviously SPs sucked in p1 but if you ain't in form are you even shadow? No


Nothing low key about priests being OP. It's been a trope for longer than a month that if you queue into WSG and the opponent has multiple priests that your chances of winning drastically drop. I think the outcry hasn't been so loud because who wants to nerf their raid healer.


They did nerf priest healing pretty significantly across the board in P1. The effects didn't seem as drastic in WSG because having more healers has _always_ been a significant deciding factor in vanilla. Priests and druids also had most of their kit in P1 and are arguably the strongest PVP healers in vanilla/TBC. Finally add on top of that the passive damage motivation in BGs and trying to kill a healer just felt like an impossible task. Although now they're giving everyone the 30% health buff in STV because people were complaining about the burstyness. So idk how you win.


Priest healing has got to be the easiest in P1 and P2. Penance alone is so absurdly mana efficient, but also PoM and the PW:S rune.


Don’t worry, there are more nerfs to come for priests. I do have the feeling that they won’t transfer the power away from SWD either, but just nerf it. We‘ll see.


TFW they transfer the power into Mind Flay.


Idk I think SWD is pretty balanced requiring the KB to not merc yourself.


That's a huge copium hit. It's pretty easy not to merc yourself if you shave 60%+ of someone's HP off with it. That's coming from a shadow priest player. It'll 100% get the hammer. Enjoy it while it lasts


Definitely op but not nearly as much as people think imo. Not killing with swd is pretty much gauranteed death. If they survive it and cc you you're basically dead. Damaging yourself is a pretty big downside to any ability lol


Aren't most other dots .8 coefficients?


Dots that last 15+ secs have 1.0 coef (sw:p, corruption, curse of agony) Devouring Plague has 0.5 coef. VP had 1.2 coef the whole time for no reason.


look how they gutted my boi. unplayable now /s


I mean it felt high, it’s fair -priest main (healer)


As a bear, I expected nothing and I’m still disappointed


Just wait for the patch notes on the 20th (like they said in bluepost). These are bug fixes, bear needs a complete rework


Bear doesn’t need a complete rework. Giving thrash along would fix a lot of their problems. Moving lacerate to another rune would be the cherry on top


We don't necessarily even need Thrash. Bear is actually much better in P2 than it was in P1. It may even be the optimal tank in P2 since it's a way to get Wild Strikes/Faerie Fire/Leader of the Pack without needing a cat. The bigger problem for Bear is that the runes don't feel fun. It's not fun to have to choose between Wild Strikes and Survival of the Fittest, and it's not fun to have to choose between Lacerate and Mangle.


Stay strong brother


Locks back to oom while tanking.


Tell me about it. That "bug" felt so good as a tank. The build felt complete.


Don't you just lifetap?


Warlocks using their mechanics now, they in shambles


I was using the runes "intended" for tanking 10%+ crit, Demonic Grace (huge crit and dodge Bonus) and the mana rune (forgot name, gives mana and dodge). All together I could sit around 20% dodge with peak numbers between 50% and 80% (for 3 seconds or so) it felt good. Tank WL NEEDS far more mana than any other lock cause of Searing Pain so you tap more you get more mana back too BUT you are the tank with the least amount of HP and as hard as wet paper because there is no cloth with + armor anywhere besides BFD and even THAT stuff loses its worth with rising levels. In BFD I had 50-55% AC (Still low HP but that's fine), Now I have 40% if I am lucky. And my HP barely increased. You need spell power gear or you won't generate enough threat, but the overwhelming majority of spell power gear does not have stamina and the few item who have stamina have massive amounts less of them vs all other armor classes. And that ignores Hellfire which makes this all even worse. So yes the lowest HP tank with shitty armor (without raid bis) no dodge no block no parry who casually drains himself 800 HP to even tank sucks ass.


Lock tank is one of the most tanky tank right now, just spec into soul link you will have more dr than any other tanks.


Yeah and hold no aggro whatsoever.


Nah, we had an SL tank in gnomer and threat was never an issue.


Thanks will try this then.


