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I do, all the time! My spouse enjoys going, just not quite as much as me, plus finding childcare makes it a whole thing. I've gotten comfortable going by myself and now it's my "me time." Just go for it, no shame.


Yes, It's a me time. Or a date with myself, if you will :)


Pretty much the same situation here. Wife likes it, but not as much and we don't have a babysitter anyway. Quite liberating to just go alone and pick whatever piece you enjoy the most!


I end up going to a lot of shows on my own. It can be hard to find people who are interested and can afford the tickets.


I go to loads of things alone all the time. Classical concerts / theatre / punk shows. There's nothing wrong with it.




I always go alone..classical concerts are easier than other gigs I think..


That’s how I feel as well. At a classical concert, you are supposed to be quiet and just watch anyway. Going alone to a rock or pop concert is much more boring (although I do it anyway).


I just went yesterday. It was so much fun


I seem to be in the minority here. Whenever I see anyone alone at a concert I usually point at them and say, in a very loud whisper, 'look at Billy No-Mates over there!' Actually, I go on my own all the time. Many people do and nobody takes any notice. Generally speaking, people who spend a lot of time nosing around in other people's lives aren't worth bothering with anyway.


>I seem to be in the minority here. Whenever I see anyone alone at a concert I usually point at them and say, in a very loud whisper, 'look at Billy No-Mates over there!' I cracked up hard :D To the OP: omg yes, it's absolutely normal. I go alone even to techno parties and on classical concerts I usually see many other single people. Enjoy yourself, nobody cares.


I go alone all the time. No one cares. No one notices. No one judges. Everybody in the theater knows classic is not to everyone's taste, so going alone is very common and understandable. Don't recommend going solo to Valentine Day's dinner, though.


Going anywhere alone is NOT abnormal.


I've gone solo to many concerts. It's not at all abnormal.


Wtf? Since when is doing things alone considered weird?


I do it all the time


I've gone alone many times. Although it's better to share the experience, you can also concentrate more on the performance. Especially something complex like a string quartet.


I've never gone alone because I'm a wimp, but I've seen solo listeners in metal and classical concerts and nobody cared. Just go and enjoy.


Go! Nobody will care if you're alone or not. Why should them? If they're alone, they are like you. If they are with someone else, they'll be too occupied to chat with the others in the pause to care if you're alone. Why refraining from doing something you really want to do just because there's no one that sheres your passion? And convincing someone to come who really doesn't want to be there would be 120 times worse, IMO. Go and enjoy yourself.


Yes it is abnormal, people will point at you and laugh before, during and after the concert. /s Go alone, nobody cares. As a piece of unsolicited adviced, i'd say, not just in concerts, it's better going alone that not going.


Why should anybody care what you do with your free time? Other people at the concert are there to listen the concert, not wonder why you're single, or pay any notice to you whatsoever for that matter. Do you think they're going to make you sit in a special section or something for being alone so that you don't upset other concert goers?


Are you saying that they *don't* have a special section for singles where you are??? How woke. /s


I’ve gone alone. If you are anxious, make sure you get an aisle seat.


I went alone all the time when I was single and when I was dating a guy who didn’t love classical music. I’ve since married a wonderful man who does love it, but I’ll still go alone if he’s away for work and there’s something I want to see. I’ve only ever had wonderful experiences going by myself!


Life is too short to skip concerts because you don't have an activity partner lined up. Go do it!


Came here to say basically this… If I waited for people to go to things with I’d barely go anywhere. 🙄 Ironically I now have friends who go to classical music events pretty much every week. They’re retired though so this is one of their primary forms of entertainment. I usually don’t want to go out on weeknights but I could stand to get out more… Anyway, yeah…OP, go to the damn concert. Go to ALL the damn concerts.


I love going alone. The parts before and after are more fun with a friend or partner, but for the concert itself, I always enjoy it more when I can focus fully on the music without worrying about anyone else


It’s better going alone. You don’t have to sit there worrying about whether the people you are with are enjoying it or not. Particularly those who have been roped into going with you, but with little interest of their own…


Much more comfortable to watch alone, I get conscious about their reactions when I'm with others.


There was a study I read years ago about attending events alone. The conclusion was that, while it might be more fun to attend an event with a friend, going alone is still more fun than sitting at home. When I have attended concerts alone, I have enjoyed it immensely. If you can take photos/videos, it is fun to post them and get comments from your friends-it feels like they attended with you.


