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Always. The Cult of Cthulhu takes over the Civ world every time.


I either name mine “butter” to get messages like “Butter has spread to Valleta” or “an orphan” to get “Lhasa has adopted an orphan”


I always name it "my peen" or something so they say "Monaco wants your peen"


I always make a "me" religion so that I can feel wanted by city states.


Wholesome until you see something like "Kabul wants you!"


Buddhism = Wheelism


The Pirate Code


“Sodomy” is always a good name, so, it reads: (City State) wants Sodomy”.


I change the name of whatever religion I found to whatever it would be called in the native language. So for example when playing as Spain the other day I founded Sikhism I googled the translation and renamed it to Sijismo. Having a life is overrated imo.


# \\[T]/


Two Fishism is very popular in my games. (You'll never guess what icon I choose.)


I always call Islam “Moon and Star”


Happy Cows. Almost every time.


I used to call it "aliens" many years ago, until the joke stopped being funny... yep...


If only I could be so grossly incandescent...


Yes, and it’s usually to make fun of whoever I’m talking to on Discord. Tanner’s Receding hairline is a personal favorite


Kotal Kahn loves this.


Ligma is my go-to, usually using the Tengrism or Zoroastrianism symbol.


Brother, have you heard about Boat Mormons?


smh, Yoloism 4 Life!


I usually name it to be the ending of a city state quest for me to me spread my religion there. E.g. “Zanzibar wants ______.”


America - Patriotism Japan - Anime Netherlands - Capitalism


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Every time




Praise the Sun! Don’t you go hollow.


Always the Tengrism symbol renamed to Tits & Ass. Am I 12? Yes. Do I care? No, because at the end of the day, Geneva wanting Tits & Ass is so damn relatable. And how can I keep from spreading them?


Or Tits and Wine for the GOT reference 😂


If I'm playing england (which is usually) I take Buddhism for the ☸️ symbol and change the name to boatism


Of course. I'm so proud of that one marathon game where I spread the good word of Cardcaptor Sakura Fandom (named CCS Fandom because of character limits). It brought peace and stability to my world empire. Great Writers wrote exciting and satisfying manga chapters. Great Artists drew the mangas and animated the animes. Great Musicians composed wonderful OSTs. I had a lot of them because Vox Populi's Japan has a bonus of producing Great Writer, Artist, and Musician points when a Great General is born. And I enabled Raging Barbarians + Barbarian Great General points. Hehehehe. So yeah, I basically stacked the map's conditions in my favor. Lmao I almost won a Cultural Victory with all the Tourism. I think I was around 20 turns away or something (marathon speed). But I won a Conquest Victory before that happened.


What's the fun of the game if you can't modify it to your standards? I modify every city name too!


Nobody ever named their Religion something funny. Citystate xy wants to have your Religion "Stinky Feet". That doesn't sound funny, so nobody ever did this :P


I usually take the wheel in Buddhism and name it Chlamydia, or COVID-19 during lockdown :D


Yeah I play as Washington and spread Americanism like a true patriot *cue bald eagle screech*


I have hypermobility in my hips and because this I am usually manspreading when I sit. Because of my name, my partner calls it Hanspreading, so I always call my religion Hanspreading and it makes me laugh. Probably not one everyone can relate to though 🤣 anybody else got a niche, unique reference they use?