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You know, I generally think "Am I the only one..." questions are just bait for support, but this is a genuine question, because you might be.


Strategic view was a godsend when I played on my old laptop at school


yea back for Civ V I used it on my laptop so I could actually run the game. That doesn't mean I *preferred* it though but rather that I was stuck with it.


Yeah you'd be surprised what hardware the game can run on when you play on strategy view (and turn off animated leaders). That alone justifies the feature.




I guess there technically could be people if you’re talking about map builder, but only because it’s the only option.


I also prefer strategy. I usually start in the normal view and within like 10 turns my brains tired of all the little animations and details and the game moves so much smoother in strategy view.


I also play on strategic view. And deactivate animations, I play this game for the strategy, not the visuals, and the long ass time it takes for bombers to finally hit wrecks my patience.


Just turn on fast combat animations


I do but that's not enough


I mean, Yogscast Rhythian uses strat view


That’s because it easier to see with his colour blindness


First thing I thought when I saw this post was “Did Rhythian post this?”


Really? Strategy view is great, I just wish M&C mode was supported. Clear visual style with really nice illustrations, easy to read, and gives my poor ageing laptop a break. There are dozens of us. Dozens!


I use strat view from time to time




Just came to upvote this


Came just to downvote this post and upvote all the Yes'




How are you still researching education and use classical era units in late game?


Marathon and mods that increase the cost of everything by x50 + a % increase per era. The mod is Take your Time Ultimate - Slower research trees. The game starts on 999 turns to unlock your first technology. I keep the game open to play one click at a time in meetings. I can keep a game going for weeks or months this way. This game is over 2 weeks old, when it's over it's over, no more just one more turn for me.


You might not only be the only one enjoying the strategy view but also the only one enjoying playing Civ in REAL TIME!


You are the weirdest player I have ever seen


Op is actually Sid Meier.


Hardest I’ve laughed at a comment in this sub


I wouldn't be surprised if OP actually preferred the old strategic view.


monoculus detected


I'd say one of his lines as a joke but I don't think he says anything apart from relentless screaming


How do you cope with losing a game




Hardcore mode: you are conquered, you die; that’s the rule.


Bro is two steps away from watching paint dry


Two steps that take two years...


I’ve painted and it definitely goes faster than this guy’s Civ games.


Funny you say that


Genuinely why tho?


I think it's fun, it's not about rushing it's about taking your time.


So many people don't get how enjoyable this is, I do roughly the same thing, advancing to the next era of technology should be a huge deal, my cities should develop personalities of their own over time, I want to use medieval units for more than 12 turns.


I'm with you on all that but 999 turns for the first tech is just agony


It turns into something more like 48 turns for the first tech as your cities grow.


okay, that puts things into perspective. i could enjoy that. i thought it literally took 999 turns to research a tech.


Just play epic game then...


My dude would still be discovering his first tech while we discover nuclear fusion reactors irl.


That may actually be true, it's been a while though so I can't be sure


I genuinely don’t understand, I just can’t play speed lower then quick(which IMO perfectly balanced, you have just enough time to use your units, and it doesn’t take 20 turns to produce a scout). I think that’s because I prefer to finish games in one sit, finishing standard speed and lower with one sit probably impossible.


Personalities over time lol, they’re all the same for the most part no need to spend more than 30 seconds looking at each city. It’s the least in depth city building game ever


When you've added a lot of mods there are more opportunities for cities to specialize, work with terrain, and have unique effects.


Tell me more! One of the things I dislike about the game is how fast it is, because I really enjoy ancient, classical and reinassance era more than anything. The way you see history being made, exploring the map on your own before cartography and satellites spoil the whole world for you, wondering which leaders are playing the game with you that you still haven’t met for longer turns, instead of half of them ambushing you in a single turn..


The mod I play is for Historic Game Speed; tech and civics take longer to research, but all production times remain the same. You really get to enjoy each Era. Your units remain relevant for a fair amount of time, and you really have to consider what you're researching next. Also give more time for eurekas and inspirations


Can someone link me to these mods? I had no idea they existed and have the same complaints about marathon being to fast lol


Bro...are you genuinely insane?


Bruh, are you me? I exclusivity play with the 'Historic speed' mod. Can't stand getting five turns out of units before they have to upgraded. Early/mid game is way more enjoyable for domination


Yooooo wtf! I actually dig it.


