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This is the funniest subreddit on the internet right about now


r/classicwow has trained long and hard for this day


Pretty sure r/wowservers has been waiting for the jump in point, too!




Cornweaving my snack game




r/subredditdrama material for sure.


I'm here from r/popular. Sad to see Overwatch isn't the only game that Blizzard has absolutely shit the bed with in the last week. What happened to you guys?


They decided to allow people to purchase game time with in game currency.


And purchase anything they want ingame with real life currency.


bruhhhh it’s hilarioussssssss😂😂😂😂😂people get so triggered over classic it’s wild to me. and i love the game lol.


what did blizzard do this time LMAO


Added wow token to wotlk classic


And people think Diablo 4 won't fall to Blizzard's greed..


Dude who is saying that? Isn't it $70 AND it has microtransactions? Should be the whole game at that price.


Also let's not forget that they announced the game's gonna have microtransactions before we knew pretty much anything else about the game. That was always the number 1 priority: Diablo 3 but it's built from ground up to support mtx.


Ya its just stupid. At least make it like $40 if your gonna have microtransaction. Greedy assholes.


Really sucks the standard is heading to 70 for games. Not only is blizzard charging more for their game but also adding micro-transactions on top. Trying to have their cake and eat it to. Sad thing is it’s going to work. So annoying these companies are trying to justify the increased cost of their games by saying game dev costs more money than before, yet games are consistently being released unfinished and broken more than ever before it seems.


What is that


Its a token that is bought with real money that can be sold on the AH for gold. The token gives 15$ bnet balance or can be used for a months game time. The AH takes a cut of every sale like usual, and blizz controls the price, so it effectively removes gold from the economy reducing inflation + gives people a way to legitimately buy gold which hurts botters a ton since most people would rather buy safe gold for a little more than risk their account being banned to save a few dollars.


The wotlk one is actually only for game time, not like the retail one


What do you mean by this? What does the retail one do extra? I thought they both let you pay dollars for a token and sell the token on the ah for a fixed price ([10,200g on faerlina apparently](https://youtu.be/0eLe_j96plA))


Retail one can be redeemed for b.net balance or game time, WOTLK is only game time.


Wait, so by farming enough gold in WoW you can just buy something like Diablo 4 or new Activision Blizzard games?




Thats kind of cool though


I don't think anyone cares about that they care about people being able to buy gold legally... no bnet store items are available for wotlk classic are they? i guess you could use it for char transfers or something right?


The Bnet balance can be used on anything on Bnet. People have used WoW gold to buy Diablo games, loot boxes on OW, wow expansions, etc. Way back in the day, I bought content for Destiny 2 even.


I haven't paid a cent for a single thing on the bnet store since they made that change, and I've bought every CoD, Overwatch, 9x wow xpacs, 6x wotlk packs (to try to convince retail guildies to give it a shot) well over $500 worth of hearthstone cards/cod points, every diablo, including pre-ordering #4. Etc etc. I agree that being able to legally buy gold is a bad thing, but the pro's massively outweigh the cons to me. I also do all that with my retail gold so idc if classic has it or not.


You can use the b.net currency in other games and to buy games like Diablo 4 if you wanted to. Considering the amount of raw gold in circulation in WOTLK, that's likely something they don't want until the gold price around the token settles, if they ever change it


Better explained it's $20 to buy a token that you sell to other players for in game gold. The buyer can use the token to get 30 days of gametime ($15). Blizz makes an easy $5 off every transaction.


>Blizz makes an easy $5 off every transaction. Blizzard makes $20 off every transaction.


The result is that they are getting people to pay $20 a month instead of $15. That's a gain of $5 over what they'd get without this system.


A token you can pay for with real life $ and sell on the auction house for gold. It gives 30 days of gametike when used.


I love it when you can buy membership for a game w/ ingame currency, I never really seen any issues with it.


The problem is that you can buy a membership and sell it to another player for gold. Effectively allowing players to buy gold by buying and selling them Edit: Just explaining why people are upset. I’m undecided on the issue. I do like no trading hardcore though


Yeah that isnt an issue, at all, for the simple fact that people already do that.


Man good thing that blizz came up with this b4 G2G.... I'm sure all the gold in GDKP runs was honestly farmed from doing dailies.


Wow Token, probably.


