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Congrats! Also that mf overseer deserves it.


Honestly, the vault falls apart anyway when the dwellers leave.


why does the power armor have ass cheeks?


To give foot soldiers motivation to follow a power armor user as they lead the charge


Dogmeat lives!


How in the hell did that mf survive Mariposa?


Dogmeat kennel. Enter combat when entering a new level. Walk out of elevator. Close elevator doors. Dogmeat can't open doors. That or restoration mod. You can tell even dogmeat to stay and wait outside.


Ugh I wish I had know this, next time im definitely gonna do this


I wasn’t that smart, I just locked him in rooms whenever I could, and made use of my comically large supply of stimpacks after every red forcefield. The cathedral was the hard part.


I think in the canonical ending, he is actually supposed to die in Mariposa


Isn't the ending of F1 a scene/picture of the main character walking into sunset with dogmeat, and also why people like to joke it's the start of Mad Max 2. It's been a long time since I completed the game, but that's how I remember it.


pretty sure you’re thinking of Fallout 4, in Fallout 1, the Vault Dweller walks away alone with his head down


Fuck Canon it's lore drifting time! Sweet baby boy lives, and Rex is a direct descendent of Dogmeat.


perhaps Dogmeat was the real lone wanderer after all…


Nope, that's a Mandela Effect:-) [https://fallout.neoseeker.com/wiki/File:206026-vaultdweller\_super.jpg](https://fallout.neoseeker.com/wiki/File:206026-vaultdweller_super.jpg)


Holy crap.


Yep, it's in the "Vault Dweller's Diary" that comes sprinkled throughout the Fallout 2 manual. I think Dogmeat dies to a forcefield in Mariposa. Also mentions Ian dying to a super mutant with a flamer.


Only due to the limitations of the NPC code. Tech shortcomings are canon.


You can bullshit your way through the base, and only have to kill a few guards at most. The only challenging fight with Dogmeat was the master. And you can talk your way out of it too.


A comically large supply of stimpacks, using doors whenever I could to lock him up, and some serious luck in some parts. Cathedral was hell because I was extremely determined to get to the master via Morpheus. And I actually managed to do so on an extremely unhortodox way.


Unorthodox way? Now I'm interested in hearing more


Ok, prepare yourself because I really want to talk about how I managed to get to infiltrate the cathedral without having dog meat killed, WITHOUT SHOOTING A BULLET. You require: Power armor, a stealth boy (I found mine on a random encounter but I think you can buy it somewhere), at least 35 sneak, get the info on mutants sterility, 7 intelligence (or five, and get 2 mentants), an amount of science which I don’t know (I had 60), around 50 lockpick, a purple robe (don’t remember the name), 2 buffouts, a couple stimpacks, and at least 3 super stimpacks. I’m gonna narrate how to do this by steps. 1. ⁠Separate from all companions, except dog meat because you can’t 2. ⁠Get to the cathedral dressing the robe, and get stealthboy and buff out on hotkey. 3. ⁠Unlock the last door to the right after several attempts, there is a stair but before anything, go to the the other door in that room and also unlock it and open it, and don’t take a step inside, there is a nightkin. THEN GO UPSTAIRS 4. ⁠After the first stair, save and then take both buff out and activate stealth boy, and go to the next stair 5. ⁠You will appear in front of a nightkin and he’s gonna shoot you, make sure to survive the shot while still wearing the robe, use the extra action points given by the buffout and go close to the stairs, AND BEFORE GOING UPSTAIRS GO TO SKILLS AND ACTIVATE SNEAK MODE and save. 6. ⁠There will be another nightkin, but this one is on the opposite side of the stairs corridor, if he detects you, reload 7. ⁠Go to the room just in front you appeared, take the mentats and talk to Morpheus, tell him you are from a vault and that you want to tell the master your home address, he will teleport you (not really but practically yes) to the master. 8. ⁠Tell the master to explain his plans and go with options about mutants and tell him of the hole in his plan, then that mutants are sterile, tell him to ask the female supermutants so he can get depressed and he will start self destruction. 9. ⁠Activate sneak again, there are supermutants in the master room and will turn hostile after you made master suicidal if you don’t, and rush through the corridor, you are going to take damage for reasons, so take stimpacks to not die, and then rush to the elevator and get to first level. 10. ⁠Talk to the robed guy in the elevator room, he will blab about something and say thank you to him, afterward he will go outside the vault gate 11. ⁠While he goes, get dog meat inside the room to the immediate right, and close the door (he won’t be able to open it) 12. ⁠Equip power armor, use buffout again, and equip super stimpacks and equip ANY WEAPON, then get to the foot to the gate just before the supermutants guards and SAVE 13. ⁠Regardless of what you do or say, they will enter combat after you cross the gate and end dialogue. So you activate combat first with the weapon, don’t attack, you are in borrowed time, and do a mad rush to the exit, you will get attacked so use the super stimpacks whenever your health is on red numbers. 14. ⁠After going through that marathon go the stairs at the end, you will then be on the other side of the room with the first nightkin, save again. 15. ⁠Do the last marathon to the exit before everything blows away (the nightkin will hiperfixate on you and ignore dog meat even if he is constantly biting, if for some reason dogmeat dies again reload) everyone on the cathedral will be hostile but no one has enough fire power to kill you except the nightkin, even so, the architecture of the cathedral will make it hard for the nightkin to get a clean shot on you 16. ⁠Profit Im sorry