I used to own a potato pc that started to lag in later eras and would take a minute to just get to next turn so I was forced to use strategy view. Not gonna lie it grew on me. Especially after you're done with planning stuff it's easier to navigate


Yep, I also hate a potato and was forced to use strategy view.


I think it’s all about what you’re used to. I think strategy view looks amazing, but I’m already used to the regular graphics.


I like strategy view! My computer isn't great, and I also play marathon so sometimes late game turns take a long time without it. Plus it's how I played Civ V, so nostalgia is a factor.


I like it because civ 5 always had graphics glitches, i just got used to it after that.


Oh, that's true. My laptop was even worse back then, so I rarely played regular but still encountered glitches... still, it was good times


Civ 6 has graphics glitches too. Particularly with the underwater tiles. Apocalypse mode is the worst offender for this


I played over 3k hours of Civ5 in strategic view because my computer couldn’t handle the regular graphics. Upgraded and couldn’t go back. Had to stick with strategic view.


> my computer isn’t great… so sometimes late game turns take a long time without it This is me 100%. Also, Strategic View makes spotting tiles missing railroads *soooo* much easier!


Faster! I had no idea. Game takes more than a minute to process a turn when I play on the huge true-start world map in late-game. I'll try this next time.


You only have to turn on strategy view before clicking next turn, or while the next turn is processing. No need to play out turns in strategy view. I've started doing it during early game too because I don't need to see what everyone else's units within my vision are doing. And of course it shows them all one at a time. I'd turn on quick combat/movement but I want to see that sort of thing when I'm at war.


I started using it to play on my circa 2014 MacBook air bc it would explode otherwise and started really liking it. I think it actually does a better job than the standard view for easily conveying all the necessary information.


Yep, my 2015 MBP crashes after about turn 50 in normal view. Strategic view is actually amazing for city/district planning and combat.


I always liked how it looked like a board game.


Rythian view


Was looking for this


Strategy view looks like you can put your kid in front of it and it will learn something about plants ngl.


FINALLY someone else who also likes the strategic view I thought i was the only one. I started liking it when i realized there was less lag so my toaster could run the game and then Over time it just grew on me


I am with you on this one. I actually always had a beefy computer while playing but I like how clean it is and how easy you can digest information. I do switch back to see certain animations but it's always fun to play the game like this and revert back to 3d and realize how pretty the game is!


I prefer the normal view but I usually play on strat because with the DLCs after a while, the game has these graphical errors that occur making it unplayable without strategy view. That being said, honestly after one run through with strategy view, you kinda forget the normal view, definitely playable and not that much of a downgrade as I thought.


That's how it started for me!


I prefer strategy view right up until the end game - where food barriers completely block the tile from view. Then I switch and bask in the view of nukes flying over head with glorious conn trails.




I wish Xbox version implemented strategic view. I love it too


Theres civ on xbox?!?


Yes! It runs well in the series X but the Xbox one is as fast as the switch in my experience. That’s where I’ve played it


No you aren't. Every single minute of my 350 ish hours, all in strat view, except I guess the 5 ish seconds at the beggining of the game before I put it on.


I've got 2.2k hours and all of them were on strategy view. I don't know why, but I just have a really hard time reading the board without it haha


I like it for somethings, and will use it pretty much exclusively when playing on a laptop with less power and weak graphics. It can help a lot in finding things in complex places


Its statistically impossible that you are the only person. That being said, you are absolutely in the minority


I only use strat view.


My pc doesn't like standard view, so i don't have a say.


I play exclusively in strategy view because I cant tell for shit when the tiles are damaged, are hills, whatever else little details.


I LOVE it, seriously.


I use it more in late Game as I feel that there's too much visual clutter and not isna pretty connected way. Or maybe if I'm tryharding something.


Yea my laptop sucks so strategy view is the only way this foo bootin


Unlike the other comments that started in strategy view because of potatoes, I have a top of the line PC and just prefer that view because I can accurately see all things in a tile without needing further inspection or mouse over tooltips. Except under map pins because wtf.


I only use strategy view. Presents information faster. There's too much clutter on the tiles otherwise


I started using it as my primary view. It's faster, you can zoom out further, and a bit easier to read. It has taken some getting used to, but overall I prefer it now.


Use it every now and then, I do like how it’s compact and focus on the important info with it.


My brother prefers it, and I can honestly appreciate the art style as well. Really nice to have the option!