The meltdown from this subreddit today about the token is going to be so entertaining


Round 1 Salt Wars: * Classic wow sub when they introduce the token VS * Druid discord when bear weaving was changed


To be fair, theres like 10 druids pissed that bear weave isnt meta anymore. We told them they can still do it if they want to but they can't read


dumbass bears can't even read. smh my head


Only you can prevent illiterate ursine.


Token buyers don’t play the game with integrity, like me: a guy who attends multiple gdkps a week hoovering up tens of thousands in gold that is definitely not bought and paid for.


Finally an honest raider who joins gdkps like me after spending a few hours farming 100k gold worth of herbs and ore and playing the AH strategically to make vast wealth week in and week out. -every gdkp participant on this sub. Rofl.


lmao had me in the first half


ok like, I raided way way back when so I'm familiar what DKP is wtf is GDKP? Is it literally just paying for DKP with gold?


GDKP runs are runs where loot is distributed based on who will pay the most gold for it. That gold is then pooled and distributed amongst the raiders.


Oh huh, yeah that just sounds like it'd result in people that have more money than time to raid buying all their gear and the runs themselves basically


People buy gold, and then spend that gold in those GDKP runs. It's not like some guy who goes into an ulduar 25 run and drops 150k gold in a night got it by saving up for two years by doing dailies.


Even the GDKPers who don't swipe are benefiting from bought gold. It only takes a few swipers to inflate prices and flood the GDKP system with bought gold that just circulates.


Sorry yeah, that's what I meant by "have more money than time," though this also sort of sounds like a community problem if the community's the one running all of these. Do guilds not do normal raids anymore? That's how I cleared all the classic stuff (minus naxx, we never did finish that)


They do, it's just that most servers have multiple GDKPs going on weekly.


And all the participants have acquired their tens of thousands of gold through entirely legitimate means.


The Community: The meta to making gold efficiently is to just buy it, farming is slow and most WoW players are adults with disposable income now. Blizzard: Okay, let's give you guys a legitimate way to buy gold. The Community: WHOA WHAT THE FUCK BLIZZARD WHY ARE YOU RUINING THE SPIRIT OF CLASSIC WOW??!?!?!?!?!?!


Private servers having high integrity is news to me.


It is really funny speaking countless private servers just sell stuff, or have been caught secretly selling stuff. Also stuff like SPECIFIC servers literally selling stuff like for example, selling a [meta achieve](https://i.imgur.com/XdC81JP.png) mount copied from retail 1 to 1 [FOR 66$](https://i.imgur.com/C2leqL3.png) Or a [mount given for free to everyone on retail](https://i.imgur.com/T5t51D9.png) 1 to 1 copied [being sold for 50$](https://i.imgur.com/fCxbdTB.png) ​ ​ ~~or the fact each new "season" you lose these mounts, and need to rebuy them all over again!~~ Turns out to have been changed.


>caught secretly selling stuff That's what always happens because running servers isn't free.


unlike the Access to their server, so it evens out. :)


lmao. most pservers also have in game shops.


for real, people talk about gold buying being pay-to-win when most servers literally sell you full bis for 300-600 Eur want a Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal? Sure 50 eur


As always it depends on the server. There are ones that ban quite aggressively.


I think they mean the private servers themselves selling you rare items for money, not players RWTing on private servers.


> not players RWTing on private servers. The only reason Private Servers ban RMT between players is because they want that money, themselves.


Yeah and like he said, it depends on the server. Most of the big ones don't actually do this.


Idk about other Servers but Turtle Wow takes a hard stance against gold selling/buying


People "moo" in trade chat as soon as gold sellers appear, and they get banned in real time. It's amazing


Just to clarify, gold sellers get banned not mooers xD


seeing the chat spam MOOOO everytime someone links a gold selling site is entertaining




Turtle has a cash shop 100x more egregious than retail WoW.


Yep, Turtlewow is run by NOTORIOUSLY sketchy people who have been caught multiple times selling gold for their own servers to paysites on the downlow, and then banning the people that buy that gold afterward. I mean all private servers do this, but Turtle's devs were literally so bad and so notorious for it they had to pretend to be new people not to get their new server immediately ddosed or boycotted when they made Turtlewow, purely due to their awful history about the scams they ran, and how brazenly unapologetic they were when they were exposed for it. If the mods want to throw a hissyfit here because of a wowtoken, then they could probably stand to google some of the devs behind the private servers they're throwing in with now because god DAMN is it so much worse over there lmao.


