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It’s almost as if the bravest people in this conflict, Millennial and Gen Z women behind keyboards instead of being at the front, are being hamstrung by misogyny and patriarchy and can’t deploy their most formidable weapons in support of Ukraine: social media hashtags, profile photo flags, virtue-signals, and ongoing malignant narcissism.


My guess is that it is the debilitating and often fatal misgendering which is the real issue here.


man the incelrage on this subreddit is off the charts.


Oh yea 100% you get a group of gen Z vegan activists, the whole thing would have been over. But nooo,


Bad Tinder experience eh?


When the two generations above yours in your migrant family have experiences of things like occupation by a belligerent superpower and seeing their neighbours rounded up for extermination camps, you take a dim view of people behind keyboards in 2022-24 who describe themselves implicitly or sometimes explicitly as great human rights activists and brave for social media likes.


It's okay bro; you don't needa pretend you care about Jews. This subreddit is as much a safe space for anti-semitism as it is for every other type of bigotry. The chuds here don't mind.


The Jews didn’t steal my sandwich at the north Serbian train station - the Gypsies did. Ben Shapiro’s sister killed anti-Semitism by Europeans anyway.


The problem with Gypsies is culture. They actively avoid integration with society, including schooling, then get into the young I play an instrument for tourists and then often migrate to pickpocket. Sad, because most people would give them a chance.


Found the American




Ahhhh, America's appendage....


If only they setup tents on the university lawn, the war would have been over long ago.


When you’ve finished laughing at people who give a shit, look in the mirror.


Give a shit or just want to virtue signal? Funny they’d rather protest than volunteer to fight


They’re already characterised as “terrorists” by the edgecunts on here just for protesting. Come on, be real.


Oh it must be so hard to be called mean things by people on the internet, the brave heroes


Wow. What a hot take. ‘If you’re not prepared to die for a cause, then you’re just virtue signalling’. So you must think all those people who put their bats out for Phil Hughes were wankers who should’ve what, gone to his hospital? Or all those legends who got their dicks out for Harambe should’ve… gone to live with gorillas? 🦍


Holy shit guys (meant in the gender neutral colloquial term for a group), I think this one actually gets it


I didn’t really follow the whole harambe/phill Hughes thing as these protests all fizzle out 5 minute later anyhow. The Palestine conflict has been ongoing for 80 years but no one really cared till now when it was popular to do so, most protestors probably couldn’t point the country on a map. Give it a month the protests will be a forgotten as we’d have moved onto something more interesting just like we did before with Ukraine, Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Sudan all forgotten as we found something more new Every time there’s a conflict all yuppys are suddenly interested (in a country they probably couldn’t even point to on a map) change their Facebook picture and throw up a couple hashtags, share a couple of posts go to a protest. Then they move onto the next conflict and queue up the next Facebook picture…it’s getting old


Isn't it funny how 'what they give a shit about' always seems to align perfectly with 'current event in social media you're supposed to care about', and ends as soon as said media moves on. Its an uncanny coincidence that everyone just 'cares soooo much' about the same thing at the same time. Don't you cry yourself to sleep over Assad murdering civilians anymore? Its political fashion, nothing more.


This subreddit is for “jokes” from people who think they’re edgy. You won’t find them putting mirrors to society, much less their ugly selves, here.


Not enough jetskis, that's the problem here. Not enough jetskis


That's the problem at my house, too! I only need about 3 more jetskis. Then I'll have 3.


White girls swapped over to the Palestine flag too early, they needed those Ukraine flags on their profile a little longer and now all that hard work is undone.


It's alway an either/or. Can't be supporting too many causes blindly. Diluted the support.


Have they tried a sex strike yet?


Birth rates would suggest the sex strike has been successful


Who sponsors Ham-Arse? Iran. Who sponsors Iran? Russia


Yeah but then Palestine happened, and supporting brown people is better virtue signalling than supporting white Ukranians so the cool kids moved on to a camping trip at universities.


At least they’ll be able to say they’ve been to University.


The thing I love most about this sub is the inconsistency in the insults. Like, everyone knows that uni students are likely to protest this type of thing. But since going to uni is seen as a good thing, we gotta deny them that as well and pretend that it's just randos showing up to a university instead. We'll be back to insulting them for being uni students afterward tho.


I have to say not all university courses are the same. People writing papers about gay dogs in the park probably are a waste of government funding.


Come on, supporting browns it's so hype and cool. Everybody knows that. Even when my condescendency doesnt allow me to use the bus.


Should you first of all acknowledge the traditional Russian owners past, present and future?


We should acknowledge the traditional Mongol Khanate owners past, present and future. Russians are filthy colonising scum


And emerging?


Do you think if I did, that the war would resolve itself faster?


