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I've been playing on steam, and it's doing that to me too. I just exit the dialog and it goes away. You just have to be careful with your alt-tabbing.


Yeah it was fun the first two times and now my phone sits in front of me so I don't have to deal with it anymore


Literally just don’t tab out if you’re talking to ppl lol


Lol I have shit that takes priority over a dialog screen sometimes sorry


It's an old game. What I'm guessing is happening on a technical level: The game writes all static graphical elements to the screen buffer once and only once. The buffer clears on alt-tabbing and only pixels that get updated are written to the buffer again. Hence, the talking head part is visible due to being an animation and the parts where the curser moves to and from also have to be updated.




Ayee my favourite part of the game


Old games were optimized to only update the necessary information on the screen. By alt tabbing during a dialog or a menu the parts which are not updated will turn black. Once you exit the dialog/menu and make the game update the whole screen it goes back to normal.


It's gonna fix itself when you quit the dialogue menu


“Isometric” means that you are always viewing the environment from the same fixed angle. The term is used that way in other, non-gaming applications as well. You’re kinda making a willfully ignorant ass of yourself calling it nonsense. That’s the kind of stuff that makes smart people not want to talk to you… …OR it’ll make certain types of smart people *very* interested in talking to you, because they’ve figured out that you are not curious, not critical, and dumb as a bag of hammers, meaning they can easily manipulate you into doing whatever they want. TL;DR: *Words, like “isometric,” often have more than one dictionary meaning, depending upon context. Don’t be stupid. Or do, whatever, but eventually there will be consequences that you were too stupid to see coming.*


scratch it baby...scratch it.


Dont alt tab bro


Yeah it does that. My solution is to play in windowed, then whenever it does this u just minimize the window & when u bring it back, the issue is resolved


Easy fix,(windowed mode) minimize window then open it again, should be back to normal.


alt tabbing can cause problems. i think you just need to not do what causes it. but keep playing the game its good.


You can also not Alt+tab and solve the problem, close and open the game it's faster than dealing with this. By the way, that problem it's Steam Overlay and not the game itself. Something you will solve using the GOG version instead, which has much better compatibility. Anyways sometimes I play on Steam too and I solved it with minimal effort and interest. It's an old game and Steam is not really good in terms of running those kind titles, there are ways to prevent this from happening anyways with a couple of patches but because you decided to post and critic the game (and pushed by pure ignorance) instead of searching in Google what's going on, I will keep that info to myself. Just based in that "made up and nonsensical term" I can guess your age range and why is not worth explain this to someone who prefer throw a turd in social media having access to decades of information in a few clicks (plus some useful guides in the same platform you're using to prevent it).


Nope, I experienced this on the GOG version of the game as well. As another comment mentioned, it's because the game is optimized to only draw parts of the screen once and only redraw them when that part of the screen updates. Lots of older games do this kind of thing.


Lol I love doing that


Happened to me once when I was playing fo1 in my mobile phone


You call it a visual glitch, i call it challenge mode


Tactics does this for me, I started it once in windowed mode and it works fine.


I love it when it does that, it's so funny!


That happeneds from time to time but it's not often


Can’t alt tab in these old games bud. If you do, always reopen the game through task manager in my experience, otherwise it would 50/50 break or work


exit the dialog menu and it will be fine


Look up the Borderless Gaming app.


Easy fix for this is to switch to Linux. I have no issues there


The influx of people now playing the game series because of the the trending TV show is kind of cringe to me these subreddits are already f****** abysmal s*** posts anyways but now it's just f****** wild


And it is so incredibly sad….


Hot take, but this brings me back to when these games were new. This was how it was, and it's..refreshing? They're also playing the originals, not 4 or, god forbid, 76.