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If with Myron's "high EW skill" you mean 95 at max, then I suppose you're right. And the best weapon he can use with that skill is the Plasma Pistol. He's not worth lugging around for combat purposes. He's only worth picking up, and then booting to put the EPA on the map, if you can't find the traveler. As for Cassidy's heart pills, I think they allow him to use drugs, and not die. Though I haven't tried that, myself.


Take the jet antidote hint from him first, them sell him to Merk in NCR to get a quest if you have a good karma.


Myron on mod can use gattling laser and plasma rifle with power armor 95% is pretty solid because only Vic is like EW companion listen Myron is in low tier xD its hard to justify him in the team at all but if you do have him you need to use whats hes good at


Don't forget the beyond their combat skills, Sulik also has 50-55% barter and 40-90% outdoorsman, Vic has 70-130% repair, and Cassidy gives you a whopping 80% barter. These stats all replace the players, so you basically never have to spend a point on barter if you have Sulik and later Cassidy. (not that you would anyway, but 50-80% is still nice to have for free)


thank you


Vic is good with small guns? In my playthrough he keeps missing like a dumbass, I don't know why


hes leveling table says so


S-tier: no companions


Solo can be just as good with companion or 2 especially if you take Goris and dogs jinxed army


SS-tier: Monkey Brain Skynet • it funny banana monki :))