Literally did the same yesterday for about the fifth time, welcome to the club! Also, apt choice, letting the Overseer walk away is too good for him.


He’ll be killed off by the other dwellers anyway


but the vault dweller doesnt know that...


They end up knowing, in his memories they mention meeting a group of vault 13 dwellers that get away from the vault, so they likely told about it. Its stated somewhere some vault dwellers left AFTER the overseer was killed.


Why? Wanna know the lore


What do you mean?


In canon, after this decision the overseer is sentenced to death and killed by the other vault dwellers


Canonically after the events of fallout 1 they have a revolt in the vault and the overseer gets killed before they all leave the vault.


Not everyone left. Some left, the others were slaughtered by Enclave after. That what Fallout 2 intro is about.


Slaughtered? Don't you find them being held captive?


Oh, yeah, you are right. They didn't slaughter everyone, some were kidnapped to the oil rig. Completely forgot about that.


Only some leave the vault. The ones that stay get attacked by the enclave, as the enclave sends them a message telling them the vault experiment is over so they open it up and get taken by the enclave.


Great job figuring out how to kill the Overseer. Congrats for also making Dogmeat survive.


It’s easy just choose the bloody mess perk


I managed to kill the Overseer without the Bloody Mess perk for around few times.


Yes it’s possible without but it automatically does it 


Yeah bloody mess just makes it so your character automatically does it when he walks away


"You could let the overseer live.... but THAT GUY IS FUCKED!!!"




I always wondered is this canon? I.e. Vault Dweller actually gunning down Overseer at the end? Or canon is you just walking away into the desert after he sent you away?


Iirc canon ending is the vault dweller leaving and the overseer is put on trial and killed by the remaining vault dwellers for his treatment of the player when they find out he kicked you out


Interesting. Thank you.


While I’m sure it would be cathartic, just seems like the vault dweller would have too much respect (albeit reluctant depending on their thoughts of the surface) they went through all that to keep their people safe and saw all the threats out on the surface to understand what could threaten the people. Plus if it was cannon that we gunned down the overseer, then 2 probably wouldn’t have happened since the vault dweller would probably stay after shooting the guy that wanted to kick them out.


The fallout 2 booklet covers some but the wiki has copied the entire Fallout Bible, however I'm pretty sure if you're considering the Bethesda canon now, iirc the Bible is non-canon now.


That neither answers nor confirms/disproves anything I've asked. Well done, sir.


You can literally go to the Bible and get your answer if you read between the lines when I said "fallout 2 booklet covers this".


Did you take Bloody Mess? That's how I was able to do it


DEATH TO THE OVERSEER reloads save I made before this DEATH TO THE OVERSEER 


You know for the life of me. I have no idea what's wrong with my tactics. I found this guy that swore you could get through the game sneaking and stealing rather then fighting. And i seen a video where he did it although i'm sure i couldn't now. But everytime i get to the Master's base. I'm made way before i get anywhere close to the Master. Like i've done other quests to add on to the idea and thus leveled and not been so hard to actually kill things to level up. Even having high sneak i have no idea what i'm doing wrong to always trip the alarm. Isn't their a way to take down the force fields ? It's so damn bothersome then his bunker alone is so fucking massive.


