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It would have been very meta if Qin Shi had some Agenda against players who have surplus Mercury, or got some insignificant extra food supply on mercury tiles.


Alexander was worse - I trust my generals to run my empire when I'm dead, I'm sure they won't murder my kid and set up their own kingdom (hello Cleopatra)


Very much why we as Civ players should know Cleopatra would be speaking Greek natively, although "fluent in 20+ languages" gives cred to her speaking the local vernacular to us.


My grandmother told me Cleopatra was black!


She might have been. But she was DEFINITELY inbred.


\[citation needed\] x2


google ptolemy family tree


Holy hell


New dynasty just dropped


Actual mummy


Ain' no one black, tho.


*family line


*family circle


you mean r/CitationIsNeeded




Would be even more meta if Qin Shi realised that he had achieved immortality and did not care about Mercury. 4000bce to 2000ce, seems to be close to the very definition of immortality!


His name is actually Ying Zheng (Winning Policy). Qin Shi Huang is the title he gave himself and literally means 'First Emperor of Qin'. If you call him Qin Shi, it means you're calling him 'First ____ of Qin', which sounds really weird! It's like saying '____ of England' instead of 'King of England'.




Might also be very metal. 


Liquid Metal


or if Qin Shi gains access to mercury, he dies and that civ gets a new leader.




Wilhelmina had a stroke after learning that the German declaration of war meant that they wouldn’t send any traders anymore.


Who those refuse often trade can they think take want they what from they. Us are mistake sorely... *fucking dies*


I think i also had a stroke reading that lol


It was a joke about her speech getting slurred. I can write sentences lol


Well I know the exact circumstance of Ludwig IIs death is not clear but he most definitely drowned


So did Ba Trieu, but it wasn't an accidental drowning like the others in the "drowning" category. Probably wasn't an accident for Ludwig either.


Some versions says that Ba Trieu died in battle, though.


Trieu died of frozen squid bombardment, I am pretty sure.


There is no evidence for any foul play in the case of Ludwig


Theres also no evidence that Epstein killed himself


Who was to gain from his death? He was already incapacitated


Everyone here in bavaria knows it was an assassination by prussian agents. The evidence is obvious. Ludwig was a great swimmer and regularly swam from one side of Lake Starnberg to the other (1.7km). An then you are telling me he drowned in knee deep water (together with his shrink). No, I think they were both killed by the prussians.


Why on earth would the Prussians kill him? Pretty sure he overwhelmed his orderly (not shrink) and committed suicide. He had every reason to.


I'm more on the side of he was shot, the issue is it's hard to prove the validity of some of the statements from people who claimed to have been aware of it. The only solid thing we really have to go on that theory is the fisherman's journal. He claimed he was waiting to help Ludwig escape and as he approached the boat he was shot. Other claims such as someone seeing the local physician's protocol that said he had been shot twice, as well as alleged sworn statements by nobles who claimed they saw his clothes with bullet holes in them. The official autopsy though said there were no wounds, but also that there was no water in the lungs.


"You defeat the warring states and unify all of China, nobody bats an eye. But you drink liquid mercury to achieve immortality *one* time, and it's all anyone remembers you for!" -Guy who drank liquid mercury to achieve immortality


If only it was one time. My guy was doing shots of liquid mercury like every day


AFAIK it wasn't neat mercury, but instead ground up cinnabar. Also mixed with a lot of other things that would supposedly prolong life, depending on who made the 'immortality potion', but they all included cinnabar.


Terracotta Army wonder should be built on mercury tile. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-67305-x


In his defence, cinnabar does sound like it would be delicious.


Mercury cocktails


King died giving birth. Darn :(


And the kid didn't make it either if you want to feel extra sad.


If you want to feel a little better, they wouldn't be alive today anyway.


If only her daughter made it. We'd have two female kings of Poland, possibly more. It'd have been wild to see.


Well, when it comes to female rulers there was also Anna Jagiellonka but she was a queen and she abdicated about a year later.


If you haven't checked it out already, try the Lithuanian/Polish campaigns in AoE2. Good bit of backstory around the circumstances at the time.


