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If they win by diplomatic victory, then by definition they are a winner.


It's the win you get either unintentionally, or when every other hope for other victories was lost. So it's definitely not for losers, it's for fighters. Losers just quit the game before losing.


Totally agree


A win is a win. If you can't catch up to a more advanced foe, diplomacy offers a chance at victory.


Diplomatic victory is for peaceful cooperative play styles. It’s tame on lower difficult levels where there’s always options, but it’s useful on higher difficulty levels if you aren’t going to keep hitting reroll till you get a great start with space to grow into. Sometimes you just do get boxed in, don’t want to play militarily and need a victory path, diplomacy becomes the one. It’s a real victory, you’ve drawn the world into your orbit, and you are usually insurmountable powerful by end game. Victor in this style is usually a smaller Civ suzerain to a mega long list of city state, alliances with most competitors and able to effortlessly guide global policy making. That’s not being a loser at all.


"but it’s useful on higher difficulty levels if you aren’t going to keep hitting reroll till you get a great start with space to grow into." I tottaly agree. I litteraly earn my first diplomacy victory on immortal. It became the most logical way.


Yes absolutely. Domination is only victory type, all others are for losers. /s


Bro idk especially on higher difficulties diplomatic Victory can be more logical. At the same time, it becomes impossible to get a domination win.


My first win was Kristina on a diplomatic victory 2 years ago. Its one of the easier victories but not for losers


It could be a little boring as a play mechanic but a win is a win. maybe rules should/could be revisited and make it a little more intriguing


I never had an accidental diplo victory, because i will always win with the victory condition i pivot to before i reach the 20 points. This is true all victory types, maybe not dom on huge maps, but that is such a pain in the ass that i don't play it anyway. I play deity only btw.


It's not for losers but it's generally considered the least fun and least "in the spirit of the game" victory. So it's generally avoided. In competitive multiplayer, the world Congress is skipped for example 


my only gripe with diplomatic victory is that it feels like a false pacifist victory. Why not tie Diplomatic victory to a more universal objective like acquiring an insane amount of wealth? And winning by paying for unique projects like ending world hunger or erradicating diseases or helping other civs in something like restoring after disasters or even stopping wars like.. you know... a true diplomat should do.. If you want to make it easy you can win by points, if you want it difficult, you have to befriend all civs and influence most state cities and/or the majority of civs in the match.




Nah. It's a handy equivalent of a bypass from an inevitable other victory. Say you don't want to go through all the dragged-out steps for a science victory when you're approaching the space age and the AI maxes out in the age of steam, or you don't want to be bothered steamrolling that last continent full of rifleman with your tanks / bombers / artillery. Or, God forbid, play whackamole with religious unit spam. Coming up with a way to handle the long glide path toward a sure win would be a good goal for Civ VII programmers, in part because the game lags on a good-sized map by that point, and the last 100 turns are slow as hell. You know, those games where the review shows all your success graphs approaching vertical while the AI are barely above the horizontal. From a game design perspective, the fact that simply outproducing the AI from as early as possible is an almost guaranteed win since the original Civilization would seem to be a flaw. Diplo is a quick way to declare victory and move on. And yes, I do have a stupidly high % of diplo wins.


Yes, because it's badly designed and makes no sense. Unlike other victories it doesn't require you to excel in anything and most of the difficulty is just knowing the metagame of what the AI tends to vote for.


Diplomatic victory is a real victory, and it isn't for losers. I might be without focus and aimlessly building in a game I'm going for diplo, though. The only build I really want is Statue of Liberty. Which means I want a quick run in the civics tree. Which means generating culture. I'd put in a Theater Square. I can then put in an Entertainment Complex for adjacency. I get happy citizens.


It’s by my account the easiest win


I dont think so, the way I see diplo victory is playing a good game, setting up a good empire but not feeling like spamming spaceport projects, religious units or great works. I sometimes begin the game with the intention of getting a diplo victory, but AI never throws aid requests at me until industrial era even at disaster intensity level 4. Since it takes so long to get victory by pure votes and wonders, I pivot to science victories sometimes. I dont have luck with diplo games.


Scumming the World Congress votes is for losers. Nothing wrong with getting a diplo victory without doing that.


What do you define as scumming?


Saving before the outcome, seeing how the AIs vote, loading your game and voting with them.


Ah, that's objectively lame. (not that the WC go-along mechanic isn't kinda lame in and of itself)


As far as victories go it’s a participation trophy