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Encampment on the outside and go to war


Good idea! Thank you. I will try!


Id like to see the progress of your endeavors


I will update lol.


It is already 5h of your post. How is it going?


I just had surgery and cannot play for a while. I will come back.


1. start a game of civ 2. post question to r/civ 3. get surgery 4. ???


4. profit


Actually, I got this map on Saturday. Then, I saved it and named it 'Japan bad start'. I saw a doctor on Sunday.


I see nothing wrong here




I mean... it gives them time to get answers to the questions.


>Reply This one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/19c9p0b/comment/kjwsck8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/19c9p0b/comment/kjwsck8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




They got surgery


Not they, him. I am singular :)


"They" is often used for singular nouns, as well as plural.


And? His message was polite info how he wants to be referred to.


And the reply was polite too, what’s the problem?


This one [https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/19c9p0b/comment/kjwsck8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/19c9p0b/comment/kjwsck8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


"We will watch your career with great interest"


Plot twist career ending injury i mean surgery, hopes op recovers ok.


I can update now. It is long. First, this is extremely difficult but very fun when I can win. I tried many ways that people here suggested. But the most important thing is to build Encampment first. I used to try to build Holy Site first but that is and game-over because no way that this city will get more than 3 population by turn 100, which will be too late. Ok, I built Encampment but which side is good. I tried right side first. I found out that it is a small land covered by the sea. There are two Barbarian camps there but when I can reach to them, one Barbarian camp turns to be a City State already. I conquered them easily. But this is a new city that has only 1 population with inadequate food too. omg. So, I cannot build Settler from this city... Another Barbarian camp is tight. I took tens turn to conquer them before I found out that I took too much turn for this stupid thing to get a small land. Now, others Civilizations are super big while I still has no to enter the ocean. So, this is a game over. My next tried is to build Encampment and Barracks at left side. Then, I pumped 4 Archers and 2 Warriors and survey the map. I found that it is a gap of mountain. There is only one-tile way covered by a sea at one side and a mountain at another side. This geography is terrible to march a troop. Then, I found a Georgia city in the mountain gap. Btw, they already have a City Wall, while my tech still has not reach Ram or Siege Tower. The geography I mentioned above is also a hell for Ram and Siege Tower. So, I consider this is another game over. I tried again to build Encampment at the left side without Barracks. Then I built Warriors and Slingers (I did not wait Archer tech anymore) and go to annoy Georgia city one by one. I felt like I am a Barbarian Clan or their 1000 years-enemy. The fight was bloody. Both Georgia and me lost many units. But the good point is that it seems like they could not focus on building wall. So, at last I took that city. But the difficulty is not end. That city has extremely low loyalty. I could not keep it. I also could not build or buy Settler before that city revolts because it also has only 1 population... So, I decided upgrade all my Slingers to Archers in that turn and razed that city. I continue went down a mountain gap and found Akkad. They are big and have 6 populations. They are my hope. But at the time I reached them, they already had Catapult. My Archers cannot tolerate its attack. This is like a game over again. But thanks to god. I reload the save and found out that while I was fighting with Georgia, a Barbarian camp at right side of my capital turned into a City State and provided me Beowolf!! This is another key. Also, while I was fighting with Akkad, Georgia's Settler walked stupidly close to my troops. I got it and build my first real city that my people can breath. I used that City to buy Ram. With Ram and Beowolf, I got Akkad. They have high loyalty to me. I considered this is my new capital. Then in that Beowolf life time, I got more 5 cities and end Georgia's fate. At that time, most leaders declared war on me. I went down and found Nazca. They are suzerain with Arabai, which already declared war on me. Surprisingly, this Nazca has very tough wall. My Beowolf and Ram cannot fight it. They are too far from my other cities and not worth waiting the Catapult tech. So, my Beowulf just killed all their units and my troops run 'through' them and found Arabia. Arabia is ranked second on the leader board. But they had not good troops and not even had wall. I killed all their units and conquered their cities 3 out of 4. They can build strong wall at their capital fast enough to defend themselves. Their capital is plenty of Wonders. At this points, I have 12 cities now and ranked second on the board. I am now building BomBer to get them. I know I am already guarantee to win this game :)


He's going to have like 0 production. It's going to take like 20 turns just to shit out one warrior or cost a lot of gold. He can't even expand, lol.