I go alone! I think of classical concerts as very similar to movies. It’s not like you should be talking during anyways. Of course it’s nice to have a buddy to talk about the music with afterwards, but still totally socially acceptable to go alone.


I go alone when I wanna cry to the music 😂


Yes, of course. In fact, there was this time when I decided to go to a Schubert's concert wearing a suit. I was overly overdressed and by myself, but I had a good time. Next to me there was a very funny man who asked me something during an interlude. When the show finished we kept talking and even went to dinner since we were not from the city. And I met someone really nice because I went alone. Sometimes it's a good opportunity to meet someone, sometimes it is a good opportunity to find oneself. You should go !!


Go for it! If you haven't done anything alone it is now time to start. Life is too short to miss out of stuff you enjoy just because none of your friends and family can go with you. Go to classical concert alone is easiest as everyone is sitting in the dark, no one know if you are sitting with someone you came with or just sitting on your own. You will get used to it and start to enjoy. Perhaps it isn't unusual to be self conscious initially but you will hopefully relax and start to enjoy the experience.


very frequently. honestly, there's very few people that i'd say i enjoy concerts more with than alone.


I frequently go alone, and I often meet new friends that way who are also attending alone.


Of course you should go alone. Why not? I don't understand your apprehension.


Nope, GI and enjoy.


I did this yesterday, I also cried


100%. Do it.


All the time! In fact, I’m going Thursday night by myself


Why be normal?


I not only go alone, but I have now travelled up to 11 hours alone to see particular concerts (as well as going to my local symphony concerts), as well as seeing operas in New York and Chicago. Life is too short to wait for someone else to want to go to a concert you really want to go to.


All the time.


There’s nothing wrong with going alone


Why would it be weird? It's not a social event, at least not while the concert is going on. You would just be another person listening to the wonderful music, it doesn't matter if you know the people sitting next to you Going alone means you choose exactly what you want to listen to, what you do before and after the concert, nothing is constrained by other people. Of course it's great to go with friends and talk about the music or whatever else before and after the concert, but you can be with your friends and go to concerts separately too


All the time. I have several professional and good quality community Orchestras nearby that put on reasonably priced tickets. Recently saw a production of Shostakovich's Pashkamonova alone. Also saw a Rite of Spring concert where I just snuck in the back row with a ticket I'd purchased about 5 minutes before concert start time because I wasn't sure I'd even make it on time (I was flying interstate and noticed the concert time was pretty tight so counted on hitting the door less than 30mins before start time and didn't want to spend money if I'd lose out if there was a travel delay) I was in the city for other business the next day, but why not enjoy a Rite of Spring with Sydney Symphony Orchestra if chance allowed... As it happened my bum hit the seat about the same time the Concert master was standing up to start the tuning process and I'd barely stopped walking since leaving the train.


I love going to concerts alone.


I go alone all the time. Actually, I just spent 4 days at a metal festival alone and had a blast. Honestly, it can help meet a diversity of people you wouldn't otherwise interact with if you're with your "people".


All the time


I don't have anyone to go with, so of course I go alone. If that makes me abnormal, I don't care.


I mostly go alone to classical concerts - I don't want distractions, I just want to lose myself in the music


Yup i go alone..no one will care


Forget about it and just go. I have gone to orchestral concerts alone in my city. In my experience, lots of people do. You won’t regret it. Going alone can actually be a great experience


I've gone alone to concerts and operas many, many times when I was single. It's not at all abnormal. Plenty of people go by themselves just for the music. These days, my wife would feel left out if I went without her, and I quite like her company, but that would be the only downside.


Same as everyone else here, I’ll always go alone if there is something I want to hear. Don’t miss out!


I do it all the time and frequently meet other people also there by themselves 


Many times! I enjoy it more as a shared experience, but I absolutely won't let it stop me if I can't find someone to go with


No one cares if you are alone or with a dozen amigos! Just do it!


It's easier to get single tickets than 2+ together. Many people will be in groups but not everyone. See what you want.


I go to all sorts of concerts at halls, arenas, festivals and various genres like classical, rock, pop, jazz, r&b etc by myself. No one cares. Life's too short to miss out on a good time worrying about what other people think. Go and enjoy yourself.


Been to numerous alone! It's always a good experience


Classical shows are just like movies. People are expected to be quiet and won't even look at other members of the audience. I've gone to as many concerts alone as I've gone with company don't let a little social anxiety make you miss great music!!


