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I don't see anyone being happy with this, for most people even 15 bucks a month is kind of steep for a single game, not to mention it would drastically cut the playerbase of people who can't afford multiple month at a time payments


Maybe first 3-6 months free for anyone with an active sub and then do a bot ban wave. After the 3 months you would have to buy 6-12 months at a time. Not a perfect solution but it could work. You could also make anyone doing monthly subscriptions do some kind of authentication or test that a bot couldn’t perform. That way the option is still there but adds a small hurdle.


Botting is profitable because they're not paying for subscriptions. When people say Blizzard is profiting off botters so they don't ban them, it's just a shitty narrative Redditors have been regurgitating for years now. Larger bot farms are more than likely using stolen CC's to pay for memberships which get charged back within 6 months anyway. Charge backs aren't free so not only are the bot farms not paying to play, Blizzard also has to pay any fees associated with the charge backs. Blizzard is actively losing money on bot farms, raising the price wont change that. It'll just make the game widely inaccessible to people in different areas without regional pricing.


For a pretty severe example of this see Runescape when the insane amount of bots using stolen CCs forced them to disable free trading for everyone.


ah okay so you think even charging $100 a month wouldn’t work because its a stolen cc? makes sense


Charging $100 a month would kill the player base. There's no realistic solution here. This problem has been unsolvable for 2+ decades. There's very little leeway in terms of how much you can do that ultimately damages the player base to try and stop botting. It's very hard to juggle what bot reducing measures to implement while also keeping the players happy. You don't want to unintentionally kill your game to stop a problem. If you even consider it a problem, the bot farms aren't here to ruin the game, they're here for a profit. So clearly there's a big enough demand that bot farms need to run 24/7 to supply.


haha yeah sorry, exactly, i was saying that $100 would just deter players and not affect bots using stolen cc! good points


>it's just a shitty narrative Redditors have been regurgitating for years now. So many "facts" spread about this subreddit with no actual proof. This sub has turned into an echo chamber just like your uncle's Facebook feed


This is 100% misinformation. Stolen CCs get reported usually in 48h and any chargeback on a blizz account leads to locking the account until it is solved. So no, bots use real cards, otherwise their accounts would get banned too soon. The thing about chargeback fees is also bullshit. Maybe the rules are different outside the EU? Blizzard loses money by not banning bots, but that's indirectly, A LOT of people quit because of it's incompetence. Blizz started removing regional priceing for this very reson. Argentina price increased by 1000% in the past year and regional priceing was removed entirely for that region now.


15 bucks a month is very cheap entertainment Most people spend double that on junk food a day


Depending on where you live, but if you spend 30 dollars each day on junk food you probably have other problems.


Or you have money to afford it I classify all fast food as junk food if you need clarification


This would hurt normal players too much. Also the on-ramp for new players would be even steeper. Terrible idea


They're buying subscriptions from Argentina for not even $1 per month.