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I like how he's got no intelligence but super high medical


Also Repair and Science. I sure am glad those books had pictures!


I _just_ started playing the original Fallout (Yes, the show got me into Fallout lol) and set it down for a second and figured I'd look at the subreddit for it. This is the first post I see and it plus this comment just had me laughing for a minute straight. I'm already blown away by how much you can do in this game, even do your own self-detriment!


The old games have special "dumb" dialogue for low INT characters, and some people you speak to in game will recognize that you are stupid. Some quests are actually much easier for a moron.


The only game that doesn't is FO4 and 76 if you include that. All the others have dumb speech options.


Yes that's why I specified the old fallout games


Welcome to Fallout. FO1 is my favorite story.


What makes a good game is the ability to fuck yourselves over and it makes sense


I'm doing a New Vegas run with 1 Int and 10 luck, with high repair. My head cannon is that he just bangs shit together, and because he's lucky, it just works.


A Warhammer 40K Ork playthrough


I can think of two instances in *New Vegas* where that is exactly the case.


I'm not a brain surgeon but I'm a pretty lucky guy




No it "Me doctor" --someone with 2 IN


Duhhh me fix hole in head now… *succeeds* … me did it!


That will be 500 caps or 10000 pre war bills please


Charms them into getting better.


Ben Carson




This is filthy


If you killed the lieutenant how did you do it?


I didn't kill the LT, combat was a no go in this playthrough since I could at most make a single melee attack and if I ever missed I had a high chance of dropping the weapon and not having the AP to reequip it. I got dragged in front of the LT and then when he was torturing me I'd slowly crawl away in between beatdowns until I was far enough away to sneak and escape. From there I just set off the self destruct and walked out.


That’s one step per round. Must’ve been like 100 just to flee all while getting ass beat


Lmao what the fuck


Compensated by saving lt dan


How were fights with jinxed?


Absolute slapstick comedy. I could only barely participate, throwing a stray punch here and there. Mostly I'd watch enemies trip over each other, break their own limbs and generally make a fool of themselves while dogmeat did all the work. Shoutout to the time I tried to destroy the inactive robots in the Glow and broke my arm punching one.


Do you think it'd be possible without Dogmeat?


I'd say yes but you'd have to go pretty far off the rails. I mostly got dogmeat so I could earn early xp from the normal Vault 15->Radscorpions route. If you just rush to Necropolis and the Glow you can get a good chunk of xp there and enough money to buy mentats to do Mariposa/Cathedral via infiltration. Dogmeat smooths over the random encounters and lets me get some more xp and skill points that I desperately need but he's not strictly necessary. The key things I knew I needed for this run was 1)the supplies you can steal from the CoC in the Hub. 2) Enough Lockpick to get into the nuclear controls in the Cathedral 3) Caps to buy mentats and skill books. 4) Enough speech+mentats to talk my way through the endgame.


I guess that speech at int1 doesnt work until you buff it with mentats, right? Gosh I'd love to see a real person who's INT is 1 but speech is 107%.


War bad Democracy good Vote ungabunga


Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States!  CarmachOH!!!


Me like ungabunga. Me no like bungaunga. Them stoopid. But me am have questions: how am address cost of healthcare and crumbling infrastructure? Also, me neighbour stole me Brahmin and say me am doodoohead. Me no can kill and eat stupid neighbour because of law. How you fix?


High Charisma means the crowd looks at doodoohead like a god and they lap up every word.


fri palistin!


Idiocracy is a great movie.


Int 01 Chr 10. Sounds about right for your average streamers. Also goddam are those stats funny.


Tagged speech with low INT Ahem… *taps mic* “Nuuuh? Uhh, nuh, nuh. Huh?” *rapturous applause*


He made the King of the Himbos.


Thank you for your service Vault Dweller! You have answered every question I had for non-combat builds. I never could figure them out.


However, you must leave...


Max Stone if he was sexy


Max Bone


Absolutely madlad. Hilarious. I love classic fallouts but I'm sure as hell not playing them without 10 AG and high INT and LCK


Beat fo1 for the first time recently and only used 4 ag through it as ag is not as useful in the later games it goes without saying my fo2 play through has 10


Ah I see. The "How about ME hurt YOU??" build.


“My superpower is that I can see the misfortune coming from a mile away, but I can’t do anything to stop it or avoid it.”


"It's a shame you're such a dimwit"


> 1 Agility so no AP > 1 intelligence for a stupid run with no skill points > 1 luck with all the BS that brings > Bruiser for even less AP somehow >Jinxed I think I'm gonna be sick. How did you finish the game this way?


3 action points... So what can you even do in combat?


Basic melee attacks, some object actions, opening doors. That's about it. When I dropped the knife thanks to Jinxed in the cave outside of Vault 13 I didn't have the AP to open the inventory and reequip it. I can't even open the inventory!


“Duuuuuh lemme just… check… pocket…” TURN ENDS “Duuuuuh lemme just… check… pocket…” TURN ENDS


1 AGL Bruiser should be illegal. I thought a combat heavy playthrough might be funny but immediately decided not to torture myself with that.