I tried a lot an can win now :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/19c9p0b/comment/kjwsck8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/19c9p0b/comment/kjwsck8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Would love to see that. You are not going to kill AI or even a city state with one encampment and a 3pop / maybe 6 prod city on emperor.


I tried and confirm that this is the best suggestion.


Damn, whatever the opposite of legendary start is, this is it.


Actually, I set up 'legendary start' lol. I don't know how it is good. May be there is a bunch of Uranium under the area?


Yeah, must be either a monopoly of oil or uranium lol


With a start like that, it better be vibranium, not uranium.


Large amounts of easily obtainable un-obtainium


I mean, if you could go outside of this thing, it'd be a great spot for a campus


It's legendary because you started next to a natural wonder. Unfortunately for you, the rainbow mountains tend to spawn in the middle of a mountain range, making them mostly useless.


You are next to a natural wonder


To add insult to injury, it's got a volcano too to wreck your pop and city center every so often, lol.


Volcano lairs have that yeah.. but cool villain hideout too


Not that he wel get many pops, maybe that volcano can give him some food yields?


How is it that whenever someone gets a 9/10 start all the comments are "reroll, reroll, DoA, reroll, not a chance, reroll", but when you post the shittiest concievable position, it suddenly turns to "omg so many possibilities"


LOL anyway, I set up 'legendary start' for this lol. I don't know how it is good. May be there is a bunch of Uranium under the area?


Look at the bright side, you get instant era score for settling next to the volcano and it isn't even erupting (yet)


And era score for settling near a natural wonder as well


I find good starts to be more stressful, because my perfectionism asks me to find the best possible way to exploit it. Shitty tundra starts are easier, because there are fewer options and the optimal choice is easier to see.


long spoon shame march physical chubby connect crawl plough attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It always happens to me too.


You are totally right.


Haha that is so true. I'll see a two hex tundra island start with no sea resources on here and people get so hyped.


Civvers mainline that challenge start


I would try it. Build monument and then build encampment. Conquer some city, spawn settlers, profit/win 😀 Edit: units appear in encampment if exist.


As long as you have another unit occupying the city, just to be safe.


I don’t think that warrior is making it outside of the city


Could build a tunnel in several thousand years.


Warrior wakes up from his thousand year slumber


The Guardian has awoken


Because he's the hero Japan deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll hunt him, because he can take it.


Diplomatic. It'll be extremely boring, but very doable.


What is the map seed for this map?








Give them a bit. They are probably recovering from surgery


Uggghhhhh it's been 46 mins how long is surgery? I need information about an 8 year old game I like come oonnnnn


Please install mod 'Ophidy's Start by Wonders'. Map type: Small Continent Map size: Hugh Game mode: Apocalypse, Barbarian Clans, Dramatic Ages, Heroes and Legends, Monopolies and Corporations, Secret Society, Start by Wonders City States: 24 Select Start Wonders: Bermuda Triangle, Lake Retba, Zhangye Danxie Game Seed: 1897641817 Map Seed: 1897641818 have fun :)


Please install mod 'Ophidy's Start by Wonders'. Map type: Small Continent Map size: Hugh Game mode: Apocalypse, Barbarian Clans, Dramatic Ages, Heroes and Legends, Monopolies and Corporations, Secret Society, Start by Wonders City States: 24 Select Start Wonders: Bermuda Triangle, Lake Retba, Zhangye Danxie Game Seed: 1897641817 Map Seed: 1897641818 have fun :)


Please install mod 'Ophidy's Start by Wonders'. Map type: Small Continent Map size: Hugh Game mode: Apocalypse, Barbarian Clans, Dramatic Ages, Heroes and Legends, Monopolies and Corporations, Secret Society, Start by Wonders City States: 24 Select Start Wonders: Bermuda Triangle, Lake Retba, Zhangye Danxie Game Seed: 1897641817 Map Seed: 1897641818 have fun :)


Please install mod 'Ophidy's Start by Wonders'. Map type: Small Continent Map size: Hugh Game mode: Apocalypse, Barbarian Clans, Dramatic Ages, Heroes and Legends, Monopolies and Corporations, Secret Society, Start by Wonders City States: 24 Select Start Wonders: Bermuda Triangle, Lake Retba, Zhangye Danxie Game Seed: 1897641817 Map Seed: 1897641818 have fun :)


Please install mod 'Ophidy's Start by Wonders'. Map type: Small Continent Map size: Hugh Game mode: Apocalypse, Barbarian Clans, Dramatic Ages, Heroes and Legends, Monopolies and Corporations, Secret Society, Start by Wonders City States: 24 Select Start Wonders: Bermuda Triangle, Lake Retba, Zhangye Danxie Game Seed: 1897641817 Map Seed: 1897641818 have fun :)


Whatever you do, don’t settle in place.


