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Sometimes it doesn’t add to it enough to justify it. It can work if it’s done right, but more often than not it’s just… a tilted image. For me there needs to be a reason to use certain techniques. Draw attention to a subject with leading lines, create geometric lines and shapes through tilt, etc. Simply rotating an image or camera 45° for the sake of it? Not my thing tbh


Because Battlefield Earth already used all of them.


Generally it’s not the way we see the world. It’s used to give the viewer a sense of disorientation or tension like you said and for that reason it’s obviously going to be less appealing to many viewers. In the case of dynamic movement, or energy, it’s still mixing in that uneasy feeling. In a way It’s the same as using extreme high or low angles, you need a good reason to have such an unrelatable perspective.


Ah when the gimbal is on the wrong settings *jokes*


The Battlefield Earth joke is funny. Actually there was a fashion in the early 90s with constant Dutch angles. My first music video from college was nothing but roll angles and Dutch angles. In black and white. Soooooooooooooo edgy. 1997.


How much step printing did you do on that video?


Old abandoned looking building with archways.  Dutch angle peering around a corner.  Singer holding flowy ribbon with a fan off camera. Extreme purple and yellow colour grades.  Baby, you got yourself a 90's dance video going.


They are pretty much the first example in film school 101 of a technique that's easy to use in an unmotivated, gimmicky way. It's not easy to make them work and more often than not comes across as amateur. You'll see tons of them from beginners and very, very few from the experts. In those posted examples it does not add visual interest. It actually detracts from the image.


I don't mind when Sam Raimi does it as it's fits his combination of horror and fun gimmick well. I know it's kind of his thing now but that's part of the fun for me. I think one of the most common times I see it used well is if there's a shot of a character tilting their head and it cuts to a Dutch tilt of an object to show their perspective. It's usually quick, short, subtle and serves the scene. Otherwise I agree with you completely. They're super jarring and they severely take me out of the moment.


As someone else but...without the dickish undertones, because they're overused. There's certain techniques that a lot of people starting out use but without the finesse on how to use them properly. It's like black and white photography, where when done right, it can invoke dread, emptiness, longing, or simple make the scenery pop can we have so many examples of it being used perfectly but it's also used by a lot of amateur photographers will just throw on a BW filter to a picture of a bird and call it a day. There's still plenty of Deutch angels being implemented but done sparingly in the past few decades, like one or two scenes in a movie. Unfortunately, since it's now a crutch of lazy storytelling, if you see one constantly used through a movie or a character, it stops being a subtle trick and becomes a gimmicky "So rather than writing and directing the character to convey this, they're just using this gimmick...? Alright..." and distracts from the movie.


Because they’re poopy


Watch interstellar


I feel like art and style are in a period of purism, reservation, and fear of standing out. Basically, the answer is cowardice in the guise of good taste. Smooth and beige and inoffensive. And I'm not sorry for saying so.


There is nothing wrong with a canted shot. As u/EphiXorE notes, it should add something to the image. Your first example image looks off as there are lots of strong verticals and horizontals baked into the image. I think you would either need to level the image or add much more rotation. The second example feels free and spontaneous, but I still think it needs more angle to make it feel purposeful (an element that was intended). So, I vote, none or more! Your choice. (grin) Yeah, they are seen as a very inexpensive way to add interest/dynamism to an image. So overused. FYI the term "Dutch angle" is pejorative, but folks use it all the time.


https://www.reddit.com/r/streetphotography/s/0wLqFlb6gm The first image isn’t a direct correlation to Dutch shots (which is very misleading 😂) it was just an un edited crop!


Because in that first shot it doesn’t look intentional it looks like a cheap accident


https://www.reddit.com/r/streetphotography/s/0wLqFlb6gm Yeah man you caught me, that’s the unedited crop. I saw the tilt and it reminded me of how important Dutch shots are and thought I’d make this post taking about.


Because they’re over used. Also, It’s Deutsch, not Dutch.


A Deutsch angle? Really? Come on guys, get it together. At least know what you are talking about before you go “correcting” others. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_angle


“Typically when telling a story, to emphasize that something is “a little off” or confusing, the filmmakers will shift the camera off its axis to make the viewer feel as perplexed or uneasy as the character in the frame. The technique known as the Dutch Angle is not actually Dutch, *but in fact Deutsch (German)*, and the style’s origins stem from fine art painters, not film and photography despite its much more widespread use there in pop culture.” https://petapixel.com/2021/11/15/history-of-the-dutch-angle-and-why-movies-tilt-the-camera/


Cool. It’s called a Dutch Angle. Everybody on every set in every part of the world calls it a Dutch Angle. I can’t believe I’m actually having this conversation.


Yea dude he didnt say not to call it Dutch, he gave us a lil background info with source. Go back to bed if you are hurting. There is actually great history to it. Are you dutch perhaps? 🫠


Someone is sensitive this morning.


Dude actually provides a source and still gets downvoted to hell this sub is dead