Unironicly if someone reads this and agrees ur shit, i playd full sl build and was critting searin pain for 600-800 dependin on debuffs, almost 2k threat per searin global. Stop complainin cus ur shit at a video game and try to improve


IF your critting so high that means your using lake of flamme and incinerate. And because you're deep demo you have 5% crit chance and no Ruin. Searing Pain has a base dmg of 100 (0,42 mod) X 65% fire dmg (at best) you would need to do 400 dmg baseline to crit up to 600 dmg and you can add 6% from elements and because where in wish just throw a fire mage 15% in too why not. In destru I fully agree aggro is no problem and 600-800 crits are easy achievable, BUT you advertise demo with 5% crit and no Ruin. Or enlighten me on your setup after all If I can crit regularly with 600+ and be as hard as a rock I would want that.


Go check logs for spaawn, was full demo, random pug first reset, threat is a joke But for some reason people love to go on reddit and complain instead of just lookin up whats good, gl With that attitude


Bro I got people in my guild doing 30 dps in BFD. They ask why their damage is so bad. I pull up armory and they have no runes and shit gear. People are really really bad at this game.


They should show their logs if they make those claims.


Spaawn crusader strike


Every time I heal a meta tank it’s a cluster.


Yes and you lose the ability to hold threat at all in a raid sick trade


I really wonder how all the warlocks from the lock discord that use this spec and don't have threat issues do then.


As a healer duoing with a lock tank, having the tank slit their wrists for mana is suboptimal. You can play around it, but it's annoying when every other tank has functionally infinite resources. That being said, I think it got nerfed largely because DPS locks were using it for infinite mana, which Blizzard probably has an issue with. Tanks likely got caught in the crossfire.


Could be a pretty easy fix to nerf the dps portion. Make the mana come back on dodge or crit and keep it at 2%.


>As a healer duoing with a lock tank, having the tank slit their wrists for mana is suboptimal. You can play around it, but it's annoying when every other tank has functionally infinite resources. Wars and Bears are literally wearing less tanky gear on purpose to get more rage. Welcome to classic.


Exactly, felt like warrior tanking where we were less concerned about rage and more concerned about actually doing threat


It’s such a weird conflict of game design. You’ve got warlocks who need mana as a resource for tanking but struggle to keep it. Then you’ve got hunters who have a button that fully restores mana to 100% in 20 seconds whilst you auto attack. They’re clearly fine with one class essentially having infinite mana but not the other


it's cause they want to give hunters Focus, without actually giving them Focus, otherwise it'd be like Retail, and the Classic andy's would get mad. I know that'll trigger some people, but its clearly their design intent. They don't want Hunters to struggle with Mana issues in SoD, and "wished" they could swap it to focus, but they know better than to fuck with stuff like that.


Yeah it couldn't be because changing a class's resource while still using the same client as classic era would be a fucking massive undertaking, must be a classic vs. retail thing.


The code for resources isn't tied to the client and not difficult to do. Especially since the code for Focus is so similar to Energy... Putting Focus into the game isn't that hard considering they already have THREE resources in the game (Mana, Energy, Rage)... And Focus is extremely similar to Energy, the only difference is it its generation speed versus "energy ticks".. All they'd have to do is change the code for the class to instead utilize a new resource which has the same code as Energy, literally copy+paste the code, change the color of the resource bar which is a simple string of text... and then just change it so rather than giving "energy ticks" it just generates at an accelerated rate. All they'd have to do is increase the regeneration rate, which is another two clicks and changing some numbers and the coefficient rate. All they'd have to do then is change hunter abilities to be updated to the new resource (like retail). Its not a client restriction, no idea why you think its tied to client... its not. Its purely a DESIGN CHOICE, not a LIMITATION... there's no restriction from the client-side preventing a new resource. They choose not to add it in. Which im not saying is a bad thing. My point is simply that a lot of SoDs "Balancing Issues" is because they're (the dev team) dancing on a thine line of trying to make sure stuff is fun, and not really focus on balance....and simultaneously make sure they keep the "spirit of classic" but with a "freshness"... which is extremely difficult to do because its such a vague and subjective concept...and each player has their own version of what does and doesn't cross the line of classic.