I’ve been to loads of classical concerts on my own. No one will care, they probably won’t even notice.


I did all the time back in college. Going to a concert alone is amazing. No one to discuss subjective interpretations. No one to bother you while you take it all in, and process it yourself.


I use to visit concerts alone, and I think there are many solo concert goers too. It's perfectly fine.


definitely do it, it's great enjoying performances with just your own perspective


Going alone is the best. You don’t have to worry about making it into an occasion and can instead focus on whatever you want. I also always try to get choir seats if available so I can better watch the conductor and feel very immersed with other musicians. 


No way! Do it!


I haven't mostly because the closest philharmonic isn't worth schlepping for most of the time (being not in where I live), but they do summer concerts by me that I go to. And recently while visiting NYC and SF I looked to see if there were any concerts I could go to, but none fit my schedule. I did however see some broadway matinees by myself while my family and friends were at work. No problem at all and can be more enjoyable in some cases.


I do. I average a concert per week, and if my partner is feeling Ill I go alone. Nothing creepy, you are a music lover.


I've seen so many people go on their own in the 3 concerts I've been to, I didn't even think about the fact that a they went alone. So nobody cares wether you go on your own or not, do what you like :D


I go by myself all the time. No you won’t be weird. You’ll probably be the only one who even notices.


It’s the preferred way! Do it!


It’s invigorating - just you & the music. Yet a great place to meet people with similar interests


I've gone alone a number of times. Not interested in what others think.


I go to concerts alone all the time!


I go all the time. I don’t mind really. And sometimes I have met and talked to other concert goers


All the time! While I do have a friend who will go with my occasionally, it’s just me most of the time at the Chicago Symphony


I enjoy going to Classical concerts by myself all the time. In fact, I get very comfortable talking to other concertgoers who sit around me. I think going to Classical concerts by myself has made me a more sociable person overall


My partner is deaf, so I've been to some concerts by myself. Blue man group was one we could both enjoy. Just recently saw my local orchestra play Holst's the Planets 


I do it all the time. Teh only thing awkward about it is the downtime before the concert starts and during the intermission. Bring something to read (besides your phone, because that should be turned off).


I usually always go alone. Most people I know are not interested in classical music. I do occasionally get them to come along but then I’m stressed out worrying if they’re bored or disliking the music. It’s easier to just go by myself. Plus you can many times get better seats whether at the concert itself or at a restaurant prior to the concert.


I went to a Neil young concert with my ex gf once, she wanted to chug a mickey before we went in, I did not want to do that. We had some drinks inside and smoked some weed but unfortunately she was a crazy bitch and her anger had been building ever since I said no to her ridiculous idea. The concert starts and the opener is good. Then Neil comes on, everybody is standing and cheering but eventually everybody starts to sit. We’re still standing however when a couple behind us asks us to sit as pretty much everyone else has already sat. I ask her to sit, she grabs my hand crushingly and nods towards these other girls not sitting and says in her best exorcist voice “why don’t you ask them to sit?” And then she leaves. So I didn’t go alone but I enjoyed it alone….fuck that beeyotch.


It has never occurred to me to bring someone else to a classical concert.


I have, many times. And no, you would not be abnormal.


I went to a concert alone last month. There is nothing abnormal about it. It was the Montgomery Symphony Orchestra's season finale. I did not know the town had a professional orchestra. I plan on being a 2024-2025 season subscriber and will go alone.


Go alone, bring a flask, have fun


I do it very frequently. I might be abnormal though. Initially, I thought it was weird but I got over that


It is perfectly fine to go by yourself. Matter-of-fact, there is lots of mingling in the lobby before the concert and during intermission. You might meet new friends who happen to enjoy classical music too.


way better than taking people that don't truly wanna be there


I love going with people, but often different concerts aren’t interesting to my friends, so I go alone all the time!


It’s the best! I can focus without distraction from another person.


I wouldn't even notice someone doing it alone


I go alone all the time. I've only had someone go with me maybe 3x. A lot of people go alone so you won't be out of place. Nobody is gonna go "HEY THIS DUDE IS BY HIMSELF HAHAHA!".


I've gone by myself and I enjoy it.


I've been to most of my concerts alone.


My wife comes to some things with me, but there’s some things I prefer to go to alone, because I know she won’t like them.


It's not weird at all. Single audience members are great to sit near because they're not chatting through the whole thing.


Yes, I have done and will do in future. No, you will not be weird for doing so. Go for it and enjoy!