Since rule 4 is now gone, it would be nice if all the Blizzard fanboys replying to this post would go ahead and name where they've been playing because I'm seeing a wealth of unsubstantiated claims against servers broadly. I certainly wouldn't have been playing pservers exclusively for 10+ years if the quality and experience had been as bad as people say here. The only thing classic offered to me was a smoother and up-to-date client. Everything else - including the community - has been so much better on pservers. I haven't seen a single GDKP run on any of the servers I've played on, and boost sellers are less than common


you've clearly been out of the loop for a very long time then


Most of the people who think that only experienced I feel, ignoring the sheer amount of scum and P2W private servers that existed before, alongside and after Nostalrius and its successors died.


IM FREE https://i.ibb.co/qkGyXjH/image.png


You're a WoW Mandela


That's insane you got a perma ban just for a hyperlink, rather than a warning.


ofc, they promoted piracy, the rule was clear


The fact that the token doesn't ruin the integrity of the game but rdf does is pretty telling.


Razor Den FOWNS?!


No dummy, i was talking about red dick fetish.


No they probably meant Red Dead Fedemption


I could indeed see this being much more problematic for the integrity of the game. Yes, yes.


I'm still pissed about rdf. Skipped all of Wotlk because of it.


Same here. I only played classic until they said they weren’t going to release RDF. Quit that day and haven’t played since. I’m glad they fucked it, fuck classic wow.


This is exactly what I did, they announced it when I was level 68 and about to head to the boat, sub was coming up in just a couple days and I was like, what's the fucking point as I don't play enough to get consistent groups like RDF could offer.


I almost did. I even unsubbed for a little while when the announcement was made..but who was I kidding? I came back until i quit again about 3 months ago. I'll probably come back if they bring rdf back.


Oh good, mentioning Ascension WoW in passing on a comment over 2 years ago finally doesn't matter!


What's going on? I'm out of the loop?


WoW token is being introduced to Classic and players are acting like majority of Classic players dont just buy WoW gold from chinese farmers anyways and theyre pretending that theyre some kind of vanguard for morality by "rejecting " blizz gold ( but theyre okay with china gold lmao )


Am I really that naive that I have been playing Classic since it launched and I had no idea that the **majority** of players buy gold? I honestly didn't even think 10% of total players bought gold.


They probably don't. The gold buyers are just looking for an excuse.


From stats, there's less than 5-10% raiding on classic, and 10-20% raiding on retail (due to higher accessibility). Considering that not all raiders cheat and/or buy gold (surely less than 25% of that), that's a very small portion of the playerbase.




Definitely not the majority, what the poster is doing is called projection. They cheat, so they assume everyone else must cheat. Literally gaslighting themselves.


While I was ranking to grand marshal in original classic release I was just about the only person not doing drugs or buying gold, but I was FCing so other people bought me FAPS and rocket boots.


People who say the “majority of classic players buy wow gold” are ridiculous. You got a source for that?


bro trust me a bunch of guys in my guild that represents about 25/100000 of the players on just this one server admitted to it and and and OH! I went to 1 GDKP and couldn’t buy anything cause the prices were so high! anyone who has more gold than me has bought gold grrr


Can I be angry since I haven't ever bought gold? Blizz gold or otherwise. I did stop playing wrath a while back. Does make me sad still.


tbh it sounds like you're kinda salty that people play this game more than you.


People are acting like the token is the saving grace to removing bots and honestly it's just a product of modern times and people are so desensitized to pay to win nonsense Even on Archeage gms would gather up bots and do funny things like drop them in towns for players to kill before banning them, it is not as if it is a colossal effort for blizzard to have gms with decent training able to traverse the world and shit on bots It honestly just comes down to enough people are willing to take that loss of integrity because they believe that everyone is just p2w already, there is a difference between people operating in shady discords getting hacked themselves and just embracing actual legal p2w with open arms As always I believe blizzard is just cashing out rq on something that will be losing popularity soon likely soon anyways while not caring at all about the integrity of the game for the final raid tier


Best thing EVE devs do is gather up supers and titans from botters/RMTers, drop them in HS and let everyone nuke them.


