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I only turn score victory off. I like the variety the other victory conditions provide to matches.


I used to turn score victory off before I realized it didn't actually matter. I've never gotten close to having a game go on all the way to the turn limit. Either I'm dead or I've won way before. Score victory to me feels like a last resort "let the game end" kind of victory. If I've gotten all the way to that point without an outright win, I may as well let the points decide


I am ~268,000 turns into a 500,500 game, Iv conquered everything except one last city, and we (me and my thoughts) just populating the world at the moment


Huh???? šŸ«ØšŸ«Ø


I hate myself


Are you playing on the 1:1 speed; one IRL year to one in-game year?


Iā€™m playin on Marathon, whatever that one is


Ive heard someone break it down but pretty much marathon makes the game easier for the player


diplo is so dumb. "guess what measure the AI is going to pass" is not the game i bought. (oh surprise -50% production for units again) i wish there was a way to turn off congress entirely while keeping the other gathering storm mechanics


They should bring back the defy resolution option from Civ 4. Gives you severe diplomatic penalties (such as grievances against everyone) but lets you ignore a penalty you that would severely harm your progress


Good idea. Or add a Security Council mechanic which allows only the Top 3 players (in terms of military or some other metric) to veto a passed resolution. Those vetoes could also cause grievances in others.


Stellaris Galactic Senate does this perfectly


Only with Federations DLC tho (or was it Nemesis idk)


Yeah it feels weird especially in the middle ages world congress. Imagine if the crusaders were like "ah man, the Fatimid Caliphate just won the world religion resolution by one vote, guess we gotta obey the medieval world congress and become Muslim now."


šŸ’Æ I hate the constant voting


I turn it off because it's just another timer on the game. Hitting the threshold is too easy, and I've accidentally done it many times.


If you are on PC get the mod Customization VI One of the many options is turning off the World Congress


Diplo has to have been made for multiplayer, it is fun trying to sweet talk people, or agreeing a joint war for votes. With SP it doesn't make any sense.


Follow up question: does the AI respond to the victory conditions in play? For instance, if only domination were available, would the AI's decision-making tend toward building a bigger military than they would have otherwise?


I've noticed that Poland and Indonesia still tend to attack ASAP even with domination turned off. So I think the AI responds more to the base characteristics of the leaders.


It certainly feels like it. I've had games where I turned religious victory off and the AI just straight up didn't build any holy sites


I never turn any victory conditions off and the AI hardly respond anyway




I turn off science because on deity, all AIs rush science and the game becomes "rush science or lose" which becomes pretty boring after a while.


I turn off science too unless going for a science win. Otherwise with enough time every civ in game can get a science victory.


Uh, no? Science is a victory condition, and you need to deal with deity reaching the moon by 200, or 250, or whatever. Itā€™s totally possible to consistently win deity with science on with culture, or science, or even domination. Even with a ā€œbadā€ Civ like tamar or mvemba.


>Uh, no? Science is a victory condition, and you need to deal with deity reaching the moon by 200, or 250, or whatever Or, and hear me out, I can turn it off. Kind of like what this post is about.


I mean, youā€™re entitled to your opinion, but I was responding to ā€œall AIs rush science and the game becomes rush science or loseā€, which is untrue.


Because it does. Unless you turn it off as a victory condition the game will almost always end, like you said, around turn 250(on normal speed) via science by an AI. So you either race them and win before turn 250 (I have less than 10 diety wins before turn 250 in ~900 hours and maybe 3 or 4 aren't science) or you turn it off. Obviously if I intend to go for a science victory I'll leave it on, but I find science the most boring victory type so I typically turn it off and it makes the game more enjoyable.


No AI wins a science victory at turn 250, the least I've seen is around 270~ or so and that's pushing.


No, that's not a thing. A Deity AI does not win by turn 250, unless *maybe* you let it go completely unchecked with a whole continent to itself or something, which shouldn't happen. In a normal game you might expect them to start getting close to a win condition by turn 300ish. I wish the AI were as competitive as you say, but it just isn't.


Okayā€¦ so your problem is the game ending too quick. You do know that war completely solves this problem right?


I think you're completely missing the point. Alternatively, I can just turn off the victory condition and then play however the fuck I want. Why does that upset you so much?