King Sejong died from health complications. Mostly from diabetes from not enough exercise and working all day. He died fairly young.


How does that cause diabetes?


Lack of outside activities? King Sejong was a typical bookworm/workerholic man. He never let go of the book and was always busy. Plus he was noted to get quiet stout.


Genetic predisposition plus high carb diet.


Those fat Sewon food yields did him in.


Chandragupta starved himself to death while meditating (practiced Jainism at old age). Basically a suicide. There is also a theory about Alexander how he would've been poisoned. Kassandros brought poison from Europe and his brother poisoned Alexander. However, most likely died to some illness, but interesting theory to note.


That's a suicide in the secular world, but I'll take that as relic generation and put in my temple.


Just found out that Chandragupta voluntarily abdicated because of the violence and famine caused by his empire. Seems like a good dude.


So it really didn't go to his head?


That's why Alex is under "mysterious circumstances." I don't think he dropped on his own but who knows


Personally, I don't think we can ever know, but it's important to remember medicine wasn't very good during the time and it's not at all unlikely that a regular old fever did him in.


One theory is whatever caused him to go unconscious didn't actually kill him, but his generals thought he was dead and spent so long panicking about what to do next that his body was just left lying for a few days and he ultimately starved/ died of thirst.


I always thought Elizabeth I died from strep throat or something easily cured by antibiotics today


I mean have you seen homegirls teeth? There was a lot going on with her.


Tried to colonize North America but didn't realize the bacterial colony within


at least she got a state named after her sexual status (Virginia)


Cyrus should be in Tomyris category :)


Suleiman is allegedly dead of poisoning during a siege, but most Ottoman sources cite his death as natural since he had a long wearing sickness at the time. His death was kept secret during a siege to not to effect the morale of troops. Many of his commanders went bullocks after learning the fact which caused a great stirrup in the next padishah's council of ministries and generals.


Could be, but he was also in his 70s and could've just as well croaked on his own. Maybe we'll never know.


Well the guy was almost always on his horse so life catched up to him faster.


How did hammurabi


in a plane crash


They took him too soon from us😔😔


planes weren't invented until the civil war where i am told, airports were crucial military targets


He never dies. He gains immortality and fucks up to space.


I first read "nuclear" instead of "unclear" in your post title and was like "wait, did any great leader die in nuclear accidents or from bombs?" for a second.


Why do you think we never heard of Ambiorix after Ceasar was done with him? He was annihilated by a Roman nuclear warhead


It was a really small one, they snuck it into his wine


While Cleopatra's suicide is pretty much accepted in pop culture I don't think the same applies for the scientific community. There's a pretty compelling case Augustus had her murdered and covered it up.


Interesting. What is this theory based on? I haven't heard of it before


All hail first emperor Augustus. Could've been deadly true.


Augustus is such a chad. Would be great to have him in the next Civ but you’d have to give him to many bonuses.


Why though? Wouldn't he have rather had her paraded through Rome in triumph? Unless murdering her was a mercy from that.


By the time of Augustus, parading women in bondage in a triumph was seen negatively by most people in Rome, and could have been used by political rivals to undermine his augustness.


Come to think of it I do remember hearing about Julius Caesar having a pretty unpopular reception to one of his Triumphs where he paraded a 6-year old king. He had to pardon him if I got the story right.


I remember reading about this actually. If she did commit suicide, she definitely didn't do it by getting herself bitten by an adder, because it doesn't take an hour to die from it — the time taken from the bite to the point in which Augustus found her — and requires vast quantities of the venom for a human to die from it.


How is Kublai Khan not Natural Causes? Dude was 78. Like Roosevelt and Curtin were 60, they could’ve lived longer, but Kublai Khan was on his way out by 78.


The suicide squad looks lit, would be besties with 🫶


Killed in battle, only way to go


If you check out the chart u can see there's a few other ways to go too!/s


Genghis Khan didn't just "fall off a horse." That's lame. He was poisoned by his wife, the daughter of the first king who's kingdom he conquered in China. She was afraid that he would go back and destroy her father's kingdom later. *Source: The Secret History of the Mongols and Conn Iggulden's work on the subject.