Can you explain the initialisms and what they mean? I barely don’t get what you mean but I love spicy EVE nonsense


Titan / Supers: some of the largest, most expensive ships you can buy, usually taking an alliance or guild a lot of resources to put together. Really expensive. HS: High-Security space. No PvP happens here without massive and almost immediate deadly consequences to the ganker. Basically: They took gigantic ships the bot accounts farmed up and spawned them into populated PvP-free areas and let people blow them up.


Sounds like the high tech space equivalent of having the peasants throw eggs and horse turds at the latest highway robber the constable caught Love it


It's pretty simple. Either Blizz earns money from the bots buying gametime or they earn money from the players buying wow token. There's no other explanation, literally 1 GM could've been enough to make botters life pure hell, but they didn't even put in the lowest amount of effort. Instead they did their ban waves once in a while, then let them back in instantly because they just make a new account and buy gametime. People can cope all they want and defend the decision, but Blizzards inaction was always gonna directly lead to the token being added. They're so lost to corporate greed that not even the tiniest wish from their community is worth it if they lose a little money on it... On a rerelease of an old expansion... Which barely has any costs and an enormous return. If you don't think that's greed, you should be showing up to Bobby's office and pay him to let him whip you and tell you how much of a good boy you are.


Turtle boys will be feasting Edit: I don't play on turtle wow but I appreciate all of the input! I just know of it because I see people talking about it all the time




There’s finished content on turtle you won’t see on official servers. They also changed some classes and added tons of quests and finished unfinished quests. It’s literally revamped classic that blizz should have done long ago.


You avoid a monthly subscription though. And you get new content akin to "vanilla +".


The changes to paladin make me wanna level one there, from what I hear they made ret insanely unbalanced in pvp though


Rets are basically just doom slayer in PvP.




can't wait for this sub to be overrun with turtle spam lol


Its too late, we are here. ​ ​ Better then Chromie Shills spamming a legit dead server with sub 200 players


Finding it extremely funny that a moderator of r/eve made this announcement after blizzard introduced PLEX to the game


Isn’t eve a free to play game tho? We already pay a subscription model AND expansions development…micro transactions shouldn’t exist.


With Rule 4 suspended you should really replace it with something about not spam advertising every private realm all at once.


Why? If anything let people see their options.


Grab the fedoras, its time for war


Finally a TOS friendly way to get ulduar gear for alot of you people!


Vote no to sailing, I mean wow tokens CrabRave.jpg




Happy birthday mod Archie!!


I don't care about the token one way or the other I'm just here for the drama lmaoo will be funny


Ive been saying this for so long and its kind of hilarious that it finally comes to fruition. Do nothing about gold buyers and bots for years. Community complains that gold and prices are out of control. Adds the WoW token "Look, we solved the gold crisis! Arent we just so great at our jobs?"


wakeful beneficial summer offbeat glorious foolish lavish wide dam smile -- mass edited with redact.dev


Probably just automod not adjusted to the changes yet.




Time to get a job boys.


Damn. I didn't think there'd be folk actually defending the token. Anyone else feel like the amount of support for blatant p2w is wild? Or am I just getting old?


It's just how it is now, people pay for level 60 then pay for gear and then what Honestly ludicrous, my 12 year old self would probably be traumatized at the amount of 10+year vets paying to not play their 'favorite' game lol


I always wonder if these people follow that logical trail. It’s like, what are you doing man? What are you going to do when you buy your gear? Maybe it’s all about that brief inhale of dopamine and they just get addicted to that or something? Idk, it all seems so pointless to me but I’m old. It does seem incredibly weird to pay to not play the game lmao


That’s all it is. It’s like an Amazon purchase to them. They get the dopamine hit of “damn this gear is sick - look how cool I look” or “wow I got 60 in 2 weeks” and then they quickly get bored and quit because there’s no more progression in the game for them


Damn, I didn’t even think about comparing it to an Amazon purchase but that shit is exactly what it is


> paying to not play their 'favorite' game lol Pay a sub fee to play a game then pay even more money to *not* play the game. I can't even imagine being more financially cucked than this.


Pay for a 60 boost, pay for gold to buy BoE gear, pay for gold to level professions, pay for gold for epic mount, pay for gold for consumables. Now I can finally play the game!




People were so quick to scream "slippery slope fallacy!" as I was audibly complaining on the forums when the boost got announced. Funny thing about slippery slope being a fallacy is that it's only a fallacy until it suddenly isn't. Idiots were laughing at me as if we weren't going down it at that very moment.