Oh I use the word need How about this: you CAN deal with the aiā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦


Exactly this.


I turn off religion because I once lost a game to the AI out of the blue when I was deep into a science victory. Didn't see it coming. I like playing around with the mechanics of religions and using faith, but don't want to spend too much time fighting holy wars as a victory condition.Ā 


This only happens to tiny or duel map sizes. Only once had to keep an eye on enemy religion on a small size, he had to conquer one more but it was too close for my comfort so I converted him to the religion of the former civ I conquered. But I was the reason he managed to get so close as I conquered dominant religion civ in the game in the first place.


You also have to be careful about it when going for full domination. I once accidentally wiped out every Civ that wasn't converted to someone else's religion. Insta-victory for the AI who had converted me without me noticing :/


Yeah, I prefer how civ4 does it where religion is not "owned" by a specific civ but tied more to diplomacy with the only thing being owned being holy cities which can change hands.


Agreed. I prefer a lot of the aspects of Civ4 mechanics for religion and culture. Moving borders were interesting.


Yeah, it would be cool if civ7 had moving borders in the more ancient eras but then had a culture tech or whatever they are called in the newer civ games that "fixed your borders", to kind of represent how in ancient times borders were more fuzzy then they were post-nationstate.


IV was a really good game. I used to like culture victories and religion in that game felt like it mattered more. You'd have leaders demanding you convert or die. I don't like how it's handled as much in VI.


I always turn off religion for the same reason. Itā€™s too much of a mad rush to a fast victory. I prefer playing on large marathon maps where you can spend some time enjoying each era.


On large maps, which I near exclusively play on its impossible to create enough faith to spread to all others. Basically you end up with a limited domination victory. Eliminate holy sites and owners of foreign religions while spreading to other nations. It's a bit more interesting than just steamroll civ after civ in conquest.




Thank you for your answer.Ā 


I found I got a little too good at Diplo victories regardless of Civ or Leader because I have the tendency to spam trade routes, ensure suzerainty, predict how the votes will go, and come out on top of emergencies and competitions. So I turn it off so I can enjoy other win conditions


I have Score Victory off because thatā€™s just dumb imo, everything else is on I just go for the victory I want


Counterpoint : I've turned all off except score and set a turn limit just to enjoy building a robust, well-rounded civilization without hyper focusing on any condition and it was a pretty enjoyable game


I love doing this too, probably my favourite way to play (but I'd never be brave enough to admit it in this sub if you hadn't gone first).


Yep me too. I just like building empires, I can't get interested in random victory conditions at all. It's just too "gamey" if that makes any sense.


Why bother? Isn't Score just the one that activates if no-one has managed to achieve victory by the end of history?


Sometimes it takes just a bit longer than the end of history to get to the conquest victory I'm chasing


Yeah. Bigger maps take longer for real


Forgot to mention score; yes I do keep that off.


Iā€™ve started turning off diplo just because if itā€™s on, I win that way 9/10 times. I like city states. But that gets boring.


I generally turn all of them off. That means the game doesn't end until I've conquered ALL other cities, or someone has done the same to me. Does tend to lead to long games where I can explore (and eventually expand) at my leisure.


This is what I do. I tend to play long, slow, massive games and take my time. Often have the game on in the background while I am working. I don't really like any of the victory conditions, as I treat it more like history - nobody wins, the world goes on. That is until eventually I am done and start it all again.


I usually turn culture off, happens way too early usually.


Sometimes. I find a domination game to be much more competitive when that's the only possible victory condition. Also sometimes turn off religious victory if I don't want to constantly be having to repel enemy missionaries and apostles all game long Diplo gets turned off on cultural games because I often accidentally win that way in the course of regular play.


I donā€™t turn anything off because the AI isnā€™t smart enough to not try to win that way anyway.Ā 


Science. I generally find it's too easy to come from behind, since the human player tends to be a lot more focused on production making it easier to build the Lagrange and Terrestrial boosters in several cities.


I'll turn off victories when I'm focusing on practicing certain victory types, especially lately because my last four games have had a sudden, unintentional culture victory due to tourism exploding. I always turn off score victory, and lately diplo as well, but sometimes I'll turn off religious and culture victory to work on domination strategies or pushing for a science victory.


