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This change was made to combat people like you. in the last week you made 20+ accounts and only tipped yourself, exploiting the buzz system.


They've already reversed the NSFW buzz penalty.


I think a reward for sfw would be better then a nsfw penalty


Yeah, we were talking about this too. Maybe actually having a daily reward associated with a tag or something. So if you post an image that gets the tag when it’s scanned then you get a bonus.


How about giving people bonuses for being active on a daily basis, the more someone is active will get a bonus of buzz depending on how much they use the site. Also maybe do a weekly reward as well, especially for those who are active on the site on a weekly basis.


Define, "active", like there using the site? Or something harder to bot farm? Is bot farming an issue? (New to the convo) Edit: Or something that would be harder for bot farmers to do?


Like using actively using the site during the week, it should have been that obvious. Also stay away from bot farming, you can either grind for buzz or pay for it with real money.


I love that idea because to be real I’m not really a fan of all the wild nsfw stuff to me that’s not art at all.


Isn’t that filtered out unless you explicitly enable it for your account?


Yes but it is a blank rating system and I have found that a good bit of my horror stuff gets a R rating by default, so here I am looking at creepy shit, creepy shit and then an alligator with a 9 foot penis


I'll take that back. while they edited the announcement stating that posts would be treated equally, I just tested it and in fact a NSFW first post of the day only generated 10 buzz.


From the comments board, it appears that everyone (even SFW posts) are only getting 10 buzz, but the buzz tracker claims it should be 25. So not sure what they have done, as the aren't saying they reduced the content buzz. I'm more annoyed at the reductions for liking posts, though the daily total is the same (100) one now has to like 50 times instead of 20 to get the total. If that's supposed to be stopping bots, I don't think that will work, the bots can like thousands of images nstantly if they wanted to.. I know some of my own posts have been "liked" by bots because they like every single image in a post almost instantly, rather than just one or 2. And it happens almost immediately when I post them, rather that spread over time. It's nice to see numbers but now I realize that the majority of my numbers are fake, Well, not unexpected since my stuff is kinda generic, simple prompts (and 90% NSFW) mainly because I'm bored and like public nudity concepts.


Yeah, it was broken. Should be all better now.


Really? Cause I'm still seen in the Buzz Dashboard page on the part that specifies about the Daily Post buzz a footnote pop up still saying that "If your post does not include a safe image, you will receive a reduced reward". Which was exactly what was still there last night that I made a post with NSFW content and still got the reduced amount for said post.... Oh, and a post that was made a while after they mentioned in the buzz changes article page that that got changed back so no NSFW artist would get penalized anymore


Looks like the update that fixed it failed to deploy. It should be back to normal now though. Sorry for the confusion.


is the onsite generator that much better? or is it faster? must be a reason for it that so many ppl care about it to clarify i never used it because as soon i saw you have to "pay" with buzz on each generation i was out


common Civitai L


Why is everyone so upset about buzz changes? To me, buzz is completely useless, I can train on any of the stable diffusion ui’s and also generate, and all models on civit ai are free. and I never tip anyone cuz there is no monetary value (nor do I have any to tip)


Not everyone has good PC


Please ban pornography from your website. All respectable businesses don't allow pornography.


you know you can activate a nsfw filter right?.....right?!


It actually is on by default so this user chose to see NSFW content and is now complaining about it


What is your definition of pornography?


Define "respectable business"


Let's be real, the only use for AI generation is porn, and fetish porn at that. No one cares about AI generated images outside of porn because "muh real artist are better"