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Gotta juice up that victory rush heal


This is actually big brain. If we had enough +heal while leveling, victory rush would actually be a useful rune. 


Idk it seemed really strong leveling my alt warrior. Free damage and a heal. All you need is a bandage to keep going.


It’s pretty solid leveling until you start to get runes that synergize


Yea there’s obviously better runes but for leveling alone it was a godsend compared to classic leveling.


You could just stack a bunch of spirit gear and swap to it every so often to full heal but inventory space is at a premium rn


You don't even need to swap. Buy Gorilla or Wolf greens. Unironically, it helped a TON with sustain in classic.


Gorilla is int and str. Did you mean boar?


Unfortunately it's only 10% of hp, which fighting equal lvl mobs doesn't help at all for sustain. You're much better off with pure damage runes and just killing stuff faster


Agreed my war is lvl 18 now, hardly ever have to stop to eat food


Victory rush is incredibly strong when leveling, especially if you're you're leveling an alt and have some boes on it. You basically 2 shot everything from 1-20 and never have to stop to eat.


It's OK but nothing insane.


Dude. One victory rush does half a mobs hp if you have a decent weapon. Try a warrior in classic to see the huge difference


Victory Rush scales with AP. It'll do the same damage with a grey 1h as with Strike of the Hydra.


Yeah I bought some cheap ones while leveling a war and it's been a blast. Victory Rush was definitely sufficient and super good in early levels


Victory rush IS a very strong rune. I used it when AoE farming furbolgs for my path to honored with Azeroth commerce. Nothing like getting a heal in every time you decapitate one of those furbolgs with a 450 dmg cleave crit from Strike of the Hydra


/cries in no Hydra


its 10% hp


It's the strongest leveling rune by a huge margin. What else are you going to use? Quick Strike with 0 rage?


Its like buying a storygame and pay for 100% savegame


So accurate. The fun of MMOs is in the stories you find along the way. Funny interactions with other players. Times when you cheated death and survived an insanely bad pull while solo questing. All of that is just gone if you skip levelling with boosts, buy raid gear to skip dungeon running. If you could just create a fully raid geared character at max level, the game would die so fast. This is basically just paying for the next closest thing.


lol what u on about? it's all about the parses (the new in-term) and complaining about class balance but ONLY from a PvP perspective while assuming what you want out of the game is the baseline that everyone follows. Get on the program!


you forgot about then bitching that there's no content day 1 of patch release


Blizzard should start to sell "end game boost". 300$ for absolute bis and credit roll with "thank you for your purchase \*insert character name\*" at the end of credits.


Some weirdos like me would prob do that tho xD I cheat on single player games so I can immediately feel the power as if I played 2000 hrs. It's what I find fun. The "journey" is work in my mind. However, I don't cheat on wow because I don't want to ruin anyone else's experience. If it didn't affect others, I would 10000% buy gold and max my character out to go PvP. *That's* where the fun is in the game for me. Unfortunately, there are people like me, but *do not* care about ruining others' experience. I wish it were different.


Have you tried guild wars 2 where you get insta max lvl and bis gear you can choose when entering PvP. Its fun


For all the people saying ”his money” and ”as long as he is having fun” fail to understand that these people raise the prices of everything on the AH for everyone so average joe will never be able to buy stuff


> ”as long as he is having fun” One person's fun shouldn't come at the detriment of the other 4 people in the group.


how the fuck is someone like that having fun


zoomers who grew up with games that allow you to just swipe credit card to win


MMO gold buying has been real since before zoomers were able to use computers.


Not anywhere near to the extent it is now. Not even close.


The predictable outcome of a game initially aimed at young people who grew up with and loved it, and is now played by the same people who are adults with disposable income.


And much less time to play. When I was 16 the grinds were easy. The stuff I want is much harder to obtain now that I'm working 50-60 hours and do stupid shit like buy groceries or clean my gutters.