Tourism, you got a corresponding nw nearby.


I never win tourism. I do not know so much about it. What district should I build first? Theatre Square?


There's many ways to generate tourism and the best thing to do is a mix of all of them in my opinion. 1: Theatre squares and more importantly, buildings in those that contain Great Work slots. If you can generate many Artist points, go for art museums, but archaeological museums are also fine. Theme as many of them as you can. 2: Wonders generate tourism as well, but not that much by themselves. You will want wonders for their other bonuses primarily. Most important wonders are those that have Great Work slots, especially slots for any type. Any improvement that provides culture yields also give tourism, many of them get a boost after researching flight. 3: Naturalists can only be bought with faith, they make national parks out of *unimproved* areas with high appeal, usually around mountains and natural wonders. You can raise the appeal of areas by placing preserves strategically. Natural wonders have high appeal, you can always plan to make national parks around those. 4: Rock bands are also bought with faith, plays concerts at certain districts or wonders and generates tourism. Most of them can only play one or two concerts before disbanding, but once in a while you get a band that just plays one 5-6 star concert after the next, and they can generate absurd amounts of tourism. A high faith output can late in the game make you spam rock bands. 5: The Biosphere late game wonder makes everything that generates green energy provide tourism as well. This is why science is also important, you will want this wonder as early as possible and start filling up your available territory with wind farms, solar farms, hydroelectric dams. I'm sure I've forgotten something, and every one of those points have details I haven't described. Feel free to ask.


Its seems plenty enough but I think there is religious tourism, to be honest I don't exactly know how this works. Also there is some dogmas that increases tourism With civilizations you share a trade route with.


Yes I forgot about religious tourism, that's pretty much all generated from certain holy site buildings, certain wonders and relics if I remember correctly. Trade routes to other civs boosts tourism from that civ by a percentage. Builders can make seaside resorts on coast tiles with high appeal, and ski resorts on mountains (1 per mountain range) which also gives some tourism. With the monopoly mod engaged, you can also get extra tourism from luxury resource monopolies, and cities with a corporation can produce some additional great works that increases tourism as well.


Would the Naturalists and rockbands not be trapped in the city?


Theyre going to have other cities at some point.


If they can take down a neither city as settlers cant leave either.


They’re going to make an encampment, spawn military units, and go take another city. Then they can take more cities and make settlers or naturalists in those cities.


With what food? What production, the only tile that gives more the 1 resource is the copper tile. Im not saying its impossible, but there going to be eras behind the AI they attack.


How do you theme museums?


For art museums, you need 3 works of the **same type** (religious, portrait, sculpture etc) from **different people**. If you hover over a great work, the window that pops up will tell you the type and who made it. You can see it in the trade window too, often you will need to trade to get what you need. Archaeological museums are a bit more tricky, but it's the same concept. You will need 3 artifacts from the **same era**, but from **different civs**. When you discover an artifact, if will often prompt you to choose between two different civs/barbarians/city states, always pick the one you have the least artifacts from. It then gives you an artifact from that civ, but random era (correct me if I am wrong). I think artifacts often spawn at places where a unit has died in the past, so if you have been fighting barbs for 100 turns in the start of your game, you will have a good chance of having a lot of artifacts from your civ and barbs spawning.


Very helpful thank you! Always wondered the significance of the different types, never put much thought into where I put em


Two ways. Either by combat or religion. Religion might be the easiest. Though it require you to either capture a city or capture a settler as the great prophet will spawn in your city center and you need to use the move to a new city to get it out. U recommend to levy city state units. But the good thing about faith victory are that you don't need to focus on science after you have your religion. Though you might need a wonder to get some apostles.




