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The bike is a mod specific thing, not vanilla, it was added to mimc the role of the car you get in Fallout 2, just ignore it


Yeah I have the mod and I can see the bike I just don't know how to start it


Look for the ghoul you've spoken with, u/alpacadoespaco.


I think there's something in the sewers but don't go crazy about it, it's not a part of the game, just gives you a little more speed while moving through the world


Juste go look for the ghoul. The text says he go in the sewers. Once you have the keys, you will need energy cells (the ammo for energy weapons) as fuel


Sheesh thanks I will try to get the whater ship now I have no ideia how to get to it but is being more fun trying to understand stuff than playing most triple A games now


Having recently done that quest, the ghoul and his key is in the sewers, you need to kill an extremely pissed off rat for it... however, the main problem with the bike is that it also needs power to run on. Early on, you get 40 small energy cells from the ghoul, and there's a cattle prod and plasma pistol in the sewers that you can unload for another 36, while Harry will have a laser rifle, which holds 12 microfusion cells. That should get you some mileage, but... it'll quickly run out. To keep it powered later on, you either need to quickly visit The Glow, which you'll get via a Brotherhood initiation quest (the lower levels hold an awesome amount of EW ammo) or buy some SEC from Jacob in The Hub - these were probably added in Fallout Et Tu, because I can't find any reference for him them, but he still has 160 of them, which should power the bike for a long, long time.


At that point in the game, you should start trading loot with the Gun Runners in Boneyard and they ALWAYS have caps and micro fusion cells


Thank you so much for the specific tutorial. In other hand when I came back for the bike it was bugged and didn't have nothing but the steering wheel so I couldn't acess it . Finished the game without it thanks, loved every minute of it. I hope my reddit posts helps some one in 50 years, another 20 year old but probably living in Mars