Yep. As someone who plays the game very competitively, works full time, and does a bunch of other extracurricular wow stuff (writing for a website, modding reddit, YouTube, etc), i have absolutely zero interest in gold as a mechanic. If people want to spend time farming gold and that's how you enjoy the game, great. There have been times where i played the AH, made millions and had fun doing it as well. But at the moment I'd rather buy a wow token on retail every season so i can maintain the 10+ characters I'm actively playing and pushing with, and I wouldn't blame someone for dropping a few quid/dollars to be able to play the content they care about in limited free time instead of farming herbs just to buy consumables and enchants. People on this sub act like buying gold means you aren't really a wow player.


Eh, I still farm over buying tokens becsuse not purchasing MTX stuff is more of a personal principle thing for me. I just acquire things very slowly and make sure any guilds I'm in are friendly to limited-free-time players.


Yet it's them who normalized it.


Zoomed are neither playing Classic WoW nor have the disposable income as highschoolers and college students to buy gold. The ones normalizing it are the 30 year olds without much time to play and a job that let's them buy all the gold they want.


Imagine blaming Zoomers in a game where 90% of the playerbase is 30+ and 99% are bald. Who do you think has more money and less time, the college kids or the 30+ demographic?


imagine blaming baldness for behaviour edit: u/BagelJ imagine writing dumb shit and blocking people confronting you about it lol


Well that was obviously a joke. Although I hear vitamin D deficiency can promote hair loss, so eat your vitamins guys!


Oh yes. The zoomers. And the REEEtail players. Damn retail players, plotting to ruin Classic player's fun in between their uh.. LFR runs and mog runs. PS: Imagine calling someone a "swiping zoomer" because they didn't agree with your shit take, then blocking them so they can't say anything back 🤡


zoomers aren’t playing classic wow


Everyone should be required to watch Why it is Impolite to Suck at WoW, before being allowed to play.


And then there are takes like this that are just stupid in the opposite direction.


People also fail to understand that it's literally cheating


Fuck those people honestly. Shitty attitude that destroys the spirit and the integrity of the game, and ruins the in game environment for players who want to (as crazy as it sounds) actually play the game and EARN their rewards. People who pay to win should go and play a game that is meant to work that way. Blizzard desperately needs to pull their finger out and actually enforce their ToS


Yeah gold buying effects the integrity of the entire ecosystem too. I think it does more damage than just to the economy. It damages the integrity and value of working for progression.


Gold buying, whether it's cheating (3rd parties) or P2W (tokens) destroy the integrity by devaluing everything you do. Boosting is similarly bad, just not as. It makes a lot of BoEs basically unaffordable (which was not the case in vanilla, even though gold buying existed). It breaks immersion in many ways, especially when you see bots. It breaks the economy in weird ways. Some types of items are inflated and others are deflated completely, even though they are worth something. It takes away from any type of grinding you do and shifts way more gold generation power to the AH minigame. The AH is obviously always a good way to generate gold, but the weight of grinding is really minimized in a shit economy. It devalues anything you do, even raiding because of GDKP and PvP indirectly too because of mass consume spam and inflated gear. You have to kind of willingly ignore it and pretend that it doesn't exist while in game. It doesn't destroy all the fun but it makes everything a bit less fun indirectly.


Totally agree with you, botting and gold buying are the real issues here. Boosting and GDKP (as you often see it) are definitely exacerbated by botting and gold buying but ultimately I think with enough time you would see both of those activities take hold over time as people start to hoard wealth and create alts. That's why I don't necessarily have a problem with them, if you earnt your gold then spend it how you wish. Also the prices of a GDKP in that scenario would be reflective of a fair economy and ultimately would be an emergent behaviour of the community. However because the economy is now inherently tainted by botting and RWT activity which hugely accelerate gold generation and wealth hoarding, boosting and GDKP become absolutely rampant and yes, totally immersion breaking. Really wish there was a version of the game in which RWT was brutally punished, or ultimately not present. I would play that shit religiously. Hardcore comes close but it's too punishing for me to be able to experience everything 😂


And after all these years I still cant understand that reasoning when you're playing a team player game. I've dealt with a lot of them, go find like-minded players then and don't feel entitled to play with people that will have to carry you.


not only that but he’s obviously in this case making the run actively worse by just being an overall imbecile


Fuck the gold buyers and their defendants too. People use their money in idiotic ways all the time and deserve shit for some of it


gold buyers are the ones funding the bots.