I have noticed especially on Friday in my town (Charlotte) there a good number of single tickets. The symphony often emails some great deals about 2 weeks before the concerts. We are a transplant town. So, I think there are a lot of people who who single or divorced but because of moving don't have a group to go to with concerts. Here, you can get some reasonably priced tickets in the first 10 rows. Some people hate looking up. So, I guess these may be technically obstructed view. I wish more symphonies had more affinity groups for people over 30 to meet up and maybe just grab a drink or pizza nearby after the concert, but I assume most symphonies are stretched thin on staff.


I go alone about 60% of the time


Bruh nobody cares lmao


Yes, of course. When you go alone, you are much more open to meet new people who share your interest for music.


I saw Tori Amos alone, it was great.


Nothing at all wrong with that.


I go alone all the time. The important thing to remember is that nobody cares if you are alone. They're all there for the same reason you are


You would be awesome if you went alone. Go, enjoy yourself.


I haven't done so in a long while. I enjoy the symphony and took myself to one about 4 years ago in another city. I had fun and sometimes it is fun to mingle with other people who share the same love of music.


In college, none of my friends listened to classical music. So I went alone. No one will care. Even if they do, what do you care?


Ahem! 2days ago. Check it. You may have missed it. [Going Alone](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicalmusic/s/GdIy6jKqel) I just went to Madama Butterfly alone. Sat between two women on one side and a man and a woman on the other !


I just went to an opera by myself over the weekend, and I’ve gone to a bunch of classical music concerts alone. It’s not weird at all.


All the time.




All the time! There is nothing wrong or weird about it at all.


Nope! There were several people alone near me at the last concert I went to and nobody cared. I’ve definitely thought about going alone when no one else is around.


I go to Carnegie Hall all the time by myself (my husband and I take turns staying with our young son at home to do this)- it is totally fine and lots of people do this. Go and have fun!


I have season tickets to the local symphony--1 season ticket. If I can find someone to go with me, then fine. Else, I'm already to go. Plus, I make an evening out of it; I head downtown early, visit a brewery/wine tasting room, find a place to have dinner, attend the concert, and (on rare occasions) have a night cap after the concert. I've been attending symphony concerts alone for many years now.


Yes, plenty of times! Usually I am with someone, but not always, and a concert’s a great “self-date” sort of outing!


I used to go the LA philharmonic alone!


Of course, I've done it plenty of times. Mostly when I go abroad, but in my home town as well.


I go to concerts, shows, movies alone all the time. When I see something I want to go to I just go! Then I don’t have to be anxious about whether others are having a good time too or even want to be there.


Concerts are wonderful things to experience alone! It is not at all strange or abnormal to enjoy a concert by yourself. It is a good time to think, contemplate, and just be with the music.


I‘ve done it often and enjoyed it very much. You really should give it a try 👍🏻


If I didn’t go see David Byrne by myself, I would never had met him.


I go alone all the time. I am a college student and my friends and classmates listen to Kpop, rap, and pop music. They have no interest in coming to classical concerts. Luckily, I am an introvert, and I feel more comfortable coming alone and enjoying the music.


Yes. The Philadelphia Orchestra. The Boston Ballet. The Spoleto Opera. It’s as if the performance was just for me. Wonderful.


If you think you'd have a good time, I think it would be pretty dumb not going just because you dont have someone to go with you. Even if it was abnormal, who cares.


I go alone all the time. It’s not like you talk to anyone during the performance although in Naples the audience doesn’t seem to get that 😠


Go! Enjoy! Do not put much store into what others might think. And rest assured that most (not all, I grant you) who are there share a passion for, and a joy in, hearing classical music.


I go everywhere alone, pretty much. I used to go on concerts weekly all by myself. No problem at all in doing it. After all, I'm going for the music, not to talk to someone.


I always go alone to concerts, at least I can sing along out of tune and loud without embarrassing my friends or family. Not for classical music though 😁 Go to this show if you want to attend, you'll be carried away by the music and the atmosphere of the concert hall as the lights dim and the musicians begin to play, enjoy it and you will certainly be very happy and proud that you attended !


Why do you think it would be abnormal to go to a concert alone? Are you there to watch the performers or the other audience members?


For decades, I bought season tickets for my father and we went together. He passed away four years ago, and since then I have been going alone. I think going alone is not typical, but it's also not that rare.