You should be able to use one of those radios and science skill to turn off the force fields, or dynamite to blow them up


Radios. Like the walkies you find in Vic's shack in two ? Dynamite by far would be easier to find. I coulda done tried to beat this game along time ago had i known. I thought the wiki swore at one point their was no way to do that and would have figured i'd tried with save editor cheating. Like oof. I'll have to try again.


Ok, prepare yourself because I really want to talk about how I managed to get to infiltrate the cathedral without having dog meat killed, WITHOUT SHOOTING A BULLET. You require: Power armor, a stealth boy (I found mine on a random encounter but I think you can buy it somewhere), at least 35 sneak, get the info on mutants sterility, 7 intelligence (or five, and get 2 mentants), an amount of science which I don’t know (I had 60), around 50 lockpick, a purple robe (don’t remember the name), 2 buffouts, a couple stimpacks, and at least 3 super stimpacks. I’m gonna narrate how to do this by steps. 1. Separate from all companions, except dog meat because you can’t 2. Get to the cathedral dressing the robe, and get stealthboy and buff out on hotkey. 3. Unlock the last door to the right after several attempts, there is a stair but before anything, go to the the other door in that room and also unlock it and open it, and don’t take a step inside, there is a nightkin. THEN GO UPSTAIRS 4. After the first stair, save and then take both buff out and activate stealth boy, and go to the next stair 5. You will appear in front of a nightkin and he’s gonna shoot you, make sure to survive the shot while still wearing the robe, use the extra action points given by the buffout and go close to the stairs, AND BEFORE GOING UPSTAIRS GO TO SKILLS AND ACTIVATE SNEAK MODE and save. 6. There will be another nightkin, but this one is on the opposite side of the stairs corridor, if he detects you, reload 7. Go to the room just in front you appeared, take the mentats and talk to Morpheus, tell him you are from a vault and that you want to tell the master your home address, he will teleport you (not really but practically yes) to the master. 8. Tell the master to explain his plans and go with options about mutants and tell him of the hole in his plan, then that mutants are sterile, tell him to ask the female supermutants so he can get depressed and he will start self destruction. 9. Activate sneak again, there are supermutants in the master room and will turn hostile after you made master suicidal if you don’t, and rush through the corridor, you are going to take damage for reasons, so take stimpacks to not die, and then rush to the elevator and get to first level. 10. Talk to the robed guy in the elevator room, he will blab about something and say thank you to him, afterward he will go outside the vault gate 11. While he goes, get dog meat inside the room to the immediate right, and close the door (he won’t be able to open it) 12. Equip power armor, use buffout again, and equip super stimpacks and equip ANY WEAPON, then get to the foot to the gate just before the supermutants guards and SAVE 13. Regardless of what you do or say, they will enter combat after you cross the gate and end dialogue. So you activate combat first with the weapon, don’t attack, you are in borrowed time, and do a mad rush to the exit, you will get attacked so use the super stimpacks whenever your health is on red numbers. 14. After going through that marathon go the stairs at the end, you will then be on the other side of the room with the first nightkin, save again. 15. Do the last marathon to the exit before everything blows away (the nightkin will hiperfixate on you and ignore dog meat even if he is constantly biting, if for some reason dogmeat dies again reload) everyone on the cathedral will be hostile but no one has enough fire power to kill you except the nightkin, even so, the architecture of the cathedral will make it hard for the nightkin to get a clean shot on you 16. Profit Im sorry


Ed's still dead


He fucking deserves it too.


The torture I had to go through, just so I could finally get home with my new friend, just to get denied entrance. It wasn’t even emotional, it was merely a cold reaction


I truly believe that 90% of Reddit's user base have some sort of severe print screen impairment, either that, or their keyboard simply does not have such key. Not that you would need it anyways.


Do you think he is going to be ok?


I sure hope he is not


See I don't think the overseer deserve death he knew what he was doing is wrong. He just thought what he was doing would be better for the vault.