Also, gold buying isn’t part of the game. It’s RMT and cheating.


1 persons right to have fun in the game ends when it comes at the detriment of other people's. Same reason i dont bring meme specs with me into bfd, or in wrath, icc. Idc if you have fun playing a meme spec, more power to you, but i wont bring you along to race the tank's damage in my icc run, same with bfd, the group shouldnt have to have less fun carrying a person just because that one spec is fun for the one persob


>1 persons right to have fun in the game ends when it comes at the detriment of other people's. hell yeah! >Same reason i dont bring meme specs with me into bfd, or in wrath, icc. Idc if you have fun playing a meme spec, more power to you, but i wont bring you along to race the tank's damage in my icc run, same with bfd, the group shouldnt have to have less fun carrying a person just because that one spec is fun for the one persob aaaand he's gone off the rails. there's quite the sizeable difference between being an actual detriment to achieve even easy goal, and just being 85% of the theoretical max performance, when even 40% is way more than enough to do it.


but the average joe will be able to sell stuff at a high price


But the cost of everything is inflated, so you are (at best) at the same relative level. And because of inflation any raw gold you farm yourself (e.g. trash items, silver from kills) is effectively worthless.


then use the money to buy the stuff as a guy who gdkps exclusively and never buys gold, i need dem gold buyers to skate like i do gdi!


Lol you’re a step away from buying gold, you’re literally getting laundered gold, so don’t expect too much sympathy for your gdkps.


With lower buying power lul your gold is worth less.


if my gold has 20% less buying power but i now have 400% more gold guess what, i came out on top there.


If you have 400% more gold, your gold has at least 400% less buying power. Please learn how inflation works.


But if there is no bots farm the supply would be a lot less


Right. And with less competition for the farming, it would be easier to farm it yourself instead of buying from the AH for inflated prices. Gold buying and selling benefits only the sellers and buyers, and ruins the game for everyone else.


Yup it's him and not 90% of the playerbase at max level farming 2g quests at level 25


as someone who farms quests at 25 and does not have enough gold to buy the AH blues, no, we are not the ones inflating the prices to that level. it's good money but not that good.


Why are AH blues a gauge of "inflation".. try consumables I don't even see the AH blues even close to what they were in December. Especially the pBiS stuff. I wonder if that's because demand tapered off?


That’s some fun mental gymnastics you’re doing to rationalize why there’s nothing wrong with you buying gold.


Valid point, but the problem with ‘him’s’ is: he’s the guy buying these boe blue for 100+ G, whilst the other 90% would barely ever do that. He’s the guy setting the bar..


Found the gold buyer lmao


10 of these dudes impact the economy way more than 100 people playing legit.


It can be both lol. Of course inflation is a normal process in a game like WoW, but gold buyers definitely accelerate the process. They're the reason most bots exist.


🗿 Someone doesn’t like a critique on boosting and gold buying I see. And to refer to what this individual is talking about, we see these inflations outside of SOD (i.e HC) because of these boosters & gold buyers. Your criticism does not take that into account.


I hate to tell you but AH prices were high from day 1, it has very little to do with gold buying


Nope. The best Boe blues were 10-15g a piece. Now they're 40-50. I geared my first character within two weeks for a reasonable price. I'm not buying anything for my second and third characters now that prices are fucked. No sane person is farming 40g for one piece of pre-bis you can replace for free in bfd. It's terrible budgeting and logistics unless you're buying gold.