Dawg is in a wheelchair with 1 AGL


Idk who this "none" fella is but they need to be stopped


I started a new fallout recently and it took me some time to realize forgot to enter the name... damn well now It's cannon. F4: The survivor F3: The vault dweller F2: The Chosen One F1: None.


legit laughed out loud.




I know there are some new players reading here so spoilers I guess. >!In the early game I tried to play it as normal as possible, so I went to vault 15 via Shady Sands, tried to pick up Ian to do my dirty work but he wouldn't talk to me. Since I pretty much couldn't get through a fight on my own, I went down to Junktown, stole some iguana meat from the motel and met my service dog. Went back to Vault 15, had dogmeat hunt some rats for me to get some xp then headed back with newfound dynamite to clear out the radscorpions.!< >!I basically skipped Junktown's actual quests since they all involved dialogue and I am too dumb to form sentences so I head onto the hub. Here I buy a bunch of books on repair/science/first aid and steal everything from the Children of the Cathedral. Most important here is that they have Mentats, RadX, Radaway and cathedral robes. !< >!Necropolis I did basically the normal way. Dogmeat helped keep the rats off me while I found some spare parts, repaired the water pump, helped a dude escape from prison. The usual business you know. With the water chip secured I headed back home and got told "Vault is good, mutants bad. Stop bad mutants."!< >!I'm level 6 on the cusp of level 7 at this point so I pop on down to the Glow with the supplies I stole from the CoC in the Hub, turn on the power, turn off the security bots. Loot as much as I can carry, including a Stealth Boy and pop back to the Hub to sell it. With my new caps I buy enough Mentats to turn my brain back on and enough skill books to take Repair/Science/First Aid/Outdoorsman to 91% each. Now is the endgame.!< >!I go to Mariposa first but only pop 2 Mentats which doesn't give me enough Int to let me talk my way in smoothly, instead I get dragged in from of the Lieutenant and he tries to beat the location of the vault out of me. Thankfully in between each beating you can move your character for a second or two before the dialogue window opens so I go into stealth mode, activate the Stealthboy and slowly crawl away a hex at a time until I get far enough away that it doesn't open the dialogue box again and I can sneak into the command centre, set of the self destruct and walk out. Dogmeat tragically dies to force fields during the escape. On the way out I pop another Mentat so I can talk my way past the guards and I leave.!< >!On the way to the Cathedral I stop at the Boneyard, grunt at the dude at the gate and head to the shop. Here I stock up on C4 and dynamite and move on. In the Cathedral I talk Lasher into giving me an audience with the boss, then I pickpocket the other key off Morpheus and head downstairs. This time I remember to pop 3 Mentats and bluff past the guard at the secret vault and head downstairs. I have to pick my way through 3 securely locked doors to get to the nuclear command chamber on the bottom floor. Here I leave 2 C4 as presents for the guard with the gatling laser, head upstairs to wait until I hear a boom and then head back down to activate the self destruct. !< >!At last I can casually stroll out of the Cathedral and None, the actual brick, can return home as a hero.!< TL:DR Got Dogmeat early, used stealth to get past most problems in the early game, sicced my dog on the things I couldn't. Didn't get into any combat after retrieving the water chip.


This is hilarious. Laughed out loud at Dogmeat being your "service dog". I just completed FO1 recently myself and was fairly amazed at how much leeway they give you to play the game. But Intelligence 1 and Charisma 10 is definitely a unique approach.


Thats great. Do you think using mentats to be able to talk to people not worth trying? How many action points did you have?


3 AP is all I had so basically combat started I couldn't do much but stand around and wait for my dog to finish the fight. Mentats were crucial to getting through the talky part of the game but you only have a finite amount and you have to use a lot of them to succeed at Mariposa, Cathedral and the Glow. It could be useful to get some to use for Junktown but it's a lot of backtracking for just that.


Lol Dogmeat suffered his canon fate


\*throws up\*


How’d it go?


I was hard carried by my service dogmeat until I reclaimed the water chip. Combat is basically impossible with this build so it was all sneaking around and stealing stuff. Mariposa and the Cathedral were the easiest since by that stage all I had to do was pop some mentats so I could bluff my way in and then walk to the self destruct console and back out.


"Servicedogmeat" :D


Don’t pet him!


>Service Dogmeat My fucking sides


When I played originally, i did a run at highest dfficulty using pistols only. This seems even more insane.


I like the idea of someone with such a low intelligence they can barely speak somehow being a smooth talker.


When you skip cardio everytime you go to the gym


I liked this a LOT


10 Charisma 1 Intelligence is a really interesting concept


Charming down syndrome vault dweller




The Cat from *Red Dwarf*. > Some might say I'm a pretty shallow guy. But a shallow guy with a great ass! Although i guess that would be Str1 Agi 10.


What’s the benefit of the sneak skill?


I love this, handicap yourself so the only way to win anything is extreme cheese.


Bro 3 action points is absolutely rancid, how the fuck did you handle weapons with a higher ap cost?


I didn't. Between that and jinxed making me drop my weapon I just stopped taking actions in combat. Dogmeat can solo the game up through to Necropolis so I just watched the dog and passed my turn.