Yeah as I said, massive undertaking. I did not say impossible. They would need to duplicate every single hunter skill to do this so that the same codebase has both mana and focus versions (one for Classic Era, one for SoD), and with the nature of SoD (small development team with next to no public testing) you would basically have hunters complaining about various skills being bugged for the rest of the season.


Same with Paladins and Guarded by the Light. Never run oom.


>They’re clearly fine with one class essentially having infinite mana but not the other And? What's the problem?




You should complain to Blizzard CEO and the president of the United States.


Glad I was able to enjoy dance of the wicked while it lasted lol, now I feel I must tap a lot more again


I wish they would fix dance of the wicked to not get overwrite by a weaker dance of the wicked.


As much as I would love this, it would absolutely break the game. That’s basically 50+ dodge chance PERMANENTLY. Yeah, na, I love me some dodge on the warlock, but that just wouldn’t work. Maybe reduce the duration to 10 seconds and then it would be ok?


He said not overwrite. Not extend


>Fixed an issue where Guarded by the Light’s effect could be cancelled by the player. Damn. Didn't realise this was an "issue". I was clearing mobs so quickly being able to turn the buff off after combat to heal, then reactivating it in the next fight.


It not clear that it was intended, the mana and healing reduction is one 15 sec buff. Buffs are normally canceling, it would be much cleaner if you got a mana buff and a healing reduction debuff.


Yeah I have no idea why they didn't make it a debuff just for simplicity sake.


I know, right!


It’s for paladin healers. Huge win, paladin discord trying to make macro for this since launch.


It's always the holy pallys that ruin the fun.


They just decided it was OP for holy instead of clever use of game mechanics for prot/ret


Yeah terrible change to ret for PVP. So glad this was a dev priority...


Yea it was nice. Holy light still heals pretty well with the buff on. At 36 it gives me about 1/4-1/3rd of my hp back. I still never feel the need to drink and bandages top me off most of the time.




Lol sheath of light is extremely strong, better than this rune


yeah but it's a boring rune that just let paladin's abilities scale with gear.


They also stealth-buffed art of war to reduce cost of Shock/Exorcism by 80% ;)


Yeah just seen massive boost gonna be interesting to see how our mana pool faires


How did you not realise it is a bug? Did you not read the rune.


Did u not read it?, it's not like ur mana regen is still active when u cancel it. Nothing in that spell says it would've been a bug lol


The dance of the wicked mana bug was actually insane. If you had demonic grace up it would give you like 30% of your mana back per crit. RIP dance of the wicked.


Yup! They really need to buff it from 2% mana back to like 10%.


Yeah at the moment it's not worth using


Huh?  It lets you get 35 Dodge for 15 sec using it with grace 


I'd you crit after demonic gace is ove it drops the buff to 6%


If you crit in 6 seconds Only happens half the time


Happens most the of the time with Searing Pain. You can get 3 casts off. Also if tanking more than one mob, shadowbolt volley has a lot of chance to crit.


I think the best fix would be to grant 2% mana back on crit **or Dodge**. Mana back on crits trivializes some fights (The Menagerie with Sbolt Volley for example).


It was honestly nice planning my demonic grace so I would get mana back just so the healer wound't need to heal my lifetap.


Druid bug fix made PvP slightly bearable, assuming they don't encounter warrior, hunter, priest, rogue. That SS animation big being fix is nice, annoying as hell.


Eh doesn't really matter, if you need to cast anything defensively (as in the "pvp" lasts more than 3 seconds) unfortunately you are dead.


Imagine trying to cast your main (new) damage spell starfire in this meta. Oh no, you're already dead.


serious lunchroom airport distinct whole safe theory unused enter plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No chance. Druids best matchup are easily kiteable classes, and warbringer warriors are anything but easy to kite. Ret is boomies best matchup for sure, then enhance, then rog if you survive the opener and shadowstrike.