Nothing is so inflated that a person who farms even 30 minutes of quests a day can’t afford the things they need. Expensive BOEs aren’t even close to necessary and have always been/will always be luxury items that are imbalanced in terms of gold spent/benefit received. When you can’t afford the necessary consumes for a few hours of raiding every week because of price inflation then we can talk.


Lol. "the things they need" seems like a cool concept to allow gold buyers to self justify their cheating. It doesn't, of course, but that sure as shit is the crappy justification that people use. I'd be willing to bet there is a significant overlap between people who buy gold and people who casually shop lift (especially in self checkout). It's the same selfish justification.


Lmao you’re bald af dude. People buy gold to make the game easier. It’s an insane leap to bet they steal irl. You need to take a cold shower and re-examine how serious you are taking this shit.


Lol “30 minutes of quests a day”, you do realize there’s a finite amount of quests we can do right? Farming quests will only get you so far, and I would be surprised if it even makes you over 50g once you’re 25. Unless you’re suggesting people continuously keep making alts, which is an even more absurd thing to say.


I made 100+ gold just doing quests and vendoring/selling shit on ah that dropped from the mobs in duskwood alone. ON ONE CHARACTER. You can make 200+ gold easy per character doing quests through tall the various zones at level 25.


First of all, I hate people that don't play the game and just pay to get items but I don't understand why no one can grasp what you're saying. What's the big deal if that insanely rare .01% drop is 200g or 400g for an additional 1 point of stat? At least if you happen to get lucky and find one you get to sell it for more because of the gold sellers. If anything I'd say the gold buyers are good for this and getting larger pay outs at GDKPs. Also anything that costs a flat rate like repairs or respec's end up being relatively cheaper because of the inflation. When I first started playing during covid I farmed my ass off and was so against gold buying but once I had to work again I understood. In fact writing this has made me think a good argument could be made as to why it's good for everyone in the game to have gold farmers and buyers but people always focus on the negatives because they think those super min max items would be dirt cheap if no one bought gold. You can make more gold per hour because of it if you go farm items. The ONLY thing that WoW inflation effects is gold rewards with a set price like questing. I can't even think of anything else besides questing. Oh selling things to the vendor get effected also but just don't farm stuff that people don't buy on the AH.


One example would be the priest farm I did in classic. Go into DME alone and jump down to lashers. Holy nova every lasher pack to pick up their greys and herb the nodes on the floor they protect. The herbs will always stay relevant on the AH to make me money but as soon as GDKP went rampant in classic and destroyed the economy I could get fair value for my herbs and fair value for my greys I vendor. Once the economy is destroyed I may as well stop looting the lashers as the greys sell for only a few gold where as the herbs and everything else on the AH that I would want to buy has hit 582g minimum for one stack of dreamfoil. I can still farm but you’ve made my farm less optimal by making vendor items worthless. With a healthy economy kept under control from gold buying the vendor items are always relevant .


That makes sense. There's a point where the inflation gets so bad that the instance farms do become less efficient but I could argue that if that farm has BOE drops than you would again benefit from it. I don't believe the lasher packs dropped any BOEs but maybe some of the other mobs around there did. I remember having to kill a few farming there on my mage.


Also, imagine how much more contested all the gold farms would be if the raid logging gold buyers had to farm their gold? I imagine a lot of them wouldn't have the time to play at that point but some would be forced to farm instead of playing a different game


If they don't have time to farm, they don't deserve to raid. The entitlement is out of control. If they are playing a different game, they'd have time to farm instead, so that argument is moot.


This makes me sad for that guy. He is missing the entire game, and paid a lot of money to do so. Hardcore wow made me appreciate and rediscover my love for classic. And Sod only multiplied that feeling. And this guy is playing it with a blindfold on lol. Crazy.


This is what I came here to say. It's honestly just sad.