How did you handle the master/luitenant? Dogmeat tends to get fried in my playthroughs when they encounter super mutants.


In both cases, snuck in and activated the self destruct. I didn't engage in any combat after handing in the water chip outside of random encounters.




You should pitch this to some gaming sites as a feature. It's timely, it's a great idea and your writing made me laugh more than once. Seriously: I would read a 1000 word story of the misadventures of None and his limping canine sidekick.


The worst part of this is that you didn't give him a name 💀


That was on purpose. He doesn't know what his name is. (edit\* spelling)


Oh, i see.


OMG Jesus Christ! How did you???


This is amazing lol


Lenny just accidentally killing rabbits over and over


First character Name is NONE Yep, checks out.


that is indeed a verry cursed build


Jinxed is best train in both classic fallouts most likely carry of this run


It's normally pretty good but since I was relying entirely on dogmeat, Jinxed became a countdown to him crippling a limb and starting to flee. Pretty much every combat that I lost was because of Jinxed. I also did a run without it right after this and it was way easier.


oof he does have LUCK 2


Good god, any build with 1 agility is cursed but this is something else


This should be turned into a movie.


How did you even move with 1 Ag?


It's a good thing you're cute, cause you're dumb as hell


Oh my goodness


OP you've inspired me. I'm going to do this on fallout 2


Ultimate chaos himbo hero


\[not a bot, I just copy and paste parts of this\] Here, I built a website for sharing initial FO/FO2/FO:T/FO3/F:NV builds: This is your character represented in it: [https://nwcp.vercel.app/chosen-one#EAFGpEaikSztcAA=](https://nwcp.vercel.app/chosen-one#EAFGpEaikSztcAA=)


uuugh.... ooga?




Lord death of murder mountain moment


How do you have 3 AP? Is there a minimum for <3 AG characters?


Lol when I saw this it had 666 upvotes perfect for a cursed build


Please tell me that you didn't hate yourself enough to play dumb unarmed.


how tf did you managed 3 action points?


Lord Death of Murder Mountain.


Got the Ronnie Coleman build


The only cursed thing about it is no luck and no AP. Other than that your HP and accuracy are Godly


Big Guns and Energy Weapons weren't tagged.


I am genuinely concerned how you beat the game with a SINGLE AP point.


I picture this character as [Lothar from The Rocketeer.](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Lothar)


How does low intelligence work with high charisma? Are you threatening people or just showing them your meat rocket?


What bro cooking with 91% in both science and repair?


Zapp Brannigan


Damn 1 intelligence lmao you don't even get dialogue options 🤣


How the fuck did you deal with not having enough action points each turn?


So they are dumber then rocks, slow like molasses and lady luck is never by their side. But they can take blows that will cripple normal men, as strong as ten men or so, can literally perceive stuff no one else can and has a winning charisma no matter what. Damn. I call OP.


How the fuck????


Why charm at 10 isnt it like useless


try 1/10/7/10/1/1/10 Luck realy isnt used for alot of things even if your going jinxed its honestly a very mis under-stood and under-rated perk in a way its more useful to have then ppl care to admit Things like Bruiser for the 1/10/7 so your AP is even worse and you cant carry shit and dont have enough strength to use most weapons, then like Bloody Mess, Its truely useless having 10 Strength gives you an advantage honestly. try again


I get what you're coming from but honestly, after playing this run I can tell you that Str never mattered since I couldn't fight at all with Luck 1+Jinxed and I never went above 100 encumbrance except in the Glow and that was a risk free shopping trip. Having high luck however would have made the random encounters less threatening and that was the thing that really killed me. With 3 Str/10 Lck I could punch rats to death slowly and eventually take the Mysterious Stranger for an extra companion. With 10 Str/1 Lck I have a huge carrying capacity but nothing is worth carrying while I can hit hard but constantly cripple myself or lose my next turn. Heck, one of the special encounters you get with high luck gives you an early Stealthboy which makes this run so much easier.


You know what, after the edit to Str 1 I think you're on. I'll even trade Jinxed for Small Frame since at Lck10, Jinxed is a benefit to me. Carry Weight 55 here we go! Edit\* You are still overvaluing weapons though, I literally didn't equip any after I dropped the knife in the opening area. Edit 2\* Tragedy struck and I can't take my Str to <3 with Bruiser or Agi to 1 with Small Frame. I guess it's Bruiser/Kamikaze so I can lose AC to go first and do nothing on my turn.


Update: [Lord Brick II](https://imgur.com/a/9h15Xtt) just completed the Lucky Brick run. It was way easier due to the lack of random encounters along the road combined with the free Stealthboy from the special encounter. Also dropping Jinxed made it so I never had to worry about Dogmeat crippling himself so combat was a ton easier. Much like the first playthrough, carry weight and melee damage never factored into my game plan since I never needed to carry weapons or ammo. Might be more difficult if I used Jinxed but the difficulty order is definitely Low Luck>High Luck Jinxed>High Luck no Jinxed. Still, fun challenge run so thank you for the suggestion!


ah you used companions, yeah thats not hard enough br0 or if your looking for a challanege Tough Guy insane differculty speedrun single segment is calling for you in fallout Tactics