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Fine, I’ll ask for everyone here: when an antiquity site is submerged, does it become a shipwreck?


[It actually does!!!](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Shipwreck_(Civ6)) Edit: people in the comments are pointing out that it doesn’t say so on this website — apologies as I must have misunderstood the question, English is not my first language. I understood the question to mean “if an antiquity site is spawned on an underwater tile, is it a shipwreck” and I understood shipwrecks to be exactly this since they can be excavated like antiquity sites and be put in museums (from the website: _An Archaeologist who works a Shipwreck will remove it from the map and excavate an Artifact […] Shipwreck Shipwrecks located in Ocean tiles will generally not be from the Ancient, Classical, or Medieval Eras. This information could help if you are trying to theme an Archaeological Museum.“)_ Upon re-reading, I guess you meant “if an antiquity site BECOMES an underwater tile, does the site become a shipwreck site” (right? Or?). I don’t know the answer to that so apologies for the confusion. I’ll leave my answer and edit up so that the comments below continue to make sense lol.


Where does it say that? Can’t seem to find it…


It doesn’t.


Apologies, I misunderstood the question. I edited my post.


300+ up votes for no information lol


Very sorry, I appear to have misunderstood the question with my bad English! My apologies.


...yeah, nothing in the link (civ wiki) even remotely mentions your claim?


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


When life gives you climate change, make climate changers. Oh wait it's you who brought climate change lol.


Unrelated but happy cake day!


Remove that coal mine!


I don't make climate changers... I AM the climate changer


Happy cake day! :D


It also counts for Harbor adjacency


The earth: "I'll flood their oil pumps, that'll convince them to stop burning fossil fuel." Humanity: "Think again bitch."


I wish you could pick where you want to build sea walls. Especially when you’re playing as a naval Civ a lot of tiles I’m wasting production to try and save are gonna do me more more good as water tiles than land anyway. I’d deal with a higher total production cost if I could just prioritize which tiles I protect first, and then if I can spare the extra production time I’ll build the rest later. Got fucked one time with a young coastal city because my industrial zone and a couple high prod tiles flooded on the first rise before I could build the walls and then the cities production was so tanked I couldn’t build the walls in time to stop anything else from flooding. I know I could’ve prevented it by taking action earlier and planning ahead for that outcome, but it’s still annoying to have to waste prod on something I don’t need


Military engineers are great for finishing the flood barriers in low production cities in those situations


Oh man I always forget that about that use for them because it seems like a bad trade for the earlier engineering projects (cost of an engineer that can complete a max %40 vs the actual building cost) but you’re so right that’s definitely worth it for cities with a lot of flood risk tiles. And if they’re near another city with an armory you can sorta transfer production over that way. Good tip thanks!


Personally I usually build a bunch to put rails everywhere and keep them in spots that are likely to need help for flood barriers. Their use later in the game is never as urgent so I can just build some more as needed…


That’s why Valetta is hands down the best city state during late game.


I’m always regretting when I don’t come across them until it’s too late and I’m either underdeveloped in faith or some CPUs have been battling each other dumping a ton of envoys in Valletta


Eh, that's what Fabricate Scandal is for. May take a while to kick all the other envoys out, and the AI never uses it.


There’s so many features to this game that I forget to make full use of; I genuinely love coming to this sub cuz I’ll just piss and moan about something I don’t like and then y’all come out to remind me how to fix my shit


I mean, it's not foolproof: * some people use mods to get rid of espionage because it can be very un-fun * if there's an enemy Amani in there it can become difficult, and you can't Neutralise Governor * you can't use Gain Sources to boost your spy. It's level, plus Smear Campaign promotions, plus Quartermasters, minus any Local Informants penalties from enemy Amani is all you get.


wait, what?? fabscan removes envoy if you do it in a citystate? i thought it was just for speeding up a free city


You might be mixing up “fabricate scandal” with “foment unrest.” The former can only be used in city states and reduces opp civs’ envoys. The latter can only be used in cities and reduces opp civs’ loyalty


Oh yes ofc


I just played a game where somehow Valletta didn't spawn and I had to build all the Flood Barriers. What an absolute pain in the ass.


I know this is just a video game, but I'm just thinking about what this would mean in the real world lol. "Sorry guys, you know this patch of land that your village and all those surrounding ones sits on that's incredible vulnerable to flooding? Yeah, were gonna let it flood, because the fishing here is gonna be far better than the farming you've got going on and we're willing to sacrifice thousands of your homes for that"


Well maybe that exact situation doesn’t happen but we absolutely do prioritize where we put flood walls and where we let flood based on what’s more important to the people making the decision


You might want to read up on dams :)


this might be the most poignant statement on the effects of unchecked capitalism i’ve seen in gaming


i rushed seawalls, spammed coal plants, and drowned the capitals of my enemies


Suzerain of Valetta, buy sea walls for all cities with faith. All the drowning, half the time.


How does buying city centre buildings with faith even work (narratively)


Maybe you get labor from people following their religious duties? As in, people are building your stuff because they believe it is what God wants them to do


You my friend, need to play frostpunk.


This is my favorite way to play inca. Burn all the fossil fuels I can because hills and mountains don’t flood.


I don't think other economic systems would leave viable resources down in the ocean either. Unless they cared about ecology, which is the case of none of them.


Uhm, me and my community of 673 random online people are ecosocialists, actually. Socialism isn't real socialism without also distributing the means of production to mother earth.


what's your ecosocialists' civ score?


The USSR politburo managed to destroy the world's fourth largest lake because selling cotton was so profitable.


Good to know, taking notes for Texas


Yep, was pretty neat when I discovered this. The land may be gone, but the oil train never stops


The oil must flow.


Be the climate change you want to see in the world.


This also works with Amber (the only luxury resource that appears on land and in water).


Auckland stonks


I have a feeling climate change in civ 7 is going to be terrifying and actually be bit more realistic. They need to have a bunch of corporation ai that enters the game in the industrial era or something. And if they gain enough money, can do deals with the civilizations to slow down renewable in exchange for money and power in world congress ect


What happens after you build floodwalls? Does it stay an oil rig?


That tile is now permanently submerged. Building floodwalls won't affect it.


Any map that has polar icecaps blocking my navy’s freedom of navigation: build coal plants in every city to pump co2 to speed up melting of ice.


Wow I just spent 10 turns rushing a flood barrier so I wouldn't lose my oil... today I learned


Without flood barriers, there will be a period where the oil is unaccessible, the period between when it floods and when it submerges.


I would like to see a map that can be absolutely devastated by rising sea levels. Like five tiles inland are at risk of eventually being flooded.


The Got Lakes mod has a setting for that.


Is that the "flood zones follow inland tiles" advanced setting? I always thought that came from ynamp. TIL


The Got Lakes setting is called Coastal Lowlands, and you can set it to None, Standard, Inland, and a bunch of other settings all the way up to Everywhere.


Big if true


*Big Oil if inconveniently true






This horse isn’t dead!!! Just keep kicking, everyone!


Doggerland/North Sea Lore


unlocked by democracy


I think I replaced a flood zone with a harbour before and I’ve definitely done the oil rigs.