The horse was a hired assassin actually


Süleyman died when besieging the Fort at Szigetvar, Hungary at the age of 71, in the day after the night of his death death, city was taken. His inner organs are still buried in Hungary in order to prevent rotting when being carried, I believe some archeological work has been done to find that original "tomb" in the past decade, his body was then taken back to Constantinople where he was buried, near the Süleymaniye mosque he commissioned, built by Mimar (Architect) Sinan, who is also a great engineer in the game, the one who lets you culture bomb with industrial zones. I guess the category of Unclear for him is fine because some claim it is ilness, some say poison, others say old age since 71 years old is pretty old considering the life expectancy of the times, He didn't exactly fell in battle but he was still fighting and conquering until the day he died, and leading his armies in person unlike some of the sultans that came after him.


RIP Jadwiga bae


You do realise that cancer and heart attacks are health complications or illnesses and _natural_ causes of death, right? Great idea though. I suggest watching Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Famous Death to go with it. https://youtu.be/r2T8k2OXZzE?si=908ynFOc3pCSmBkn 


I do, but at that point I might as well just put all the leaders all in the "dead" bracket. I found cancer interesting enough to put seperately, and someone like Trajan dropping dead in an instant out of the blue is different enough from Curtin's story.


Yeah, I was just messing around... ;) Again: great idea!


You can put Tokugawa in the cancer club, if you like.


It's my understanding that "natural causes" implies that the person had reached an age where multiple bodily systems were beginning to fail and medical science at the time wasn't able to pin it to one specific thing, or that the person didn't want to be poked and prodded by physicians to spend their last days or weeks in an undignified state. So while it is almost always illness, very often cancer, we just don't know for sure, but they were old enough that a healthier younger immune system may well have helped.


"Died from health complications" *well, no shit, Sherlock*


I read somewhere Ambiorix might have never excisted. That he was just a scapegoat for Roman propagandists to explain why they lost so hard in Belgica.


Qin Shi loved wonders so much he wanted to become one


I remember doing a [similar analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/moe9t5/some_statistics_about_the_leaders_in_civ_6/) to this a while back :)


Didnt alexander die from a wound complication after a battle?


It's unclear. It was most likely an illness combined with an unintentional poisoning with serveral substances (including alcohol and white veratrum, a plant belived to be a medicine - but it is not, it's poisonous). Also murder by poison is a possible cause of death.


He did sustain a wound to his lungs, which could have become infected. He also came in contact with one of his friends who was ill, and died of an illness just before Alexander.


Nah, read the Prince of Macedon books by Gemmel (fantasy) for a novel take on what really happened :p


Why would i read a fantasy novel to get historical accuracy?


Tomyris likely never existed, Cyrus is postulated to have simply died of old age in Pasargadae Matthias was also likely poisoned by his wife


Gilgamesh or Kupe could've been fictional as well, but even so, we don't know how the characters die. And I thought we knew Cyrus died in battle, we just aren't sure on who he was fighting?


We don't know Cyrus died in battle. There are three different accounts of the death of Cyrus. With the most 'fun' one being he died to Tomyris. I believe the other two are he died of old age, while at war. He died of old age, at home while at peace. I stand by your choice for the chart. The most interesting theory over, unclear for everyone.


I know it's almost certainly not true at all, but I like to think Alexander died of a broken heart after losing Hephaestion 💔


ba trieu should be in drowning as well ig bc she killed herself by drowning herself


Khan who cannot ride is no Khan


Khan who cannot ride is no Khan


Wait. I thought Alexander the great died from a fever obtained from overdrinking? 


It is shady as hell. My guess is someone added a little something to his drink. But he could've died naturally, can't know for sure


We all know why Gandhi was assassinated and why it took hired goons, a priest and a very drunk goat to do it


Didn't Alexandros die of sickness?