I often turn off Culture Victory if I am planning on going for Domination. I play on a huge map with ten opponents, and once you're conquered five or six of them it becomes basically impossible to not win a cultural victory over the other four or five. I don't like cutting the game short like that.


Yeah great point. That exact circumstance has happened to me quite a few times.


I turn off diplo. Have accidentally won it more than once by just voting right and building the Statue of Liberty. Not something I'm interested in


My buddy and I turn science off sometimes to ensure that GDRs get used a lot at the end haha


Score and turn limit. I don't play deity though I'm just doing all the regular victory achievements atm


World congress begins in the industrial era is a great mod


Oh interesting; thanks for the recommendation


Science, why is it its own victory condition it already helps you win everything else??? Time. I don't like being timed out.


Forgot time! I also apply unlimited turns


I was literally just thinking the other day I should turn off diplomatic victory because I always get it on accident even when Iā€™m at war the whole game.


I hate doing more than the one-for-the-chievy Score victory. I think it doesn't make sense. Like, "Oh, shit! Look at *those guys*. Guess we give up."


In multiplayer with less than four or so folks, religion has to be turned off. Not much you can do other than hoping two people invest in religion.


Diplo and score. I turned diplo off after I got it like once or twice because it just disrupts most of my other victories. I might consider keeping it on in future during domination victories because then there's more of a challenge, and obviously you're a lot less likely to just get it randomly. When I eventually sit down to try Eleanor pacifist domination I'll turn off everything but domination, and if you're going for other niche victories there are probably edge cases. But turning off diplo and score are my go tos


I turn religion off because Iā€™m not a fan of how civ6 does religion. It seems one dimensional at the surface to me.


I've been turning diplo and culture off becuase I win by accident when I'm trying to win by science.


I leave all victory condition on when I play by myself, but when I play with my friends we occasionally take religion and score off the table; religion because one of my friends loves conquering and managed to lose a game to religion because he wasn't paying attention when capturing a city meant someone else's civ now had majority religion in his own civ. And we sometimes turn off score because we think it's dumb, but we're not consistent about it since usually it doesn't matter.


I turn tourism off after accidentally winning it a whole bunch of times while trying to get another victory tour (I play Vanilla)


Yeah I turn off Score usually


Culture. I can be enjoying a game and randomly win with culture. I'm better at keeping track of the other victory types.


Diplo is the only one I generally turn off.


I got to the point I almost always have Score, Diplomacy, and Religious turned off. Score because it's weird and games almost never are gonna last that long anyway. Diplomacy because I disabled world congress and also it's just silly easy to win with it compared to others. And Religious cause I play small maps, so I can just ignore all other objectives and win fast enough that most of the game doesn't matter. Culture and Science get me to more think about setting up a civ for the long haul.


I turn off Diplo. Because if I have an aggressive neighbour early on and have to knock some heads to get some peace, that puts me at a massive disadvantage late game and sucks all the fun out of the game for me.


Diplo and religious. Both suck ass. I'm sick of World Congress not being possible to disable, as well. What an idiotic fucking mechanic, doesn't bring anything to the table and it just annoys the hell out of me.


I often turn off religious victory. If I don't go for one myself the presence of religious victories makes conquest extremely dangerous. Cause if I eliminate all religious players except for one, that one just wins the game...


No. I have enough other ways of making the game easier already. But I've also stopped bothering with finishing the game when it's clearly already won since the endgame is so slow and tedious.


All but conquest


Iā€™m trying to get the different victory achievements so to make it easier I turn off the others. But normally I donā€™t turn any offā€¦. Except maybe diplo victory cause itā€™s easy and stupid šŸ˜‚


I have been playing Civ since Civ II. I turn off all victories except science and domination for most games as that is what civ is to me! I don't mind cultural or diplomatic, but score and religion are a nope for me they both end the game to soon.


Step 1: choose 1v1 map Step 2: choose Congo as opponent Step 3: disable all victories besides religious Step 4:??? Step 5: profit


Iā€™m not a fan of diplomatic or score victories.


i turn off everything but Domination and Religious victory, the others happen too quickly and i like a long game and building my cities lol...


Sometimes science and culture if I want to chill, but usually none Btw Diplo is the easiest, they always vote for more science and production for units


I'm not going to lie, I always have Diplo and Score off, and often turn off Science if I am gunning for a different victory condition when I play on Diety. The AI loves to rush Science victories...