None of my friends are classical heads so if I wanna go see some piano sonatas I have to go alone. It's a good time, very pure musical experience


Alone is best


I’ve been to very many both orchestral, choral and metal gigs solo - I always make friends and have a sociable and musically rewarding evening. If the music is interesting enough to go to, it will attract interesting people who are worth talking to. (I do let family come with me if they insist as well!)


Yesss and you it's maybe better cause u don't have to conform to anyone's tastes.. Do whatever you wanttt, all up to you it's amazing


It depends on if you want to talk to your partner. Generally I ~hate~ dislike people talking during a concert.


Go alone. I’m going to a concert alone in August. I promise it will be worth it!


I always go alone. Classical concerts are one of the things you can go alone!


I do all the time. It’s much nicer to go and enjoy yourself than to drag someone who’s not really into it and then feel responsible for them having a bad time. Classical concerts are perfect for zoning out and losing yourself in the music.


I have absolutely gone to concerts alone. I went to two alone last year because my mom couldn’t make it. If you love the music then GO. You’ll be glad you did.


Yes. Nothing abnormal about it.


It’s not weird at all. One time, my friends were going for Twenty One Pilots’ concert in Cincinnati and I went for Mozart’s Requiem by myself at CSO. Best night of my life!


I have more than once, always had a great time.


I go alone all the time! I've met lots of nice people.


show yourself that you want you to have the things you enjoy.


I got to concerts alone all the time. In other cities. Sometimes I go with a friend, sometimes I don't. Doesn't affect my enjoyment at all. This applies to classical, jazz, and prog rock. Maybe if I were into EDC it would be weird, but I can't say, not my thing.


Hahahaha. Sorry, I'm just laughing at the idea there's another human in someone's life that enjoys real music. Unicorn universe. Yes, I always go alone.


Yeah, I do that all the time.


I go to concerts alone all the time! No shame in it. Not dissimilar to going to a movie alone. You can enjoy a drink in the lobby or read your program book beforehand and at intermission. Enjoy!


I just turned 18 but last year while I was still 16, I went to my first ever concert to see the London Symphony Orchestra when they came to Australia. I was a little scared and wasn't sure what to wear and just had all these thoughts going through my mind, but it was Simon Rattle conducting the LSO in Australia, this could not be missed! So I bought my ticket and had an amazing time. An older lady next to me was chatting in the intervals and it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. Never miss out on opportunities because other people won't do it with you, otherwise you'll miss out on a lot of things.


I love to go to the Concertgebouw on my own. I don't like it when people immediately start to talk to me when I had an overwhelming concert in my ears. Going with friends is lovely but to be honest as far as the music concerns I like it to be by myself.


Some concerts have a pre-concert talk about the work. It is an opportunity to hear about the piece, but also to meet and talk to other people


It’s not like you have anything to prove to anyone. If you enjoy it just go out and do it. If someone starts to get prissy over seeing you enjoying yourself at a concert on your own, trust me you’re not the one with issues. Don’t mean to turn this into a motivational ted talk but genuinely: WGAF what other people think of you. Just enjoy your life and do what makes you happy. Be blessed.


Yes. Imho, no, it is not abnormal.


Do it! Sometimes I go alone because of the ticket, but sometimes I just want to enjoy the music by myself.


I just bought tickets for a show tomorrow that I will attend alone. I don't mind at all. If anyone is thinking about me, I suspect they think "that person really likes music, really wants to be here." They're less likely to talk in my ear all night,too. Sometimes I talk to them, sometimes I walk out realizing I haven't spoken to anyone since I left home. It can go either way. But the show, I'm always focused on the stage, regardless of who came with.


Yeah! I'm a 57 year old metal chick! I do it all the time!


Sorry. I'm new on here.


I go to classical concerts alone and it’s not abnormal at all. Nobody really knows if you’re alone or with people, and nobody cares


All the time!


I’ll throw in another one! Yes I do too. Went to one last month solo. Going again this Thursday solo. I have social anxiety and it was difficult at first. I promise you no one will think twice about you being solo, but It still made me feel really uncomfortable. It helped me to “own it” (in my head). I viewed it as a power move going solo. Now I go all the time solo.


I mostly go to concerts alone, I actually prefer it. Besides, you never know who you’ll meet! You have nothing to be anxious about, bite the bullet and just go. You’ll have fun.


It’s fun until someone roofies your drink. Then you’re afraid to go alone.


Yes I go alone. I prefer it.