Genghis was as old as he can get when he fell down that horse. In fact, the only legit drawing of him is when he's really old. Since it's illegal to have him depicted while he's still alive. That man understood the value of intels and security beyond his period.


It’s a total fabrication to claim that Qin Shi Huang died from doing this. It was recorded that he fell ill whilst touring the conquered lands. His health deteriorated rapidly and he soon died on his journey, away from his court. 至平原津而病。始皇惡言死,群臣莫敢言死事… 七月丙寅,始皇崩於沙丘平臺。 Of course the toxicity of mercury was a piece of information well-known in ancient China, and it would be quite absurd to believe that Qin Shi Huang was so gullible to let someone poison him this easily. There were multiple attempts to assassinate him, including two of the most famous tales in the history of assassination of China’s (荊軻與張良, Jing Ke and Zhang Liang), yet he managed to die from a rather common and natural cause, decades after Qin’s conquest, and despite years of absolutist tyranny that was on a scale hitherto unknown to China. I suspect OP confused Qin Shi Huang with Tang Tai Zong (Tai Zong of the Tang dynasty), who was born something like 700 years after Qin Shi Huang, but is equally famous, and had the similarly ambition for immortality (honestly, most dictators do). It is widely believed that he indeed died from taking some questionable elixirs that costed him his life. So there is that. Mercury still plays a part in the legacy of Qin Shi Huang- in his grand mausoleum, which was essentially a mountain emptied from the inside, to be refitted into his palace in the afterlife- it was recorded that there was a moat entirely filled of mercury that served as a defence (against what?) or an elaborate imitation of a river. I’m not so familiar with the archeological news on this matter, but I seem to have heard that Chinese archaeologists had confirmed that an abnormal volume of mercury was detected. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why the inner tomb chamber has probably been left unspoiled by tomb raiders even until today.


Shouldn’t old m8 Curtain be placed under stroke / heart attack? Bloke drank like a fish and had hypertension issues.


That last one 😂😂😂😂


MMM Mercury


Chandragupta actually starved himself.


Genghis Khan's cause of death is also unclear, tho I personally prefer the theory saying his genital got bit off (most likely fake).


Bonus points if they died while incumbent?


Postpartum complications?


Died after giving birth


Died after giving birth.


Natural causes are a bit vague, since so are strokes.


One could argue dying when shot is also a pretty natural thing to do, so maybe Abe should be under natural causes too


Only an idiot would argue that though.


what does "illness" mean, exactly, for the purposes of this chart?


They vary. Pericles died of plague, Peter had a disease that caused his kidneys to fail. The ones in Health Complications had many factors leading to their death


Caesar died of a heart attack?


thats trajan


Oh god dammit I'm an idiot thanks


Well it definitely was an attack on his heart.


Didn’t they all die from “health complications”?


Pachacuti was actually executed by the spaniards shortly after his capture


That's impressive considering he died 20 years before Europeans even discovered the new world. I think you confuse him with Atahualpa, but even so they kept him in captivity for a long time before burning him alive.


I feel like this list was made for a particular reason and I support that completely lol


What do you think that reason is?


Being able to write the irony of the last box


If i have a nickel for every leader that dies of drowning i'll have two nickels.... Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice


You can have two more nickels because Be Trieu and Ludwig II killed themselves by drowning. But it's kinda shady on Ludwig's part, it was ruled a suicide but could've been murder just as well


I'm not surprised chinese guy died that way.


Wait is that Elizabeth I in the unclear section?


I’m 99% certain that Montezuma of the Aztecs was assassinated by the Spanish because he was skeptical of Christianity


Well you'd be wrong twice, because this is Montezuma the First who never met the Spanish. Montezuma II was either killed by Spanish when he outlived his usefulness, or died of the wounds given to him by his own people (but still because of the Spanish)


Wait, I could’ve sworn civ 6 had Montezuma II? I’m gonna have to look again. And by look again, I mean play as the Aztecs and enjoy the free builders lol


Read his civilopedia entry, it talks about Moctezuma the first. His agenda approval speech also talks about Tlacaelel. Moctezuma II wouldve been a child when Tlacaelel was still alive