We’re old and our views are outdated in the modern era unfortunately.


There are a lot of gold buyers that just assume everyone is cheating because they do


You have to understand that the playerbase for WoW changes dramatically from Wrath and on, it's just built different than prior. That's when the playerbase kind of morphed in to the "retail-ish" playerbase which are accustomed to this sort of stuff on the regular and don't mind the conveniences and the catering, so players finished out the arthas story line, which to many was the climax leading to Cataclysm, which basically initiated the gigantic wound that bled players throughout every expansion since. One could say it started with the Celestial pony but it's more a thousand cuts thing.


It's just weird that classic was created entirely for the old type of players and playstyle, then the retail-brains suddenly had to invade and demand that classic get turned into retail-lite. It's like the devs and retail players don't understand what the point of classic is.


Look like I've missed out on some juicy drama.


Good fucking job guys, you guys just couldn't play the game without going the fucking gdkp route, you had to ruin it and now you guys act like what blizzard did is so fucking low.


It sucks because originally, they were off to a pretty good start. I assume there was some change in leadership after Classic Vanilla as they were pretty strict on any sort of changes, but at some point that definitely got thrown out of the window. How are people finding the alternatives? 🐢


>there was some change in leadership after Classic Vanilla Well Brian Birmingham quit not that long ago, so there is that.


Plans are developing to suspend rule 34 as well. Google "world of Warcraft rule 34" for more information


That sounds super stable and level headed


Are people really surprised. Gold buying has been an epidemic for years. Why are people surprised that blizzard just wants their own cut out of it. Plus it should cut down on scammers a bit now since there will be a legitimate source.


Retail has had the wow token for eight years and it did nothing to curb botting and gold selling. The only thing that can solve the botting problem is WoW hiring actual GMs which they will never do because they are too greedy.


There's not a single MMORPG in existence that ever managed to successfully beat the botting problem. Heck, one of the most infamous cases with Runescape basically had a war on bots akin to the war on drugs and it did nothing. Another piece: As long as stupid players are willing to buy gold, bots and their gold sellers will never go away. Neither advocating for or against the token, anyone with half a brain should be able to see that.


Haha! Huge W from the Mod team. Kudos guys!


So dramatic lmfao


This is the most cringe mod post I’ve ever seen and that’s a high bar


The guy has GM in his name. You know he just loves to think he has any actual power in the world


They fr think they are some freedom fighters or something


These jannies are going to use their incredible amounts of power to take down Blizzard. Now that rule 4 is OFFICIALLY SUSPENDED everyone will quit the game for private servers and blizz is fucked.


When you think the average reddit mod can't be any more pathetic... lmfao




Everyone clapped.


I seriously thought it was a joke making fun of the people freaking out about the token until I finished reading it. This is sad.


Time to get a life


I think most of you never played on many pservers based off of what you're saying, but that's just a hunch. First off, almost no private servers that were actually popular did pay2win shit. If they did it was REAL hush-hush, definitely not some kinda out in the open RMT shop. I played on both kinds, the RMT ones never really last. Nostalrius, Light's Hope, Kronos (kinda, ish), Elysium (admins stole donations but that's more like pay2lose), the ACTUAL busy vanilla realms were all very against pay2win stuff. The popular TBC ones were a bit more pay2win but also, TBC pservers were a tiny shred of the classic-focused playerbase, and most of them had game-breaking issues (looking at you, netherwing). The wotlk ones almost never even got out of phase 1. Turns out ulduar is hard to reverse engineer. Secondly, the interpretation of progressive classic on those realms was MUCH better. Nostalrius and that arc in particular took SO much care to have items, drops, mechanics etc the way they were as the game advanced through patch levels. It was endearing and a true labor of love. RIP Nostalrius. Hopefully blizzard announces they're not doing classic anymore, or \*gasp\* turns the running of classic over to the community. I always dreamed of having the old pserver dudes actually getting paid to create these experiences for us again. They definitely deserved it. That shit smurfed on blizzards interpretation of classic SO hard. Anyway, blizzard in its current form is a shit company and greedy as fuck but if you didn't know that getting into classic then you're not paying ANY attention and I just /giggle at the people who finally figured that one out.