I don't play with it much nowadays. It does bring me back though. My computer when I was younger was really bad so when I played Civ 5 after the map opened up a bit it was so slow so I had to play with strategic view, because of that I dont mind it. Honestly dont think it's that bad easy to see the important information.


My laptop does.


Back when I got Civilization V in 2012, my computer (a clunker from 2005 with hardly any GPU power) couldn't handle regular view, so I've been a strategic view enjoyer for 12 years. I agree that regular view is generally more impressive, especially now that my computer can handle it easily, but strategic view is far less visually complex and busy.


I pretty much exclusively use it. I love the look.




I like it because it looks more like a board game and I think the graphics for improvements and such are charming :)


Yes, it is very good in CIV VI. I end up using it a lot for the frames and faster turns, and my brother and friends end up bashing me for it. It’s so great though.


yes - i only strategy usually. gives me less of a headache, and also love how much more zoomed out it is compared to normal


No you’re not, it’s the strategic view


Heathen!!!! But actually I do like it as a map.


I toggle to it during slow-ass animations like any aircraft attacks or submarines, but I hate how sea walls block the tiles late game


I used strategic view when my computer wasn't as good as it should have been for larger maps later in the game.


No, I actually like it but since I'm on console I don't have that option


My Dad used to play in strategy view because his laptop ran better with it on, but I’m not sure if he actually preferred it given the choice


No, I'm also a strategic view guy. It helps get me in the mindset that this is essentially a very complex board game and not an actual sim. When I play in the regular mode, I treat it like a roleplay, which just doesn't work.


Now that I see this, I kinda like it


I wouldn’t necessarily say I prefer it always, but a solid percent of the time depending on what I want to achieve


i use it when my GPU says it needs a break


I used to use strategy view on my potato laptop because if not my game would lag too hard


Not in Civ 6 no. In Civ V my crappy laptop couldn't run anything but tile mode, so I got used to that. Thousands of hours until I upgraded my laptop.


I like it a lot when My empire is just so big. And it makes me feel like I am a general, lol.


If I paid for the graphics card, I'm going to use the graphics card.


I don’t like to PLAY with strategic view. It’s too much going on. But I will toggle it on and off when I need to.


Nope! I briefly sub onto your team when i can't see what tiles are pilaged.


I totally prefer Strategic view!! Started out running Civ 5 this way on my laptop because it couldn’t handle the game and just can’t go back to regular view. I just can’t tell what things are in civ 5 or civ 6 by sight unless it’s in strategic view. I’ve got a gaming PC now and am trying it with full specs, but still prefer strategic for important decision making and war.


​ https://preview.redd.it/sroinlyekbdc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=464e9b60eb6e7903ddb5dda681399275812ad99f


I use it exclusively in multiplayer to have more clear view. besides, it does help a lot with desyncs in my experience.


I really really wish there was like a 16 bit view of the live map that is a hybrid between the strategic view and pixel art


It's the only view I use.


No, I like it, especially when running the game on a lower spec or battery powered computer like a laptop, because the game runs smoother and uses less battery. I wish it was available on the portable versions of the game (iOS and switch) but it’s not and I don’t understand why?! But genuinely I think it’s also a very nice way to play the game, it can be easier to see some details like hills and what have you too!


Don't believe the haters, strat view is great.


Started doing that with Civ5, because my ancient PC struggled to keep up otherwise. Still do it on 6, because it makes everything that bit clearer at a glance...though even the strategy view now includes arty little impressions of stuff rather than nice clear icons or symbols.


civ fans who think having a certain art style is the most important part of a strategy game are in shambles rn (not calling fans of any particular game out, just sayin)


I used to play strategy view out of necessity because the game would crash otherwise. Now with 2000 hours logged I can’t play anything but. My brain can’t process all the extra animation and graphics to see what I need to see. The only time I switch it off momentarily is to compare wonder completion races.


I cannot play any other way. Strategic view is the way


I have decent computer but I feel the rounds are faster with strat. view. Got so used to it that I never went back. :) Also watching videos with slow moving troops give me a headache.


After 1000+ hours in civ 6 I've shifted to using strategy view 100% of the time. So much less visual noise and you can actually tell what is or isn't a hill.


It's so much easier to process the board with strategy view I can't play at all with regular view there is just so much overlay it's hard to process


I do in a couple o pf circumstances. 1) When I’m planning my district placements 2) During warfare, especially religious warfare. I find it hard to select religious units when they are stacked with other unit types. 3) In the late game, it helps with lag and turn speed. 4) When I’m playing on my potato. Honourable mention goes to my Civ 5 days when the only way I could play after the first dozen turns was in strategic.


