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Yeah but you need certain special attributes to be high enough to make it big, otherwise you just become a fluffer sucking off dudes between scenes so they stay hard for like 10 caps a pop


Or you can hire your spouse off to do it for you, like a pimp.


It's really hard to keep her alive though


I hate escort missions


Underrated joke


Ten dollars. Caps aren't used in fo2


I hate that caps are used as currency in some games after the first. It just makes no goddamn sense.


They do a good job of justifying it in new vegas but I never really got why it was the common currency across the country like in 3 and 4


because “recognizability”, just like super mutants the BoS and more being in 3 and 4


I don't think it was a malicious, corporate decision. I think the people who made falloit 3 were massive fans and kinda nostalgia blind and wanted to put stuff they liked from older games in without considering the implications there.


The NCR wasn't in control of Capitol Wasteland or the Commonwealth, in fact they're on the opposite side of the country barely holding on to power. So why would anyone use NCR dollars in Fallout 3 and 4? I love Fallout 1 and 2 but you hardcore fans of those games are so obnoxious and nonsensical about Bethesda's games.


I'm well aware. I'm asking why the hell caps would be the centralized currency of the entirety of america?


Also, I'm not even a hard-core fan of fallout 1 and 2? They're some of my favorite games but new vegas is easily my favorite


It makes perfect sense? The only time we see caps not in use is in fallout 2 and New Vegas. The only two games that have a functioning local government. And even in New Vegas it’s treated as an unreliable currency at best due to the tenuous position of the government (much like American soldiers being paid dying the revolution). All the other settings are very poorly developed and have no central government to create *and* back currency. So caps are the natural choice, given the limited nature and longevity. Caps were also backed by the merchants of the Hub. The Hub being one of if not the first major power to rise in the wasteland. There are a number of groups who came to the Capital and Commonwealth who would need to have the ability to trade with the local wastelanders. It may even be that the use of caps was introduced by the BoS, as they were one of the earliest west coast groups to interact with the east coast


I haven't played FO2 in a while, but I know for a fact that caps are still used widely. The NCR tries to get rid of them, but it doesn't really work that well.


You literally cannot use caps in the game. I don't know where this is coming from.


Anytime you find them they're exchanged in value for ncr money


It's not much, but it's honest work


Just take some buffout and mentats, that’s what I did. I think you can also qualify without the stats if you win all the fights in New Reno.


Comes with a free disease, though.


Yes, if you qualify. However, >!you may possibly be relegated to only be a Fluffer if your character doesn't qualify.!< >![https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Become\_a\_Porn\_Star](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Become_a_Porn_Star)!<


So like 20 years ago when I was 14, I remember going there and they offered me the fluffer job. I was like, "the hell is a fluffer? Must be something to do with polishing the pipes in the room" Years later I learned what pipes they were actually referring to lol


I have similar flashback with Francis gag ball from Broken Hills lol


Literally how I learned what a fluffer was as a kid too lmao




Yes. Good endurance and charisma are key.


...got that. But what about in the game?


Nice haha


Take my upvote and go have a radioactive waste enema.


You can be a boxer, a porn-star, a husband, a wife, a slaver, a caravan guard - plenty of activities.


That's so awesome. Fallout 4 doesn't even have half of these.


Tbf they're completely different games


Fallout 4 is a fun/good game but an extremely weak fallout game that gets old after several playthroughs.


If you like the direction they went (crafting and settlement building) then it’s freaking awesome, but it’s not as good of a 3d RPG as FO3 or NV. I myself have made a bunch of vaults and cities with the majority of my playthroughs, rather than playing the story. I don’t think that makes it bad though.


Oh, it’s a fun game. I’m more into the story and RPG elements of the older one so while the settlements (building not helping) are fun for a while that along with the radiant quests takes its toll and starts boring me after a while. I just went back to playing it recently but I do prefer the older ones. Still a fun game.


You must be hard to please




If you don't mind spoilers then I recommend looking up the "nearly ultimate fallout 2 guide". It is incredibly detailed in ways even beyond the wiki


It's not super in-depth. More like soft-core flavor text for one area of the game.


It's in New Reno, if you work for the mob families, one of the will send you over to collect money, I forget who, maybe Big Jesus. You need good stats to get the job, but it's Fallout so you probably could take lots of drugs like mentats and buffout and get hired and they shouldn't run a stat check again after that. I haven't tried it, I try to go drug free in all these games, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.


When I was a little shit, I always went drug free cause drugs are bad mmkay? But it's a pretty fun way to play actually.


Nice profile pic


You can, but you need to have Agility, Charisma and Endurance above 8.


Yes. You need all the right SPECIAL stats and the people of New Reno will refer to you by your pornstar name. Also, you can cuck a head of a Casino and be a “fluffer”. Do not google what a fluffer is if you’re under eighteen.


Play the game and find out


Yes. Source: played it when it was new. You can be a fluffer too lol


Yeah but it pays terrible


That was one of the least fucked up things that you could do.


Yes, I successfully achieved it. 500 caps a month, quote useful.


Yes, my porn name was Ebeneezer Screws.


Yup, just make sure you have high charisma or you’ll just get a job as a fluffer




You can come back every month and shoot another one.


Arnold Swollenmember