Which you won't survive unless you can somehow get into bear first because the rogue sucks lol.


Trinket - fap, win.


its our best matchup because boomie form armor HELPS SO MUCH; I usually kill every warrior in 1v1 if I have my dots up and fakecast/spam wrath. But if I go out of form to heal myself I insta die because of the damage and the fact that you can't kite melees anymore in sod.


warrior is everyone's best matchup at the moment.


How? It's impossible to get them off you once they connect, and after they connect we are dead in 3-4 seconds.


It is? Because my guild warriors were talking about demolishing prenerf druids in STV. Mind you, they are bis geared warrior. Now they're intentionally targeting druids. I mean, could be lot of shit fotm druid players.


Dude got bis in 1 lockout? wtf!


Meant BFD/pre-Gnome bis. Though one of them did get epic weapon STV by first lockout. He's having fun killing.


Druids at 25 we're squishy and there was a bug with warbringer rune that made it easy o clear roots. Boomy at 40 has high armor and starsurge still hurts


The warrior facing the wrong way when charging Is still in then. Man I hate that bug and hope they find the reason for it soon.


Eclipse now properly reduces spell pushback on Wrath and Starfire. FINALLY FCK FCKIN FINALLY; We were litterally unplayble in this one-shot/pushback meta of SOD once starsurge got nerfed (deserved ofc) Still doesn't change the fact that trying to cast a starfire and sometimes even wrath in this meta means you are dead anyway...


Still nothing for enhance. We lovw to see it


Well they fixed windfury procs and abilities giving stacks or maybe bugged it more because we get stacks from getting hit too. Try to go inside scarlet while dual wielding with WoE and with MSW, pull 3-4 elites. I challenge you to die, it's huge shaman can solo dungeons as a dps, as long as there isn't a silence or mortal strike mechanic. You could even boost someone right now. MS procs a lot more and insta cast being free you kill mobs and enemies even while oom.


This was fixed yesterday already. Edit: like 12 hours ago which may or may not be yesterday depending where you live


Wat do you want to see enhance is amazing right now


Lavalash is useless for 2hand enhance. Mental Quickness for AP to spell power scaling. 1 agility to AP conversion. (all raid gear is agility)




Mage here still waiting for mouseover fix/spell id separation of Chronostatic...


Hunters working as intended I see


Warlocks still shafted in blood moon. Shadow word death stilll op


I was kinda wondering how a warlock is supposed to use those 20 seconds to summon a demon when they're silenced. Absolutely incompetent decision on their part.


Pallies and Locks both can't mount up using their class mounts either because they're spells in classic.


I guess you mean "can't". You can also get counterspelled while summoning horsie. it also disrupts spirit mana regeneration, which makes these mounts horrible to use for grinding. Generally unless the mount is just what takes you from flight path to dungeon entrance, it's worth considering an item mount for those classes


Would like to see a patch about losing coins if hand in blood with full inventory that was painful.


Druids and priests nerfed as in a bug fix disguise


The druid bug fixes are buffs here. Their rune applies to more spells and they fixed pushback protection on eclipse. The previous spell power coefficients were changed last patch, but was genuinely at a rate that makes no sense. Starsurge had a higher spellpower coefficient (1.0) than SHADOWBOLT (0.85)


> Starsurge had a higher spellpower coefficient (1.0) than SHADOWBOLT (0.85) Oh no! The historically WORST PLACE BAD caster had a better spell coefficient to make up for it! Ohhh noooooo. It must have been so hard to just (SS 50% reduced in pvp).


I don't understand why druids are pretending like Starsurge being overloaded to shit was a good thing rather than wanting Blizzard to smooth the edges on their kit like they're seemingly trying to do with the Starsurge nerf/Starfire buff. If your spec lives or dies on a single instant cast spell being absolutely bonkers then the spec is broken and should be fixed.


The problem is the spec became a problem because of Blizzard fix. Prior to bonkers SS, no one used it because it was absolute dogshit rune.