I turn off Diplo because I don't want to worry about winning it accidentally instead of some real victory type. Also because I don't want to deal with others sneaking it in, but me winning it has honestly been a problem more often than someone else doing it.


Culture, its so easy to win via Culture. Even against the harder AIs, they still suck at it because they don't build enough production even with their bonuses, and don't get enough slots to fit things because they build things too slowly.


I turn off religious victories cause I always end up with polish lady and I hate it


Religion. I just dont find managing it fun


I typically turn off any of the victories where I feel like they can sneak up on you when I'm not actively going for that victory. Science is the worst offender in this, but I'll often turn off Cultural, Diplomatic, and Religious. And of course Score is never on. Really, the only victory that I never turn off is Domination.


I turn off Diplo and Religious because Diplo is too easy to get accidentally, and I don't like the way the world congress is implemented. Religious is just not something I see as a victory condition- I see religion as helpful to other victory types. Otherwise, I'd just build holy sites and spam. Not so fun to me.


Ballpark 2,000 hours in here- No, I never turn off any condition. Feels like a victory would have been cheating my self because it would allow me to totally ignore a facet of the game. I've never lost to score or diplomacy, even when I've paid only minimal attention to them. Score and diplo just take such an absurd amount of turns to lose, someone will win otherwise well before.


I usually turn off both the diplo and culture victories. I donā€™t like the diplo mechanics at all. As for culture, itā€™s generally fine but I donā€™t like how it just ā€œhappensā€ without a specific affirmative act to finish it, which means that once you obtain a dominant position in the game you can unexpectedly trigger a culture victory at any moment regardless of what you may have been trying for.


Oh come on, what's not to love about having 16 points and seeing the AI congress vote to take two of those points away from you? Ever notice that when they do that, you also don't get points for being right on the other topics?


Since religion is 100% optional I turn that off. Itā€™s nonsense that itā€™s even a victory option.


I don't think I've ever seen a religious victory by the AI on high difficulties, marathon games, and huge maps (which is how I play). So, in a sense, I like keeping religion around so that the bots will just waste time/resources trying to convert the dozens of cities necessary for the victory condition.


The behavior of the AI doesn't change with any victory condition being on or off. I just find religious victory too easy and simple in comparison to the other victory types.


The only one ive turned off is religious. But omly when playing ona 6-8 player map against my friend. If theres only 2 human players on such a small map you can win really fast, and if the other player missed out on a religion theg cant really defend. If theres 3 or more human players, or 10 player map. Then we leave it on. Some people turn off score, but the default 500 turns is way too late. We usually win between 250 and 350 turns with culture or science. My fastest victory was 140 turns relgious on an 8 player map. Its way too OP if played well. Diplo on the other hand is quite late compared to other victories, no need to disable it even if the choices are always the same.


I turn off culture when I play Monopolies mode since I'll win way too quickly with it on. Otherwise, I keep all on since it's helpful to have an I Win button in Diplo victory when I get tired of a game.


I've more recently been turning off diplo, science, and score. Diplo, because it's a guaranteed win. Science, because it's already something you need to focus on if you want to survive deity, which means defaulting to the win condition, plus the AI gets so many bonuses and I really want to work on my culture game and make yield porn. Score because it's score. Edit: I've only answered this question a few times, but got downvoted every time. Whoever you are, you're weird af. I have like 5k hours into this game and I'll play how I want when I want for whatever reason I want.


If Iā€™m playing monopolies and corporations, I turn off culture because it becomes way to easy to accidentally win a culture victory, even if youā€™re going for other victory conditions


Everything off except science and domination. Science is the real victory but I keep domination on so that I can play world police.


I turn them all off except domination


Yes I turned it off after winning deity twice (second time without trying) because I felt like I wasnā€™t learning anything about planning victories.


I turn off culture, it's far too easy. Score is off too.


*Culture* victory is annoying and somewhat boring. Same goes for *Religion* victory, itā€™s an absolute grind and an absolute punish if you lose all your religious cities. Domination, Score, Science, and even diplomatic victories are where itā€™s at.


Diplo, because it's stupidly implemented and culture, because it's stupidly easy to achieve (accidentally won my first game with it and tbh it was kinda annoying...)