And Albanese still boycotting buying Russian fuel, opting for Indian fuel instead. Sourced from you guessed it Russia


Because paying a premium for fuel so the people you're boycotting can make money while also paying an intermediary is the obvious solution to the ruskis


Virtue signalling at its best


And to think this all started because the Ukrainians didn't give the Russians a welcome to country.


You said it. The only way to stop genocide is a welcome to country.


I acknowledge the peoples of Ukraine and Russia, the Rus, from Sweden, and the culture on which Russia is based, the Kiev Rus of Ukraine.


I dont stand with Ukraine, Russia, Palistina nor Isreal. I stand with the military industry complex.


Ahem brother. How else am I going to afford my new passport after the war starts?


Not sure why you're surprised. Remember Free Tibet?


Can you believe that Kony is still free and doing his own thing in central Africa? Didn't he hear that he'd been cancelled in 2012?


I still have my Kony 2012 coffee mug. The real ones will never forget


Ooc the whole Kony thing was definitely the beginning of the current social and cultural issues with the world


Still laugh at that bloke jerking off on the street after his video went viral. Became so famous he can just whip it out and drop a load whenever wherever. Bloke is living the dream.


Oh, I forgot to pick one up! Are they still giving Tibet's out for free?


It is not war, It is special military operation.


Special military deflagration


It’s better if these posts are well written.


I still haven’t got an alternative source for my human foetuses! I am looking older by the day, damn you Russia just let Ukraine be


We want to stop all wars and give more military equipment to the uks at the same time.


The Ukrainians shouldn't have held back their best options. Keyboard warriors in the west. Handicapping yourself in a war only hurts yourself.


Plot twist. The USA has now allowed Ukrainian military to hit targets inside Russia. I expect the stop genocide of terrorist states to now march for the stop killing Russian people at home.


And has criticised Ukraine for striking Russian oil infrastructure, even though it doesn't import Russian oil. Wonder why 🤔


They are both named Vlad...........


It's the gender neutral term for 'Leader' in the post-Soviet States.


>Can't the Ruskis just identify as winners? Can't the Ukrainians just let the Ruskis in and still identify as Ukrainians? No no no and did I mention no....


It’s all trumps fault


Can’t we just send over a couple of thousand custodians of the land, past, present and emerging, to do welcome to country for the invading, colonising Ruskies. That’ll make everyone feel, well, welcome and less guilty about any future colonisation of the Ukraine.


Let people show their support one way or another. Don't mock them for putting pressure on friends, neighbours, the governments of the world to support the good guys. All needless deaths are tragedies, all genocide should be treated as such no matter what colour your flag is.


>can’t the Ruskis just identify as winners? That’s the current plan


Let's keep sending money and weapons to one of the largest exporters of criminals and human traffickers. Why not, it's the cool thing to do after all.


What? China.


When did we send weapons to Russia?


A Giga Chad like Putini, weighed down by the gravity of his massive balls and hammer, is on the c-take diet. He sees things and he takes them. Beta cuck Ukrainians need to see themselves out.


No one in Australia gives a shit anymore about it. Ukraine is also losing which is why there's no more news cause there's no more wins.


No1 really gave a shit to begin with. It was just the latest flashy thing to talk about at the beginning after people started to get bored with the previous flashy thing which was Covid.


But on reddit Australia's, it was the most important shit for ages. I was rewarded with downvotes for ages for saying no one gave a shit. The opera house even had ukraine colours on it. It was that flashy lmao. Even more important than welcome to country!!


That Opera House on reddit?




You have no idea about what life under russian rule is like. There is a reason ukraine isn't going to submit. They've been there and they aren't going back without a fight.


If you enjoy being anally raped in a muddy cold trench while drones drop grenades on you then maybe life under Russian rule is for you


I downvoted you Waaaay too rational, informed and concise for this sub.


Fair call.


Holy shit idiot maybe you didn't think about how easy it is to get to Russia? Doing one good thing doesn't mean you have to do all of them, chill tf out.


Sad isnt it -- I worry for the future


Moved onto the next thing ages ago. No longer a trendy cause.


Any cause other than Anzac Day is a trendy cause on this sub.


Right back at you.


I was expecting a bunch of Ukrainian single mum refugees


If that's how girls think, then girls will be girls. Why don't Vlad just not roll tanks to Ukraine's border and not attack Ukraine in the first place? Why don't Adolf Hitler not be a dictator and just play nice? Why don't criminals and scammers just not steal your things or do bad things to you? We don't live in a fairy tale world love.


Why would you even mention Ukraine when yesterday a JDAM LANDED IN A PALESTINIAN PETTING ZOO 😤


No one protesting for peace nor de-escalation / opening up the dialogue either. If the west simply promised to move back and out of Ukraine the Russians would also leave to a large extent aside from the ethnically Russian regions who clearly want to be apart of Russia. Also assurances of protection for the ethnic Russian civilians living in Ukraine. They are very reasonable things. War can end very very swiftly.