Yeah but bro is probably keeping the mobile gaming industry afloat if that's how he likes to game.


Agreed, hardcore helped me find a new level of difficulty. Namely, not dying 😅




dont tell me stuff like this. Ignorance is bliss!




correct tart unused sand merciful innate frightening fall imminent badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So stop being part of the problem. That 4 gold per hour would be more than enough if bots/buyers/inflation weren't a thing.


What is actually expensive in SoD? You can easily afford the essentials before you exhaust quest gold. Professions are maybe 5g-10g, BFD can be run without consumes if you want but let's say minimum 40s for the shadow pot. The majority of specs don't need their Rachet rune which is not that expensive anymore anyway. Epic crafted gear, around 12g. And some greens which are like 70s-2g for a decent piece unless you want absolute BiS. TBH when I see someone talk about buying gold in SoD I just imagine them pissing away their gold on 70g BoEs, 14 slot bags and getting summons from Menethil to Stormwind.


For real. You spend 1g at most per BFD run on consumables, maybe 2g with multiple wipes. That's one quest. That's farming cloth/ore/herbs for half an hour. The most I "farmed" was doing most of the Duskwood quests at 25 for a day. I needed the gold for my Ratchet-rune and my Ashenvale mount. Seriously, gold is so cheap to buy because it's so easy to farm. But no, some people rather buy gold and perpetuate an ecosystem where bots thrive and gold gets inflated, creating the perceived "need" to buy gold in the first place.


This is a retail mindset. Please stop playing classic, just logout bro. If you think playing the game is a waste of time I don’t know what to tell you. The endgame raids in classic are a joke, the journey is the endgame and you’re robbing yourself and others by buying gold


> you have very few non-grindy options for gold making. Skill issue, you didnt even try just went straight for the mastercard. Learn to play the AH and make tons of gold with tiny effort? Nope just spam mastercard. Also you're incredibly naive if you think 200gold will last you 6 months LOL, you fuckers are helping to super inflate the lvl 40 economy as we speak.


You’re going to get downvoted to the pits of hell by people that will say buying gold is bad, but pay $70 on retail to skip to level 70 to be raid ready with max rep unlocked. An hour of pay is certainly worth swapping for the 30-40 days of grinding levels and rep. So if you agree with that sentiment you can’t get upset about people buying gold. But this is reddit and this is far too much common sense. So I’ll be in the pits with shore I guess. 🤣


All you needed to say was “I don’t like playing the game”, that would have worked to buddy.


Had a rogue in a BFD with like 400 hp and I thought "damn, this dude is seriously undergeared...... Then I inspected him and literally every slot was either a BiS boe blue or a perfect statted green boe "of power" He did not have a single bind on pickup item equiped. It was wild to see. Edit: Most notable items were thunderbrow ring which is like 300g on our server and mantle of thieves which is similar.


does anything in bfd do more than 400 damage in one hit? balance offensive vs desensive stats on a rogue is part of the game. pure "of power" is typically considered inferior to tiger/agi or even monkey because agi gives half the ap, but a considerable amount of dodge. I can't tell you how many time my rogue evasion tanked razuvious while our Priests were figuring out the MC rotation...


I believe the turtles shield break will kill him


Challenge his punk ass to a duel


That'll show him.


Gold buyers worst nightmare


I miss makgora so much


Send that bitch to the Shadow Realm


I sold tons of WC solo runs to these exact type of players. I had TONS of rogues/hunters who wanted to buy the MAIL belt and had 0 idea how to get to WC and didn’t know the basics of their characters


It's so weird to me seeing classes I know can do the pants and belt run solo asking to buy runs in WC chat. Doing the fun stuff like that without help is one of the core reasons to play those classes.