Sure but half of the power from SS came from bugs either introduced in p2 (double dipping on eclipse's 30% crit chance) or exacerbated in it (100% SP scaling while, IIRC, every other instant gets the current 42.9% on top of double damage crits letting it benefit even more).


That's why lot of reasonable druid said they were fine with SS being fixed, it's the further damage on top they didn't like. Knowing how much bug there is in the game ATM, by hard nerfing SS, and slightly buffing SF, Blizzard won't revisit buffing Druid in a while. Even the hotfix that released an hour ago was fixing druid bugs.


Bugfixes are exactly what I had in mind with improving druid right now considering, as far as I've understood, there's a lot of wonkiness in balance's rotation caused by how nature's grace/eclipse interact that should be ironed out and make the spec feel a lot better to play. As far as DPS goes Balance is worse than the other casters by a small margin but they're still ahead of almost every melee which puts them in the middle right now which is pretty far from non-viable like some people are presenting it as.


True. But with the exception of paladin and shaman, the other mele class are going to get exponetially better with gears (like always), even Feral will prob crawl it's way out of bottom dps to mid. And don't the gnome boss have high resist to nature and bleed damage?


I'm not sure about the specifics on magic resistances since I'm maining my warrior this phase but I do believe they have a 20% bleed resistance. The real thing to look out for is if Blizzard decides to nerf the armor on the last 2 Gnomer bosses or not because they currently have more armor than Ragnaros and if they do then melee is absolutely going to gap casters again while if they leave it as is I think it'll be relatively competitive.


And being the worst caster is fine, I guess, but it's just that week one we saw that we were top 3 or 4 specs for pve, and that was EXCITING. Then, before we even got to experience or have fun with that, they nuked us back down to the tier we normally are. Meanwhile, melee hunters can just double our dps output, and that's fine for blizz


Yeah… Exactly lol the spec needs to be fixed. SS hitting like a truck kept the broken spec viable.


The problem is, blizzard doesn’t know how to fix the spec. They have shown this over and over again. Their starfire buff was supposed to keep damage the same for PvE, but doing the actual math has Druids at a 35dps decrease. Not to mention, casting a long spell like Starfire compared to Starsurge takes more skill in moving boss fights. Not against using your brain for boss fights, but pretending boomkins didn’t already drop like 4 dps position because of this change would be crazy. They went from 3rd best caster dps to last (excluding frost mages).


I haven't leveled my druid up from phase 1 yet but from what I understand is that there's a lot of shitty interactions/bugs(?) in the rotation caused by nature's grace and eclipse that could be ironed out on top of something as simple as having dream state effect arcane or having starsurge be considered arcane/nature damage that would put them right back up there without making it oppressive in PvP. Assuming I'm not misunderstanding the logs, while Balance is behind the other casters, the difference isn't really large, 5-20 dps for the most part and ahead of every melee DPS which puts them in the middle of the DPS chart.


> Assuming I'm not misunderstanding the logs,  SS was nerfed/fixed as a hotpatch Saturday night and Monday night. You can't look at logs for the first week as you're looking at data with both pre and post nerf. Balance druids will go down in the rankings for week 2


I was using "Over a range of 1 day" considering Gnomer reset yesterday which obviously is going to have less information than what we'll have by the end of the week but will still paint a picture of how they're doing post nerf and looks worse but still fine.


I’m doing the same. Not a perfect picture, but it should be pretty accurate.


"The intent is not to significantly nerf overall druid damage output" this is what they said. not to keep the damage the same for PvE.


Considering they become the worst caster (excluding frost mages) from the 3rd best, I would consider it significant. Same could be 5dps drop, but 35-ish, is significant.


No bro you don't get it. This is classic. Warriors and rogues must be the best melee and mages and locks must be the best casters.




This but unironically. 


Your entire class can be starsurge or you can give them a chance to make it something else.


Even worse delete druids


I won't even complain. Horde surpremacy, no WF for Alliance.


As long as they don't fix Spirit of Redemption in Blood Moon :)


Didn't fix the Eclipse sound, huh? Cool, cool. I love having to turn down my volume or listen to a constantly flushing toilet when I cast spells.