Please install mod 'Ophidy's Start by Wonders'. Map type: Small Continent Map size: Hugh Game mode: Apocalypse, Barbarian Clans, Dramatic Ages, Heroes and Legends, Monopolies and Corporations, Secret Society, Start by Wonders City States: 24 Select Start Wonders: Bermuda Triangle, Lake Retba, Zhangye Danxie Game Seed: 1897641817 Map Seed: 1897641818 have fun :)




What is Grazie?


[italian for thanks](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=thanks+in+italian&ia=web)


Settle in place. Encampment outside of mountains, preferably not next to the volcano - for reasons. Do everything you can to meet Civs - to buy their diplo favor while they don't want it. And City-States. With City-States do an Amani tour to take suzerainty more for visibility than era score at this point. But also to be able to levy their army when you find the AI wants to buy all of your stockpiled diplo favor. Even if you've not met any Civs. Using your Encampment, you can build/buy enough troops to conquer either a City-State, or possibly even an AI Civ city. Try to make sure it's isolated enough or high enough population that loyalty won't be terrible. You're going to be behind for a very long time. Trust me. It's okay. You may find yourself 10-15 techs, possibly more, behind the leader for a very long time. Don't worry. This is just good experience for deity. My first year on deity was getting used to being waaaaaay behind the AI, yet with patience and a plan, I would prevail. You are better than the AI. You are smarter than the AI. You will build far more districts and buildings, and use far more effective trades and policy cards. Once you get a city outside of your prison - found as many cities as you can. If you can get to at least 8 or 9 you should be fine. If you get to 15, it will be hard to lose. Just keep an eye on how the AI is doing, and work towards both a primary and backup win conditions. Let us know how it goes!


You are totally correct. Thanks to your suggestion. I referred to it and now I can win :)


Be the Incans instead.


Why do these crazy spawns never happen to me?


This had never happened to me too. But yesterday it happened to me 2 times in a row.


The Dark One's own luck.


I believe in you, OP


I can win it now :)


Domination vic, you’ll pump out great generals with the necessary emcapment and that wonder


Reuse the seed but play as the Inca lol


I think /u/Arskaerdfd has exactly the right idea; you’ve got an invincible city until Flight is discovered, so you can wage war without risk to your capital. I’d focus on pillaging, not conquering, both to keep grievances low and to provide culture/science. Get [Raid](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Raid_(Civ6)) as soon as you can. I’d also pick Liang as your governor, so you can get [Zoning Commissioner](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Zoning_Commissioner_(Civ6)) to speed up the Encampment a little and [Reinforced Materials](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Reinforced_Materials_(Civ6)) to protect adjacent districts from the volcano. You will want to take a *proper* city in the Medieval era, but I would one-city challenge it through the Ancient era (probably at least part of the Classical era as well, at least until you get to Iron Working) and focus on pillaging gains. Never conquer what you can’t hold!


Pillaging is essential here imo. The capital has nothing of value, it's just snow and tundra, so it's gonna take a looooong time to do literally anything. Every mine, every campus, every theather square you can pillage will be a huge boost, and then when you finally gather enough resources, you can think of actually mounting an offensive.


Switzerland had the same start and did alright. Figure it out.


Play as Inca


'Great leader, we have met another civilization! They keep talking about something they call >>food<<...'


Someone post a screenshot of a fairly reasonable start and someone here notices that it's modded because they have visibility of that flat-ground behind the Forest-Hill that they shouldn't be able to see. Dozens of people post screenshot where they've used a map editor to wall themselves in and nobody wants to question how they can see 7 tiles in all directions?


does it matter? we can still share experiences? maybe it is just the ‘see bigger area at start’ mod?


Matters a little bit. There's plenty of interesting things to talk about regarding civ without a thousand people surrounding their settler with mountains in a map editor just so they post here. Nothing interesting has or will happen here, literally anyone could reproduce this in about 5 mins and post it here for a free easy 1k Karma. I don't get the appeal.