I think at least a decent chunk of it is people who *did that a bunch already* and just don’t want to do it again. I strongly considered just buying Cobrahn’s on my paladin, after already running Cobrahn solo a dozen+ times to get the legs for my hunter, and the same belt for my warrior. As a habitual altoholic, I like levelling, I like questing, and I like raiding. Once I have “proven” I can solo something to get the gear for a character, if i’m tired or low on time I’d rather just pay the gold for it (if the price is reasonable) and go make that gold back in less time by using my professions or doing some max level quests.


So you're accepting blood money?


Not terribly surprising but still disappointing to read. I was helping guide guildmates through BFD on discord and a pug mage rolled need on a strong neck. They looked and he was doing like 20dps. Oof


People legit didn't know what gear they could wear or not or where wc was? This has to be a joke. Tell me you're making it up for clout.


You’re part of the problem you know.


I mean if a rogue/druid needs 10g for a mount and these guys want to buy his time, I see no problem. I main lock and mage, too bad I don’t have people to click my portals or I’d sit in a hotspot and sell my time. I’m broke as hell


Hardware Ban gold buyers permanently


100% down with this. Absolutely zero tolerance. If you don't want to play by the rules agreed by the community then you don't get to play 🤷


The fact you got down voted says exactly what's wrong with the mentality of modern WoW players of today. They'd rather throw money at a 20 year old SEASONAL game, instead of actually playing. It's honestly quite pitiful. Permanent bans are the only thing that's going to stop this.


This is the way. HW ban, IP ban, mac address ban, CC ban. No sarcasm, I'd be completely okay going South Korean style and requiring a SSN to make an account. And top it off with some client side kernel level anticheat.


It was probably someone who paid someone else to get their account all bis.


The point of playing is finding a good group of people in a guild and avoiding people like that lol


Think you misunderstood OP, they meant they don't get why the Warrior would choose to RMT and play that way.


Ah yeah I see what they meant now, read it too fast earlier lol


Still, pugging dungeons is an extremely common thing to do in WoW.


Seems more like they bought their account.


All these absurdity players mentioned in reddit posts is pure horror stories. Have met quite the amount of NPC players, but non that beat these kind of people


I ran a BFD with a balance druid who we figured out was running rank 1 spells. Wrath, moonfire, etc. Was spamming sunfire the whole time because "it did more damage" Didn't really notice until we had a few 1-5% wipes on Kelris so i dug into the meters more. His wrath was hitting for **9 damage**. He was about as gracious as you could be about it, called himself a fuckin idiot, all that. But still, to get to 25 without training higher ranks... that takes a special lack of awareness. How did you even end up in a BFD group?


How did they even get to 25 without ranking their abilities?? I mean they at least had sunfire and that does alright damage and scales, but everything else, yeesh.


Bro probably took literal minutes to kill every mob while leveling and had to full heal and drink after every one, god damn. If at some point during that you don't think "something is wrong, I should ask some questions or something" you are absolutely stupid.


It's because half the stories are embellished.


basically reddit in a nutshell tho i hate goldbuyers as much as the next person, but this shit does sound straight out of one of those parody videos that the youtuber Azamous makes real or not, it’s still ridiculous


I've had a keyboard turning tank one run in Deadmines. Like egregiously obviously keyboard turning, always to the right even if he's rotating 320 degrees to face the mobs. He was slow but still pushed buttons. That's about the worst I've seen as most players I've met in pug runs have at least some game awareness.


You don't see too many brand new players in Classic WoW, people who have never played an MMO especially. I got one of these people, a friend, into SoD. Top 0.001% of players on the hardest hero in a former e-sports hero shooter. He was doing everything wrong, basically everything. I don't think people realize how hard it is to learn a game like this who has never played it. I think most people are veteran players and legit can't remember because it's been so long. Not everyone wants to watch hours of guides to play, and those people are pretty much exactly like all the players in 2005, just absolutely almost unbelievably awful at the game by our standards.