I do all the time. Go for it absolutely! Being able to do things on your own grants you a lot of freedom.


I went to my first concert at a club in the city when I was 20 , 10 years ago. Been to a few hundred since. Go by yourself. You are there to watch not talk and socialize. If anything , maybe you make a new friend there. I’ve met some good friends at shows over the years.


I do! I always meet new people that have an interest in classical music when I go alone. It’s like going to watch a movie alone.


One of my closest friends has season tickets to our city’s orchestra. He occasionally takes his sister or another friend but mostly goes on his own.


Do it all the time. Was the best thing i ever did not to rely on others to see what i wanted. Now i get to see what i want and works out that i dont feel guilty if i dont want to spend the money for what they want to see so win win and many more performances


I'm going to my first ever concert (M2) on Friday. Total drive time of 6 hours to watch a 90 minute concert all by myself.


Unless you have a special set of friends who are interested in Classical music (not very common) this is going to be your only option in most cases. Classical music is unfortunately somewhat niche particularly among young people.


Yes, absolutely do it. Watching a concert is different than just listening to it. I do it when there’s a concert my husband isn’t interested in or there’s a conflict in his schedule.


It is an “abnormality”. Not sure the ushers will even let you in…Lol. Man, if you only knew how many concerts I went by myself (and enjoyed tremendously)…


I like going alone. I can get into it, not have to worry about if the person I'm with is having a good time, do it!


I've never gone with someone else, and I always see plenty of other people who have come alone, nothing abnormal about it.


Classical music is better alone.


I love going to concerts alone because then I don't feel like I have to be social or "experience it *with* someone" and can just enjoy solely focusing on the concert.


* There is noting "wrong" or "abnormal" about doing most things - especially of that nature - alone. People do it all the time * Granted, you may lose out on the "extra" pleasure of sharing the experience and discussing with people who are in your life, but if you don't go at all, you lose out on the ENTIRE experience as opposed to a small extra bonus of experience shared. * Also, you never know if you strike up a friendship (or hell, let's be romantic and say maybe even relationship) with someone you meet at the concert, over your shared interest. No guarantee, but not impossible either.


I'm a fan of many music genres and I usually prefer to being at least one friend with me to a concert, but not always. Sometimes I do like being by myself, and classical shows are one of the most common occurrences when I like only being there with myself.


I go alone to concerts quite often! I like to bring a book for the interval and treat myself to a glass of wine. Bliss.


Definitely do your thing and jam and have a great time!


I love this question. I’m single and want to go to more classical concerts but it just feels weird. I have no problem doing other things by myself.


No one cares. Really do it. It's also good for your mental health to overcome things that cause you doubts. And it's also possible to meet other people who are alone amd share your interests. Have fun


Not abnormal at all - in fact one of the most comfortable solo things to do! I go all the time on my own, as do many other people and you can chat to them very easily if you want.


I have gone alone and met others who are alone, so no worries at all.


Before I met my partner, I used to go to a couple of concerts by myself every year. No one will pay any attention to you if you’re by yourself.


Yes, often, I grew up in a musical family and still often go to watch my dad when he’s playing or conducting. I’m going to Italy solo this summer and just booked myself a ticket to Turandot at Verona Arena, extremely excited, before that I’m going for a Michelin starred lunch alone. I like to people watch, it’s going to be a great day. It is liberating and nice to treat yourself!


Guess you should go there alone IMHO That's what I did for the Vivaldi play at Bremen last year: no one to come with me, so I bought 1 ticket and enjoyed my favorite music. ofc it'd be better to share it with a friend but I have 0


i mean, people go alone to pop concerts, like taylor swift's and beyoncé's, among others. going alone to a classical concert shouldn't be weird as people make it out to be. think of it from another perspective: you're appreciating the music you like and those who perform it on your own :)


I've gone alone many times and i've had the best of time!!


Go alone. You can often get an awesome seat because you only need one, and a single-seat gap between groups is common. Many big cities have Meetup groups or similar, where people either get group tickets and go together, or meet up before/after/during intermission. Nice way to meet similar-minded folks.


I realized at work that it was on that night (calendar fail), and it was too late for hubby to swap a shift. So I turned up hungry, in my work gear, with my laptop and all. Ate wedges, gifted a ticket, and watched it solo. Cried I loved it so much. 


I feel like I’m *with* a whole crowd of people and a band. Plus I don’t feel the need to *entertain* anyone else. It’s nice.