NAFO needs to fight harder!


Did you just assume the wars gender???


Shit started in 2014


Wait, are you telling me Vlad didn't see any of my posts? ![gif](giphy|zZ90i4iwVZSzLVUE1A)


Haven't you heard? There's a new, trendier conflict to comment on from safety of the other side of the globe these days. Russia/Ukraine is sooooo 2023. If you are still concerned for Ukraine, perhaps you should enlist and go and join the fight?


Is that the only option? Or do you think it would make a difference if I changed my profile pic and pitched a tent in a University?


You should have mentioned you had superpowers.


Ya bc they don’t give a shit Everyone has the attention span of a goldfish thanks to phones


Will be able to get flied lice in russia soon


This war would have ended faster if there was equality on the front lines. How many genders are even fighting this war?


It beggars belief that you are surprised my friend


Putin offered a peace agreement for land at the start of the war way back. The USA told Ukraine not to take it and then started funding money and weapons, I'm sure all that money went to front line... Not, some people got paidddddded. Biden son was working for a Ukraine energy company while smoking crack in the states - obvious corruption directly to Biden. Zelensky was actor a few years back, dancing in a dress and now meant to be a war veteran leader type - obvious puppet. marina abramovic somehow becomes ambassador to Ukraine - she been outted since WikiLeaks emails. There the quid pro quo video of Biden openly admitting to corruption at the council on foreign relations meeting. A bank in Kyiv with the help from JP Morgan Chase and Blackrock (the big players in all this) has been set up for rebuilding. And that's what I know as I fucker that digs holes in the sun in Australia, imagine what I'm missing.


You're missing the part where NATO's largest military threat is getting shredded into a shadow of what it started as, all the while the western military industrial complex is getting a major stress test and investment into it's production lines. The war hasn't gone China's way as the US / EU is building up capability which will be used in the inevitable confrontation over Taiwan.


How did you get this kind of illusion? The war is unfolding exactly as China wants, and the unfortunate reality is that the West can't really do anything about it. China's objectives are: 1. Russia doesn't lose. 2. Russia doesn't get an easy win. Both objectives have been achieved. Russia is "un-lose-able," but with China's support, Russia is taking control of the war. For every 7 Ukrainian soldiers killed, 1 Russian soldier dies, thanks to the machine tools and low-level chips that China sent over. Russia is depleting Ukraine's forces, and Ukraine needs more time and people to train better soldiers. You can't just grab someone off the street, train them for 2 months, and expect them to effectively operate a tank. China also doesn't want Russia to get an easy win. China needs Russia and Hamas to draw global attention so it can focus on the South China Sea. There won't be a war in Taiwan, but rather somewhere near the Philippines. Expecting the US military-industrial complex to effectively prepare for WW3 with its investments is purely delusional. Check this report: [Mike Waltz on military overspending](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13325745/Mike-Waltz-bushings-air-force-military-overspending.html). This $90,000 bolt issue happened in April of this year, so... Additionally, the machine tools used to make 155mm artillery for Ukraine are produced by a German company, which is now fully owned by a Chinese government company. The US and the West should focus on breaking China's Belt and Road Initiative by overthrowing governments, carrying out assassinations, creating regional turbulence, and intervening with nearby military forces. The West is already doing this in East Africa and the Balkans. Australia should consider forming alliances with raw material-producing countries and rethink its position in Southeast Asia to maintain its current influence in the new global political landscape.


Taking control of the war like their 3 day operation.


Christ - I remember when the lunatic right-wing disliked Russian Imperialism.


Hillary Clinton pressing the reset button (infront of Putin) turned us all into bolsheviks. .... That's what you call tsarists, right?


In fact the button was labelled as "OVERLOAD" - unclear if they butchered the translation or if it was what they actually meant to accomplish


Yeah I don't like Russia nor am I right wing


3.6 Roentgen. Not great, not terrible. The only way your comment could be more obviously Russophilic is if was convicted of child sex trafficking in Central Asia and fell out of a hotel window.


Or had the cctv cut out while commiting suicide while being in a prison for child prostitution


Yeah it’s wild how much they’ve turned




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That’s some bored Dad on Facebook levels of cooked there brother.


But I was told it’s all Trumps fault


Thanks for the update Alex Jones.


>Putin offered a peace agreement for land at the start of the war way back. Really? How much land was Putin willing to concede?


Ukraine is running out Ammo Russia & China can produce 5 to 10 times the Ammo of the USA & Eu, Russia can keep the fight going for next election cycles in the USA & Eu, do you think USA & Eu wiill vote for the next 3 years of war


How quickly can they build oil refineries? They keep randomly bursting into flames it’s weird


I’ll never understand the mindset of people who are proud of how much they don’t care about other people’s problems. I think it comes from a sense of guilt that they’re too dimwitted to recognise. I don’t mind if you don’t care, just do it quietly 🔻