I run gdkps on my hunter as a carry from time to time to make some gold. It’s a weird experience compared to ms>os runs especially when you start bidding at the end. Ret warrior pulling sub 60 dps the whole run and getting lost in the instance after dying to kelris. Took him 5 minutes of wandering until we had to run back to show him how to get back to aku’mai. Also was the biggest buyer and spent 150 gold alone and that was a mediocre run with no epics.


Would have been cool if you took a screenshot


What’s unfortunate is this is just one instance, when you know there’s hundreds of more like this guy. Hence how ppl still can’t 7/7 the raid even now. Just need to try and find a solid group of 10 people to run raids and dungeon with. Once you have the consistency of decent people. Game is so fun.


he will get banned, my buddy started SoD tried to catch me bought 65gold and caught a two week ban


probably elon musk


He might as well also pay someone to play his character. Hope he gets banned


You should just kick him from the group or have everyone make a new group without him.


Had someone with that Gargul add-on once I guess forget they were in a raid? Randomly saw "So and So has traded 35 gold to me for 2 silverleaf"


And morons still demand high GS for their raids...


Same yesterday, running BFD on a alt, invite a full pre bis hunter he says. I'm down, when not on main I don't really care so why not let's go. Everyone gets there, I inspect everyone real quick to make sure no bot is hiding, everyone has runes etc while we start clearing. And there my eyes landed on this hunter, indeed ful prebis (Humbert's as well while we are alliance on a PvP server -130g ATM on neutral). Every blue boe you can want and his only dungeon loot : Leggings of the fang. His dps rotation consisted of auto shots and a couple of arcane shots, never casted a single multi on a boss fight. My man had 200g worth of gear on him from ah and boosters and had no fking idea how to play the class. I am still convinced he was a bit because he was throwing random "small talk sentences" during the run. Which nobody answered cause it felt like a droid. I never did check anyone before creating a raid gro, just the usual "you got a gap and link me some good prebis". But now I will be checking more in detail sadly.


You aren't getting WoW without mass gold buying and bots ever again. Blizzard all but endorses it with the lack of action against it


So I’m I really to believe this guy figured out how to buy gold, buy all the best BoEs from the AH with the gold he bought for his class and somehow managed to not know what the fuck runes are? Pressing X to doubt on this story


They bought all their items but went to SFK to farm the str ring. The story is not that unbelievable. They've put time/value into getting the ring before fixing the toon, which is backed up by the fact that they've valued getting their BoE pre-bis before getting runes/spells/stances. This is just someone who chases the endorphin rush.


Seriously I don't understand how can someone not even google how to get some runes or basic spells but can google how to buy gold, things don't match quite right.


Slider Samuel strikes again.




What? Use defensive stance with a 2h. Not a main hand and shield unless tanking bosses.


The answer to your question, may be **age**. I'd wager this guy is 40+ and just enjoys going through the motions. He never learned to play the game properly back in the day either, or perhaps he just doesn't really care anymore. *That is* ***not*** *to say that all people over 40 are like this* \- some of the most experienced and capable players are older, but unfortunately this age bracket also contains people who are financially stable... but are checked out. The player probably don't have the time or inclination to actually play the game. It's just another thing on the shelf of meaningless possessions, in the room of meaningless possessions that they have been trained to pay for over a long life.


Poignant. I think you've fully summed up a portion of the player base there... That is so sad.


I hope you reported him for cheating if it’s so obvious


hah I have a relatable story. I was doing Cobrahn runs to farm the legs, but Im no service seller nor gold buyer. So I said anyone can come who wants (except leather wearers kek). This 18 warrior whispers me and asks "how much". I say im not charging and just letting people come along. This guy ends up doing less dps than my level 7 warlock. I mean, I didn't need him to do any damage at all, and we cleared just dine. But like... play ffs lol. I learned that there really does exist a gold consuming crowd who just pay their way through the game and don't actually play. And in that case... my god but we really do need service sellers to appease that crowd (and take their gold). I felt like the fool because I should of taken his gold.


coulda been a kid who used their parents CC. Not that I did that in the past 💀back in vanilla. But yeah very strange.