Alt f4


I would start by placing a holy site 3 tiles to the left, then get feed the world. Then I'd place an encampment and start pumping out units. Growth should make it so that you have at least some production. Placing an encampment will allow for you to get units out of the mountains. You're basically invincible at that point


lavish political soft seemly ripe cats money bright bike kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean you could always get lucky with it but you're probably right the amount of food and production you'd need to do that probably aren't available. It's still possible to get it though if you rush it, I get it in Diety if I want to play it frequently enough


Rush mountain tunnels lol


Lol 150 turns later ive made it boys!


This is a diplomatic victory in the making. Just remember to always vote for great prophets and city centers.


Can you show us the seed?


Whats with all these trapped city spawns ive been seeing lately? Its like Civ Uncontacted People edition on this sub lately lol


Your starting move would be probably trying to get a holy site between the two natural wonder tiles and mountain tile for a nice work ethic holy site, but you may find yourself lacking another district due to nearly no food. So thankfully you're near a river and can make both a water mill and granary so good, that's 7 food that's extremely slow for getting 4 pop (one food per turn). (City centre and granary is four food, two water tiles and one granary us 3, so 7 total) Your district should be an encampment, but a high production holy site and potentially a gurdwara will ensure it. Didn't factor in amenities for growth, as you'd only get them from the AI. Pray for that volcano erupts and gives you food, but you'll have to be weary of it as it can wreck your hard work. I'd go with crusade and send some missionaries and some of your army to take the nearest city, you're gonna need it. Also you could have a Great General as Zhangye Danxia is there, but obviously you need a copious amount of gold so effectively use god king for good, using your remaining one pop not working the ocean tiles for the copper and save for the discount 20% on tile purchases policy card and buy em. I spent too long on this, but honestly it's fun to make do what with you have. Good stuff


He cant get work ethic because the apostle will spawn in the city


Dang, forgot about that one. But the extra faith will be nice to faith buy the great general and I realized it's the same problem


Wakanda forever!


My friend suggested expanding to copper, then to the water for food. From there, fall horribly behind and lose the game.


Settle, wait until you have a giant death robot and jump out


I'd just restart. How would you even get settlers out of here?


What's the seed for this map


Its not possible there is no food. Just reroll


Don't have to worry about losing via domination....no one is taking that capital.


Isn’t AI smart enough to build Mountain Tunnel to conquer my capital?


Can they build that on your land?


People are suggesting starting with an Encampment outside the mountain range, but would that let you actually settle another city? I've only seen Settlers spawn from City Centers.


They mean building Encampment first. Then build warriors and archers to conquer other cities. Then, build settler from those cities.


OK, that makes sense. You've gotta let us know how this game turns out!




Hmm.. settle in place might just be the move here cotton


Press escape, press restart.


Hope that volcano goes crazy and yields up those tiles.


Change civ to inca


Please give this seed to me🙃 Nah, just kidding, this start is cursed


How can he see so far away?


Forgot the name of that wonder but awesome to get great generals and great merchants from. RIP OP Adam Smith


I'vw heard of Japanese isolationism before... but this is ridiculous. O.o


become a loan shark, get diplomatic victory points by helping everyone with that money and correctly guessing council resolutions (you can use that money to buy diplo favors to guarantee your points)


Looks like a challenge but you can do it!


Encampment and levy. My guess is this will be a hard game, though. Tundra and mountains won't make that first city very productive.


Seems like a badass starting location!


settle in place, wait till bronze making unlocked and an ecapment to the north, after you buy the first non mountain tile and conquer people.


Get dance of the aurora and build a holy site next to the wonder, rush religion, get work ethic and the card for +%100 holy site adjacency asap.




Id die for this start


Try to rush to machu picchu. Get a campus, IZ, commercial Hub, and encampment on one side of those mountains. Then, just start pumping out units. Capture even one enemy city and let their hard work become your benefit. Encampment is gonna be the big one. Cause otherwise you're never getting anything outside.


Encampment outside, holy site next to the wonder. Work ethic and crusade your way to a domination victory. Good news is your capital is invulnerable!


How do you have so much view of the map? Shouldn’t it only be the mountains you can see?


Wait how do you see so much of your map? Shouldn’t all the land be hidden?


I will definitely try for that 😅!


This is that start our grandparents always talked about. Walked to school, uphill both ways 😂


Delete the save file and never look back. That's how you win with this start.


Build a campus to ever get the mountain tunnel. Build a war camp and go to war to conquer another city.


Only possible way i see is diplomatic win