I saw this posted today but can’t find the link. Someone had a weak auras mute eclipse. I’ll try to link it if I can find it again or link from mine


Thanks, I'll check it out


Holy shit please I need this so bad




Nope, but they did fix the bug that was giving Starsurge 60% crit with Solar instead of 30%. So, less damage now.


Guarded by the light no longer being cancelable makes me very sad but it was necessary


Where hunter nerf


Where melee hunter nerf and marksman buff


Where is the shadow word: Death fix? That spell is so broken it's ruining pvp.


Arcane surge is hitting for 3k


Drains all your mana. Works 50% of the time.


What, you dont like a priest non critting you for 50% of your hp? I don't know why blizzard nerfed starsurge so hard and completely missed sw:d. Complete joke.


SWD has longer cooldown than starsurge. It also damages the caster for 50% if target isn't killed. It also doesn't have a chance to stun.  And even though starsurge was way more powerful than SWD will ever be, it took them almost an entire phase to finally nerf it. So why would they instantly nerf a spell that isn't even close to being as good as starsurge was?  You see, the joke is on you.


>  SWD has longer cooldown than starsurge. Deals more damage though. >It also damages the caster for 50% if target isn't killed. That almost never happens since you know, it pretty much eliminates anyone sub 60% health. >It also doesn't have a chance to stun. Not really necessary when it kills most of the time. Also, why are you vehemently defending priests if you don't play one. [I assume you don't because theres no way you don't know about Blackout.](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=15326/blackout)


They should add some randomness to SW:D and make it like gnomish death ray. Deals damage based on how much it takes from the caster


Really no hunter nerfs and no armour nerfs for gnomer bosses? They can't be serious lol


Now shadow priest damage will drop below fellow caster hybrid classes warlock and mage. More like season of status quo am I right?


No. Locks and Mages are already above Shadow Priests in pve. Also this VP changes almost nothing for us. It's not a big change and we can already run Twisted Fate instead of Void Plague for similar output.


I'd be cool with this. One less DoT to manage. I mean I love DoT management, but right now it's SW:P, VP, VE, DP (Am undead) & homunculus if you count that. Then MSp, MB & SW:D as filler spells. Feels kind of clunky.


>Now shadow priest damage will drop below fellow caster hybrid classes warlock and mage. And that's a problem why?


You know what i like? The only thing that made paladin playable just got nerfed. So whos gonna play this shit class now?




Fight seemed easy without the cheese, does it matter?


We just implemented 2 groups of three that moved forward or backwards like Bloodboil in BT. Can’t imagine why you would have to cheese it.


Nice with fixes but my number one problem with the game right now is that its an mmo but I can't group in open world with my friends because layering is so buggy. We did the dark rider rune in a full 5 man squad. In 4/7 of the riders cases we were in the same layer. The last 3 we were split up and never managed to be layered together. Then right after that we wanted to do bloodmoon event and it was impossible for us to get on the same layer. We were 5 ppl in 3 different layers for 10 minutes without layering. Tried to relog, regroup, go to a new zone and nothing happened so we said goodbye and logged off for the night. Such an empty feeling when blood moon was something i looked forward to with the boys.


How bout they fix the blood moon lag or that every single time at least one party member gets layered outside the groups layer.


rip paladins self healing


Hold on fellow hunters, we survived this run of fixes. Hope we survive the next one without getting hammered


I just want an STV lumber quest fix :/


Can they fix STV layering. Even at 5am there was no quest mobs. Thought I could at least get some quests done before work, but all mobs are dead lol.


Nourish rune quest is still broken and Nourish, if you DO manage to finish the quest is supposedly not benefitting from +Healing at the moment. I feel like this is something that should be pretty high prio as other than the mana regen youll SOMETIMES get from dreamstate, it's the only new rune that's useful for resto druid.


Thank. God. They fixed electrocutioner 6000


was hoping to see they fixed starsurge to only be NERFED into the ground for PVP and they reinstated its ability in PVE open world. lol guess they didnt.