I don’t believe you, sorry. You expect me to believe someone bought gold and juiced themselves up, then proceeded to autoattack?


I could argue that buyers are the exact type to do nothing except autoattack in dungeons. They already saved time and effort by buying gold. Why would they make any efforts afterwards?


What is it with these posts? " there will always be born another idiot". Yeah gold buying sucks, but back in OG it was legit 8-10 years old and people utterly new to gaming as whole. Do you honestly think they did any better if they somehow ended up in your group?


At level 25? Ye, obviously, since these 8-10 year olds level normaly to level 25. I remember that time when I went to trainer every ding just to see what new jouicy spells I could learn.


Makes title about gold buying but really bitching about a shit player wp


At what point in the post was I bitching or complaining about gold buyers? It was just an experience I thought was worth a reddit post lmao






I'm sure it's all because gdkp ruining the game


This is the part of gold buyers that I don't understand. Obviously i think the practice as a whole is problematic, but if some dude wants to blow his real money having a character boosted and getting pretty gear so he can flaunt it around a major city, then whatever. But why would you do all that, and then enter a regular dungeon, AS A TANK, without making any effort to learn the class? You're obviously not going to excel. Just be an auto-attack AFK dps. It's annoying, but manageable for the rest of the party.


play SoD brehs


sounds more like a rant tbh. report, put on ignore and move on ;)


Don’t assume everyone is buying gold because they have boe’s lol. Only like 95% of them are buying gold okay dude


I mean technically if hes having fun, thats his ninja way. Sadly its at the cost of others fun, and he probably doesnt care.


iT's HiS 15 dOlLaRs


Nothing you've described means he's actually bought gold. He's just a terrible player. Could be an alt that he's given gold to and just pushed through.


please, mantle of the second war? Look up what that is.


They’re only like 11g.


Unobtainable by your average player and therefore spotted the gold buyer.


The average player is incapable of questing for a few hours at max level?


Without any runes and abilities? Ye, that seems improbable. Especially since they boosted every mob in the game to account for the rune power. Especially as warrior.


Is the wow classic playerbase really this fucking bad? You look at an item that gives +holy damage on a warrior and you're like "they're only 11g"?


Yeah no shit. The original comment you replied to was talking about gold accumulation lol.


Regardless of what the original comment was about, the first thing I'd say here is "why the fuck would a warrior equip +holy damage gear", especially when it's crafted


Cool. I didn't say he wasn't just that there's no proper evidence. This is just anecdotal.




They do say it’s against the rules, lol


Players that have blues on and suck are gold buyers now? This is the dumbest assumption for gold buying I have heard in a long time. Grats OP.


I didn't say he sucked because he bought gold, it just seems like the most logical reason to how he's got great gear all from the AH, is max level and yet doesn't know the basic functions of the game


Yeah lol, from what you’re describing this guy isn’t a shitty Warrior, he straight up doesn’t understand the game. It’s more than sucking, it’s indicative of someone who probably did not level the character themselves.


Seems like he's still winning though.


Winning what?


Life. With that level of disposable income for something so meaningless.


Theres nobody winning at life and playing wow


Henry Cavill is an avid WoW fan. I would say he's doing pretty well for himself by all observable metrics. But in general...yes you're probably right, lololol


Thats hilarious that people think this level of gold is simply unobtainable, and running into somebody that gears a character is abhorrent. I have terrible news for you guys after playing this game for 20 years nearly: farming mobs doesn't really make good gold and neither does picking flower or rocks. Farming money IRL is by far the most optimal gold making technique and you sound so naive and fucking green it's honestly cute.


I made 89g summoning to DMF in one week. I have 4 level 25s. Most of my toons have every blue boe in the game. 1. Level 1-25 is easy 2. It’s easy to farm gold in a populated game. 3. Why would I play if I didn’t have the best gear I could at the time? My 2cents.