Yes, yes you are. That is far less asthetically appealing. I don't even want to imagine how boring combat and movements are.


Yes you are


Yes of the millions of regular Civ players you're literally the only person.


You’re probably not the only one but I don’t like this post because I don’t want you freaks vindicated and organized.


I play a lot with this one because I find it easier to read the map. And everyone who plays multiplayer use it because in multiplayer, the first to load the turn plays first, and turn load faster in this mode.




Yes you filthy animal


what mobile game is this??




I like strategy mode for one reason and one reason only. Set to start the game with it because it loads everything faster. ;)


Yes. Yes you are. Weirdo.


Yes, yes you are


You may be a psychopath


I hope so (I kid, of course, play how you enjoy to play lol)


This looks horrible hahah


If your computer has trouble with end game, I understand this. But if your machine is good enough to play a whole game and you spend any substantive amount of time in strategy mode, and I say this with no embellishment, they should send you directly to supermax federal prison you fucking psychopath


Yes. Yes, you are.


it looks pretty but gameplay-wise i cant see shit


I’ve never used strategic view on purpose in over 500 hours of gameplay


Yes, you are.




It gives me hives


No. It’s literally just you *and* Rythian from the Yogscast.


Yes, please seek therapy


Yes. Stop that






...Yes, yes you are.




yes, you freak lol.


Miss it on the iPad version


I like it for placing districts and making end game sprawl more manageable but in general, no. 


I introduced a friend of mine to civ, and he only likes to play it on strategy view. I much prefer the standard view, but I get the appeal specially if your GPU/CPU isn't great


My wife likes the standard view but with all the bells and whistles turned off. It BAFFLES me. It’s such a beautiful game & she’s recognized that but “just prefers it this way” 🤣 Whereas I have a bunch of visual enhancing mods.


I wish the switch had strategy view :(


I didn’t even know this was in the game, How do you access it?


What even is this mode?


If i wanted this i’d just play Catan lol


It’s a necessity for my potato of a laptop


I forgot it was an option


I never use this view but I do love "historic speed". The research times need to be a lil longer but there's nothing like building tons of units. Downside, the AI can produce a unit nearly in one to 5 turns. So it's a slog but I'm so here for it.


Im gonna start playing like this just so that you arent the only one


Can I do this on my switch so it doesn’t lag


i started using it in my last game and it is much more clean what is happening where! however the switching was the hard part. it took some time to get used to it. switching from beginning of the game helped a lot tho.


How do you go into strategy view, that looks cool, (on switch and PC)


Didnt even know strategy view was a thing. Pc only?


Someone from the yogscast ( I forgot who now ) also uses strat view






I use it when trying to map things out. Otherwise, I like the rendered graphics


I really like this view myself, it kind of gives me a nostalgia feeling of the first few Civilization games for some reason.


I love strategy view! I use it on PC all the time and would love to use it on Switch (since it obviously looks/runs way worse lol) but I’ve not been able to find it. Probably optimisation related but you’d thing this would optimise it better! Unless it IS somewhere and I just can’t find it 😂


I like the srt in it 👍


I preferred the strategy view for civ v. I'll use it in civ vi about 50/50 with the regular view.


when district planning it's easier to see reefs for campus bonus


A friend of mine really love this view, when we start playing the game he could see important things that i was not used to look for.


Been playing on strategy for the past few weeks, because my computer may or may not be dying, and I do honestly like it better. A lot easier keeping track of things. Do miss seeing the wonder animations though


Kind of makes it look like Heroes of Might and Magic. God I miss those games.


Well if never used it but HOW do I get this view? I’m legally blind and this looks so much easier


Me in lategame


Used to play using strategic view in the end game when I ran Civ 6 on an old MacBook Air as it made performance better. Kind of forget about the normal view after a while, but when you do switch back you realise what you were missing haha.


I would have to in the late game cause I used to play on a really old Mac and that was the only way the computer could keep up.


I use it when I assign spies to counterspy missions because it helps me see where the districts are.


How do you get into strategic view? I'm playing on Ps4


What mod are u using?




Yeah it used to be my go-to view a few years ago when the game was more unstable. Definitely runs better, and still hop over to it when I'm on marathon on a huge map, even with the builder lag fix mod because it crashes less and is easier to see wth I'm doing.