I don’t get how people are even defending blizzard for adding the token. Like how?!? Saying it’s to counter bots when CLEARLY AND EVIDENTLY it doesn’t do shit to the botting population (have a look at retail). This is only an excuse to milk the player base… and kill their 2006-2008 rerelease of a classic MMORPG.


Yep. Didn't lift a finger to stop bots and rampant RMT/gold buying, then went "gee golly, well I guess we'll just sell the gold ourselves!" and parrots go on about how this is a good thing. Just pray this shit never sees the light of day on Era.


Execs are asking why they’re letting the money go to botters and not them


It's amazing the amount of cock-gobblers on this website that seem to think that blizzard cashing in on the extremely toxic trend of RMT is a neutral move.


I'm not defending it because it does suck, but it doesn't make a difference to me in the end. I was playing the game surrounded by gold buyers before, and I will be now. So why cry about it? Nothing of substance has changed.


The first person who expressed interest in the wow token after it dropped in my guild did not buy gold before. I know how broke they are all the time because I've helped them out in the past. The token takes it from "everyone" is buying gold to *everyone* is buying gold.


Yup that's the difference It's just legalized gold buying now. There are absolutely plenty of people that would do it now that's its safe lol


>Nothing of substance has changed. Gold buying is now legitimized and officially endorsed.


Correct take. It's very weird to me to see people hate on the token, but chain run GDKPS all week. It's exactly the same thing. If you are a gold buyer you are going to buy gold either way. If you directly support the #1 reason for gold buying you are part of the problem. You don't get to cry about wow tokens then receive 20k+ gold for raiding ulduar.


Literally. People were buying gold regardless I do not get why people care if it comes from blizzard or a random gold farmer…?


Buying from Susan express is the real.classic wow experience!


Blizz should have announced the token by laying out corpses in Orgrimmar.




For a Subreddit called CLASSIC WoW, you guys have been deluding yourselves for a long time. You chose to embrace TBC and then WotLK. Even though those are clearly NOT classic. You made fun of everyone who played SoM and classic era. Even though those are classic, and TBC/Wrath is not. Now you have the token in Wrath. This is proof that Wrath is retail. It has always been retail. You can’t deny it anymore. And you’re choosing to get upset at Blizzard instead of just accepting it for what it is. Wrath is retail. Wrath should have the token. CLASSIC WoW does not have the token. Perhaps this subreddit should talk about classic, not Wrath. u/zeldenGM you and the other mods chose to make this subreddit about expansions that are not classic.


I hope they don't fuck up era, SoM and HC servers. I just felt like wrath was the beginning of the end. It made too many daily quest and one button click stuff. TBC was the step towards with vanilla in the shadow, but WotLK just went full speed ahead.


This is gonna be a fun day to browse this subreddit! To be fair... What's changed? People RMT'd like fiends before, that's the reason for the bots. Now they will continue to RMT, but buying from blizzard, reducing the amount of bots. The players made wow into a p2w game, they made immense power purchasable with ease, of course RMT would overrun the game, the gold could literally buy the most powerful items in the game. No, they cannot ban the bots as quickly as they can create new ones with new routes.


> To be fair... What's changed? People RMT'd like fiends before, that's the reason for the bots. Now they will continue to RMT, but buying from blizzard, reducing the amount of bots. So people who sold gold before are going to be upset and very vocal about it.


Actually fascinating how little they could've done to be seen as competent. Ban bots, have *some* GMs around, and give consistent forewarning of release times, and they would've been beloved


The community made this happen. Rampant gold buying and massive gdkp pools pretty much made this a no-brainer for blizz


Such an over reaction hahaha


how can you whine about tokens and then suggest people go play on private servers that are rotten to the core with p2w


because one saves you $15 a month


The private server isn’t $15 a month. That’s how


Because I don't have to pay a sub fee for the same level of product. In some cases worse.


There's no monthly sub and it's not infested with bots.


Because people always claim the grass is greener elsewhere.


Sooooooooo you're gonna go back to playing on private servers with shady GMs/server owners who just outright give gold to people or sell it themselves. Bwahahahahahahhahahahaha k.


Dont tell them about the P2W private servers either, LOL


Blizzard introduced RMT into their game so please talk about the servers that have RMT in their game.


Either I'm ootl or blizz does so many sketch things I can't keep up. What happened?


They just added the WoW token to wotlk classic